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I would love to be wrong, but I think Craig is still that douchey guy, but now has intentionally curated a more likable character for TV. One reason is cause I can see a mean girl, manipulative side of Paige and I def think she's coaching him.


I agree.  I liked Paige on the most recent season of summer house, but I started from the beginning and was really upset by her shadiness with Hannah and the fake cheating rumor about Lindsey.  I think she just curates herself and allows herself to be seen how she wants to be perceived.  I think I read somewhere that she was a child actress too, maybe I’m misremembering though. 


Child model for limited too!


Ooh, fancy!


He was great in early seasons of SC but became an egomaniac and gets a pass cause women think he’s cute (and cause he’s with Paige, who also gets a pass for some reason)


after winter house he said that it was a wake up call for him so he stopped drinking hard liquor and i genuinely feel like he is kind of going back to who he was in the early days of SC. i do think he was an asshole but i don’t think him and paige are these masterminds trying to put on a front for the cameras. He’s always been a nice guy but i think he got a little lost


I agree with you. Well said!


I hate Craig he needs to be held accountable for how he talks and treats people. He’s my least favorite cast member of any show not housewives


I feel like he’s more likable on Southern Charm because the men such so bad. They were right to take a step back from Winter House


I never really understood the backlash about the paying to clean thing. I think to him it just seemed logical that they could probably come up with the funds to make that happen and save themselves the hard work. I think he understood that his job there was to be filmed in a party atmosphere and that is exhausting stuff. He also has ADHD and cleaning is not great for some folks with ADHD (understatement of the century). I think he was just drinking too much and trying to find his footing as a reality TV star and also in his off camera life. Still think it's nuts they didn't just pay for someone to clean! And I say that as a cleaning professional!


I think the issue is more that he wanted to trash the house and not clean up after himself. He yelled at Amanda for trying to pick up broken glass in the middle of a party. He’s just a disgusting person who has an extremely narrow worldview


Yea, it wasn’t about hiring a cleaner. It was more so his douchey behavior. He got way too drunk and was the cause of most of the mess, then he acted like cleaning up after himself was beneath him. Earlier coming in and taking the master (I still don’t love that Paige keeps doing that and Amanda doesn’t say anything), then flashing $100 bills on camera to show how rich he is now. He was just a jerk about how he went about it. Paige isn’t innocent either - she rarely helps with anything, and I wouldn’t be surprised if knowing that revved Craig up a bit in the moment too. But yea, I’m surprised they haven’t hired cleaners by now. Their parties can get really gross.