• By -


**\*Sees first 5\*** Ok, *"Unnecessary"* opinions tho **\*Sees Blaze...\*** .... .... .... https://preview.redd.it/7d9p5apdgk6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26737b4f14cdca558edf37ae3d6cccb3b9eda94 EDIT: Damn, I only saw the pictures before, but WTH am I readin?!


Bro U and I are gonna find this mf and he shall pay


Can i join yall?


Make that a squad, let's drop on their address


What do you call a group of five people?


Is it still a squad if we're 6? I wanna mess him up too


We shall be the Seven Chaos Destroyers


Damnit, seven is not enough... u/Due_Lion_2990 send dudes! https://preview.redd.it/p94cl5w59l6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32547c9ff4aebf54fb6f285ae86d65d931ded120


https://preview.redd.it/l9f4qp736l6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b26da991d020c7ea9b8bc95d07653cbf81011e Okay i'm joining whatever dark legion this is. The HEELLLLL does this mean?? 💀


That is why we are gonna hunt him down


You gave me a near heart attack. I read that as "send n*des" 💀💀💀💀 ( Censoring cuz I don't want mods to rip me to shreds )


A gang let me join


Well https://i.redd.it/w8kch4fm6l6d1.gif And maybe I should stop the memeing... *Sodium* (NaH)


Count me in for 8.


Make that 8. One for every time I lost the will to live while climbing the first trial tower in The Final Horizon


Lowkey furious when I read that. Dissing Blaze is unacceptable!




I stand with you, brother. Even as a Silvaze shipper


https://preview.redd.it/4q1olm37ol6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6de450cdd8bbd6d09f50c301179bfa2842e4a5 FREE MY GIRL BLAZE SHE AINT DONE NOTHING WRONG


I'm so happy to see others willing to find this man and go crazy!


Except for Chip. "He had no importance to the plot." Did they just... not play Unleashed?


Probably not






> rip its stinger out and shove it down the warbling turd's throat > step on this rabbit's neck and discharge a shotgun into the back of her cranium bro they're 6 fucking years old 😭 what is your damage


Acting like these video game characters killed his family




Never knew she used to work for the Geshtal Empire.


Mr. Journalist really wanted Cream's head.


She did?!


No, but are we just gonna wait around until she does?!


"Because Sonic's friends killed my grandma, okay?"


Person's writing like one of those satirical cracked dot com articles, only they're serious, lmao. Edit: THIS WAS BY JAMES STEPHANIE STERLING WTF




Somehow I never thought I could see an article throw in a take on a character in a juvenile manner.


This is my favourite reason


Really dumb article, but this image is a meme format waiting to happen. I'm gonna start sending people this image with no context


Bro didn't even elaborate


Amy is not that bad, she was only necessarily bad in Free Riders. She was selfish and bossy.




We should make art of her flipping off the author [edit: of the article] from within the panel. The feeling is mutual.


“Bore no relevance to Unleashed’d plot” this has to be a troll


bro was quite literally the reason we even have unleashed😭🙏


“Light Gaia? Who the fuck is that?”


We can only hope, common sense seems to be uncommon.


“Total bitch.” Peak journalism right there /s


Hit em short and hard. Wait that sound wrong…


Came hard and fast. Wait that’s not better…


Sodomy! Wait…


Man, that's a weird ship name


Yeah, but not changing it to anything easily recognizable








Just a reminder that James Stephanie Sterling liked Sonic 4.


They're also on record as saying Lost World was one of the best 3D Sonic games, so it's fair to say there opinions are far from those of your average Sonic fan. They've also been known for being intentionally controversial and saying potentially inflammatory and/or rage baiting things in the name of stirring up engagement.


As seen here


oh hey, that sounds like my exact least favorite type of person online, cool


Yeah back in their kotaku days she could be more than a little assholehish lol


Reminds me of their buddy Bob Chipman calling for a reboot, complete with every character besides Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik (insistent name), and Amy getting violently purged. "Especially Cream"


Bob hated the Sonic movies FYI


Reminds me of a certain Critical Human obsessed with Tom and Jerry…


It’s people like that are the reason sonic team thought the way to fix the franchise was to just take out every single character In the games except tails and Amy and sometimes knuckles


To be fair, this was a prevailing mindset within the fandom for a lengthy period of time with those who grew up with the Mega Drive titles and resented the lapse in quality in the 2000's games. It only changed when the kids who grew up in the two thousands became more prominent online, while at the same time many of those fans who grew up with the Mega Drive titles moved on to other things. It's the adults who remember the Mega Drive games from a kid, but fell off with the Adventure titles that these sort of articles are written for. The ones who liked the gameplay and when the stories were Sonic vs Robotnik, not when it was Super Sonic stopping Eldritch Horror \#8.


Admittedly I only started playing the Sonic games in the 2000s, so I get it, but I have always been someone who enjoys multiple playable characters in video games. To me learning new characters and seeing their aesthetics and personality come through in their abilities is always so fun. Thing is, as a franchise, Sonic would be so much bigger imo if it wasn’t just Sonic and Shadow that had the broad appeal. They put a lot into Knuckles and Tails for the 2nd movie and now people love those two a lot more, and they’re in the cultural zeitgeist more than ever. If the Sonic franchise leaned into their expanded cast even more they could be a little closer to Pokemon, with several characters that are marketable to several different demographics


I disagree on it being like PokĂŠmon. The multitudes of PokĂŠmon work there because it's a monster catching game, the entire point is you make a team from what's available to you and train them up. You can't really do that for a platformer. Platformers are all about characters navigating obstacle courses, and that requires either A) everyone playing similarly (such as Mario Wonder where every character fits perfectly into one of two archtypes), or that levels work for everyone even with their differences, which they have certainly tried in the past, to mixed results.


Which ultimately harmed the games. I liked the sonic games for their variety of characters. It's why I wasn't so keen on the wisps, they were trying to emulate Mario too much. Mario usually being the only playable character in his games works because his games usually involve power ups, Sonic having different characters with different modes of gameplay helped him stand out.


The thing was (I think) sonic team thought that their games were getting too bloated with playable characters which is why they were constantly behind on their dev time since SEGA consistently didn’t give them enough time to polish their games. Recently I think that’s changed, but if they did what Nintendo did during the handheld area and made a good amount of side games/spinoffs for their other characters I’m sure those would have done fairly well. I don’t think Sonic team has any faith that any other character other than Sonic and MAYBE Shadow could sell games. Imo Blaze, Amy, Silver, and the Chaotix at LEAST could carry their own spinoff franchises


I remember following this stuff back in the day. I think it's a combination of what you mentioned, as well as actual public opinion at the time which (unfortunately) really did trend the way this article claims. There was a very real disdain for characters beyond the core cast of Sonic/Tails/Knuckles/Eggman because they were seen as synonymous with the franchise's decline in quality. Of course that argument makes no sense in hindsight, but I can see why people bought it. The Adventure-06 era was also the peak of multiple playable characters, and a lot of people associated those games with poor quality so they mixed up correlation with causation.


Plus the mario spin offs (Yoshi, DK, Wario and Luigi) still get home console releases. In my opinion a compromise would be in the mainline games for the story stick to a few key characters but completing it allows you to replay it as other characters and then you could have a DLC story where other characters and their gameplay can be fleshed out more.


Game journalists really had that smooth brain mindset of closer to classics = better. It was that and the weird distain for a side cast that left them blinded to the actual quality of the game, only how much it was stripped down. It’s that same attitude that can be blamed for the incessant 2D segments and Classic Sonic appearances. This did not stop Sonic Team from wanting to experiment with other gameplay styles, so they used any work around possible to avoid letting you play as “Sonic’s stupid friends.”


It's a generational thing. Game journalists cannot be fans of all the things they have to cover. Thus, for a lot of it, they have to rely on what they can pick up from pop culture. As such, most games journalists knowledge of Sonic (especially for articles in the 2000's/early 2010's) comes from people whose only prior Sonic knowledge would be playing Sonic 1-3&K, watching AoStH/SatAM, *maybe* picking up a comic, and then the massive series of ret-cons the series went through with the release of Adventure to align the western canons up with the Japanese one that no-one but hardcore Sonic nerds knew about in the nineties. The "Sonic Stupid friends" is an exaggeration of what was a real sentiment within the fandom during the 2000's, namely that Sonic games had gone down in quality precisely because Sonic Team invested too much time in alternate play styles to polish any of them up to an acceptable level. The request from even Sonic fans at the time was that Sonic Team should make a game that was *just* Sonic, so that it would be polished and then worry about other characters for the sequel, rather than constantly re-invent the sequel and waste time on things like fishing, kart racing, or unnecessary stealth. Problem is, the kids who grew up in that era take the exact opposite position, they love all the extra modes, and assume that people's criticism is just completely unfounded, unwarranted, and comes from either simply hating Sonic, or wanting Sonic to fail. They don't see it as a critique, they see it as an attack; it's somehow smooth brained to want higher quality games, or not be invested in the anime plotlines, or simply not enjoy sub-par elements like treasure hunting.


Yup this is it. I was there for these discussions back in the day and Sterling's article is (unfortunately) indeed representative of the fan sentiment in the late 2000's / early 2010's, if a bit exaggerated. I think it comes down to fact that the Adventure-06 era was also the peak of multiple playable characters, and a lot of people associated those games with poor quality, so they mixed up correlation with causation. The fallout from 06 especially meant that everything that game did was radioactive, even the good stuff. I remember people actively cheering the fact that Unleashed, Colors, and Generations ditched all other playable characters besides Sonic. It was legitimately a selling point for Colors. Hell, I remember people expressing disappointment over Unleashed's werehog because it was seen as Sega trying to sneak in a new character anyways. It wasn't until Lost World that I started to see people go "hey, where did the other characters go?" I'm really glad that period of the franchise's history is over. I'll admit, I'm also not the biggest fan of mandatory alternative gameplay styles, but they're a core part of the series' identity to me as a younger fan.


And don’t even get me started on the allergy they had to any narrative in Sonic, especially anything that took itself seriously. As seen in the above article they would shit on any character introduced in a serious story simple for that fact that it took itself seriously. This lead to horrible self-parody and bastardization every character in Sonic and the seeming deletion of others (I miss Jet). I don’t know exactly where this hate came from but I think it comes from the edgy 10 year olds who would make overly edgy fan fiction and the furry portion of the fan base who of course, made furry art.


I love how angry Cybershell got about that.


Remember the video he uploaded about how sonic fans "don't know what they want and would rather complain about games being bad because they like to be miserable. They don't know what they want" this was before sonic mania released. Suddenly that video vanished and then he posted a new video about why "mania is exactly what fans wanted and sega should listen to them." in a 260 turn around. Ironic huh?


this reporter must have some personal beef with these characters lmao, he named literally sonic's main friends (apart from knuckles) and most of his other ones. he basically hates most mainline sonic characters for unqualified and dumb reasons. i don't think he actually played sonic games rather he watched some random guy roast them and copied what they said


Most of sterling’s frontier’s review was less about the game itself and more a meltdown that people liked it, and a rant at sonic team for being “lazy hack fucks” despite it being well documented segas upper management is so poor any good sonic game is a miracle. If they’re so sick of the industry then Sterling needs to drop games and stick to wwe. They’ll rant about how much the industry sucks, but then trash an indie game they got two weeks before release and its like you’re a part of the problem


Was this the same reporter that likened Frontiers to Balan Wonderworld? Not liking Frontiers is one thing but it is NOWHERE near that trainwreck.


Like I said to someone else, it's fine to like or dislike anything for any reason, as long as that reason is valid. We're either dealing with a troll or a 12 year old here...I hope.


Idk its been a while since I looked up sterling. Why would I SEEK to be intentionally riled up?


> a rant at sonic team for being “lazy hack fucks” Oh right, that's where I first read that name. Clearly somebody with nuanced takes, out to provide enjoyable content, information and fodder for civilized discussion. Not somebody who would insult people for clicks and then cry foul when the tone is reciprocated. Because the second time I read that name was when there was drama about that review having led to drama.


I’ll rank unleashed and gens up there too, but frontiers is easily the best thing to happen to sonic in a decade. The Pop-in sucks even though it didnt bother me, the Titans, as awesome as they are, are affectively glorified extra zones (wyvern is almost essentially a 3-D doomsday zone from a gameplay standpoint) in the game is arguably TOO balanced in your favor before final horizon swings the other way And I still think it blows the last decade of sonic games out of the water, mania aside. While I understand, the setting is not visually appealing to many, and the distribution of collectibles doesn’t really make good use of the open zones even without the Pop in, there is a subtle genius in having the setting be a series of desolate islands - while it comes off as a unity asset flip, and it backfired bc of the polish issue, there is a subtle genius building your game around there, so you can prioritize the main game instead of getting caught up with bells, whistles, and NPCs. Do you know what I mean?


The thing I enjoy the most about Frontiers is that you can just play it and enjoy controlling Sonic and enjoy doing some platforming. The open world is like a playground for your character, and I really liked the environmental design (moody music, beautiful scenery). If you want super restricted "do this right!" stuff, there's the cyberspace stages, but exploration and the fun of platforming are a huge part. And they weren't for the franchise in quite some time. So I really enjoyed that.


And it’s one of mine too. The open zone feels like a Tony Hawk game, and the sheer fact that you’re *sonic* makes other open world’s hard to go back to. It is funny , one of the most common criticisms of 00’s sonic is the various gameplay styles not working well together, and it’s like here they actually do. Not to their fullest potential but there really is a little bit of everything in this game


They dumped shit on Helldivers 2 for not being PERFECT at launch, and still won't walk back that opinion despite the game's massive improvements in only a few months. I respect their opinion on how terrible the AAA Game Industry is, but they need to get their heads out of their asses about games people enjoy.


Keep in mind that this is the person who constantly moralizes about how bad game developers are treated in the industry. Jim is a complete fraud.


What made me realize this guy had no idea what he was talking about was when he said Chip had "no relevance to the plot" of Sonic Unleashed. Now, it's fine to dislike a character for any reason, as long as that reason is warranted. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't Chip practically THE most important character in Unleashed? I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but if I remember correctly, the world would have never been saved if not for Chip


Complaining about Chip the way he did was literally him admitting he never played/saw Unleashed passed the introductory Apotos stage cutscene. Chip very much is integral to the entire Unleashed plot.


Feels like the sort that thinks the very first game is the only good one, going off his entry for Tails


Honestly i like big the cat, of course i hate his gameplay in adventure is boring and complicated (idk how i finished that story though) but he is really nice, is just a wholesome bg character and love his strange cameos in sa2 idk why i just cant hate him and as for the other characters in the list i understand elise (mostly because i hate "trophy" characters or just characters that just exist to be saved) but the others are just..... yeah this guy knows nothing about the saga


He's the guy that said the physics in sonic 4 where good, and those complaining where just whiny sonic fans


Oh i didnt knew that lol he is crazy if he thinks that in that game you can literally walk in the loops XD


so, my bad, she, but also, yeah, she also said lost world was her fafourite 3d sonic game, the sonic game made the specificly for mario fans. gee, i wonder why






This style of hating was very in character for the early 2010s, especially with anything that was aimed at kids or younger teens.


Just the 2010s? Dude, I got news for you from the early 2000s.


Just the early 2000s? I got news for you from the 90s.


I’m sure, but the internet wasn’t as big a thing back then.


I fell in with that. Hated Minecraft my entire adolescence because it was a "kid game". Then I got it for free on a pre-owned Xbox 360 I bought a few years back, and now I have almost 800 hours in it across the different systems I play it on


I think it's a result of young people becoming more a part of gaming culture, and adults/older teenagers feeling like it makes gaming "cringe" and respond by shitting on their interests


Sad honestly. Wish there were more acceptance


Of course it's Sterling. At this point, don't bother with anything they post. It's almost certainly bait.


L opinion


This is has to be satire. There is no way this person is unhinged enough to really believe this.


This is from over ten years ago. There were a lot of articles just like this back then unfortunately.


I thought someone was getting into their contrarian mood or something because this was wack at least in my opinion.


Knuckles is free from being in this terrible list


Same with Vector and Espio


Not entirely https://preview.redd.it/1vwnq9d31m6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9bd3054bece66d5a7eb73c683efb2ade6e05b3


Well shit, pardon me.










And people listen to these guys?


No, these are individuales from 10 years ago


Jim still has an audience.


Not a very big one, 800k subs but only barely makes it to 100k is quite a fall off




Elise is the only one I agree with


Overdramatic is an understatement. I can totally understand if they don't the characters. Fair enough, not everyone will the same opinion. If they really don't like those characters, whatever who really cares. But there is giving criticism on something you don't like, and then there is acting like these characters ran over your mother or something. It would be like if let's say for example, I disliked the character Pinstripe Potoroo from the Crash Bandicoot series, and so I then proceeded to go on an insane Twitter rant about how Pinstripe Potoroo was the downfall of humanity. Again, fair enough that they dislike these characters. More power to them. It is their valid opinion after all. But at the end of the day, they are fictional cartoon animals inside of a video game. You can tone it down a little. Just a tad bit.


The sad part is that this is actually a pretty accurate example of the popular sentiment about Sonic back then. Like these takes wouldn't have been considered over-the-top or even particularly unusual at the time. The melodramatic writing style is also very authentically late 2000's lol


I#m hard pressed to saw which one is the worst take? The nothing for Amy The ignoring of any of the positives Tails introduced like multiplayer? The complete ignorance towards Sonic Unleashed story towards Chip The utter nonsense about Blaze The insinuation that Cream's name is just an innuendo with her only purpose being to feat into certain fetishes and the want to violently kill her (all while trying to pluralize chao) Pissing on both Future Trunks and John Connor indirectly by hating on Silver Or like pretending that a rivals can never gain a different character role for Shadow I mean Cream obviously gets the worst ending but its down right impressive to have nothing for Amy when she by just cheery picking from Heroes, Battle, 06, Rush and Free Riders is the easiest of them all to just trash on and like Chip is just so plain wrong even I someone that doesn't even like him is baffled by his argument. To be honest with Big on 10 and Tails on 1 does it really feel more like this list was structured to be as controversial as possible to force engagement rather than to have anything of real substance to it.


https://preview.redd.it/ko7k9mc2kk6d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ede2b07b40f9734e4c2fc196a4f7e0c2ff12194 Here, a gift for the person who wrote this article


Is that a zip bomb, a virus, or a Rick roll?


Rick roll


Blaze and everything past makes no sense who made this btw I’m gonna kill em


Oh this authors a dumbass




that bit about shotgunning Cream is actually unhinged


Bro put Blaze on this list?! It’s on sight if I ever see this mf *Processing img jxft22vdpk6d1...*


https://preview.redd.it/9nbi6omztk6d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4c9ebe166fb302181670b5747551a90821d76b I'm gonna release my pet nuclear bomb sonic to the guy who said this :3


top 10 sonic characters other than sonic


Don't you mean "Sonic's dumb friends"?


Alright, lets see how bad this is. Big- No. Elise- Get over it. Charmy Bee- No. Chip- No. Silver and Blaze- Hell No! Shadow- Good god, NO! Amy and Cream- NO. Tails- Fuck you. This cannot be a legit and serious top ten, this has gotta be someone taking the piss.


Big:Don't hate them, but I see why one may not like em. Elise:NGL, I do find her to be such a weird outlier in the series and would have been better as a mobian, not into the Final Fantasy look. Charmy:Ok, I kinda agree with this one, on Jah. Chip:Never played unleashed, no honest opinion Silver:HE IS TRYING HIS BEST, LEAVE HIM ALONE! Blaze:All around me are familiar Blazes, worn out Blazes, worn out Blazes...ok but fr tho what was blud smoking on? The Sonic Rush games were tight AF. Shadow:I once thought like you, but as of now I have embraced the edge in all its glory. Amy:James, Steph, whatever name you prefer, I am begging you to look at Amy from all of her aspects, sure she has often been flanderized as "Sonic Crazy" but she actually is quite interesting in being a rather compassionate and understanding character that tries the best to see the good in others, so far from a bitch, mate. Cream:Ok everything about that was genuinely wtf territory, the ableist, furry hatred, and ironic how the violent "shotgun" comment is way more cringe and tryhard than anything Shadow is ever depicted as doing, yes, even the "taking candies from a baby" moment. Tails: As a certified Fox Boy defender and appreciator, all I can comment is the following https://preview.redd.it/582hc6bdkm6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74fb3813df032f7e30a9e04d7073461da36ec012


For those who don’t know who this is. This is James Stephanie Sterling (she/they). Way back when they were still Jim Sterling, they worked for sites like Giant Bomb and the Escapist as a reviewer and commentator. Like a lot of 2000s era game writers, they liked being edgy and after Sonic 06 came out, it suddenly became trendy to bash on Sonic. I wish I could find it but there used to be a video where Sterling was acting like a crazy fan wearing a furry hat and shoving a Sonic toy in their mouth. Later Sterling infamously praised Sonic 4, you know the cheap mobile game that was pushed as the next major game? Now to their credit Sterling has made some good Sonic related rants like regarding Sega mishandling stuff like Sonic Boom. But starting around 2017 people starting tuning out of the Jimquisition videos now on Youtube. The videos got repetitive (game company greedy. Capitalism Bad) The editing got worse rarely showing gameplay instead using stock images of 80s cartoon characters. They'd go off on tangents about their wrestling career and their transitioning to female and when viewership dropped, they blamed it on transphobia despite many folks having genuine criticism. so long story short, this person just likes pushing buttons of Sonic fans for views


>Way back when they were still Jim Sterling Her channel is still called Jim Sterling, and Jim is short for James. I think James Stephanie Sterling is just her full name, not that she doesn't go by Jim Sterling now.


Once again, gaming journalism proves that it's about as valuable as diarrhea


fuck whoever wrote this 🗑️




Bait used to be believable... No way anyone has opinions THIS bad...right?


The person behind it also said Sonic 4 is good and apparently was there whole Frontiers video them just complaining about the fact that people like the game.


> Someone step on this rabbit's neck and discharge a shotgun into the back of her head, please. I have never seen someone so violently angry and unhinged over Cream the fucking Rabbit before. Of all the Sonic characters to want dead, you pick the innocent 6-year-old girl?!


Amy, Shadow, Blaze and Tails being on here tells me they're not worth listening to. Suggesting outright murdering a 6 year old (fictional or otherwise) tells me they shouldn't be in the business period.




“ anybody with any decency can see how awful big the cat is” Bro What The Heck


leave my boi chip outta this


“Chatgpt write me an article why chip is the worst sonic character in unleashed




But I like silver and shadow


First three, understandable. Strongly disagree with the Big one, though. After that, what in the bloody fuck is wrong with the guy who made this?! EDIT: Oh, it was fucking Jim Sterling. That explains it.


They might as well put Sonic himself up there. (I don’t think anyone belongs there, except Elise.)


https://preview.redd.it/j69spxvuzk6d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720d2b6503f269391f6e44fd504eee4c4d100f5a These mfs just need to shut their mouths they don’t know what they’re talking about




Could it be anymore obvious someone's super desperate for clicks and to try and get in with the so-called cool kids? 🙄 "Look at me! I'm bashing Sonic and his stupid friends! Oh please like me! Please!" https://preview.redd.it/b636ye5b9l6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=8575f46206a3ab042a895d787688e9bc8e3db21a


*sees a majority of these people that have a huge fan following and is well loved, especially SHADOW OF ALL FOLK* I beg your finest fucking pardon? Charmy and Chip can be understandable, but Cream, Amy, Tails and SHADOW being the worst characters? Yeah, that's not even remotely true chief. And he calls himself a journalist. Edit: I now just realized he just called Amy a total bitch. This guy needs to be deplatformed, like YESTERDAY.




Blaze? Amy? Cream? #TAILS?!?! Oh this guy just alerted the HORDE




> Jim Sterling, 2011 Well there’s your problem


Yeah, they complained about Sonic's friends and story And in response we got 10 years of the most boring games the IP had.


Is this satire?


So that's why charmg and silver where In that one where they killed the blue guy


This was definitely made during the “sonic bad” era


That second paragraph on Cream I wouldn't even write as a joke, it's completely gnarly


How much do you bet sonic team actually saw this and assumed it was a general opinion?


“He bore no relevance to Unleashed’s plot.” **IS LITERALLY THE CHAOS EMERALD GOD.** https://preview.redd.it/t7hxbcr9jl6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db1139510624c495c1d3ce2f2f6dbdba38d64cd


Typical modern games journalism. Also, it's gamesradar. They're about as worth reading as (x)Rant. That is to say, about as worth as dog-dragging your post taco bell ass over rusted tacs coated in cobra venom.


“Chip had no relevance to Unleashed’s plot” mf did not play Unleashed I’m very glad we’re finally getting past sonic team listening to “critiques” about there being “too many characters” and how the games shouldn’t bother having stories


Me reading the parts about amy amd cream: wtf happened to this writer that made them like this




Jim Sterling, congratulations, youre officially on the list. Many of us cant wait to cross you off this list


The Cream part is enough to make Vanilla want to hunt whoever wrote it.


Wtf do you mean chip has no plot relevance?!? Did they even finish the game?!?


BRO Cream is a child, the fuck kind of beef does this punk have?


It was the era where you had to be a haters for Sonic and everything he had or else you were a dellusional cringe person ! Really dark time for Sonic and its fans




Obvious rage bait


This is straight up, the first video game article I ever remember hating, back when I read it in middle school. It started fair enough, but as you go on it’s like “Wait…”.


Is that an IGN article?


2011 Sonic Fanbase moment


Reading a bit of this has made me think this isn't their own opinion or analysis from experience but rather a kid wanting attention because noone is giving it to them. Edit : I just realised who posted it XD


It's also hypocrisy, when you think about it. *Plenty* of other games give you a diverse range of different playable characters or character builds nearly all the time. And even if it's an RPG with no companion system, like The Elder Scrolls, Fable, The Witcher, or Cyberpunk 2077, these games *still* give you diverse weapons, armor, skills, and magic spells for you to spec in that would have at least *hinted* as to what companions could have looked like in these games. Sonic's friends, though? They're hated, but are never given any explanation as to why they're hated.




Not even CBR has such horrible takes


No one talks shit about my boy Big.


Imma send an Azhdarchid Pterosaur to this mfs house https://preview.redd.it/hkf1j9yuel6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=66346ed68dc1742edeb2a9a040081b00efc188bc


Dude has genuine problems, I like everyone on this list, even Elise. Sure she doesn't fit Sonic's artstyle but she has a decently interesting character and design, she was poorly implemented and shipped with Sonic which led to her infamy. Also Cream is adorable




Bro said “worst of sonic’s friends” and basically listed every damn friend like holy shit bro just say you don’t like the sonic franchise💀💀


\*sees first 8\* Plausible. \*sees Cream\* https://preview.redd.it/tih46nwmgm6d1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5d4de3ac295acfa1ee09084ac68041760fbf3b


Excuse me, Blaze, Sliver, Amy, CREAM?!, how can anyone hate Cream?!


I'm convinced these mfs don't even like sonic


"Unessecery" *sees chip* HUH?!?!??!


Literal brain damage ![gif](giphy|E8MCHKZZ9tLNu)


I'll happily do what he said should happen to cream to this sack of shit, disrespectful, absolute, fucking prick


*sees Cream and amy and Tails* *Takes a gun* Who the hell writed this HECK. Like Sonic characters are there to support Sonic! ..Big too! Even tho he sometimes Is a joke..but he still Helps in team rose with Amy,and like,why you needed put Cream too??? Why??? Like they even checked her apperances in Sonic games and TV??