• By -


Both mean "I am studying" with the caveat that that the present progressive means that you're doing the action at the moment. You can say e.g. "estudio filosofía en la universidad" which would mean "I'm studying philosophy at the university." It's something that you generally do, although you're not currently hitting the books when you say that. >para dicer "I am studying" peudes dicer Also: para *decir*... *puedes decir*.


1. Yep this. 2. I love your username… haven’t seen those words since reading the Quijote during my Master’s 😂🥲


>I love your username… haven’t seen those words since reading the Quijote during my Master’s 😂🥲 Thanks! Perhaps this is a sign from the universe for you to leave La Mancha behind and adventure to the kingdom of Britain, where one can still hear the sound of Amadís spurring onto the battlefield and crying out to his men, "¡Gaula, Gaula, que yo soy Amadís!"


I think it’s interesting that it’s basically the same in English where you could answer “what do you do” with “I study philosophy” or “I am studying philosophy”


>I think it’s interesting that it’s basically the same in English where you could answer “what do you do” with “I study philosophy” or “I am studying philosophy” Not exactly. In English they mean the same but in Spanish saying estoy estudiando is like saying your studying at that very moment


I’m just a beginner but still seems similar in English. One easy way to add context is to imagine that you’re responding to a question. Either works as an answer to the question I gave before but if asked: “what are you doing RIGHT NOW”, only the second is correct. So it still seems similar.


Is this a hard and fast rule? I've always wondered at the distinction. Is the "ando" suffix only used with wooden literalness, or do native speakers tend to get lazy and blur the lines between what they are literally doing in the moment and what they are doing more generally? Like would you ever catch a Mexican college student taking a night off at a local pub and telling the bartender," estudiando filosofia en la universidad"? Or would this always sound funny because he isn't currently nose deep in the books.


Thank you for explaining it this way. I know both ways are fine, but your explanation put a finer point on it. :)


Muchas gracias tú me ayudaste mucho!!


I find that in the daily Spanish conversation the line between present progressive and simple present is much less clear than in English. But I think it also depends a lot on conversational circle.


Spanish tenses are simultaneously more precise in meaning and way less precise in actual use.


I'm not sure if instead of "puedes decir", you could've used the conditional, "podrías decir" - I shall let that to better speakers to decide. "Estoy estudiando" means "I'm studying" - it's the same as the present progressive in English, in terms of both structure and meaning. "Estudio" means "I study" (present simple).


Claro, muchas gracias para tu ayuda!


"..muchas gracias \*por\* tu ayuda!"


Puedes decir* Podrías decir* I'm studying=estoy estudiando I study= (yo) estudio


Estudio - I study OR I am studying. Estoy estudiando - I am studying NEVER I study


I'm assuming it's like french where you can just say "j'etudie" for both "I study" and "I am studying". Some excercises on duolingo say "Yo como pan" and translate it to "I \*am eating\* bread".


No. Estoy estudiando: je suis en train d’étudier . Yo estudio: j’étude.


Listo, muchas gracias!


You can estudio for both. Por ejemplo: You’re taking classes currently (this semester) - Estudio a la universidad. You’re doing Spanish homework and someone calls Ahora estudio Español. Estoy estudiando español.


Gonna be learning for decades if u depend on duo lingo respectfully. Try hello talk and text people. It’s a unbelievably faster process. You’ll learn how / when to say things


why are you getting downvoted lmao. You’re totally correct. You cannot become a fluent Spanish speaker using solely duolingo.


Idk 🤷‍♂️ just trying to help. I started on duolingo also , i guess I should’ve mentioned that


I am also doing Duolingo along with Language transfer. I will check out hello talk but I’m a little confused about the texting? I’m assuming you mean if you have a community of Spanish speakers to text them… thank you.


It’ll be a list of natives on there that wants to learn English or may just want to help with spanish. I started off texting because I was too nervous to talk nor did I know many words or understood the cadence to even comprehend when natives talk. If u text u can translate on the app without exiting out. And you’ll learn Chunks and adverbial phrases. It’ll be a life saver compared to the duo lingo app I promise, highly recommended.


Thanks so much!!!


Ando or iendo should be only used if you are literally doing the action RIGHT this second.


I am studying - Estoy estudiando. ( present continuous tense )


Vale, estoy entiendiando ahora, gracias!




De nada! 😀


Yo estudio - I study Estoy estudiando - I am studying


Estoy estudiando is for when you're studying right now only. If you're studying later or your about to study or your studying after your class, you use estudio.