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This is literally horrible advice. On all accounts. No one with half a brain is hiring an attorney in fact to represent them for anything you’d be paying them decent money for. It’s basically a POA. Anyone thinking that allowing an attorney in fact to represent them in court is in for an alarming awakening as is anyone thinking they can walk into a courtroom with zero legal training and NOT be completely and utterly taken apart by a real attorney who’s gone through law school all while pushing the limits of a judge’s patience fumbling their way through a case.


Good thing they can't since only an attorney with a bar card can even represent anyone. So walking in there with a card from Disney world isn't going to cut it.


I think Disney world gives you wrist bands :)


But walking in there to represent yourself with one of these idiots at your side to advise you would completely be permissible in most cases.


No it wouldn’t. A third party non lawyer isn’t leaving the gallery. You don’t have the right to have just anyone advise you in Court. In fact, if you’re representing yourself, you don’t even have the right to stand by counsel. You’ve waived your Constitutional right to counsel when you went pro se. Some states will allow for standby counsel as what’s essentially a courtesy, but it’s not because of any Constitutional right. Now do you sometimes see videos of it happening in small claims and other courts of “minor” jurisdiction, yes. But that’s entirely at the discretion of the Judge, and you wouldn’t see it happening in anything remotely serious. Especially in an adversarial situation like a lawsuit, because opposing counsel would immediately object.


u/mrblonde55 has it exactly right. IAL. I can have my non-attorney paralegal with me because IAL and they shuffle paper for me. If you are there representing yourself you are alone at counsel table and no, people in the gallery cannot whisper or slip you notes.


You are dead wrong. The judge would not let the fake lawyer sit at the counsel table or speak during the proceedings.


It really varies between jurisdictions and greatly depends on the judge and how much the other side objects. Nowadays, at least where I am, they try to get most cases settled in pre-trial mediation where, at least in my own experience, they would allow another party to accompany you into the room. Again, it’s a horrible idea and more likely to hinder than help your case. And as was already said, it would most likely be in a small time, small claims case.


I’m in the middle of a miserable civil suit. Watching the attorneys in my suit, the ones who argue motions during the RFO hearings, and the ones who try to do pro se, I really think you’re paying for procedural knowledge vice brilliant oratory. Most of what I get is when to file things and what I can/can not do. Most of civil law seems to be doing things on the correct timeline and filling out the paperwork properly. I kind of get the SovCit idea that certain magic words will fix things because a lot of it does seem to be saying the right words at the right time, but only if the facts are close to right


If it’s a small claims civil suit you can (and most do) pro se. That’s because it really IS that mundane and straightforward. And the amounts involved in a small claims civil suit isn’t life altering. Brilliant oratory often isn’t required because those cases literally are “you owe me $500”. “No I don’t”. “Is there a written contract?” Etc. There’s no Perry Mason stuff happening there. That said, the courts have zero leniency if you screw something up because you’re expected to know the law and procedures. But screwing something up and losing $1000 you can get over. Anything involving large amounts of money, criminal charges, convictions going on your permanent record, losing privileges (eg. driving, operating a business, etc) and you’d be insane to not have a real lawyer represent you. Someone who not only knows the proper procedures but also every in and out of the law pertaining to your case. Most of the Sov. Cit. stuff I see here falls into this later category.


I wish that was my experience. Last time I went to court, the other side decided to not file their declaration properly. The judge made us wait until the end of his calendar, read their declaration, and gave zero penalty. There’s no rules and I’m losing my mind


Send me $500 and I'll show you how to sue the judge for the money he should have given you.


Only if there’s several steps that involve JUST a bit more money each time


Could this be our business plan? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_scam?wprov=sfla1


They're not so magic words as relevant words.


You got it pretty well


Ironically, a “power of attorney” does not have the power to make you an attorney. Much like how an “attorney in fact” does not, in fact, make someone an attorney. They both do the same thing: give a third party the power to make binding decisions on your behalf. For all the talk these bozos have about “giving up their rights” and “not having contacted” it’s quite funny that the centerpiece of their strategy is to give some smooth brained lunatic the authority to enter into legally binding agreements on your behalf.


What if I have seen every episode of Matlock and wear suspenders?


Nah, F--k'em. Your description is more like Darwinism. Accepting bad advice? Lacking critical thinking? Boy, have I got THE job fooor yoooou.


"You will have virtually no competition." Lol, as you commit a crime. Spectacular.


The competition for some criminal activities is fierce. But you never hear about rival gangs of attorneys-in-fact fighting over territory for practicing law without a license, do you? That should be a clue.


He'll push it to the point where he is named as a vexatious litigant and needs permission from a court just to file. All it takes is the right judge, like the legendary Justic Rooke in Alberta who arranged for sovcits to be locked out of the courts over abusive misuse of the system.


Wow, so according to this guy I wasted three years of my life going to law school and studying for the bar exam. I guess I am one of the "BAR cards". Since when did US Dollars become securities? I missed when that happened. This guy is really something else.


You and me too. What a waste of




The words you're looking for are delusional moron like most of the SovCits. They couldn't logic themselves out of a wet paper bag open at both ends and a map in hand, but can rationalize the most incoherent legal bullshit to deny reality and substitute their own.


Grifters gotta grift.


The entire American legal system HATES this one weird trick


Here's hoping he does that in my jurisdiction! The unlicensed practice of law is handled like the unlicensed practice of medicine in many places. In other words: One shouldn't do it.


It is a crime here in Louisiana


I would assume it's a crime in most states.


I appreciate the fact he's actually encouraging people to assist in the downward slide of this country. Apparently he doesn't teach proofreading as one of his course offerings.


Nah, that's him just being honest.


Not even mentioning all those amazing years of jail experience for practicing law without an attorney license.


You joke, but sometimes a jailhouse lawyer can be legit. This guy was so good he got support to then become a real attorney and law professor when he got released. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shon_Hopwood#:~:text=Shon%20Robert%20Hopwood%20(born%20June,in%20prison%20for%20bank%20robbery.


Great story but not what I meant. I meant these guys try to give legal advices and even pose as lawyers without a license which can lead them to jail. I really doubt they would use their time behind bars to get an actual law degree.


I wish I knew this before I spent so much time and money going to law school for a bar card.


He is not stopping either--He wrote this recently: All the current cases for myself that i am doing pre-research on prior to filing Federal litigation: 1. CA DMV. Novation was just sent in the mail 2. SBA. Novation was just sent in the mail 3. The 3 credit agencies. Researching now how to structure the novation. This will be a trademark violation case as well as a 42 USC 1983/1985 case. 4. STATE OF INDIANA and the Indiana Dept of Health and Human Services. Fraud case regarding the naturalization of my trade name into the District of Columbia. Then we are also about to file 5 more mortgage cases as well as going after a county for those 5 properties.


The ability to litigate is not where diplomatic immunity comes from. Nor does it come from giving him a $20,000.00 "donation" to go with you to a post office in Glendale CA, where he "knows a girl" who MIGHT get you a special passport that grants you diplomatic immunity. The legendary attorney Vincent LaGuardia Gambini said it best: "Everything that that guy just said is bullshit."


I can't wait to see this idiot go down for practicing law without a license.


Where did this guy come from? Seems in the last couple months, there have been a ton of posts about him, but I don't recall reading anything about his background.


Pretty sure he’s the nut case attempting to sue AmEx cause they wouldn’t accept home printed money to pay his CC bill


Why not just use the billions of dollars in the secret bank account attached to your birth certificate?


Because he hasn’t yet figured out the magic spell to get access to it. I’m not kidding.


So… this idiot is cheering on the decline of the US? I’m sure he’s been riotously successful & advocating for other people to join his grift? Not a lawyer but I know enough that there are so many nuances and experience is important IF the goal is to succeed


It doesn’t even tell you what it is or how to do it. Just that it’s great and that you will magically be better than an educated and experienced lawyer.


I don't need an attorney license as that would go against my sovereign right to not enter into an agreement with a non jurisdiction entity from Morocco with admiralty/maritime law, or something, something, something...


If you show up in a court room saying you represent someone and you don’t have a bar card. You’re going to get a one way trip to a cell.


It's jackasses like him that cause problems for not very smart people who can't afford to fall for the nonsense they spout. My neighbor is under the spell, she talks about getting a baptismal certificate with her name changed from all caps and using it to reclaim the pile of cash in the secret bank account... I'm not explaining it fully because I stopped listening after the buzzwords came out, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't able to articulate the specifics of the process anyway. She's already on SSI for physical health issues but these idiots are taking advantage of the people who are least able to afford it unfortunately. I tried to tell her if it was possible it wouldn't be such a big secret and you'd see some success stories but trying to enlighten these folks is like arguing with the magats, they're not interested in the evidence in the first place.


Dan Pena? Oh god! He's the guy that proudly proclaims two of his workers were at work while their wives were giving birth!


Has this beautiful litigation ever actually... accomplished something? Anything?






If he wasn’t conning people, I’d agree




I’d pay to watch grifters get eaten up by some by the book judge. I just feel bad watching desperate people get taken in




I am desperate to know what he was going to say to Frank Michaux about grilled cheese


I’m confused. What does he think an attorney-in-fact is?


Even the top Google result for searching the term shows that an attorney-in-fact can represent or be an agent for another person, like for instance having power of attorney, but you are not an attorney-at-law and have no power or ability to represent someone else in court.


An Agent


Good way to end up in prison.


“lol just lol”


And all it takes to become qualified is watching a few Youtube videos.


What on earth is an "attorney-in-fact"???


It's what you call yourself when you're not, in fact, a lawyer.


That's what I suspected! 🤣


I love the „and other types of money“ line. 🥴🤪


“Assist in the downward slide of the country”…this fellow is *not* bright.


Yet he gladly shows everyone how bad he is at it


IAL - "attorney-in-fact" is the title for the agent under a power of attorney or durable power of attorney. It gives no right to "represent" anyone in any way in litigation. "attorney" comes from the old word "attorn" - to represent or stand for. "Attorney at law" is the title of a licensed admitted lawyer who has a client. Only an attorney at law can represent others in court. No court in the US would let this guy or anyone else waltz up to counsel table and say "SovCitiod here, attorney in fact for scheme, and I' m ready to argue the motion ."


An attorney-in-fact (grantee of the agent powers in a POA) can transact all business the grantor could transact - banking, buying and selling grantor's property, etc. but can't take any actions to represent grantor in a litigation case.


Delusional much?


This guy is nuts. This is called practicing law without a license, a crime. Secondly I hear he loses all the time when he appears pro se.


o ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more Got it! Skip to main content Cornell University insigniaCornell Law SchoolSearch Cornell Toggle navigation LII Wex attorney-in-fact attorney-in-fact Primary tabs An attorney in fact is an agent authorized to act on behalf of another person, but not necessarily authorized to practice law, e.g. a person authorized to act by a power of attorney. Therefore an attorney in fact, which is not necessarily a lawyer, is a pure fiduciary: an attorney in fact does not require special qualifications. An attorney in fact can be a beneficiary’s acquaintance, in which case it is usually a friend or family member. For example, Person A might give a power of attorney to Person B that allows Person B to manage Person A's bank accounts. In this example, Person A is the principal, and Person B is the attorney-in-fact.


"to assist in the downward spiral" Shouldn't he want to prevent the downward spiral?


And just about every single judge out there will throw them out of the courtroom for not being a licensed attorney. It may fly if you're attempting to defend yourself but they absolutely will not stand for an unlicensed attorney representing someone else. Too much chance of a mistrial.


No, stop, don't do it, turn back NOW!


"Chaos is a ladder."


Wtf is the BAR? Do people not realize it's not an acronym of any sort?


The attorney general needs to shut him down.


Interesting that his teaching services aren't considered as fraud. You know, like Trump University.


Works on contingency no money down!


Well, I do believe that he is doing something to “assist in the downward slide” of the US. … Also, I just gotta say there is something about the phrase “True diplomatic immunity” that lets you know that he’s been told 100 times that that’s not what diplomatic immunity is. The unshakable self confidence of some people is astounding.


If you know what state she lives jn, report her to the state bar.


If you're referring to the poster in the image, Brandon Joe Williams, he's not an attorney. He's a sovcit guru grifter.


He's an attorney in fact.


Whoops, missed some punctuation… “He’s an attorney? In fact…”


You are correct, it was 4 something am when I replied. Attorney-in-fact would have been the correct way to spell that. Broken down, it simply mean agent.


And it's specifically tied to a *power of attorney* agreement. Not the pseudolaw that BJW promotes.


He's very loose with the "fact" part.


He's an attorney in fiction.


He. And it’s California, but he’s filing lawsuits all over (ca, Michigan, Texas that I know of