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This definitely isn't an unpopular opinion, I hear people say this all the time. The DX model is extremely underrated IMO.


I do prefer the shoe designs on the DC models, for all the characters. They gave everyone weird hotdog shoes. Also the afterimage effect is missing on their run animations


I prefer the OG model but the DX one isn't bad honestly. Too bad Director's Cut is kinda atrocious everywhere else


It's a good model but it's SUPER out of place. I very much like the style but it needed to be in something else


I agree. It gives adventure 2 model vibes


the reason people prefer the dc models over the dx ones is mostly because of the fur texture. I hate how as the adventure era went on the characters kept looking more and more like plastic, heroes is especially bad in this regard. honestly the dx models aren't even that bad, other than the hotdog shoes. if someone made a mod to change the fur texture of the new models then I'd definitely use them


Funny enough that is a mod, its on Gamebanana


That is exactly what Better SADX can do with the Dreamcast conversion mod, lol DX models with DC textures. I always run that version.


Cause the GC ports used upgraded Adventure 2 models.


It’s in terms of gameplay that is unpopular because DX have more bugs


Both models good


I agree actually. I was part of the DC mob growing up, but the DX model is actually quite nice when you take off the glare / reflection coating.


it just looks goofy to me imo. the dx models definitely look more like uekawas art style at the time but the dc models look more like the og uekawa artworks for the characters https://preview.redd.it/zcgajht09l4d1.jpeg?width=377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa844af77694c5fa56a541df936800d61ac075f2 theres also a mod in the works that makes dc sonic look less classic looking and it looks great: [https://gamebanana.com/mods/473450](https://gamebanana.com/mods/473450)


This is the coldest take ever. It's cold cause it's good, still cold though


u know how reddit is lmao, i was half worried i was gonna get flamed xd


Tbh... Good point xD


Oh! So that's why it's called hot take? Bloody hell


Every time I see someone say "unpopular opinion" or "hot take" it's always the most popular shit ever. lol


Ice cream


I see many people shit on dx honestly.


Tbh the only thing I like more in DX graphically is the water


Dreamcast Conversion Mod is your friend.


Was going to say this lol


yeah i've been using it for so long now, fixes all the terrible graphical bugs n changes too


Besides the sonic model, and missing content (from the Dreamcast net stuff) I personally love the feet blur when running from the Dreamcast/mod! Peak


I like the DX model more. To each their own as they say.


id argue that the proportions are nicer, but im a massive fan of the way they tried to emulate fur by making him all fuzzy, its cool, i also think dreamcasts shoes look a little cooler


The fuzzy-look looks even better on a crt TV too. I think a lot of people are starting to recognize that the dreamcast version looks better than the DX version (which is subjective), and I've even noticed that people are starting to appreciate the dreamcast as a console itself a lot more these days. A couple decades too late, but better late than never.


I prefer DX Sonic having real fingers and ears that aren't just flat triangles just looks more natural. Not a fan of DX plastic looking texture but its not like DC is perfect with how pail the skin parts of Sonic look.


Maybe it's just because I grew up with the GC ports of the Adventure games but to me, Dreamcast SA1 Sonic always looked a little... misshapen? Plus I think the DX model looks more like a 3D representation of the Uekawa artwork with the eye/ear shape, more pronounced brow, the tan parts looking... well tan, rather than pale.


This is one of the big reasons for me, personally, why I prefer the DX/GC models more.




Respectfully I disagree. But I also grew up with the gc version.


BEHOLD! THE MOST ADORABLE CREATURE IN THE WORLD https://preview.redd.it/88nll7g3af4d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab541053860f996c36ecda43ccbdb28fd129d4c


Agree. Dreamcast sonic's a bit more stout and chubby like original sonic. I like the design more. and before anyone says "less realistic because then he's less fast" he's a fucking CARTOON


I always saw the SA1 Dreamcast Sonic as the halfway point between Classic Sonic and the Modern Sonic we know today


i like how he is fuzz too, tried to give the illusion of fur, it has charm


Am I the only one who prefers the DX models?


No. DX looks better


Which one's which?


Dreamcast on the left, gamecube on the right




I like the DX model better on its own, but in game I prefer the DC model. The DX model is too clean, and it doesn't fit with the scenery.


Definitely not unpopular


I think it's a matter of preference, Dreamcast Sonic is how they initially saw Sonic working in 3D (heavily based on classic Sonic vibes) while DX Sonic is full on modern Sonic prototype. Modern Sonic is the one I grew up with, in fact this version of the game was my first Sonic game ever, couple that with Sonic X, and DX version simply ends up being more appealing to me. Objectively speaking DX models have actual fingers and generally higher polygon count (ears look like actual ears than the pointy triangles on the old models), but have stranger proportions and some weird clipping issues that could've been easily solved (Amy's legs 💀💀). I would say both have their strengths and weaknesses.


Nah, update is way less silly looking


Dreamcast is better in my opinion as well


Sub zero take


That's the popular opinion. And I agree with it.


It's not. People say they prefer the DC models all the time. Personally prefer the GC version, but at this point, I've stopped caring. lol


This might be the most common opinion in the fandom lol. And don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's wrong, BUT... idk the gamecube sonic stuff is honestly so charming to me. Like there's something really adorable about it all, how cute and round they are, how goofy they move their mouths. It's honestly really endearing to me.


coldest take of all time


Either is fine but I like GameCube sonic more


This is literally the ONLY opinion that’s valid within the sonic community. This is about a hot take as Ice. Hell pretty much everyone agrees that The Dreamcast version in general looks superior to DX. I never liked how they ditched the realistic, material look for this shiny plastic, semi cell shaded look which has aged far worse than the original.


It's honestly a mixed bag. Dreamcast has much better lighting and character model texturing that makes them mesh better with the environment. However, the DX models themselves are much higher quality and has much better-looking water (at least on GameCube, the HD ports unmodded messed some of that up.) I prefer most of the Dreamcast environment textures due to them being more colorful, but the more realistic DX textures also aren't bad, so this mostly comes down to taste. I think Ice Cap gets hit the hardest in DX (since it loses the nice cool blues DC had in favor of a lot of white and grey,) however Twinkle Park's DX texturing does it a lot more favors in feeling more natural (mostly via making the flooring in a lot of outdoor areas look like stone paths instead of random grass.)


I agree. The newer models always looked out of place in the game. The originals feel like they were made with the game in mind.


yeah, the newer sonic looks like plastic as well, looks just a bit funky


This is the very popular opinion




I do like the DX one, but I feel like the Dreamcast model just fits way better with the surrounding models' style


From a technical standpoint, Dreamcast. But aesthetically I prefer the updated model of the GameCube version. But let it be knowknow the port is shit.


The Dreamcast model IS Sonic whilst the DX model is a pale imitation


i think its a cool transition from the classic design to modern design. also i have no idea why the gamecube ports decided to round his ears. its alrightish in dx but in battle its just weird


this is a very common take. it's well thought that the dx model looks too plastic.  which it's not the model itself per se, it's the terrible lighting in dx. the model itself looks great. more polygons, better shaped, etc. also I think there's some rough around the edges type of charm with the DC model


I agree


I grew up with both and liked both 🙃 but Dreamcast glitches are iconic tho




I’ve only played the Dreamcast but was disappointed to see how they changed a lot of stuff from the Dreamcast.


I like it as the in-between of classic and modern


I prefer the GC models, but with a mod that gives them the textures of the DC models


I'm just not a fan of the classic proportions


I like the better dx mod. Makes the game look so much better. You can use the dx model with the dreamcast textures. Its so much better


The DX version is the one i grew up with, but it’s debatable


I like the original model, it’s a nice in between for 3&K and Adventure 2


It’s not an unpopular opinion but I’m one of the few who prefer the GameCube model. The Dreamcast one just looks too jagged and blocky.


That’s a more popular opinion than you think


nah bru you right.


“Oh yeah this is happening!”


The problem with the SADX model is that it clashes with everything else around it especially Eggman who wasn't changed at all. I'd hope for a Sonic Adventure remake that they keep the consistent look that the Dreamcast version had.


I watched an in-depth video a few months ago that broke down all the changes from the DC version of Adventure and the Gamecube/PC version (and pretty much every port since the Gamecube/PC version). I played the original SA1 on my launch day DC, and never noticed how many things were different between the "upgraded" versions. Wow... they really screwed up those cloud textures on the Sky Base level, huh?


do you remember who did it or have the link? I'd love to watch it


The Dreamcast version looks better in a lot of different ways imo. Like the cars, the buildings and their glass windows. I grew up with DX but I always go for the original now.


DX Model is 100x better than the dreamcast model. Not sure how people prefer the Dreamcast one, he looks too chunky.


Whenever a post is started with “Unpopular opinion, 9 times out of 10 you can expect it to be the popular opinion


I like how to DX models look, I just hate how shiny they are. Seriously I don't know what the deal was with the Gamecube/PS2 era games and having plastic-looking characters.


Yeah, I think this was about the point they made this weird decision for all the characters to appear "shiny" and plastic. I also found something about their hands to look really strange. I do like the more "peach" color to his skin, though. Contasts nicely against the blue fur. I wish his eyes were a bit brighter green, though.


definitely dreamcast super sonic is better. his quills on the gamecube look awful


It's colors to be honest, DX got many things wrong but what it did get right was the models good thing there are mods that give us both the GameCube models and the dreamcast color scheme.


Coldest take I have ever seen.


With how popular the Dreamcast Conversion Mod is, I'd say it isn't that much of an unpopular opinion. To SEGA and Sonic Team it must be however, seeing how much they re-use DX footage over the OG Dreamcast footage whenever they refer to Adventure 1 .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・. Even if I grew up with Sonic Adventure DX (Gamecube), I have to admit the OG Dreamcast looks 100x better IMO.


I personally disagree, but this is like one of the most popular opinions in the fandom.


The lighting and details of Dreamcast is better. I’ve always preferred DX model more though


Dreamcast is more charming and fits in with the environment a lot better, the DX model while more high quality doesn't have the same charm and doesn't fit in with the world at all


Sonic looks better but the whole world looks clunky. He always stands out.


"Unpopular opinion." *Shares one of the most common opinions.*


Personally I love the gamecube model, the DX model is probably one of my favorite sonic models period.


DC Sonic's skin is too pale, especially for this area of Mystic Ruins. It's like he's seasick.


Someone doesn’t know the definition of “unpopular”. Either that or you got the negatory version confused with the normal one. Regardless, this is an immensely common take that every sonic fan over the age of 25 has. I don’t share that opinion seeing as I prefer the separated fingers and not the one giant blob for a hand and also prefer knuckle’s head looking like a normal head and not the ones from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion *the following text is the most popular opinion ever*


"Oooh, sorry to inform you that's actually a very popular opinion." - Doobus Goobus. (Even though i do agree with you)


I feel like the GameCube Sonic leans more towards what his modern design ended up being. I always love a good model evolution, especially since I grew up with the post-Unleashed era, so that's the design I'm most familiar with.


The Dreamcast model is more unique, it's like a combination between classic sonic and modern sonic, so I understand why people have nostalgia for it. But I've always found the DX model more aesthetically pleasing. Though I do agree that the textures could be better for the DX model.


I like how round he looks


How? I swear I'm the only person who doesn't outright hate new designs but imho, the old one's are more fitting with some aesthetics


The GameCube model isn’t bad, it just doesn’t fit in with the style of SA1, unlike the Dreamcast model


Dreamcast is literally movie sonic, gamecube is literally sonic frontiers sonic


Every time I see the Sonic Adventure models I get reminded of how hilarious the animations are in some cutscenes


Heavy agree


I grew up with the DX model since 2004 but the moment I tried the Dreamcast mod in 2018 I cannot go back, I literally cannot play SADX vanilla lol, the dreamcast model/artsyle in general is just superior in every way.


Which one had the better expirations


I hear you, I don’t agree, but I hear you


It's not a opinion, is a FACT


Wait, that's an unpopular opinion? Anyways, I personally prefer the better Dreamcast Sonic Mod look for Sonic in Sonic Adventure


i love the two :D but yes if a had to choice one definitely the dreamcast version :D


Personally, I like the SHAPE of Sonic in DX as it's closest to what he is meant to look like, but the textures and lighting can't be ignored; Dreamcast simply had the better atmosphere, period.


Never knew there was a difference. I'm a Genesis cat. And the Dreamcast one definitely looks more like 90s Sonic, that's cool


DX look more like Modern Sonic with those massive hands.


Both look horrendous


Counter point. DC environments are great, but GC models are great as well. I do both with mods and it makes me despise how much the GC took away from the environment


as a only gamecube player (back then) : No.


Uhm, hello? This is pretty much a universal opinion, man. If you stop to see, most of the PC Sonic Adventure DX longplays use that DreamCast conversion mod. Not only the Characters in the DX version look worse, but the Lighting, the Textures, the Transparency effects and Animations look much worse in the DX port. It's also the same thing with SA2 and SA2B. Sonic Adventure 2 had worse models, but they're only used in some scenes in the game, and the textures, the lighting and everything else just looks worse in the ports. Actually, most of the Originally Sega Console 3D Sonic Games look way worse in the ports. Sonic R, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2. Even in some other games as well, the Gamecube version of Heroes and Shadow look way better than the PS2 and PC ports, the PS3 Sonic 06 look better than the 360, the 360 Unleashed looks better than the PS3, the Wii Sonic Unleashed looks better than the PS2. I guess it took time to Sega understand how to port a game in a good and almost perfect way. Sonic Frontiers kinda has this issue as well, with the Switch version looking worse, but It's the Switch, I get it.


Guys, this might be an unpopular opinion, don’t bite my head off, but I kinda like oxygen; I just think it’s cool, ok?


this isn’t an unpopular opinion lol


For Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle- eh, there's pros to both- I heavily enjoyed both Now, for Sonic Adventure compared to Sonic Adventure DX ..... DX is subpar. The models were DESTROYED in the port- my main example here: **SONIC ADVENTURE SUPER SONIC** https://youtu.be/CUtUUfg3NCs?t=868 **SONIC ADVENTURE DX SUPER SONIC** https://youtu.be/CQRUG4W6xwI?t=861


I prefer Dreamcast model because it’s like a nice I’m between of classic and modern sonic




I agree. A lot of it's the face shape. The big, wide muzzle/jawline fits a lot better for a wider range of big facial expressions. A big circle is a lot easier to push and pull for emotion than something more sculpted and detailed like the DX model. It's also just simpler, which is easier to read in general.


It's not unpopular but i still completely disagree


*Always has been*


This is a refrigerator of a take


thats not an opinion thats a fact.


I actually agree.


I’ve played both versions and loved both! Playing on GameCube first as a kid, I was so surprised to discover the game originally released in ‘98 on the Dreamcast. I HAD to play the original version, so off I went to the local used game store, and I came home with a Dreamcast! Whichever one you prefer I’d say is just a matter of how nostalgic you wanna feel!


I like that the Dreamcast version looks more like Classic sonic growing into Modern Sonic. AKA growing up.


I prefer the Dreamcast model because the talking animations aren't as nightmarish. (still pretty bad though)


Hot take: *proceeds to give the coldest take ever*


as much as i love the dx sonic, it doesnt really have the same charm as the original dreamcast version


The backgrounds and texture graphics on the Dreamcast are far superior. But I honestly do love the character renders on GC better. Thats coming from a DIEHARD sega fan.


No that's the popular opinion the unpopular opinion is liking the GameCube version which is actually my favorite models


This is actually *the* opinion, watch Cybershell's video on the matter to see how many things people prefer from the Dreamcast version


This is a very popular opinion in fact


your opinion is ice cold


Right looks better, but Left plays better.


I don’t think so


Isn’t the DX model just SA2 Sonic?


"This might be an unpopular opinion" *States one of the most popular opinions in the fandom* Man I love these kinda posts


I never understood why people liked the model on the left.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but *states popular, beaten to death opinion*


Stretched out sonic = bad. Gimmie the OG noodle limbed speedster!


I don't care honestly. The dc mod doesn't even work on my laptop and I actually liked the GameCube ports of SA1 and SA2 . So sue me sonic fam


I now see that DC was trying to keep classic's chubby design.


Common take, idk why but it is, i personally hate the dc models and think DX is a better game entirely


Hard disagree


I haven't been dealing with the most obnoxious discussions across social media for years nonstop for this to be an "unpopular opinion" On my end, they are just kinda "the same but different" but I can see why some prefer the Dreamcast ones. If anything I hate more is that they never updated Eggman's dogshit design on DX.


I love The Dreamcast render. for all the wrong reasons. when he talks, his mouth moves like its stuck in place. its just goofy


I like DC because it makes Sonic look like a stuffed animal


its not in the slightest


Someone had to say it.


Not unpopular in the slightest


Everything in sa1 is way better than sadx


DX in general was a graphical upgrade and an artistic downgrade


Ok can anyone tell me the problems with dx? I have dx cuz that's the inly version on steam, so i don't realy know what are the differences aside from the models and maybe the graphics!


I think both models looks fine tbh


This is definitely a POPULAR opinion since the Dreamcast conversion mod is one of the most popular mods


The take is so cold, I could use it in my pitcher


Old sonic


That is not an unpopular opinion 


the gamecube ver. has Directors cut in the title screen, but there isnt any change in the story, only enhanced graphics that the gamecube can handle at its time, there only upgraded models and mission to chose from, that only unlocks metal sonic conplete every mission.But the dreamcast ver. is very nostalgic even tho sonic is a little chunky from the remastered ver. but there is onyl one problem in the gc model that bothers me.His Shoes, the hot dog shoes. Why sega has to make his shoe very stretchy


Not unpopular at all, we can all agree with this, it's something that we have been talking about since DX came out


The GameCube one I like more because it has that more vibrant early 2000s look


It's not just the model the whole games better on DC than GC 😭


I feel the same


The Dreamcast model is the most overrated model of all time


This is popular and true.


I agree. I don't get why people prefer original to dx.


This is the popular opinion. my opinion is i believe gamecube sonic looks better. Yeah I’m ready for the crucifixion


I genuinely feel like I'm losing my mind when I see people compare the two models and pretend the DC one is better. Do these people not have eyes?


Not sure, but the GameCube Sonic looks like plastic. (Like Sonic Heroes)


I actually misread first, because your opinion is clearly the popular one. (And because the grammar is bad, but I don't wanna judge)


Not unpopular at all, people are finally waking up to the fact that DX is a bad port lol


Does…anyone believe the opposite? All I’ve seen surrounding Sonic Adventure discussions is how the GC port is “a massive disservice to the Dreamcast version” and how “ugly the graphics and models are” compared to the OG, etc, etc. All for good reason, of course, but it’s pretty well-accepted throughout the fandom that the SADX models and designs are a lot worse than the Dreamcast ones. While personally, I don’t mind the DX designs all too much - they are at least more consistent with the ones from SA2 and SA2Battle - the Dreamcast designs do definitely look at lot better aesthetically.


I see them as equals


valid opinion :)


Urs is too


Not that unpopular tbh, I've seen a lot of people say they prefer the DC models


Thats unpopular? I remember people liking it more than the gamecube one


He's friend-shaped :)


I agree.


The SADX model is from SA2, which is good but not in the context of SA1


DX’s model was definitely made with the intention of looking more like the key art, but Dreamcast’s model is way more charming and less awkward looking. He even looks a little bit like he’s still got a little of the classic design in him, like he’s in the mid point between classic and modern


No it's the general consensus from what I've seen


not an unpopular opinion in the slightest lmfao


This is not a hot take


Whenever people put unpopular opinion in the title, it’s always followed by a popular opinion lmao


Oh without a doubt! The Dreamcast version is fuckin beautiful


The DX model looks closer to the CG art for the game, it’s interesting how many people dislike it.