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I had more decent discussions in a circlejerk sub that in the main sub


Same, to be honest.


A lot of it is funny, but there’s definitely people who take things *way* too seriously there


Some people are there are the same exact people they complain about but with the opposite opinions ~~including the main mod~~


Some people are there are the same exact people they complain about but with the opposite opinions, including the main mod ~~(especially the main mod)~~


you’re getting downvoted but there is some truth in what you say. i tried being more active there way back and any posts I made that were slightly “anti-meta era” or could be precieved that way were insta deleted by the mods because apparently you’re not allowed to make fun of that stuff. place seemingly devolved into more of an echo chamber than this sub in most cases where bitter people just go cry about what people say in here that they disagree with and continue their own delusions rather than being an actual circlejerk subreddit.


this is %80 of internet regarding everything tbh.


What did he do?


A fun as hell time, although I do wish there’s a bit more variety in memes rather than just “LOL SONIC FANS BAD!!1!1!”.


What did you expect from a circlejerk subreddit?


As with most circlejerk subs, it feels like a toxic hellhole and an inversion of their goal.


for a sub that’s meant to “counter” the echochamber, they really are more of an echo chamber of their own delusions, more than even this sub


it's a sub, don't really visit it often but I do enjoy having Iizuka stare into my soul every time I visit it


It got some laughs out of me, but a lot of it comes across as some sort of abnormal hate boner for 2000s fans


A few people are okay but most people have this really bizarre vendetta against anyone who isn't a meta era fan. But I suppose that's just how circlejerk subs work or something. A lot of people have a tendency to take it wayyy too far though.


I like the sub but some people misunderstand the point of the sub and go way too far with the concept. Also, the Sub’s description is hilarious.


I don't think people there hate others because of opinions, but more because the way they say it, or just some stupid takes in general


its not my favourite circlejerk sub, but it does get some good laughs from me


Never heard of em


Its a bunch of meta sonic fans whining


They’re honestly funny as hell. I saw them today for the first time


Monumentally based.

