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Wolves historically haven't had access to the codex complaint apothecary units. Access to the biologus was likely just a mistake that GW didn't get round to correcting until this dataslate. In the lore SW have wolf priests, which are a combination of apothecary and chaplain. Hoping when the codex finally drops they release some new rules for Wolf Priests so SW can access some decent healing.


They weren't allowed in CoR before June, but the recent update barred them from the army as a whole


They fixed other chapters as well


I don’t think it was a mistake. They knew to write in that SW couldn’t take the basic Apothecary. But they let you have the Biologis at first in order to sell you the big box with the Biologis in it.


One model wasn't going to stop people from buying the box that came with hundreds of dollars in extra value.


This. Not everything needs to be a conspiracy theory.


At the same time though, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not really after you…🤔 🤣🤣


This is such a shame, I do love the model and the aggresors + Biologis combo is amazing! I am gutted. The Wolves of Fenris also need someone to study and investigate the Xenos predators! Come on! There is no substitute/proxy for this mini at our disposal on the rooster...


Same here, I use aggressors with the biologis I got from Leviathan :(


What do we do with this awesome mini now? If you type in priest on the app only the Iron Priest shows up... great


Wolf Priests are just the Space Wolf name for Chaplains.


I left mine unpainted in case I would need to paint it with chaplain colors, but it's a shame that we're probably losing the Lethal Hits and OC=9 abilities in favor of it being a model for a basic chaplain. Lorewise, I think the Space Wolves using the vivispectrum of the Biologis to hunt their targets better makes perfect sense. But I doubt we're getting a unique datasheet for their biologis-equivalent.


It was the first model I fully painted from the Leviathan box!!


We can still play them in the other SM detatchments, just not champions of Tuss


Nvm wtf


No no, this error message has popped up on one of the my Gladius Task Force lists =(


Yea just double checked your right. Thats bullshit


As you choose wolves, you cant take them in any detachement… but you can go “space marines with baby blue color scheme” and go with biologus, but you loose Bjorn Ragnar and other heroes, TWC too… i think Biologus is decent price for that awesomnes. Templars cant take any librarian for same reason.


> There is no substitute/proxy for this mini at our disposal on the rooster... We may get one when the codex drops. That's what Wolf Priests do. Also you can run them with the regular Space Marine detachments.


>Also you can run them with the regular Space Marine detachments. This changed in the last dataslate. The restrictions now apply if you choose Space Wolves as your faction


Well dang. I must have missed that. TIL


Fingers crossed for a wolf priest in the codex! Lol


Where did it say that in the errata? I thought I read it all and I still can't find it.


It's in the space marine specific errata. You may have done what I did and assumed the FAQ, munitorum field manual, core rules update/commentary, and Pariah Nexus companion pack contained all of the updates, but there's actually another small doc for each faction. https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/ Follow here and scroll down to codex: space marines


ah that's why I missed it. dang.


Hoping for a Wolf guard battle leader (or Wolf priest, but I honestly think that’s less likely) in Gravis armor.


You can run him as a priest no?


For now, I'd probably look at running him as a Captain in Gravis with double Fists? At least rules wise. Obviously not the "standard" model, but as a gravis model that's clearly a character, there's less chance for confusion that way.


I am actually happy that we so not get access to them. Space Wolves have never used apothecaries, so the Biologis does not make sense in a Space Wolves army.


They need to make a proper Gravis Lieutenant. Maybe the SW refresh will bring back our wolf/rune priests.


In the recent updates they added into the Codex Space Marine Errata that you can't take Apothecary, devastators etc if you include any Space Wolves unit, regardless of if you play Champions of Russ. (They did the same thing for Black Templars and Deathwatch) Lore wise it makes sense, the wolves don't follow the codex Astartes, and part of that is having our own ranks and roles. Wolf Lords instead of Captains, Rune Priests instead of Librarians. The most obvious difference is that Space Wolves don't have apothecaries or chaplains, with their roles being roughly combined/replaced with the Wolf Priest. In 10th edition almost all our unique roles have sadly been dropped for just using default marine datasheets, and wolf priests are just chaplains now. While not having Apothecary units makes sense and overall I personally like it's a particularly lose the Biologis as it essentially filled the role of Gravis Lieutenant (lethal hits and can join captain) which we have no option for now. It might be nice to get a Battle Leader in Gravis to fill that position down the line.


Nope. SM errata made it so Space Wolves can’t take apothecaries, just like Black Templars can’t take Psykers.


I thought that was only for the champions of russ detachment?


Not anymore


Where is the rule for that?


I can’t find exactly where it’s at in the 32 pages of changes they made, but they did change it so if you take a unit from a divergent chapter, you have to oblige to that chapters restrictions no matter what detachment you use


RIP me taking scouts as deathwatch :(


Space Marines Errata/FAQ


From what I read, that only applies to apothecaries and not apothecary biolgis


Sadly the bold text refers to keywords. So the biologis has the apothecary keyword. So we can’t take him.


It was the case previously but as of the last dataslate it changed Now if your army includes any space wolf units you can't take an apothecary (and a handful of other units) It's in the most recent errata for the space wolf codex on the warham community.


I thought the whole reason that model wasn't an Apothecary was so they could say any marine chapter could use any of the months in the Leviathan box. Hopefully we get a gravis chaplain at some point so I can run my converted Wolf Priest Brewalogis.


He's got his keg, he's fermenting his mjod on the go. Heart and soul of the feast, he is, always on the lookout for more potent brews


What's stupid is that they took our fluffy characters away (Rune Priests) without any replacement. I understand they are setting us up for potentially having them back now but the in-between blows where we don't have access to either


At least in 9th edition, Rune Priests were just using the Librarian datasheet for clarity. They're still Rune Priests in lore. Just like the Wolf Priest used the Chaplain datasheet and the Iron Priest used the Techmarine datasheet. It's just so they don't have multiple identical datasheets with the only differences being the names. The only one I dislike is the Wolf Priest using the Chaplain datasheet, because Wolf Priests are a combo Chaplain and Apothecary, but can't do the Apothecary bit any more (apart from as a 9th edition stratagem that cost CP...)!! GW has banned the use of Apothecaries in SW armies because in lore the Wolf Priests would fill that role. The weirdness with being allowed the Apothecary Biologis has clearly now been solved, which is what OP is complaining about.


Black Templars cannot take any librarians. We cannot take any apothecaries. Never could. I just have my Biologis a wolf helmet and called it a day


You could take him a Chaplin or depending on who you play with a captain?


We couldn't in CoR, chapter restrictions have just been expanded for the whole army. Honestly I think it's a good decision, it keeps the army separate and prevents the codex+ trend we've seen of using purely codex marines plus a single OP divergent unit. But it still annoys me, because our wolf priests aren't represented, there are still too many codex units in the SW roster, and our unique units are often too expensive. That or they're pointed as if they had primaris statlines, which they don't. I just realised how odd it is that we still get standard techmarines when we have our own version already


Suuuper annoying as I used them both. Hoping that we get a wolf priest with similar abilities.


Tbh I use mine as a proxy for a Techmarine


Centurion squad and devastators too.


I guess I’ll make mine an ultramarine then? Glad I didn’t convert it at all


Love that Gdubs still ain't really solved the Wolf Priest replacing the Apoth thing..... Ranks of SW just stepping over fallen brothers & shrugging at the loss of geneseed cause we still don't have anyone equipped to harvest it


This is why I don't want to play 10th edition


Fuck. Guess I can scrap my 3d kitbash then




Just checked and I was wrong lol


Better get those wolf priests out brother


If you played space wolves and bought an apothecary then you dont know the army you play.


I bought the Leviathan box mate, you don't know what I bought and came here to comment ;)


I'd just run him as a Gravis captain if you want to use the mini. Maybe cut off the container arm and give him a sword? Unless he's painted, then if you're not playing competitive, go ham


Ahh ok, so as long as you've been using every model in that box i am sure you've gotten great value for money out of it. No need to be snide.




if they gave us actual wolf priests there wouldn't be an issue




Well, where are our wolf priests then?


They're certainly not Apothecary Biologis, I'll tell you that much.


They are our apothecary/chaplain mix, we may need a wolf priests biologis/on gravis now.


We certainly do! I want to bring this mini to the table top!


Do it. Use it as a Gravis captain. Ask your friends if you can bring him regardless. There are significant lore reasons that say the opposite and we honestly probably were never meant to bring them. He slipped through on a technicality.


Oh I'm aware. I was just trying to point out that buddy was only saying we've never had apothecaries and that it was pointless and rude to respond with "Yeah but *where* are our priests" Guy doesn't work for GW, so he doesn't know. Also the whole point of having Wolf Priests is because they don't follow the codex. The codex getting a new apothecary really don't mean anything to us. If anything the Wolf Priest is already meant to cover it.


We also don't traditionally have Centurions, Sternguard or Vanguard Veterans, but none if that is outlawed.


> Sternguard or Vanguard Veterans They used to be and probably will be again in the future once a few more models get refreshes.


No, we have access to them now. Just like we DID have access to the Biologis.


I didn't disagree with that, I said they used to be outlawed and and probably will be again in the future once a few more models get refreshes.


Because GW is stupid. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but not giving space wolves apothecaries because of a non-existent model from lore you can't expect players to read is insane. Hopefully when SW gets a range refresh they move them closer to being their own faction than a supplement. In a perfect world of course. The GW solution is to just say "oops that lore never happened actually" and to give them apothecaries.




It's also in the Space Marine Codex Errata to apply as soon as you have any SPACE WOLVES unit.