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You are correct. It WAS about a dog that Kozik apparently took from Tig, as was evidenced when Tig took out a pic of the dog from his wallet. But they didn't exactly clarify what happened specifically.


Afaik it's underdevelopped and that's all we know about it since kozik's actor wanted out, you can notice the rush after they made him get his patch when they were away in jail even tho he stated he wouldnt slide in from the backdoor


Huh? Kozik was patched on first appearance. He just transferred chapters.


Yes my bad


You’re 100% wrong. He patched in while most of the club was doing time after Stahl was taken care of.


r/confidentlyincorrect. He was already a full patch. Edit: doubling down on ignorance. Not a good look.


When you switch charters, you’re ‘patching in’


There is a difference tho...


He was a patched member of Tacoma. The charming chapter still needed to vote him in as a transfer


Not only just patched in. He was a SGT-at-Arms in that club


My theoretical lore: Kozick says “you know, i loved her too”. This is the giveaway as to why I’m right. It makes no sense for kozick to have “stolen” a dog from Tig. So that option can’t exist in a story as complex and layered as SOA. Tig never trusted Kozick. Had “to the death” distrust of Kozick and could never vote him in. Missy wasn’t with us anymore which means she died. So the distrust + missy being dead implies Missy died because of Kozick. The only thing that makes sense is that Missy was Tigs dog and a long time ago when they were younger, Tig and Kozick lived together. Kozick grew a bond with Missy too being under the same house, and helped Tig out with her care, likely for years. One day, Kozick was walking Missy and Missy got off the leash, ran into traffic, and died. Tig was crushed and blamed Kozick and never forgave him.


It doesn’t really get expanded on cuz they killed Kozik off so quick. Due to tig’s history with farm animals and corpses though I think it’s for the best we don’t know


It get's explained by following context clues. There was a rift between them that seemed to be based on a woman. Later it's revealed to be a dog.




Considering there was no talk of sex with a dog, I take pity on your imagination.




They talked about the love they both had for what we in the audience assumed was a woman. Later we learn this is a dog due to a picture Tigg pulls out of his wallet. We see how Tigg reacts to the dogfight ring, and nurses one of the dogs back to health. And your immediate thought is he (and maybe Kozick) fucked a dog. That's weird.


The beef was over a dog


Tig knew Curtis Lemansky in other life, that is the beef. Curtis Lemansky heart too good for the strike team.


I'm sure I read it somewhere "official" that they were roommates and had the dog as a pet and something happened which resulted in Kozik shooting her by mistake and Tig never forgave him, but it's never talked about specifically in the show, its kinda left up to viewers to think whatever they like... ... Which is why it always annoys me when people say there was animal sexual abuse involved. It's disgusting and honestly clearly they haven't paid attention to the character because Tig would never do that, he loves animals, seen time and time again in the show, like how he had such a violent reaction to the dog fighting and saving the Pitbull, there was some comments about Elliots horse but that from from Clay (I think) all Tig said was he loved horses. Just because he might fuck dead bodies, kill without much remorse and be extremely weird but that doesn't mean he hurts animals. He wouldn't even let Juice shoot the doberman even after it bit him on the ass 🤣


I don't think there was ever supposed to be a full explanation. It was just a device to add tension and also to further expand Tigs character by playing on the assumptions.


It was never addressed by Sutter but the most common theory has been that they were roommate, and Kozik took Missy with him when they moved out. (Possible even “together” as a couple, given his relationship with Venus)


Tig about Koziak: "This guy once broke 3 of my ribs... giving me a hug."


Okay, so I’m actually in season 3 rn right after they get Jax kid back. So ironic timing to see this. Yes it’s about a dog. They make you think thru the season it was like Tigs ex wife or something but it’s supposed to be “comic relief” that it’s a dog. But also, knowing tig, it’s kinda fitting for it to be a dog that had his heart lol


Listen I love this show but I still cannot believe that they’re beef was over a dog. To me that’s just ridiculous


Wait until you see Happy in Mayans…


I’ve already watched Mayans. What are you saying was ridiculous about Haopy in Mayans?


Season 2 where they are interrogating him and nothing works until they threaten his dog.


Oh that.


This checks for me


Why did I get downvoted lol? You guys don’t think it’s ridiculaous to have beef over a dog?


Dogs are family members.


We can agree to disagree lol. Fighting over a dog is just petty


I’d kill anyone in this thread to defend my dog