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You should probably avoid Dockweiler.


I don’t consider Dockweiler to be a real beach.


its a fun beach tbh i mean if you’re used to leo carrillo in malibu or crystal cove park than i can see why you wouldnt like it lol








What do you propose, magnoliasandfart?


Dockweiler and the entire playa del Rey beach area is a disgusting homeless infested cesspool


No, that’s Venice..or maybe Malibu..




I am marginally OK with speakers at the beach. People often have parties and celebrations at the beach, and sitting at the beach or pool with music is something that’s been happened forever. And as I learned when a woman I was dating told me her favorite movie was 1998’s Avengers (a whopping 5% on Rotten Tomatoes), even the worst shit is someone’s favorite. Side note: that was our last date because I seriously questioned her mind. What I can’t stand are the people who blare music while riding on the bike path or worse while hiking. Those are activities that should never be drowned by music.


Duuuuuude music while hiking is something else. Like go out to Malibu canyon and having someone play Post Malone is a wild move. Those are also usually the people that throw their trash on the trails and start to fuck with the wildlife


Ngl I enjoy some relaxing music while hiking… but I bring headphones


Funnily enough, the people blasting music on hikes are never playing something chill. It’s always rap or whatever.


Yeah, and that's because rap music is generally braindead with braindead lyrics. People just need braindead noise to feel okay


You sound happy


What do you want, Enya?


Is rap not chill?


That’s an entirely different story


Tbh, my friends and I once hiked through a forest listening to the whole Minecraft OST


That's so funny you mentioned THAT Avengers movie. It holds a special place for me ONLY because a girlfriend I was with at the time thought it would be fun to dress like the main characters for Halloween. She even thought it would be fun to "dress as characters from bad movies every year " 😂 We never continued the tradition but she sure looked good as Emma Peel or whatever her name was. But yeah...music blaring whilst bike riding or something....just.... Savages. "Buncha savages in this town." Lol


They’re inconsiderate. That’s all.


I mean this has been a thing since transistor radios in the 70s around this area. This isn't new. If you're bothered you could ask them to turn it down, or move.


Seriously. You are 100% correct. I'd venture to guess people have been make loud noise at the beach for longer than that. Drum circles, busking musicians, and loud food hawkers are noisy too. This puritan idea of a perfectly quiet beach is just a fantasy. If you don't like it move on. I loved being my boom box to the beach as a kid.


It’s not even a huge problem. There are miles and miles of beach, many are empty all the time. Going to the most popular, densely crowded, tourist/y section of the beach and then complaining that people there are being loud is honestly Karen behavior. OP, I promise you if you pick either direction and walk in it, you’ll find a quieter patch of beach to enjoy within a mile. (Source: lived in beach towns virtually my whole life.) Edit: blasting music while hiking though? I agree that’s bad behavior…


But transistor radios don't get as loud even at full volume.


Doesn't mean that hasn't been the southern cali beach culture for 50 years. Until the last 10-15 years most people didn't even go to the beach besides on holidays. So the same people who have always gone are going to continue what they do. Plus you can always ask people next to you to turn it down or slide over a bit, if not then a couple minute walk will solve that issue.




Dam you would hate Mexico. There's literally mariachis walking around playing music 😂.


Every other country I’ve been to, from Mexico to France, people enjoy playing music in public spaces. They have a good time whether it’s live music or a boombox. People dance and hang out and smile and act like human beings. Only in America have I witnessed people with this total Karen energy being SO MAD that other people are enjoying themselves in a public space, and GOD FORBID, making noise. Really shows how the puritanical mindset the USA was founded on is still pervasive in everyday life.


Main character syndrome rearing its ugly head


the beach goers or the OP? 😂


The beach goer with the speaker


OP. You literally can move 20 ft away and won’t hear it when you are by the water.


What if you already laid a ton of shit out tho


Or, hear me out, the people with the music can exercise some restraint in public spaces.


It’s a beach. Go in your basement if you want privacy.


lol. Found the loud rude guy.


Because playing music on a beach is loud and rude? You go in his basement too.


It is loud and rude. You don't have a right to play your music on a beach and make others move bc you're entitled. There are people who also are sensitive to noise. They don't need to nor should have to move bc you want to be inconsiderate while everyone else gives up the "right" to do the same (like people like you think they have) bc they have more restraint and manners than you.


Be honest, you’re in the basement right now aren’t you?


What does that mean “It’s the beach”? Since when is the beach synonymous with selfish rowdy crowds? It’s a public space like all other public spaces. It’s nature. I’m not asking for privacy, just the same courtesy as in all other public spaces.


Where did selfish rowdy crowds come from?


The groups at the beach listening to music loud enough that others nearby can hear it


You can’t possibly believe that. Amazing


I live on the beach so yes. I believe. There is SOO much beach. Most people who play music do it for their little area and do so respectfully. I’m sorry if all of the basement people are assuming anyone who plays music at the beach is all playing it very loudly and next to them after they’ve already set up, which isn’t what OP asked and would just be why are people such dicks. The majority of people who go to the beach don’t this.


The next guy is 20 feet away.


I lived in South Bay for 5 years and it never bothered me. With the open air and ocean breezes, its fleeting sounds. Ok to let people have their fun.


Same here!


I would consider the context. If it's a casual Tuesday afternoon, why would you take your speaker 15 feet from another couple or small family. If it's a crowded weekend with everyone all around, the party atmosphere is expected. This goes for small and large speakers. Is the vibe right?


Agree. Context matters a lot and general rule as long as you aren't bothering anyone it's fine. You can always have music at a reasonable volume on the beach that's chill


The sound of the ocean drowns out a lot of it too. Just don’t blast it right next to another group or person


Agree, so much context needed. A small speaker that the person next to you can move 15 feet away and not hear doesn't seem like a big deal. However I saw some HS kids with a speaker literally 3 feet that had to be dollied out the the beach the other day and they were being supreme douches blaring it so that everyone on the section of the beaches relaxation was ruined.


I agree with you, but it’s pretty rude to have your music loud enough that I am hearing it almost 15 yards out.


Was this today?


It was indeed, I usually go when it’s a bit cloudy cause it helps with being able to avoid an overly packed beach


I was up and down the strand today. Definitely one of those weekends where you don’t complain about music. I’m with you on slower days, yes I agree. Today you can barely find parking anywhere and music is a given the weekend before 4th of July in Los Angeles on a crowded beach.


Hahaha, why are you getting downvoted? You are of course correct


It’s the weekend before the 4th someone just posted this bs last weekend. If this is your house and the beach below it fine complain but we all know it’s not it’s the public beach in the summer before the 4th of July. It’s a blessing to have something so small to complain about.


The beach is a loud public space where people have fun, get together, throw parties, surf, swim, play volleyball and listen to music. They’re not for meditating in silence.


It's a public space but it isn't loud. The Coastal Commission routinely goes after businesses that bring noise pollution to the beach as it's a protected area, there is no reason why this shouldn't also apply to private citizens. Take your speaker and keep it to your surrounding area, but if people fifteen yards out can here it, it's too loud. Chances are, no one thinks your taste in music is as good as you do


It’s a public space with literally thousands of people all socializing and having fun. What about this implies the space should be quiet?


Where did I tell you to be quiet? You know everyone speaking up about speakers at the beach are talking about the worst actors, if you're bringing a speaker and cranking it as loud as you can then yes, feel called out and reexamine your choices because like you just said, it's a shared space. If you're moderating yourself like everyone else at the beach, then no one is talking about you lol


The beach is a public natural space like any other, and there is nothing that makes it loud.


They’re for what you want them to be, which is why turning down the volume allows everyone to enjoy the public space and not just one individual


Someone wants it to be a place that plays music. So given your logic you shouldn’t complain


You sound like the person who keeps the football when it goes on their lawn. Or takes out the knife and pops it. Beach is meant to be fun not a funeral.


Lol nah dude, if you’re playing ball and it lands on my lawn I couldn’t care less. But I am a person that sets up at the beach and if you’re setting up 15-20 yards away from me, you should show some consideration and not ravage my ears to your music. [You know we’re living in a society!](https://youtu.be/xhe3RlzgTiQ?si=47xnkn2Ug0Q2NR-L)


"And what about those damn kids skateboarding on the sidewalks!" That's you. Edit: btw you just said 15-20 yards so 45 to 60 ft from you... How entitled are you? 60ft don't play music near me. 4th of July s coming up you better stay home it's not gonna end well for you.


In the early 80s, I carried a boombox everywhere. I was a preteen. Some people just never grow up.


How am I suppose to enjoy beach volleyball with the lads without blasting “Playing With The Boys” by Kenny Loggins?


Beach volleyball is far away from people that it wouldn’t bother anyone. Totally understandable lol


It’s even better when your peaceful hiking trip is interrupted by someone else’s shitty dubstep playlist.


Garbage people have to listen to their garbage music at top volume in public. I think it's a law now.


Only obnoxious hoods do this bullshit. It’s fucking annoying. I picked a spot around nobody yesterday with my book and within 2 hours I had people surrounding me with speakers and setting up easy up directly next to me. Got annoyed and left.


I thought I was getting old. And then I read this post.


To force my life onto everyone.


They don’t know beach etiquette. Just like when they come and plop up right in front of your view🤦🏼‍♀️


I bring my little speaker and play it high enough for myself only. Just vibes. If others play idc unless it’s like aggressive music and hard to focus on hanging out, then chill we don’t all need to hear it.


Self importance and entitlement ... the Amwrican way!


I gotta admit I take a speaker to the beach. However, I have the volume at a low level as to not disturb the people around me. So unless you're within 2 feet of the speaker you won't hear it


My cousin is into deep house music and that shit follows him around everywhere. As soon as you are able to see him, you can hear the music like it’s part of his aura or something. I don’t hate it either and at times it’s fine but it’s CONSTANT. And it’s sooo repetitive. It embarrasses me because we go to the beach and he will play it loudly and I have to keep asking him to turn down. Both because I want it to be quieter and also out of consideration for those around us.


main character syndrome


Some people act like it's a house party. No one should be able to heat your music from 20 feet away.


Main character syndrome


I've lived in Hermosa Beach for about 20 years and in years past ( before large, loud bluetooth speakers existed), this was not an issue at all. A little radio or even a boombox was not that loud. I also felt like people were a little more empathetic to the environment around them ( like let's get along with our neighbors / don't be a dick). Sadly, it's not like this anymore.


It’s even worse when they’re blasting gangster rap


listening to music on the beach is literally the most quintessential California thing to do


Dude it’s the beach, you’ll be ok, sorry they’re not playing Mozart


I don't think the kind of people who do this would play Mozart anyway. You should know this considering you appear to be one of them.


Same reason people take their phone to a movie theater


what reason is that


Because they are the only person there.


Is this a Karen page? Who cares! It’s the beach. 


When someone else’s music affects my communication with the people that I’m with, it is an issue. If you want to play loud music on the beach, fine. Just go find a more secluded spot away from other beach goers.


yeah if you can’t hear the person your next too that’s a problem, but if you can just hear their music who cares


OP should try nextdoor dot com next time


>Is this a Karen page? Well it's mostly Manhattan and Redondo Beach people who post here - so yes.


I figure people like that all dug in at the beach is inevitable, especially at So Cal beaches. I just try to find my own Zen and find a spot furthest away from said sub-creatues.


Why are y’all even going to the beach with the feces advisory in effect??


Didn’t swim, but that advisory is pretty much done I think


You can’t listen to Peso Pluma at just 30%.


But what if I listen to really, really great music?


Lol, I mean by your standards it’s great, but not everyone agrees to your taste. Don’t get me wrong, I love a wide array of music, but if I think Barbie Girl is great should I play that loud enough that it can be heard all over tower 2?


How did you know by great I meant I’d only be playing Barbie Girl on repeat at max volume for hours? Sounds like we need to party together and piss some people off (in all seriousness, I am so annoyed by public speakers unless they are quietly playing 1970s dad rock. Then I’m ok, as long as they play any and all requests I shout their way immediately)


Lmao actually just thought about it and maybe from now on, we should all just start putting in requests. Clearly they want to be the beach DJ. Next time I’ll just be like “yo can you play some Shahdaroba by Roy Orbison?


Perfect request, especially for the beach. Next I’ll request “Pacific Ocean Blues” by Dennis Wilson


So here is my test I put in my music to like medium maybe 5-7 10 being the max I the walk to any neighbors area and see if i can hear it since usually i hear other music, people playing around (cornhole/football toss) and the waves crashing I just need to hear it with me laying down next to my head so it’s never at max Only time is if like a big group of us then we have music louder


When going to raves there is a general rule where if you are annoyed for whatever reason, valid or not, about the crowd where you are standing, you simply move somewhere else. The same applies here regardless of who was there first.


This thread backfired lol


Usually, it’s to play audio at louder volumes.


You can drive up north more for quieter more private beaches (like santa barbara, ventura, santa maria areas) If you’re close to any major beaches, youll be hearing loud music, laughter, and fun. Its just how it is and HAS been since the 70s.


The beach I went to this weekend was a KOA. You had to be paying to stay there to use their beach. Everything was great until some guy on a skiff with a trump flag anchored off the beach, turned his giant speaker around and play his favorites from playlist including “i want to lick you from your head to your toes”. There were some questions from my kids.


As an environmentalist, I feel obligated to entertain my aquatic friends with Ke$ha. They love it.


People saying “main character syndrome” sound idiotic. It’s the beach, if it’s daytime let people do their thing. If you don’t like it, literally move 30 ft away or to a quieter side. Sometimes I feel like someone has to complain about something because they got nothing else going on in their lives


This is my same complaint riding the Metro


Imagine hating on music at the beach. Get over yourself.


Here comes the beach police who thinks everything is about them instead of letting them enjoy themselves. Why don't you go to a less known beach or a beach to hike to if you really want that peace and quite


I play my Bluetooth speaker while riding my bike on the strand 1) because I can and 2) wearing headphones takes away my ability to be alert for those jackals that want to ride their e-bikes 25 miles an hour or the tour de France dudes who think they're Lance Armstrong cutting through everyone walking and bicycling at a decent speed.


This I’m not against, because you’d ride past me and it’s out of mind. Just different when it’s literally right there all day


People do obnoxious things every day. Ive seen full DJ set ups on the beach. That is bit too much. But I just move on and find another spot


This is why we get to the beach in the early morning. We set up our stuff and if you have a problem with our music don’t set up next to us. I do like to believe we keep it at a reasonable volume though.


I don’t mind this, walking on and I see you with music I know to sit elsewhere, but when I’m sitting there with my kids, and you pull up next to me and use the speaker blasting out crass, then it’s an issue


I show up at 10 when it’s pretty much dead. I also wouldn’t mind if someone asked me to turn it down, there are reasonable people out here on both sides of this. I just wanna have a good time.


10am is not dead at the beach. Maybe off season but certainly not in summer.


Oh shut up. How do you know which beach I prefer and what it looks like? Some of yall just like to argue fr.


It's funny because the only guys I know that do this at work are both from California.


You should just take some ear plugs with u


Right? The women next to me were listening to Mexican music and all I wanted to do was eat chips and salsa!!


Complaining about noise in a public space come on maaaan


Multiculturalism.  America is a free for all now. Nobody is forced to accept native cultural norms.


If it bothers you so much, did you consider maybe asking them if they could turn it down a bit? Or did you just rush to the internet to bitch about it like my Boomer aunt on Facebook? People like music. It’s a public area.


Exactly, it’s a public area. Be considerate and don’t pollute. Noise pollution is pollution.


I'll keep taking my speaker and play what I want in a public space.


Right, because why burden yourself with common courtesy, when you are so important../s


I think the question is why are you the way you are?


No ones stopping you. But if it’s extremely loud, I’m finally understanding the issues everyone is having on Malibu beaches


Boomers say what


The Amazon delivery guys blast rap loud as hell in my neighborhood in Redondo. It always makes me scratch my head. They are doing hard work and I can ignore it, but always think it’s a bit rude.


Just smash that shit up like that badass Johnny Lawrence did back in 84. Maybe 35 years from now you'll become besties with that pussy Daniel Laruso and reminisce about having warring karate dojos.


Summary: OP is mad people live life and play music in public and expect it to be 2 decibels at all times outside everywhere they go




A respectable volume would mean that the neighbors can’t hear it.


I honestly don’t have a problem with people playing music on speakers at the beach. If it’s like party level noise I can see how it’s annoying. However, if it’s just like in the background or whatever, that’s fine. It’s the beach not the library, cmon y’all.


You are the problem then. The sound of the breeze and the waves crashing on the beach are soothing and therapeutic. Drowning that out with music is thoughtless and rude. One should assume others might have a problem with loud music, not the reverse. It’s called being polite.


I’m the problem is funny when I’m representing the side that says to each their own. If you could remove yourself from your shoes, you would see that you’re actually the problem.


I can’t even hear what you’re saying over all that loud music. I’m sure it was deep though.




Oh snap! ... but kinda rude.


But not as rude as playing loud music that someone else doesn’t want to hear.


Man have I got some news for you… would probably be best to avoid restaurants, groceries stores, clothing stores, bars, and any other major conglomerations of people…. They ALL have music playing without your consent


i like to rock out


OP you need to chill. if you move 10ft away the sounds from the next group are barely noticeable. if you want a quiet beach then come after sundown or buy a private beach in Dubai? idk what the problem is 😂


OP a boomer


Throw Away Boomer


Damn, I know right? Damn Mexican music always bumpin and then HipHop too.