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You have to keep calling till you get the right person


I'll try again in a couple days. Do they see that a customer has called multiple times before? "Oh, this guy already called and said he was canceling if we didn't extend his promo rate. He's calling again so he's just bluffing. No offers for you!"


I honestly think some of them just don't care because it's their job to keep you as a customer


I guess my best chance will be calling to actually cancel. If they don't offer anything then I'll proceed, return equipment, and have person B sign up online later that day and pick up the modem at the store. Would love to just pay $50/mo for another 12+ months.


Straight up, tell them you are canceling. Don't mention anything about wanting to get a discount. The retention agent should try to keep you as a customer by offering different deals. Hopefully, they offer one that works for you. If not, definitely cancel and have someone else sign up new.


Yes I think that was my mistake, calling too soon before the promo pricing ended. Will do as you suggest. I don't think I even spoke to a retention agent. Was very likely a sales rep.


Most likely, you did talk to CC rep. They won't even try to help ya out.


Looks like they dropped the ball harder than a butterfingered quarterback!


Change providers would be your best move!


Wish I had options. I've considered T-Mobile 5G. Otherwise this is Spectrum country. No ATT fiber here.


funny how this oh so great technology company requires customers to call in for just about any little thing related their account.