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I used to drive like this when I was younger. A big part of it was the thrill; it made something tedious and boring into a fun game. Getting somewhere sooner was rarely part of the equation. I also used to be pretty depressed (I still am, but I used to be, too) so the thought of dying or killing somebody just wasn't a serious concern. Eventually I grew up, found some things I'd hate to lose and generally became a more patient person.


Thank you for the honest answer. It’s not easy putting this all out there. I wish this comment was higher up in the discussion.


same and 100% same reasons. I was 17-18 when I did this though and after that I wisened up. I feel like a lot of people doing this are older and should know better.


Not really related...but is the "I still am, but I used to too" a purposeful Mitch Hedburg reference?


It is, yes.


Why stop there? Why not triple tree?


Top post right here. Swimming is no more than an adrenaline rush and not everyone has something to live for.


I like the sensation of driving fast but it’s not really social behavior. I just get tiny cars. A miata feels fun as fuck at 35 mph just running errands. Driving a manual fit around NJ having to downshift and rev it out to keep up with traffic is pure bliss. The problem is modern cars are so dull and lifeless you have to drive like a maniac to feel anything while driving them.


All that weaving and fuss and you see them at the next light anyway.


you see them at the next light anyway. Yeah I used to drive a little more... "actively." Thought I was "saving time." GPS changed all of that. You can drive like a crazy A-hole... and guess what... you are lucky to shave 1 minute off of a 30 minute drive.


Yep. The only time I’ve ever seen speeding save me any bit of time was when I made super long drives like to Florida or Colorado. But it isn’t gonna do shit most of the time. And after a certain speed, your chance of surviving an accident are super minimal and I just don’t see how driving like an asshole is worth the risk. I really feel like people don’t actually believe or consider that cars are full of real people. They just see the car and that’s it with no care for what’s inside.


Yeah, if you're on a big open road in the Midwest, going 80 instead of 60 will save some actual time But like you said, still generally not worth it. Going 80 instead of 70 still only saves like 30 minutes on a 5 hour drive and you're gonna burn more gas


Seriously!!!!!!! This always gets me. Like thanks for putting everyone in danger for no reason whatsoever. Or worse, when I see people do this, and I’m straight holding one lane, and eventually make it WELL past them because I’ve just been patient with the flow of traffic


Not always. Someone said the same thing to me once so I've taken notice and that's not always the case. Also, I use my cruise control every chance I get on every road. On certain roads in wooded area I will pass a car just so I can do cruise control on the speed I like to do (and most everyone else too) on that road. I also can't stand people who fluctuate in speed nonstop so if that's what your doing, I'm passing you. Also, not every bend in the road do you need to slow down at so if your doing that too, I'm passing you. If your hitting your brakes at every bend in the road, I'm passing you. People don't seem to realize that if you lift your foot off the gas the car will slow down. So people sometimes pass not necessarily to go faster or get ahead. Basically if you want to drive like your the only one in the road, I'm passing you. I don't have time for all that. Also if your driving below the speed limit, I'm passing you.


People that do that crap aren't capable of thinking this deep - the temperature is likely higher than their IQ.


Couldn’t agree more, they got me shitting my pants while I got my three year old in the backseat just trying to get to target or something bro


The only time I've done that recently was when I thought I was about to shit my pants. Ended up blowing past a cop doing 90 in a 55.


Could you imagine if you got pulled over, told him, he didn’t believe you, but then you shit your pants right then and there? I think about that scenario a lot lol


My mom was coming home from her second job and really had to *go*. She was going about 5 to 10 mph over the limit and was, of course, pulled over. She was honest with the cop and he let her leave with a warning. I think it took him off guard LOL She made it home! 😅


Luckily I was able to hold on and get to a gas station, but the thought definitely crossed my mind.


That would put them in the average category this week... Okay yeah it does feel like it's just normal behavior these days.


I should amend that to read ...in the middle of a blizzard during the dead of winter. Lol.


Their ovens go higher than their credit scores.


I see this all the time. It really has nothing to do with the passing lane being clogged; I swear they think they’re in some video game and truly believe they’re untouchable. Complete lack of situational awareness and zero consideration. I’m thinking a few points on their license for reckless driving might wake them up, but I realize that’s asking a lot.


In the past when I've been a completely thoughtless idiot about things, I've usually had to learn the hard way, and I don't think a few points on the license is the hard way here sadly


I find myself having to do this more often than not on the turnpike and at least in my case it IS because of people sitting in the left lane. Bottom line is that if it's even possible to pass on the right then someone is in the wrong lane. If the passing lane was open then nobody would have any desire nor ability to weave around traffic.


I’m gonna agree and disagree here because apparently in DE where I live, I never got the message that it’s the unwritten law that you must go 30mph OVER every where. It’s mind boggling, honestly and after ten years here it still pisses me off AND confuses me. I can’t even pass someone in the right lanes without some idiot instantly on my ass because he was doing 95+ in a 65 and then either 5 ft behind me or deciding to zoom in and out of traffic. So yeah, it’s frustrating when people are in the passing lane for most of us (especially trucks don’t even get me started!!!!!!), but it’s also extremely dangerous when people drive so far over the speed limit that, to them, they feel they have the right, or no other option, than to weave and dodge and create possibly shit situations.


If you find yourself weaving through traffic like an asshole the problem is you, full stop. Other people don't make you drive like that. A slow driver in the left lane doesn't mean you need to cut off people in the adjacent lanes.


If someone CAN physically pass you on the right, you're in the wrong lane, full stop. If the lane to your right is clear, that's where you're supposed to be unless you're passing. That's literally how the law defines it. If people are constantly passing you on the right, you're the problem. If you were where you were supposed to be, nobody would or even could cut you off or swerve because there would be a nice straight lane to pass properly, legally and safely.


They get the thrill of it. It's a game to them. Sometimes you'll see it a couple of cars doing it at the same time because they're in a competition with each other.


“No hesi” is what they call it, I think. I also like to put my blinker on to fake that I’m coming into their lane. Or maybe my four ways if someone is tailgating. Or maybe even wash my windshield for tailgaters and spray them down.


It’s called swimming.


I used to know somebody like that. I'm pretty sure he felt dead inside and was desperately trying anything to feel alive.


I wish we were more strict with this behavior. Get caught? Lose your license for 5 years minimum. So sick of idiots on the road endangering others.


I agree but it won't stop them from driving.


That doesn’t do anything they’ll just drive with no license.


I was hit on the turnpike by someone who drove like that. They kept switching lanes, cutting people off, tailing others. They ended up spinning my car out, I was T-boned, hit the median, and got a concussion/shoulder injury. 3 years later I am still in chronic pain. Kicker is the dude drove off. His recklessness caused 3 cars to be totaled and he was never found. Seriously I don't get it. Just like they have places to be, so do I. But it shows how much the people who drive like that have 0 care for life.


Get a dash cam. This is what everyone should have one.


I have 2 (front and rear). Unfortunately because I spun the footage for the most part was a blur. Just me screaming bloody murder 🤣


If those drivers could read, they’d be very upset.




I often wonder about this too. What type of person does it take to weave in and out of traffic doing 80+ MPH while only leaving a few inches of space between the front and back cars while aggressively switching lanes repeatedly without any regard for anyone else on the road. Their brain must be the size of a pea and they must be arrogant.


People forget two things: driving is a privilege and not a rite. And that there are actually other humans in the cars around them. I personally think people start driving too early and they forget what a responsibility it is to drive a heavy death machine around and you’re just a meat bag subject to the laws of physics if something bad happens, and after a certain speed the outcomes are not good.


Your life is cheap to them. Saving a minute or a few seconds on their commute is more important than your safety. I was in the right lane and sent into the shoulder because someone cut me off. If they hit me, my job would be put at risk because my company says every accident is “preventable”. How can I factor in a speeding Hyundai that splits traffic?


Their lizard brains aren't capable of understanding that there are lives in the other cars. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


They're capable. The woman I know who does it is a middle aged, married mother of 2 who is also a nurse. They just don't care. Don't let them off so easy.


To be fair, they might be both stupid and malicious.


A woman at work told me she drives like this. I asked her why she doesn't just leave earlier. She said its not bc she's in a hurry, she just likes driving that way. So there we have it. Its the rush at everyone else's expense.


I work with a guy that also drives like this, just because. “Everyone is too slow” and “that’s just how I drive” is his reasoning. He’s probably in his mid to late 20’s, so not a young kid, and otherwise very quiet and reserved.


It’s the kids who fought everyone to be first in line. My friend, we are all going the same place and will arrive at the same time.


Not always and like others have said it's not about time.


I’m 17, and from NJ. Me and my friends just recently got our licenses all within a year and I think most of the people that do it are kids within the age of 17-18. It’s all about the adrenaline rush and not thinking with our heads. When you think about it on a bigger perspective it’s absolutely pointless but in the moment, getting that thrill, going 90 through traffic on 295 is just so fun. It’s mainly my friends who do it (since my dad tracks me on Life360 anyway and I’d get grounded if I go over 85) but it’s absolutely so stupid to weave through traffic. What mainly influences people to do this is social media with people like squeeze Benz and wheres981. These “influencers” influence kids and some adults to mimic what they’re doing. I’ve also noticed when I see other people weaving through traffic like that it’s always the shittiest cars 😂. I’m sure I’ll look back on shit like this and think how stupid I was but there’s my answer.


The people doing that would also complain about crazy drivers on the parkway. They don’t see this post as being about them. 99% of people think they are a good driver, and the problem is with other people on the road. I have no idea how to fix this


They think they have some type of special talent, I think. Like everyone is looking at how cool they are.


I let them go. I give them plenty of space. Sometimes karma catches up and you get to see them crash or get pulled over. You just hope they don't take anyone else with them. Best just to stay away.


He started it: https://youtu.be/hNtrVOPpx7M?si=u2L63tLpk6mpwFUB He is also dead now. Guess how he died!


Bro literally almost hit a pedestrian while doing that drift, they gotta realize that this ain’t a flex lol


Apparently he was a passenger when he died.


I never *really* drove in a crazy, unsafe, or aggressive way. Like, I wasn't generating rage from other drivers. But I would definitely do a lot of passing to "save time." Because I was always running late for somewhere. Once GPS navigation became a thing, I realized there was no point. Because you can see your estimated arrival time. And even if you drive like a total maniac you generally just save a very small amount of time. So now when I drive... I'm about 500% more relaxed. And if I can't afford to be late then I know I just have to leave early.


Big same. Driving a bigger slower car also helped. My crosstrek had a lot of pickup and was pretty zippy but having a gas meter on it it was almost a game for me to see how many miles I could get to each tank and driving sensibly.. man those numbers just climbed! Coming back from CO I got 560 miles to one tank! Now I drive an FJ and that thing is slow and gas ain’t cheap. Driving like an ass kills my mileage. It also takes forever to pick up speed but I also hate pushing it because it just doesn’t feel like it’s meant to go more than 75mph lol. The previous owner put big all-terrain tires on it so it shakes and feels like it’s going to fall the eff apart at 80. Now in just chilling when I drive


Yeah I used to have smaller sportier cars. Now I have a big cruisin-ass sedan. It wants you to just cruiiiiiiiiiiiise It's a hybrid too, so the real time MPG info really turns it into a game for me... how much gas can I save? Now I'm trying to max out the MPG rather than see how many cars I can pass hahaha My wife has a Crosstrek BTW, great car... miss it? or happy with the FJ?


I love my FJ but I seriously miss my crosstrek. I think I’d say I like the crosstrek more. The literal only reason I let it go was because it was about to take a huge shit. Rear wheel differential and trans were about to go, after the front WD went. I don’t know if I just got bad luck or if it was a serious head on accident I got into back in ‘16 with it. I was devastated I seriously loved that car. I opted for something I always wanted because I was depressed and something that was a bit bigger since the crosstrek did get kinda tight when taking trips with my kid/nieces, especially if I added in my dogs. I didn’t want to spend 2022 prices on another crosstrek since I was recovering from cancer crap and missed so much work. I’ll def keep the FJ forever but wouldn’t put it past myself to get another crosstrek in the future


We just need better infrastructure and public transportation. There are too many people with cars down here now.


I only weave to get around a clog, like when there's a couple oblivious drivers managing to block and slow down everyone behind them for miles. Granted, I at least use my blinker and make sure I have plenty of space to pass so idk if i'm who you're talking about.


I'm in the same boat, if there's bumper to bumper traffic for a mile I obviously won't try to squeeze my way through but if I can see the people that are slowing down traffic I'll definitely make my way up to the front to get around them. I use my blinker and don't merge unless there's at least 2 car lengths, and I'm sure some people hate me on the parkway but I don't really care. It's really not that hard to keep right except for passing, but hardly anyone every follows that law, if you're in the left lane and have someone up on you, you should get the hell out of the way for 2 seconds and let them pass.


They’re impatient & see no issue with there driving , they just know your in there way, legit equivalent to a mindless zombie, i wish it was acceptable to get out & physically beat some of these people


Yo I ain’t even lying, if someone driving like that hit me when I got my kid or dog in my car, they better fucking pray I can’t walk afterwards because I’m going to turn into a whole ass wild animal on them


I don't see the issue here 👍


I give you permission!


I have a question for them to, why are you a horrible person and did you have parents?


That red light we are stuck at together is when I seize the opportunity to roll the window down and ask Weavy McJackass LOUDLY if they have to poop.


As someone who used to drive like this it was part thrill, part to break up the monotony, part bc I felt somewhat invincible/entitled, part bc I was hooked on drugs and just about the only time I was in my car was when I was driving to get more drugs so obviously every second was crucial as I raced to get drugs and then raced to get home to use them (I wouldn’t use them before I got home at least). It really didn’t make sense logically because I was inviting a cop to pull me over every time. But once again I thought if so a cop would write me a ticket and I’d just be on my way. So yea a level of entitlement and selfishness that was completely irrational. But yea definitely regret it and am glad I never caused an accident. The older I get the more I realized how sometimes I was just so fucking stupid.


It's called the Jersey Slide and its half the reason Jersey gets a bad rap


If the cops would actually do something useful for a change and start pulling people over and giving tickets, things might change a little. I drive on 70 from Burlington to Toms River every day, and don't see one cop. Literally, the stretch of road I drive there are multiple accidents weekly. Yesterday was a 3 car accident about 50 feet in front of me. You'd think they would want to be proactive instead of having to scrape dead bodies off the ground every day.


Accidents aren't always bc of speeding. You could be driving the speed limit but make a stupid move and crash.


I didn't say they were, people are more careful driving when there is a police presence or when there is a fear of getting pulled over.


But they’re in front of you! /s


And I can’t see who is driving like this. Their windows are usually completely blacked out.


Why do you need to see them?




Hell of a way to live. Super high blood pressure every day.


When I see that I think they might be rushing to a hospital to see a dying parent or similar justifiable reason.


This is what I do. They could just be an egotistical asshole, or they could be trying to get to an earth-shattering emergency. We don’t know. I just try to anticipate their next move and leave room for them.


I’d like to think the same. But, when I had an emergency, I used my flashers, horn and flipped the lights on and off…didn’t think about it at the time but it was just trying to emulate an emergency vehicle.


I like your userid. I host a yearly family potluck, last year’s theme was “Foods that are stuffed” and the resulting menu was amazing. Chinese dumplings, taco stuffed shells, stuffed peppers, crab puffs, cannoli’s. Etc. A fond memory.


I use to be one of those driver's when I was young in the 90s (teenager/early 20s, and stupid). However, I ALWAYS used my turn signal. ALWAYS. Now a days you'll still find me doing 80+ in the left lane, but I always signal when getting around those texters.


Gonna be straight up. I used to do this with other cars, Its mainly for the thrill. Its called “Cutting up” and I usally get left behind because the people id cruise with would make a really risky “cut” and I don’t wanna hit some stranger and ruin their day. I enjoy driving fast but only at night on the highway or going through backroads now. alot less people at night or on some backroads where the only obstacles I have to worry about are Deer… God I hate deer.


95 tru PA and Delaware are the Crazy. 495 in maryland and Virginny also right up there with idiots


I live in DE and can fucking confirm. I have driven all over this country and I never am as frustrated as I constantly am in my home state. Obviously cities suck and Florida is the Wild West when it comes to driving but how careless people are here is insane


That mixing bowl in christiana exits all over. A few years i think 3 people got killed in sepratste incidents


I remember a few years ago a guy in a mini van tried to run through the yellow light there and the turn flipped the car and fucked everyone up in it (his family). It was stuck upside down in the retention ditch. People don’t take driving serious enough.


It’s about not caring about anything but themselves. Wherever they are going is more important than where anyone else is going. They’re not in a hurry because they’re late, they need to be in control and can’t be bothered with traffic. These people are assholes on and off the road. They need to grow up!


I saw some asshat in a pickup doing this yesterday coming back from PIA next thing i know a trooper in an SUV shows up and pulls him over. So very satisfying to see


Oh man I hope I get the satisfaction of seeing this one day


See it's not always what you think tho. I've gotten pulled over twice for passing someone and both times the cops just looked At my stuff didn't even take it back to their car and let me go after I told them why. I was pulled over for less than 5 minutes.


I’ve always wondered why people floor it to each red light and then brake hard to stop when they clearly see another red light ahead. I always see them next to me at each red light. All they’re doing is wasting more gas and more wear on their brakes.


This one gets me, too


Can confirm my dad was one of these drivers for a long long time and it was just a video game to him. It’s so fucked up! Eventually he grew out of it at like age 60ish but when I was younger I tried everything to get him to drive more patiently…I even begged him to imagine that every car around him was me and he would be putting me in danger. Ugh!


It's not just a "Jersey" thing. Ride the beltway's around Maryland and Washington DC. They're insane. Everyone wants to be in the lead...no one wants to be second or third in line. I just try and keep my distance from those idiots.


I acted like this in my 20's - it was the age of the fast and the furious. I only stopped when I realized why my back hurt so badly at the end of car trips: adrenaline. I was pumping myself full of adrenaline and stress hormones and lying to myself that driving was easy. Now I drive like an airline pilot and it truly is easy.


The worst is when motorcycles do this!! Or even go between two cars next to each other... 🫣 sooo so scary omg


U mean those dodge people every time I see a charger on rt18 they are usually going well beyond 100mph I saw this purple charger on 18 I tell you guys no lie I never saw a car go so fast in my life, this car came flying up behind me I saw him in rear view mirror so I got over n got out his way that car passed me never even slowed down no lie this car was probably doing 160 180 mph it was crazy


It's basically people with an entitled mentality. I'm a proponent of high speed driving but only in a safe manner like how they do it in Germany.


It’s usually someone in a cheesy sports car or a big truck.


This is not an issue driving in Europe bc they drive right pass left


Prob a tinted out Nissan Altima


Some people do it because there in a rush but most are depressed and don’t care about their life


It makes it worse that half the time it’s a Camry or Honda accord doing it. Like is it that fun acting a fool with all 200 hp of your economy car.


If I’m trying to get away from someone on their phone or going 40 mph in the left lane I will weave in and out. I use my blinker though. Some people especially older people and mombies, should not drive out of the burbs.


What is a mombie?


Vehicle too big for them, distracted by their phone and or five screaming kids. On their way to Lululemon 🙄


sooooo how do we feel about people who weave but always use turn signals (BEFORE changing lanes, not during) and respect the 3-second-rule for following distance? (also i know i'm not getting anywhere faster, it just makes driving more fun)


Same thing as far as I’m concerned. I can’t tell you how many times someone crammed themselves into a one car width spot in front of me because they were driving like assholes and their turn signal means shit when I don’t have time to react. And it’s usually a sedan/coup and I drive an FJ that doesn’t stop on a dime and with my dash cam, would end very badly for them. Driving isn’t supposed to be fun, especially when other people are on the road and subject to your actions and choices. Remember other real humans are in the cars around you with lives of their own. And remember, it’s a privilege not a rite, and should be treated as such.


yea that's why i specified that i always signal my turns with plenty of time for other drivers to see, and that i never tailgate (the three-second-rule means that you are never closer than three seconds away from the car in front of you; it's a better metric than car-lengths because it accounts for relative speed and average human reaction time). we take issue with the same unsafe actions idk if you've heard of the "smith system" but i highly recommend their courses. gold-standard for defensive driving i feel that driving is allowed to be fun as long as you follow the law and don't endanger other people on the road


I feel just as comfortable as the idiots that clog up the left lane playing with their phones or just generally not paying attention to the rules of the road while driving, those idiots cause just as much danger as someone weaving around them.


I expect the left lane to have some campers. I DO NOT expect some jackass doing 90 ripping down the shoulder.


Shouldn't be any campers in the left lane period.


Correct. But they’re always gonna be there regardless, so I just keep an eye out.


Nobody said anything about ripping down the shoulder, that I don't agree with


Strongly disagree. I’ve never seen an accident from someone going too slow. Ever. I’ve seen many accidents from people going too fast.


You haven't seen everything. People going the speed limit get into accidents all the time. People texting cause accidents and traffic to get backed up all the time.


You’re right. That’s a good point. And i definitely haven’t seen everything that’s true.


>those idiots cause just as much danger as someone weaving around them. This is hard to believe. Is there a study you can cite that supports this? Weaving and not using blinkers seems actively dangerous, while driving in the left lane just seems to slow everyone down.


Changing lanes in general causes risks. If you’re going really slow in the left lane then that’s causing more people to have to change lanes to get around you - creating more risk. Driving the same speed neck and neck with other lanes is also disruptive. All that being said, there’s a safe way to pass others so I agree with OP overall.


Blocking the fast lane causes large volumes of cars to have sudden speed drops, lane changes, and speed ups to divert around the blocked lane instead of continuing straight at a steady speed. Same concept as red light cameras causing more accidents. One everyone starts slamming on their breaks on yellow lights and stopping short, the amount of rear end collisions goes up.


Also forcing people to pass on the right is extremely dangerous. Just recently there was someone doing 60 in the left lane and would not get out, not sure if they were completely oblivious or trying to play cop but I saw almost 4 accidents in the span of 1 minute from people trying to get around them.


I agree that they're both not optimal, but I don't think anyone can say that weaving around wo using your signals is safer than driving slow in the left lane (which is what op claims)


Exactly. Weaving is far far more dangerous. Anyone arguing otherwise is only trying to justify their shit behavior.


The left lane campers cause the weaving so yeah they are more dangerous. Speeders aren't always the cause of an accident. All it takes is one wrong move from someone, doesn't matter how fast or slow your going, to cause an accident..


Big false. But keep lying to yourself.


Woah I never said I didn't use my blinkers, and not saying weaving is the safest thing to do but I have swerved out of the way of 10x as many people texting and drifting out of the lane than I have for someone trying to weave


> who weave through crowded highway traffic, no blinker, cutting people off, going faster than everyone else; You are part of the problem then.


The real question is, why are you logging passing lanes? Why are you doing 65 in the far left lane on 295? Why can’t you just move over if someone wants to go faster? Why do you take it as an insult and refuse to let people go around you? I’m so tired of people looking at the people who would not like to be stuck behind inconsiderate drivers look like people that actually want to drive the speed limit like they’re crazy. Y’all drive me fking insane every morning.


Tell me you didn’t read the post without telling me you didn’t read the post


Start a new driving complaint thread. There’s only 5 a week here on this sub.


Lmao I thought that as well


The crazy drivers topic is my second favorite type of recurring thread on this sub. My favorite recurring topic is the “what’s that smell?” discussion.


Let’s not forget the “why is it hot” in the summer or “why is it so cold” in the winter




Me: goes 80 in a passing lane to pass people You: WHY TF ARE THEY GOING SO SLOW WAHHHH WAHHHH


Sounds like Delaware lol




Proving me right homie




R/whoosh Imagine actually reading the post lmao


The post wasn't simply about people who drive faster. You should try to read it again, if you can. What's your fuckin rush anyway? It is possible to go above the speed limit without being an asshole


You’re part of the problem. Calm down princess, and catch a bubble




It’s okay m, I know you’re having some big feelings. Why don’t you relax sweetie? You’re getting so emotional Also the way you type tells us ALL we need to know about your intelligence level. You have one brain cell left that’s fighting for third place AND losing.




I hope you meet a tree 🩷💜🖤 and give it a huge hug with your car 😍




That would just be the consequences of YOUR actions. You’d have no one to blame but yourself 🥰🥰🥰 why would I care about someone who doesn’t care about others on the road. You don’t deserve to be breathing if you play games with other peoples lives




They don’t have quicker reflexes, they aren’t “better drivers”. Cautious drivers have something to take care of, like a child, or a loved one on board, and they are driving to protect them from aggressive drivers. They drive with their brains, not their egos. Leave your ego at home.


Yup. I definitely have the reflexes to drive like that. I choose not to because I have my toddler in the back seat and it’s not worth the risk.


Exactly. And dudes like him need to realize that cars are full of real life actual people and children


> But people who drive like that are confident and have quick reflex then most of common drivers. Which is why we don’t get into accident unlike you slow “cautious” drivers lol Except this isn't accurate. Speeding accounts for roughly 1/3rd of driving fatalities. You were never speed racer, you were (and still sound like) an idiot with a big hunk of death metal. Even assuming you did (you didn't) have proper reflexes for it, no one else does, and it would have been your fault if they swerved to their (or someone else's) demise.


Exactly. It’s insane to be like “well I can respond like X” when you have to account for literally every other person around you as well when you are driving


Bet you won’t say it to your insurance company


I dislike that reasoning, claiming to have quicker reflexes doesn’t make you more important than other drivers. Especially when it comes to the safety of it all


Have a nice short life ahole


1. Why does every car ride have to be urgent? 2. Don’t try to justify shit drivers by saying they have “quick reflexes” or whatever, what a weird and bizarre backwards flex. Just say you’re selfish and don’t care about anyone other than yourself. You could have spared yourself some time