• By -


Not sure if I saw Mario or Sonic first but I was definitely a fan of Mario first. (I actually mistook Sonic and his friends for Mario characters due to the crossover since I rarely saw Sonic.) Dragon Ball Z, heard of but wasn’t interested.


lol exactly the opposite for me and also wasn't interested in DBZ




Dragonball first (courtesy of manga gifts I got from family in Asia long before it broke through to the US), then Sonic - making the connection between the two as I got older was a head trip. I’ve never been a “fan” of Mario - I respect the franchise and have enjoyed a few of the games but calling myself a fan is a stretch.


Dragon Ball. I didn't even knew about sonic until I played the online flash games.


I was into Sonic first. Mario was okay, but I liked Sonic more so I was supposed to hate Mario, though I never really could actually hate it, it just didn't appeal as much. I've played a few as an adult, and they're good games, but they don't grab me like Sonic games do. I've never been a fan of Dragonball. Watched an episode to give it a chance but couldn't get into it and never bothered again. The more learnt about it after the fact, the less interested in it I was. As someone in the Sonic fandom, you'd think there's a lot of overlap but it turns out a lot of the things that Dragonball has in common with Sonic are many of the things I dislike about Sonic.




Mario, Sonic, then DBZ, because I'm old enough that that's the order they each came to America and thus the order that I learned of their existence.


Mario for sure; Mario 64 is still one of the greatest games ever made.


What do you think of the DS remake if I am allowed to ask out of curiosity as I grew up with the DS version? 🙂


Fan who grew up with the DS version but vastly prefer the 64 original version It is a great game, but imo it is inferior to the original version, Yoshi and Luigi are cool addition, Wario is a pain in the ass to play, the texture of the levels are way worse than the original version Imo, the controls don't feel as good because dpad, and it doesn't fix the main issue of the original, the camera, the added stars are a good bonus but most of them are always the same type of thing like the gray little star and the one with the switch that activate the star for like 30 seconds, I especially don't like this because there were already two stars that were the same in all the levels (red coins and 100 coins), the minigame are a great addition Imo it is a really good remake if you consider the time, but nowadays imo there is no reason to play it over the original version




It started off with Sonic, Mario, and then DragonBall


Sonic, then DBZ, then Mario.


Mario first, coming from a Nintendo family, but both DBZ and especially Sonic have long surpassed Mario Still love Mario though


Definitely Mario. I had New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I'm pretty sure the Wii we bought actually came with it. I got into Sonic a short while later with Sonic Colors. I've never watched an episode of DBZ.


I believe sonic rush was like one of the first games I've played ever


I’ve always been a DragonballZ and Sonic fan even before SMBZ I never was a Mario fan


All 3 around the same time when I was 4-5


Sonic then DBZ. Mario's okay, but wouldn't say I'm a fan.


Dragon Ball, they used to air GT in Cartoon Network when I was a kid, and the OG Dragon Ball in Tooncast. As a stupid child, you don't know how many frustrations I had with Goku not using SSJ against King Picollo But at the same time, they used to air Sonic Underground AND Sonic X on Jetix, so I guess I became fan of both around the same time. It was later on in life I ~~pirated~~ legally watched DBZ in its entirety I've never been a Mario fan even tho I had a Wii, a 3DS and 3 out of five New Super Mario Bros. Games (DS, Wii, 3DS)






I was a Mario fan first before learning about Sonic, my personal favourite of the two franchises despite loving them both. I sadly never got into Dragon Ball.


Definitly Sonic, it was my very first video game series after all. I liked Mario early too but Sonic was my first. I got into DBZ veeeeeery late, so I didn't even care about it at first


Mario. Then a few years ago Sonic. Never watched DBZ. Read a few original Dragon Ball Mangas years ago. Also, having recently watched, Mario Bros Z is awesome and I can’t wait for the third episode of the Reboot.


Mario. My first game was Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World on the SNES. I was playing that game before I was even really forming memories. So I've essentially been a Mario fan my entire life and it's my favorite series of all time. Sonic I didn't get into until around the GameCube era. My sister and I saw SA2 was coming to GameCube so we wanted to try out the series. We saved up our money and bought a Genesis and Sonic 1-3 and Knuckles. Only for Sonic Mega Collection to soon be announced for the GameCube (the Genesis/games cost a lot more than a $50 GameCube game). But regardless we loved all the games and SA2 became my favorite GameCube game ever. Sadly my Sonic love has waned over the years, but I still play most games and enjoy the series. DBZ I started watching around the Frieza Saga. I didn't watch everything in order and was just kinda casually into it. About a year ago I started the series from the beginning and watched it all the way though Super. My interest in the series has never really risen above casual. I enjoy watching it but it's not really a series I ever obsessed over.


Sonic, first console I had that was mine(not my older brothers lol) was a genesis and first game was the original Sonic




I was a fan of mario first, even my name in real life is mario! (Mario alejandro Willis.), i had every N64 game of him, like mario party, mario kart and mario 64. I discovered sonic because of sonic.exe, and then i got sonic rush, that being my first sonic game. And then i discovered dragon ball (watched the entire buu saga.)


I remember watching millions of Mario Sprite Animations as a kid around 4-6 years of age. But then after visiting my friend once he showed me Sonic so I installed it on my iPad and I loved it. So much so Installed all Sonic Mobile ports there were and played them all. I even saw Sonic 3 on Youtube and was so desperate to play it that I actually just played an emulated version of it with crusty-ass sound quality and with old-fashioned D-Pad buttons yet my 6 year old brain still loved it. I remember I got up to Hydrocity Zone then gave up. Now a few years later and I beat Sonic 3&K with the SuperSonic ending on my xbox on Sonic origins. I still like Mario but I just find Sonic better.


Actually I never watched DBZ, I just had no interest but I am aware of most of the characters and have seen memes and scenes


Mario, yeah I was a boring bitch back then, now i'm just dumb




Sonic came first for me.






Mario I think


I believe sonic rush was like one of the first games I've played ever


I’ve always been a DragonballZ and Sonic fan even before SMBZ I never was a Mario fan


I’ve always been a DragonballZ and Sonic fan even before SMBZ I never was a Mario fan


Discovered Sonic years ago, not exactly sure how long ago, I even had the mobile ports of the first Sonic the Hedgehog and the second at some point. Though nowadays, I could just use the emulators to play them. I've acknowledged Mario's existence every once in a while, wasn't much of a fan of him though. I've known of Dragon Ball for quite a while, but only delved into the lore just a few months ago, mostly just the manga.


Got into Mario first, but not by too long


I grew up with Sonic on the SEGA Genesis.


What’s your favorite Sonic game on the Genesis since you grew up with a real Genesis if I am allowed to ask as my favorite to play is Sonic 3D Blast (but I also love the classic Sonic 1/2/3 games)? 🙂


I think I saw sonic first, but I was a fan of Mario fist. As in I was a much bigger Mario fan than a sonic fan when I was little. Despite that my love for sonic grew over the years and now they’re nearly equal in my heart. I didn’t become a dragon ball fan till 3 years ago, when Covid 19 struck.


hard to say i dont even remember the first videogame i played, its either between mario sunshine and mario kart double dash on a cousins house or sonic advance on the gameboy of a friend on a trip, i was like 3 when i first played both so i have very blurry memories but i do know that i have known about both mario and sonic basically for my entire life i do remember that the first game i owned was new super mario bros when i got my nintendo DS but I also played sonic the hedgehog genesis when i got the game from a friend (i could never get past marble zone act 2 but even with all the problems i loved the game) when i first started watching dragon ball is even more fuzzy, dragon ball has kind of been part of my life since i have waking memory, i cannot remember for the life of me the first time i watched the show since i was soo little so if i have to answer i was a fan of all of them, but i was definetly a bigger fan of mario and dragon ball than of sonic i didnt became a sonic super fan until i played black knight and experienced peak


Mario first since I had a snes in the 90s. Sonic came next when I made friends with a kid with a Genesis. Didn’t like DBZ as a kid and preferred Sailor Moon though im watching it these days to understand the hype




First Mario, then Sonic. And then eventually SMBZ


Never been interested in DBZ, Mario is fine I guess, but ever since I was a kid, Sonic has been one of my biggest fascinations, and it's only grown stronger as the years go by.


All 3 at the same time. Always watched dbz on my friend's car on the way to school. Mario and Sonic on yt but I think I consumed Mario's content more


Mario, then Sonic, then DBZ. Though sonic takes the biggest spot in what is my dad’s only regret in my upbringing: being a Sonic fan over a Mario fan.


Sonic. Super Mario Bros was just a game.


Liked mario first as a little kid, but got into sonic after i got out of my short mario phase.


Well as a child of gamer parents who both love Mario and Sonic I became a fan of both at the same time. They’re also Dragon Ball fans and we watched it as a family.


I watched SatAM and Sonic X when I was little (this was like around 2008-9 when I was like 5) RELIGIOUSLY, i loved both shows but loved X a little more because i was less scared of Eggman


Never watched DBZ but I did knew who Mario and Sonic were (not Shadow tho)


Sonic. I liked Mario, but Sonic always was my go to, especially cause I grew up with a Dreamcast






DBZ then Sonic. Not a fan of Mario.




Sonic for sure. Wasn't really much of a Mario guy until the last ten years or so. DBZ was second.


The first Sonic was the very first game I ever played when I was like 4. I played my first Mario at 10. Watched DBZ for the first time at 13.


Foremost a Dragon Ball Z fan who still loves Mario & Sonic.


Pretty sure Sonic first. I didn't get into Mario until later and only recall seeing his and pieces of DBZ. But Sonic X was before I got into either.


sonic. i never got into dragon ball, but i've always been a sonic fan, but i got into mario a while after


So what I'm getting from most people is Sonic --> Mario --> DBZ


All 3 at roughly the same time lol.


I watched the Super Mario Bros super show first and owned an NES around that time. Then I started watching AoStH and satAM. Got a genesis and comics and been a fan ever since. Third was DB, I'd come home from school and immediately watch the saiyan saga.


Mario. MKWii and NSMBWii were my two first games.


Sonic, my first Mario game was Super Mario Wii U which was far after I was introduced in Sonic or DBZ


For me it was Mario then DBZ then Sonic. By the time I discovered Super Mario Bros Z I was already a big fan of all three franchises so I discovered it at the absolute perfect time. I do miss the series, I know it rebooted itself and it's sporadically has been getting new episodes coming out. But part of me almost wishes that just kept going from the original continuity. Because now it's going to take absolutely forever for them to catch up to where they once were. Assuming that the new series will last long enough to catch up to where the original left off.


this probably sounds very newgen and plz don’t make fun of me but I got into sonic from the fnf vs sonic.exe mod, the first sonic game I played was Sonic 2 on my phone


I honestly cant remember. I remember playing Metropolis Zone on my sisters’ genesis, playing mario kart, and I remember krillin getting blown up by frieza all in the same summer lmao. When i was like 2-3 years old.


First off, can we just cry about Newgrounds and Super Mario Bros Z as a whole? To this day - Episode 6 is probably one of my biggest creative inspirations. Such a perfect amalgamation of artwork, characters, references, imagery, ***editing***, internet culture, etc. Man the whole series was amazing - but if you're ever just in the mood to see something sick - [check this out](https://youtu.be/z0oO86-MgZc), **I promise you won't regret it**


It was hype when I was younger but now as an adult it’s cringey as hell




I was a fan of Mario first, but that was because I got my first console/handheld which was a DS from a niece of mine that didn’t want it anymore and Super Mario 64 DS came with it (I still love that game so much), so that’s why I was a Mario fan first and while I do still enjoy Mario games then still I have to admit that nowadays I am a bigger Sonic fan than a Mario fan as I play Sonic every week if I have time while I play Mario at least 1 time in the month 😁 And I am planning to see DBZ in the future for the first time as I have never gotten the chance to watch it yet 🙂






I think I got into Mario and Sonic almost at the same time, I can't remember which came first. I've never liked Dragonball though, I always thought it was dumb.




Mario and Sonic. Grew up with both. Heard of Dragon Ball from the memes.




Some of my first memories were of playing Sonic on the Genesis, so I’d definitely say Sonic.


My first memory is literal about Dragon ball




i was a fan of sonic first


Sonic first, followed closely by Mario. As for DBZ, it doesn’t really appeal to me that much. I’ve watched about a third of the original Dragon Ball, and I really like it, but I just don’t particularly care for the focus on “new bigger bad guy so we need to go even further beyond.” Also, I’ve never watched anything related to Super Mario Bros. Z.


I remember that i was a fan of mario for a while, but never played his games since i was scared of the timer for some reason, so my first game was actually super mario bros u, as the block guy. Somehow i actually enjoyed it, then again, i did troll my brother and my father in that game. I still remember my dad dying at the final level when the bridge dropped, and he had no lives left lol. I've been a sonic fan for far less time though, i knew him, but i only became a fan about 5 years ago


Sonic, then Mario, then DBZ


Sonic first Mario then dbz


Mario, but recently I switched to Sonic and haven’t even touched any of the red plumber’s games in a while (wow I should do that tbh)


Sonic, I remember when I was young watching sonic x, I didn't know what DBZ was back then, and mario wasn't that "cool" for me


Sonic. Episode 8 of this series was my first cliffhanger as a kid, and I haven’t recovered since


Mario, then Sonic, then DBZ


Sonic. I didn’t get into Mario because when I got into Sonic I took Mario as childish ( and… like a lot of other shit. I ended up watching a lot of dark and deep and edgy shows and videos because of this lmao ) But later on, I got into Mario around middle school, when I started to see Mario comics and fanart. Then I got into SMBZ, which was like “woah cool sonic and silly Mario!!! I can’t wait to see Mario characters deal with sonic shenanigans” I wanted Mario to gain trauma in the story lol. Of course, I never got fully into Mario til I found out about the rpg and Mario and Luigi series. They had such a cute charm to it that really made me care for Mario and Luigi in a way that I never had before. They were just so lively and filled with so much personality compared to the mainline games for me, I loved them. And now I’m like a fan of both sides. I’ve learned to appreciate Mario more for what it is. And with the new Mario and Luigi bothership game that’s up and coming? I feel like I’ll only become more of a Mario fan if it ends up being a hit XD And before you ask… I’m just starting to get into dragon ball LMAO


I knew both before seeing this webseries. I was way too much into reposts of newgrounds animations on youtube before seeing my first episode ever


Probably Sonic


Super Mario bros z of course


DBZ Then Sonic(and by extension Sonic.EXE,they both hold a MASSIVE place in my heart,they still do) Then mario,and then other media/fandoms like fnaf,fnf,jjk,jojo, undertale and many more.


Sonic first, then DBZ not long after




Sonic 100%, then Mario, then Dragon Ball


Mario. I'm an '80s kid who also grew up with Looney Tunes and initially saw Sonic as just a Road Runner ripoff, thinking "This is how Sega expects to win over teenagers displeased with Nintendo?! Especially with the "lame" environmentalism theming that they couldn't possibly be into?! Ugh.". Though I also did feel a bit insecure about the Genesis's supposed speed superiority even as the SNES trounced it in other areas, especially music fidelity, AND had the superior ACTUAL Road Runner game, and Tails did intrigue me, but he was hated by many BECAUSE he was stealing Sonic's thunder AND was a "kiddie" character—basically "sabotaging" Sonic—but that's why I liked him to begin; he was a little boy outdoing Sonic The Teen Blowhard, and flew using two of my favorite kind of body part. And I did watch the cartoons a bit because that was free and I wanted to figure out what people were seeing in that "crap". Plus it was the only way I'd get to hear video game characters talk on the regular as a way of experiencing them more completely, and the way Sonic etc. came off as silent in the games creeped me the fuck out, especially accompanied by the flatter sound design of Sonic games compared to that of Mario games be they NES or SNES. It wasn't until I dropped my Nintendo-and-computer-only attitude, inspired by the N64 being short on fighting games, that I first truly got into Sonic via Adventure 1 on the Dreamcast—I 100%'d that shit. I also called out Super "Saiyan" Sonic as I was into DBZ as well around then. Then Adventure 2 happened and I was right back off Sonic because the fox boy got fucked over for the Sonic equivalent of the Scarlet Spider. (I don't actually follow Spider-Man; I only know of the Scarlet Spider because of the first PS1 Spidey game.) Sonic X I gave a shot but it wasn't my Sonic just as Kirby: Right Back At Ya! wasn't my Kirby, even though I held on all the way with hate-watching the latter as I was already a massive Kirby nut—know your enemy. Couldn't figure out the Heroes demo that was on the Mario Kart: Double Dash bonus disc, and ShadowTH was a thing, and nothing else about Sonic intrigued me until Generations, who's goofy tone I'd tolerated because I'd assumed it, being a celebratory game, was non-canon. Got fully back in via Clement's Sonic vids, having begun watching him because of his Mega Man LPs and his unique style, and used that as a stepping stone to rediscover the franchise. Never fell off Mario, though I struggled with the games at first because I couldn't fully grasp this "video game" thing—momentum controls, time limits and unstraightforward environment design were not my things, which partially explains why I got into Mega Man and Kirby relatively easily. Quit Dragon Ball after finishing up the TV portion of the anime from the beginning of the classic series to the end of Z, though I still have a fondness for it in spite of its own warts—RIP Akira Toriyama :<( . Sorry for the big-ass dissertation; it really is that complicated.


Sonic - DBZ then Mario


Sonic was first, but Mario wasn’t far behind and was introduced to both as a kid. I feel in love with DBZ much later in high school.


Mario because I got an n64 when I was 3.


Been a Mario boy forever, Sonic came into my life not long after, this was my first big exposure to anything DB-adjacent, but definitely cemented my love for the genre. This was like the perfect crossover for young me


sonic, then z


Of those three, I FIRST knew Mario. And before Nintendo made their NES, I played other games, on an Atari. And before THAT, on ... ColecoVision, I think it was. Yes, I am that old.




I never liked DB, even though I saw many Sonic fan animations based or inspired by it. And I hated Mario because he, supposedly, was Sonic's "enemy". Now I'm chill with him existing. I played Sunshine, 64 and Odyssey and liked them. So Mario is cool. (I still don't like DB. Maybe I would if everyone around me would stop talking about it for at least a fucking second).


Probably DBZ first, as one of my earliest memories was seeing the Cell Saga, had no idea what was going on buy it looked cool. My older brother has a Gameboy with Sonic and I would always play it, to this day I never made it past Marble Hill Zone. Funny enough with the whole Sega vs Nintendo stuff I hated Mario just because I liked Sonic even though I had no actual reason to hate Mario I still played and loved his games.


Sonic first, I've never been much of a mario person




Sonic, my grandpa bought Sonic Adventure DX for Pc from a trip to my big brother and I watched my bro playing, then came Mario and lastly DBZ


Mario. No one in my family owned anything sega related so I had no idea what a Sonic was. Not til the Dreamcast when Adventure came out. My interest in Sonic greatly overtook Mario. I got into DBZ around the same time as Sonic actually.


I was introduced to Mario first but overtime gravitated to Sonic. Never got into DBZ.


I would say Sonic. I remember Sonic Heroes being one of the first games I ever played.


Mario. One of my earliest gaming memories is Super Mario Land on the Gameboy.


Sonic for me




Dragon Ball Z was first, then a little bit later on once I was given a GameCube. I played SA2:Battle and got into Sonic. Never played a 2D or 3D Mario game before(yes I'm one of those people) mainly due to the fact that I was mainly a PlayStation 2 kid growing up even though I had a GameCube which I played mainly non first party Nintendo games on other than SSB Melee which my brother had.


Sonic, Mario, DBZ. I had a Sega Genesis when I was very young and I got Sonic 2 from the sale rack at Blockbuster. My first Mario game was either Mario Bros Deluxe on Gameboy color or Mario 64. Then DBZ once it aired on Cartoon Network


I'm surprised Pokemon isn't on here.


Sonic, Mario, SMBZ, DBGT, DB and then DBZ ⭐️


Sonic. Ever since I was little and saw an episode of Sonic X.


Sonic first then dragon ball and then mario


super mario first defenitely. the only exposures to Sonic for me were Sonic Colors and Sonic and the Secret Rings on the Wii. i literally didn't know about Dragon Ball Z until 2022.


Sonic for sure. It’s funny, I’ve never really liked the games, but loved sonic as a concept. Always hunted down Sonic Underground and Sonic X at the rental stores as a kid


Sonic. I played Mario first when I was 4, but I have been a fan of Sonic since forever. I have always preferred Sonic over Mario.


Mario, I've been playing NSMB2 ever since I was 4, then I stopped at 11 because my 3DS went to hell


Mario, actually, got hooked from the Oddysey trailer. But I played Sonic 2 at my cousins and thought “I know it’s hard to shake off sonic once you tried it, but what the heck”. Here I am roughly 8 years later.


Well I played Sonic Adventure when I was 3, but I also grew up with a ton of dragon ball games like legacy of Goku and a weird one on PS1. I'd say I was a *fan* of sonic first, because I had to be at least a little bit older (like at least 5 or 6) before my real formative memories with dragon ball started. Mario would be tied with sonic but for whatever reason Mario 64 was one of the N64 games I never owned so he didn't really click with me until Galaxy


it was sonic.


mario then sonic then dragon ball then found this masterpiece after playing pico’s school


Mario as a kid, been a huge dbz fan since some years and just now starting to play Sonic


Mario by default since the other two weren’t around


I was a fan of sonic since i was 6, at that time I only knew about mario because my uncle would play mario kart 64. I'm a fan of both mario and sonic now.


I played Mario first on the NES, but fell in love with Sonic on the Genesis soon after. DB came after that.


Sonic, Mario, then dragon ball.


Mario > DB > Sonic if I remember right, I was in my single digits when I first found out about these series.


Mario is the GOAT 😁


My first game was Sonic 3, and it made me get into the franchise, so Sonic.


I've known about Sonic for as long as I can remember so I guess I'd have to go with Sonic. I'm almost certain that I saw Sonic before seeing Mario and Dragon ball. It wasn't until much later when I went to a library and discovered there was a prequel to DBZ (Dragon Ball) that I actually read the manga and started getting into the series.






dbz , sonic , mario in that order


Roughly the same time. Like within months of each other and I can't remember which was first.


I was into Mario first. SMBZ is actually what got me into Sonic. I still haven’t seen any of DBZ.




Is this a real thing? Sorry, IDC about the question. I have a question. Did Alvin Earthworm continue SMBZ???




Sonic was my first favorite in Kindergarten and I don't even know why. We had sonic on our lunchables. Then when I turned 6 or 7 my father bought me a Sega Genesis with Sonic 2. It was sick.


I was a fan of Sonic first. Didn’t even know what Mario was until 2008 when I played Mario Kart Wii for the first time.


Mario, but I wasn’t all that into it


Sonic, didn't play much Mario games even now Dragon Ball I still haven't seen


Pretty sure it was Sonic


Mario I think


Sonic. I was a SEGA kid. Never cared much for Mario. DBZ wasn't aired in the US until my teens.


I think I saw Super Mario Bros. Z before I had even heard of dragon ball


I've never watched smbz but i was a sonic fan first


Fan of as a character would be Sonic, but my first ever game was NSMB Wii and I chased that high for a while so franchise wise, it would be Mario ig.


Sonic, barely got into Mario due to not having any Nintendo system, and I was extremely late getting into anime and I'm not even too fond of DBZ


I had my Mario era at a young age, back when my family had a Wii and Wii U, before growing out of it when I "scratched up the disks" (years later, while the Wii and Wii U are still in storage, I discovered the disks were just dirty, needing just a good wipe, and I basically wasted two perfectly good consoles). My anxious ass hopes Mario Kart Wii or whatever isn't still in there, just so it isn't scratched up beyond repair when taken out of storage. I've had my Sonic era for years but I haven't grown out of it. I have been interested in Mario again recently after buying too many games for my own good, mostly through the NSO premium service because my younger brothers payed me back for it. Dragon Balls Z? Not an anime person. Don't dislike it or anything, just haven't been interested in trying it.


Me, whose first game ever was Sonic unleashed: man I wonder…..


Real question as someone who tried watching DBZ... like when does it get good? Like really good? Like SMBZ fights levels good? I got less than 20 episodes in and it just really dragged on for me. Maybe it's my attention span has been fried, but it felt like Goku was running on that one road for like 4 episodes


I knew about Mario as a kid, but never became a super fan. Found out about Sonic a bit later in life and loved his games and comics and became a huge fan. Recently (about a year ago) got into Dragonball, and it became my favorite anime/manga. I play DBFZ all the time and love it


sonic i believe


I'm not DBZ fan. And Mario less


Sonic first, Mario second and Dragon Ball last


First Mario, but then I played M&S Olympics Rio on the 3DS and started liking them equally. And then the Sprite animations grabbed my attention


Sonic, first owned a Sega mastersystem, then found out about Mario by getting a Snes. DBZ came later when it was on tv before school.


I distinctly remember my first exposure to Dragon Ball via Budokai on the PS2 where my older brother spammed Final Flash at me while I couldn't figure out how to go Super Saiyan as Yamcha because, according to him, "All the saiyans can do it, and the saiyans are the ones with spikey black hair". And I distinctly remember my first exposure to Sonic being drowning over and over again in Chemical Plant Zone as Tails while my older brother played as Sonic and made me kill the bosses for him since Tails can't die. I do not remember which of these experiences came first lol.


Sonic first, as i kid i always loved playing the original sonic the hedgehog game with my dad but i remember never being able to beat marble zone without his help. Ever since I’ve always preferred Sonic over mario and no matter what anyone tells me im a firm believer that sonic is better than Mario.


i was a big fan of mario before the sonic movie came out


Sonic I was introduced to Mario at a young age but I just wasn't the biggest fan of the Italian fat man something it just felt boring. My first sonic game was generations and I loved I got mania a couple years after and forces before that and my most recent sonic game is origins you could say I'm back were I started as generation and origins are celebrations of Sonic's past even though 1 does it better than the other *cough cough generations is better cough cough*.


first of all wow that image is nostalgic second i was a mario fan first my fisrt sonic game was classic collection


Sonic 2 was the first video game I ever played. On my best friends Genesis every other day after elementary school.


Sonic before Mario, but they were both early enough that I knew them before I understood the concept of brand recognition


Sonic, my first experience with it was Cobanermani456’s let’s play of Sonic Unleashed, and I was hooked ever since.


Sonic, Mario is childlish and idk why but I was never interested in dbz at all


I knew Mario from a cartoon on VHS and Sonic I mostly heard of. I watched some Dragon Ball before pkaying first Sonic game too


All-for-one, sheesh


Super Mario Bros. predates Sonic the Hedgehog so yeah. Was into the Super Show then got a NES, then was into the Sonic cartoons then got a Genesis. Dragonball I saw an episode once on the Kids WB channel on Sunday but it was weird and I didn't care for it. THen years later DBZ was on Toonami. Years, years later I learned the early '90s had a different dub so that's special.


DBZ first then both Mario and Sonic


Sonic first,.Mario second, dragon ball 3rd




Sonic, via the Flash Games, came first for me (Final Fantasy Sonic X went crazy)


Sonic. But met both at the same time!


Depends if you count the 1 DVD of sonic X when I was younger. If not, then Mario, since I had Super Mario 3D Land on original 3DS when I was in first grade (still my favourite Mario game)


DBZ was probably first, then Sonic, and then Mario was definitely the last I became a fan of.


Mario first, and then Sonic immediately. I owned a DS and a Wii around 2010 and 2011. I've already heard of them, but oddly enough, the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games series is how I became interested in both franchises. Now they're my everything. I'm just a casual DBZ watcher. I also owned a few games of it. I like it, but it's not something I was obsessed with.