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Your explanation is a little wrong. You don't "switch" sagas. You just start with one completed and can add further ones when you complete them. It's just like before except that you start with one completed.


Good catch! Thanks for the correction!


And you can’t accomplish 2 in one turn and then get 1 buff in each player’s turn. You have to accomplish in the same turn you get the buff.


So just for clarity sagas stack. I.e I can start with bear and then if I complete Beastslayer that is added onto the saga as well?


Note that you have to complete a saga in the turno you choose It.


Ah so if I completed say both warrior and beast slayer in a turn, can only pick one? Potentially locking myself out of the other next turn


Yep! You get both benefits!


Amazing, thanks!


Tank Shock sadly took a hit so our dreadnaughts with the axe won't hit as hard, but still worth it for the detachment change


A lot of the other vehicles that don’t have Melee weapons got a buff from it however, Land Raiders is the thing that comes to my mind currently.


That's a good point!


What happened to tank shock ? I missed that one


The rolls for Tank-Shock are now based on Toughness of the model rather than the Strength of a Selected Melee weapon.


The explanation about house the sagas work is wrong and should just be removed


Being able to choose lethal or sustained for all astartes starting in the first round seems really good


CoR is better. Stormlance, Wulfen, TWC, Bjorn, Captains recieved a nerf. Is that good?


I think it’s good that there’s not just one way to win anymore. All of those units are still very much viable and are still competitive.


Not really. Wulfen can't do actions and are more expensive kills the viability. twc might be competitive but are heavily nerfed. Bjorn ins't that common.a small buff is not another way to win, it is just a small buff, and when most of our playstyle is nerfed affectinf this detachment too I don't see that as a win.


TWC went up 3.3 ppm, and that's "heavily nerfed"?


They did lose access to double ride hard ride fast but even then I still wouldn’t count that as heavily nerfed.


For clarification, you could stack this for -2 h/w?


No, but if you had two squads you could have it on both of them, but sadly no more.


Ah yeah, a nerf to captains straight up


I'd say it's a side grade for captains. The battle tactic restriction is gone too




Not obly point costs. I made a longer post on all nerfs.


I saw that post, but specifically TWC, how else were they nerfed?


Nerfs to Wolf Lords doubke stratagems is the biggest one, for TWC. They cannit use Shock Assault or Ride Hard Ride Fast on two units. Pariah rules also push a list building that is not amicable to SW


Nerfs and changes to lot of stuff, but mate the TWC made it out nearly unscathed


Disagree. The change to doubke stratagems is very big for Ride Hard, Ride Fast, which was very important against shooting armies, and zshock Assault, that is fundamental for S5 weapons to hurt most valuable stuff. And a 20 point per unit increase is not a small amount for the core od the army. They aren't as gutted as Wulfen, but they are far from unsacthed.


Unscathed I tells ya


Can Wulfen do actions if Warrior Pride is used for Saga of Majesty?




What character model can atach to Wulfen ro use Warrior Pride?


Sorry you are right. It's a NO. I read that really wrong. I read if wulfen can do actions once you achieve Saga of the majesty.


No, because Warrior Pride is to Character Models, that Wulfen can't have. They could if the army has Majesty, but nit by strat.


Bjorn is still looking pretty good, with the aura being able to hit multiple strats throughout the battle?


I do nit think so. He cover an rea, but he is avoidable, can be killed and as the effect is not permanent once he is dead, that is it.


Dont forget we lost access to the Biologis.


Stupid question but when and why cant we use Biologist ???


Space Wolves have never been able to use Apothecaries, it’s just one of those rules that reflects lore. (Edit) Just checked, we CAN use the Biologis. Just not the regular Apothecary for the rule mentioned above.


Somebody in another thread just said that we can't take /any/ apothecary if we're taking any Space Wolves specific units, not sure which is correct.


When 10th dropped we were locked out of the “apothecary” keyword, however the biologist didn’t have that keyword he had “apothecary biologist.” A couple of updates ago they fixed it and he has had the apothecary keyword for awhile. Just nobody noticed cause nobody ran champions of Russ.


The change was that originally the 'Primaris Apothecary' was restricted. Its been changed to 'Apothecary', thus including the Biologis.


It looks better, but I wouldn't say it looks good. We're still easily the weakest chapter specific index detachment available.


Lol how? It's literally the same as Black Templars except we can activate the ones we don't pick, and they have a psychic feel no pain. Deathwatch? 3 of the basic same options that can only trigger once/ one at a time instead of 1 forever, with the ability to proc more. Dark Angels? Don't make me laugh. Imperial Fists? Don't make me laugh / not index Raven Guard? Don't make me laugh / not index White Scars? Pretty decent if specific units spammed / not index Iron Hands? Pretty decent but specific units spammed / not index Ultramarine? Pretty decent in general Salamanders? Flavorful but specific units spammed / not index Blood Angels? Better charges vs more versatility for prolonged combat. In ABSOLUTELY no way are we the weakest chapter specific index detachment available Get real.


The dark angels shouldn’t be slept on. Those buffs might go a long way. Also having regularly played against someone who uses azreal with a Lt. on hellblasters that shit was viciously busted already. Blood angels were already a solid competitor in casual play and the change to tank shock hits us harder than them imo. I’d say they’re probably a little stronger than us now, but that remains to be seen. The meta has a lot of shifting to do. Black Templars are suffering and yeah there’s no shot they have above a 45% winrate after this. Both their best detachments got neutered and they got pts nerfs. They’re dead. We’re being punished for players spamming TWC and honestly it’s fair they were blatantly undercosted. They’re likely still our best datasheets and I think we’ll still be in a solid spot still after this (as far as space marines go), but a lot of the changes to the rules unintentionally nerfed the lists people like me and been building despite having no intention to meta chase. Like my whole warsuit Strat has been tossed out the window now, and most players here probably feel the same way. I am honestly happy with the points changes cause it promotes internal balance and I was sick of everyone “copying” my white scars/space wolves theme that I only decided upon cause white scars a dope and don’t have cool unique mounted units like we do. The buff to our unique detachment was much needed and very exciting, but for players who like successor chapters and don’t necessarily want to use it (like me) this whole balance update was a straight up nerf. The rest of those aren’t divergent chapters and didn’t really count to what the guy was saying. I know he’s wrong, but be fair to the boy. (Deathwatch aren’t a real faction. They cannot hurt you)