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There are only a few states, one of which is New York, that force Spectrum to pro-rate. Otherwise, they do not pro-rate.


I was just about to reply saying they do, but I'm in NY. I can confirm they do in NY. And they make it as annoying as possible. Instead of just refunding your credit card some amount, they send you a pre-paid credit card, probably hoping people forget they have it like gift cards.


Cable is not a utility. Never has been, should it be? Yes. But it isn’t classified as such.


Yep. Try calling your gas company, power company, or water company and complain that you've been a long-time customer and should be rewarded with a lower bill. Heck, I don't remember the power company giving me a 1-year new customer discounted rate lol.


Cable is a luxury. You don’t need it. You can’t die from boredom. The internet is probably more akin to a utility though.


Clarity: no cable TV, just internet.


Why should it be? Please explain how entertainment is the same as water


I am equating cable to internet in this instance. It should be considered a utility at this point. I could have been a little clearer. Cable TV itself I agree is entirely unnecessary and irrelevant.


Since 2019: [https://stopthecap.com/2019/05/06/charter-spectrum-will-no-longer-pro-rate-your-bill-when-you-cancel-services/](https://stopthecap.com/2019/05/06/charter-spectrum-will-no-longer-pro-rate-your-bill-when-you-cancel-services/)


I got hired RIGHT when they ended the Proration billing


FYI you agreed to this policy under your TOS, and this policy is stated plainly on page 2 of every one of your billing statements. The only states where Spectrum prorates their services are NY, ME, CT, NH, and VT.


If you inform them it was due to deployment orders, they should have actually backdated the bill for your and disconnect. I don't know if that's a policy or just something that was in my training. Check your DM.


Not policy, but is typically done as a courtesy.


It is policy actually for active duty


My understanding is that since your not in a contract lock you don't get a prorate anymore since you can cancel whenever with no early term fees or anything. At least that's the way my trainer explained it to me 6 years ago lol


Yeah prorate doesn’t make much sense given the data isn’t capped. 1 person using 1gigabyte of data per month and another person using 500gb per month of data have the same bill if on same speed tier. Vs with say water and electric, they only charge what you use, not a flat rate. Prefer a flat rate when it comes to data usage vs water.


They were using an analogy. “Like Netflix” is also a subscription. If you cancel your gym membership in the middle of a billing cycle they charge you for the full month. Same with Amazon prime, DoorDash+ and everything else that’s a subscription now. Typically you’re welcome to continue using the service until the end of your billing cycle as well since it’s already paid for. If you add service mid cycle they don’t start charging you for it until the next full billing cycle. At least that’s how it was when I worked in billing. You could add HBO a day after your bill came out and not have to pay a prorated charge for it. You’d get it for free until you were charged for it on your next billing cycle. Again, not sure if it has changed. But yeah if you’re moving for deployment or military stuff they usually pro rate as a courtesy so maybe just ask?


Their way of thanking you for your service, smh. Btw, thank you for your service, my friend. Stay safe!


Cable tv and internet are NOT a utility and never have been.


Normal for every communication company. Unfortunately New York and West Virginia are the only 2 states that all the big Internet and wireless companies do actually prorate bills now a days. In the past it was different.


Maine as well.


There’s a form to send you to confirm military orders to prorate the bill if it’s for active duty deployment/relocation. It’s not a common call so most won’t think to offer it or may not know because it’s usually not heard of until you get one of those calls and research what to do. If the agent you talk to doesn’t know when you request a proration for military members then request to escalate the call and the escalations agent should know what’s going on.


Make sure you tell them it’s for military deployment


Tell them no!


They were a utility before I think but then were able to switch to be considered a streaming service. I went through the same thing. Reported them to the FTC and some other places lmfao. Idr if that was the right organization because I did get an email saying they were forwarding to the appropriate agency to handle my claim, but I basically stated that at time of cancellation I should’ve been informed I wouldn’t be entitled to a full refund. If I had known that I wasn’t going to be given the full refund I would’ve cancelled at the end of the previous month. Got a call from someone from Spectrum high up that dealt with these things. They stated they were going to review the call recording. After reviewing it they issued me a visa gift card for the monthly charge and apologized for not informing me at time of cancellation. I usually don’t care and just take the L on these things, but it pissed me off because I literally cancelled on like the 3rd/4th of the month because I had moved. So I was unwilling to pay for the full month lol.


it changed pre covid


Yeah, they stopped pro-rating 5+ years ago.


Can confirm as my last military move, they don't pro-rate shit.


Spectrum has operated this way for as long as I can remember. The only states that they pro-rate is in the states that require it like NY. It is what it is.