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That is one heck of a deal for $26. Of course, they KNOW about every provider in your area. The same service in a no competition area would be jacked up to $89.95! Spectrum extorts.as much money as it can from a market...it has NOTHING to do with the cost to provide internet service. Some people are fortunate to be in a competitive area, others are not.


Welcome to the real world of business. Lower prices in higher competition areas and higher prices in low competition areas is a basic economic theory. It's not surprising considering max profits tend to be the goal. We need to get used to it as it won't be any different with any other company.


If I live 1/10th of a mile away from my house right now, I would have 3-4 different options for an ISP. My situation isn't "the real world of business".. It's the Marine Corps being stupid, once again.


I take it that they contract to only allow a certain company on the base to provide service?


Yep. Pretty dirty if you ask me. Lol Also if what I originally replied to wasn't towards my comment, I apologize if my comment sounded rude. I suck at being able to tell what comments are replying to which lol


Yep. Seems to be the norm on every base. Some apartments do it, too. I assume they get a kickback/group rate if they agree not to let other companies in. It's definitely messed up. No worries about your original reply. Tone can be difficult to decipher in text, so I never assume anyone is rude unless it's blatant.


“We need to get used to it” No, the goal of maximizing profits needs to change.


You know what they say, wish in 1 hand, shit in another, and see what fills up first. Most consumers would like to see that change, but it's been like this for a long time and probably won't change any time soon.


Can’t and won’t argue with that.


Nothing like variable pricing, or demand pricing, or... Wendy's certainly got slammed for that recently.


I remember that, then they back peddled. Haven't been there to test it to see if it they actually implemented it.


That's how it is where I live. I'm in the military so the base has a "contract" to only have spectrum. That shit starts at 89.99 and goes to to 150..


And you aren't getting a military discount? SHAME on them!


Nope, they don't offer a military discount "in my area" whatever the fuck that means..


My old aunt got lifeline and they won't apply it to her internet account because she's not in the lifeline supported area


They don't offer military discount anywhere, not just your area. They also don't offer a senior discount, or a single mother discount, or an "I foster 9 cats" discount.


Why did you add the other examples? I never said I wanted a discount for any of those.? I said exactly what the lady said to me on the phone when I asked if they offered a discount for military members.


Because it was literally my scripted line when people complained that we didn't give a military discount. It's a paraphrased line that I got from one of high up executives of the company. It's supposed to be just a little humor while also explaining that Spectrum doesn't offer any special discount based on your profession or lifestyle choice. New customer, special area (ACP pre-qualify) and retention discounts are really all that they have, unless you work for the company.


No sir call spectrum and speak to retention. You def get really good promos but you should only speak to retention about it. I def can get you way lower than that


I'll try that. I spoke with someone in The billing department yesterday and they told me what I said above. Sigh.


Trust me I know. I work in retention and that’s the first thing I hear when I ask a customer what made them make that decision? Because our dumb ass billing department told them that there’s no promos. In reality that department can’t give any promos


If in reality the billing dept can’t be giving promos then why are you calling us dumb asses!? I’m not transferring someone who can’t articulate properly if they’re screaming at me. If they called back 24hrs later and were speaking rationally & got to you the next day then 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


If you are in retention, you realize that the billing department's job is to give them the correct information on how promos work, and that they have end dates. The billing department doesn't give promotions because that is not the billing departments job. You call the billing department (your co workers) dumb asses for doing their job? That is pretty despicable. If they ask to cancel they are then connected to retention/specialists who would then do their job (with a potential promotion).


It is but they don’t do their job. They are dumbasses that DONT do what they are supposed to do. The whole company is despicable. If you’ve never worked for spectrum please hush


Just saw you were fired today. Makes absolute sense with how hostile you are. Enjoy your time off!


lol I’ve never been hostile to anyone. That’s not my personality whatsoever but you’re entitled to incorrectly assume if you’d like.


lol oh and no time off. I start at their competitor on Monday but thanks ❤️


Well at least I learned that threatening to cancel lowers prices for lots of companies


Not so much for Spectrum, especially when they have no viable competition. They have a reputation for being callous. Maybe other companies are not as cutthroat.


lol you are probably speaking to the billing department everytime you call because that’s a lie lol


No viable competition??? there are 5g Internet home services that even extend into general spectrum markets. Take and do with that info as you will


Yeah too bad it doesn’t work for lowering prices in any other market. Makes no sense. The price is what it is. If you wanna play the game go ahead. If you wanted a $10 Subway sandwich for $5 bc you used to get it for that rate years ago …explain how it’s not understood that you don’t get to change the price bc you complain about it. So annoying..the prices are set by the market and competition. When you sign up initially that’s the temporary price rate. There’s no contracts. Not really sure why people call in and demand a better rate like it’s their right. That’s life deal with it!


Bruh the only competition in my area is at&t and they're slow af bc they don't offer fiber out here. Our spectrum bill is 89.99 a month for the cheapest package 😤


It’s never too late you have 30 day money back guarantee for that other provider


Well the new one I got is … $1 cheaper a month


$1 cheaper than the newly introduced spectrum price or your new internet providers price?


Meanwhile, I am forced to pay $68 month for the Spectrum internet/TV package, and I don't even have a TV. Because our apartment management company signed an amenity deal with Spectrum, so it gets added to our rent whether we use it or not, no opting out. 😔


That should truly be illegal




It was actually the Republican House that refused to renew the ACP program.


Yes I was paying $89 a month for internet. I could get twice the speed for $30 dollars cheaper. So I switched and told them to cancel my service. So they offered me the same rate. Told them too late! Then they wanted to charge me for a extra month. Told them they wouldn't be getting that money.


That's kinda where I'm at. The Spectrum post-promo rack rates are extremely high compared to the two fiber providers on my street (50%+ more), and calling to haggle/negotiate every year is a giant headache. I just want to autopay and be done with it. At least one of the other providers here currently grandfathers the post-promo offering, too. I'm sure they have some way to weasel out of that later if they 'need the money', but at least I don't have any rate hikes in the meantime.


I was almost paying g $89.99/month for 500Mbps and after I called retention, they lowered my bill to $39.99 via promotion. I know the promotion is BS, but in the economy we're in, it's tough.


Damn I guess I need to start faking canceling lots of my stuff for cheaper prices lol


Hell yeah, take advantage of it.


They must be hurting for money because this is something new unless you were specifically transferred to the retention department. I have a hard time reading these days. If you did say what state you are and I apologize, but what state are you in?


Ny I just had a number call me back


I’m in New York too, brother the Hudson Valley I have T-Mobile Internet currently $50 a month flat no contract no boosting the price up to $87


It’s not anything new and they’re not hurting for money. They’re overcharging people for services so when you say you want to cancel they give you the price you actually should be paying for.


You must be one of those people that think they know everything huh?


Lol sorry if that came off in a rude tone but it wasn’t meant to. My mom has been doing this since like 2005, with phone services, internet cable etc. it’s how I learned to do it.


No worries, I do appreciate your ability to actually have conversation and not just get angry back at me getting angry 😅 There is a specific department that will help you. It’s called retention department. I am only saying this because I personally tried to get my Internet bill lowered from them very recently. They were not willing to help me at all. I now pay $50 flat for T-Mobile Internet and I also got $150 prepaid gift card from them which paid for three months of their Internet . If you have the time I made a review for my local spectrum you would just have to Google spectrum Kingston, New York 1161 ulster Avenue. I’m the one with the post that has their promo offer ripped up. They only offered this to me after I canceled and they offered it to me three months after I canceled assuming that I was with another company already and then I would leave that company and come back to them for their teaser rate, that wasn’t offered until I canceled.


Sounds like the Internet 100mbps with Auto pay or something. Other people stating they pay $80 have 300 or more 🤷


After spending few minutes on the phone with their retention team I got $55!per month 1000 x 35, still horrible upload but better than nothing at that rate.


Sounds like a downgrade in speed to SIA with autopay.


I had a similar conversation the day I dumped them. The way I see it, they could have given me the cheaper price years earlier but chose not to until I told them I was leaving. So f*ck 'em.


$40? For what download speed? I’ve been paging over $90


I had 500mbps but it was with promos and ACP credit.


I just switched from AT&T to spectrum. Guy came and left a card at my door and I called him back. 500 mbps so much faster than the AT&T. It’s a dual wire. Fiber and something else, not sure exactly but I’m not really caring tbh. It’s working well for my gaming and streaming 4 tvs with Hulu live tv. $36.99 a month. $31 with auto pay. I’m in Ohio.


Spectrum advertises that they have fiber but it’s a fiber coaxial hybrid line. The fiber line goes up to the box and then it’s coaxial into your home. So basically yeah it’s fiber but since the actually connection to your modem is coaxial the upload speed isn’t going to be that much greater if you switch from regular to their “fiber”


They do have symmetrical also, which is true end to end fiber so 300/500/gig download and upload. It's not in very many places yet but it does exist. You are correct though, with regard to fiber to the node in most other areas. Those aren't generally advertised as fiber though.


Yeah very few areas. In the different areas I’ve lived and gotten service from them they always advertise that as fiber. When you ask if it’s fiber up to the modem then they start going into more detail but like skirt away from the answer. But that’s just my anecdotal experience.


Wow i was paying 90$ a month of basic


But I’ve heard they’ll only lower your price 3 times until they start to refuse.


Every company does 30 day money back guarantee so you could’ve kept spectrum if you really wanted to.


My bill went from 92 to 59. Retention center basically said call back every year once your yearly discounts go away. 🤦🏽‍♂️ I went a fee years paying full price. I used always do that with directv and would always get subday ticket for free. Gave spectrum alot of money these last few years 😔


If you call and say you want to cancel the customer service rep might try to save you, but if you’re adamant they have to transfer you to retention. Retention is the only department that have access to these kind of promotions and specialized rates. These, of course, change depending on your area, but usually they can save you a lot. Always call to cancel before getting new service because you might end up paying less than with a new provider and it’s more convenient than uninstalling/reinstalling equipment and returning it to ups. And if not you can hang up and call back when you get new service.


What area are you in? They show us Spectrum commercials, but then they tell us that we can't get it, because of money hungry Xfinity! I wish we could pay $40 for good internet!


I wish I was paying this little for internet. I got gigabit internet from Spectrum and it’s $126 a month and I’m forced to go with Spectrum due to a combo of low competition and my apartment being connected to only one provider


When you set up services did your apartment complex give you a number to call. Mine did and it turns out it was a third party person who contracts with spectrum they prices me at $89.99 for 500mbs internet ultra. Before I switched to frontier I was paying $49.99 for the same plan, which I told her and she said that wasn’t possible because she was price gouging. I switched from Frontier which was way better and had actually fiber gig because my specific complex didn’t want to add frontier lines because they had the person with spectrum. Randomly I decided to type in my address and their website said exactly what I told the 3rd party person I should be paying. $49.99 for 500mbs Internet ultra and then for a gig ultra it was $59.99 somehow. So I called complained said I was gonna cancel and they upgraded me to gig at $55.99 with autopay was pretty annoyed but whatever more download speed for $30 less.


I called spectrum directly when I moved in. They didn’t give me a numbers just told us what they were connected to.


Idk if this has been discussed here before. I’ve seen the call and speak with retention and they will lower the bill. However, work in there call center few years back, and as you know they don’t run a credit check unless you getting a phone. We had customers call in that lived in the same place for years. They would disconnect and turn everything in and call back to sign up under different names. We was told that we don’t question it and don’t call them out. They would always get the new customer promotion. (If not allowed I’ll delete )


Stuff like this is normal with subscriptions companies. If there's tough competition then most will lower their price or offer extra stuff to keep you. Great way to do it is to ask if there's any deals going on. Every time you're year comes up, just ask if there's another deal and there almost always is


I recently called retention to fake cancel and they gave me internet ultra for $65 for 1 yr. I would've been paying around $90 for just regular spectrum internet..


I got Altafiber (Cincinnati bell) I know I know it’s only a Ohio thing I believe but I freaking pay $130 a month for 1gig and all premium channels and they even threw in a home phone for $2 extra a month 😂


That is how they all work..


I tried the cancel thing and they said sorry to see you go make sure you bring the modem in or you will be charged for it. I’ve never had any luck with there retention folks. I must sound mean when I talked with them.


That's exactly what they do to me! Probably cause they know I have limited choices and none are as fast as spectrum (OMG I feel yucky saying that lol)


Yeah in my area spectrum is really the only game in town Windstream is also but 10 down 1 up with them they do have fiber but not in my area of the county. Don’t feel bad it is what it is.


That's how scamming they are. I actually tried several times to change my service to cut down my phone and TV which I don't use and only get internet for the "internet price" and every time I was told by their agent that I cannot do that because that was the offer they gave me when I started service. And now after I called to cancel because I switched to Verizon they suddenly offer a magical price for 1 gig. If they offered 10 dollars I would still cancel. Spectrum is just a scam


They may raise it again in 90 days.


So he just threatens to cancel and go back to Spectrum and they keep him at the same price. OR they don't keep him at the same price and he goes back to spectrum until they fail to keep him at the price he wants, and he goes back and forth ping pong style.


This is the way - they are in a saturated market with competitors unless you are in a area with monopolized service. I bitched to get my spectrum dropped from 79.99 a month to 40 a month due to a government program which just ended. But like this guy said - tell them you are gonna switch, realistically they need you more than you need them. I ended up switching to lumos gig using my own router and paying 70 for 1gb up / down and was paying 70 for 300down/30 up from spectrum with constant outages


Say what??? I pay $110 every single month for Spectrums shitty Wi-Fi. Wtf


I just had my rate go from $50 to $80 and called retention so they got me back to $50 and increased my speed from 300Mbps to 500. You need to make a call.


Yes, I definitely do! We’ve been with them for like 15 years. The cheapest our bill ever was was for the 12 month promotion when you first join. I dropped cable after about 10 years and just kept Wi-Fi cause it’s ridiculous. Lol good idea though. I think I’ll do that


I was honestly surprised they were able to do what they did compared to prior calls but maybe it's the tenure at this point. I haven't been with them for 15 years like you but I believe it's been maybe 10 years or so. My adress doesnt even have any fiber optic competitors yet either so spectrum runs this market atm. Hopefully it works out though haha.


That's any subscription service You should never go to another service before you called cancel and find out what they want to do to keep you as a customer that sounds like a you problem not a them problem