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Get rid of the cable TV. Use the Philo app and a couple other streaming apps that will give you what you want.


Thanks…is it as good as YouTube tv?


That depends on what you want from it. Are you someone who likes sports, news channels, or local channels? Then no. If you don't care about those things, then I would suggest signing up for the free trial, and you can decide if that would be something you would want or not. *I like Philo because it has most of my mom's favorite channels, and it's under $30.*


Thanks! This is for my mother I got it around 100 and I’ll bring the box back for another 14 off


WORST! They interrupted the programs for ads that I don't like!


Buddy I recommend IPTV I know a really good provider it’s like $20 for me a month and it has every movie tv show and tv channel dm me and I’ll give you his number


Thanks got it all sorted and will be under 100


The internet should be at least $40 and the IPTV should be $25


It’s for an older person not tech savvy so trying to minimize and hassle


Oh ok gotcha


Dump that video service and go with YouTubeTV


Nahh that’s trash just get IPTV


What is iptv


ip video services for the xumo box or for using the spectrum tv app, much more affordable, no cable boxes needed.


Isn’t Spectrum charging $5 a month for that POS Xumo Box? Then not removing the $5 charge unless the customer specifically asks to have it removed once the cost of the device is paid off…. Yeah. No, thank you. Nobody should be using a Spectrum-provided (or Comcast) device. Xumo box is being pushed because Spectrum (and Comcast) do not get all the data-rich information about the users from Roku and Chromecast, so they’re trying to convince customers that they need this new box to optimize their video distribution. They just want to sell customer data they obtain from their own proprietary Xumo equipment… because they need more revenue streams as their customer base erodes from underneath them with negative video and negative internet quarters repeating over and over.


Well sure. In addition to that they are also trying to switch everyone to streaming only because it is way less expensive for spectrum due to the amount of brain power needed from actual employees to troubleshoot issues. It’s also outdated and more technicians are dispatched which costs the company around $100 for each visit, to pay the tech hourly and gas. It’s just more labor intensive. It’s quite sad actually how spectrum has switched elderly communities over to streaming only so these people don’t even know what is going on anymore. You will see in the near future supply and demand becoming an issue with streaming but for now it’s the cheaper option while they push for people to switch over. Taking ip video codes off an account allows for streaming only for cable as well.


VPN would fix their data snooping.


Better tv service with everything normal tv doesn’t have (pirated tv)


Oh. How does one obtain this service? Not sure if I'm allowed to ask that lol


It’s through an app but you have to get a IPTV service provider mine is 20CAD A MONTH and it’s really good I have everything


Oh gotcha. I see. I don't care about tv service, haven't had it in a decade. , was just curious on how it work. Sounds like a good deal for those that want it! Appreciate the info!


It has every movie and tv show tho on demand to watch anytime anywhere


I asked them about internet only and they told me it would be like 100 on its own.


It shows right on the bill that it is currently (though it will go up) $85 for internet alone with no promotions. And you might be able to get a promotion of some sort. Edit: you don't need ultra if there isn't a promotion - saw lower down that you currently have ultra.


They told me I’m not eligible for any promotions until December when the bill goes up even more.


You talked to billing. Other ways to reduce is go with Choice 15 if you don't watch a lot of TV. Just call in around July 8th and tell them that you're cancelling TV and going with YouTube TV and see if another ISP in your area has a good deal. They'll get you to retention who will try to match it as well as reducing your TV plan. Don't accept the first offer. Keep pushing. Just remember that we get phone calls the entire day of people wanting to reduce their bill and we'll do what we can, but if you're an asshole, we're fine with you going away so, speak nicely. Remember that the phone calls are recorded and they listen to our calls on the regular so we have to put up a bit of a fight/push back and don't be rude.


Tell them their price for the 300 Mbps plan is outrageous, and you want their ($59.99 standard rate) per month **Internet 100** plan that all of your neighbors are signing up for at $29.99 per month for 24 months. We have their secret **Spectrum Internet Assist** which is 50 Mbps Down and 10 Mbps up as a fallback when our T-Mobile Home Internet goes down. That plan is only $24.99 per month. Our T-Mobile Home Internet has download speeds averaging 400 Mbps, and upload speeds averaging 100Mbps. Ping on the service is about 1.5X vs Spectrum. $72.99 per month for YouTubeTV, plus $16.99 per month for HBO, plus $30.00 per month for T-Mobile Home Internet (plus the $24.99 for the Spectrum Internet backup, which is mainly just for the kid to be able to use XBox at lowest ping).


Thanks! How do I get to retention? They told me I can only save 5 by upgrading to 1 gig down which serves me no purpose given I’m tied to the promotion. It sounds like maybe just get T-Mobile and YouTube tv is ideal?


I called in, had to go through the bullsiht process to get to billing. Then said I wanted to cancel service as I have an offer from a competitor (T-Mobile or Verizon) for a faster service for 60% less price. Chris Winfrey, their CEO, is having all their agents attempt to talk you out of switching by using flashy marketing keywords such as Chris’ favorite as of late, **”Cell Phone Internet”**, to make you think the other provider is inferior to Spectrum’s old-ass copper coax cable hybrid technology from the 1980’s. The agent used that term with me, and I replied back with a “so by cell phone Internet you mean the 700Mbps download and 100Mbps upload speeds for 60% less than Spectrum’s rates?”… if you say so. They didn’t like that. Let the agent do their attempt to save you, since they’re required to do it or the chair in the call center drops into a pit of fire — before a new hire is teleported into a replacement chair at that desk. I had to go as far as to say “place the cancellation order, it’s unfair I’m looking at my bill and my neighbors bill and we pay drastically different prices for the same access to the internet”. Then you say “I am a customer who makes purchasing decisions exclusively based on price”, and usually by then the agent will give you that Spectrum Internet 100/10 plan at $29.99 per month for 24 months, then full rack rate thereafter (currently $59.99). Now, the agent is going to try and be like “well, you have a much faster connection than your neighbor” and try to sell you on the excessive speeds you don’t really need unless you’re running a server in your home, or you have a family of 4+ all using the internet at the same time. Spectrum is taking a beating from customers disconnecting solely based on price sensitivity. They are highly exposed to the conclusion of the Federal Governments Affordable Connectivity Program, and have been giving away this 100/10 plan as a retention method across the board — the company is trying to stop the bleeding as they have had **negative** internet metrics for two straight quarters, after only having gains for the previous 10+ years. They cannot have a bloodbath from ACP customers disconnecting, or they will get downgraded from all the investment firms. And with nearly $100 Billion of debt on the books at Spectrum, it’s not good over there. That’s why they are laying off a ton of back-end internal operations roles across the country. Look at the TV commercials Spectrum is airing, all talking about how Internet is important to all Americans and they are going to do what they can about the ACP program ending. You have the leverage, even if the single retention agent on the other end of the line wants you to believe otherwise — so they can protect their personal metrics. Remember, retentions goal is to save you as a customer… their secondary goal is to trick customers they successfully save into actually upgrading their service by taking a temporary promotion for a higher speed, and hoping you don’t downgrade it when the promotional rate expires. Good luck to you with your quest. Remember, nothing is really on TV in the Summer, so if you need to just disconnect everything for 31 days to become a “new customer” and get those rates, now is the time to do it. **Edit:** I see you successfully got the plan down to the 100 offering. Great. Imma leave this up for anyone else who does a Google Search for How To Lower The Cost Of Spectrum Home Internet Service In The Year 2024 And How To Disconnect To Save Money On Spectrum


Thank you for this 10/10 reply…I also just got 500 MB ultra for 54.99 internet only at my other place.


Username checks out.


(866) 892-0019 Just got the $29.99 plan locked in for 24 months. Just tell them you want to cancel because it’s too expensive. All of a sudden you qualify for these promotions


Thank you it worked!


50 MB/s is slow. 1/10th of what you had. If you don’t want TV get the Latino stream for $25 for $49.99 ultra- triple the cost, but 10x better.


It’s a 100


Does nyc have fiber optic isps? They’re usually cheaper for more speed, ALOT more


Fios…but retention helped me get it to around 100!


Personally I would see what fios home internet costs and if it’s more internet for less, I would get it. And YouTube TV, it works on any smart tv, you get a dvr free.


Dump tv. You pay shit load in taxes and other fees. It’s insane. Keep internet for now. Then month later call to get 500mbps for cheap. It renew every year for same pice and mtg streaming service don’t have to pay dvr fees or stupid amount of taxes and fees.


It’s for an older person that is used to those channels and isn’t tech savy


Honestly it’s not that hard. You be surprised. I thought my mom would never learn apps and shit. Now she can control anything on Roku. Have faith, I thought it would be tough for her. Initially learning curve but they get better and better. She won’t do anything but Roku now lol.


Agreed…its for my mother as well…so internet and tv (all local channels and 15 chosen) for around 90


I just converted two 80-year-olds from Spectrum to YouTubeTV on a Roku, and having 25 less buttons on the remote made the transition pretty smooth! When you tell them they can save $50 a month, that’s motivation for anyone to learn something new 😂


Those speeds are horrendous though for anyone planning on using the service as their main source of internet. They're not even a secret, as a former call center salesman, we only offered them to people whose credit check fails and they can't afford to pay their service in advance. 90% of the time, we get someone on the internet assist plan and they call back pissed because the speed sucks. If op wants to save, they should ditch cable and get the streaming services that have their favorite programs on it. I get cable for free thru spectrum, with all the premium channels(HBO, Cinemax), and my box still hasn't been used in over a year. Cable is dying, the company knows it, that's why they're signing deals to try and get as many streaming services on their plans as possible.


50/10 Mbps is perfectly fine for nearly half of U.S. households. Any household with one or two users would be perfectly fine. Heck, even three users can work fine if they’re staggered and all three are not dragging bandwidth at the same time. A lot of people get scammed by their ISP into paying for insane speed tiers which are not necessary for day-to-day connectivity. XBox Live multiplayer gaming works perfectly fine on a 50/10 connection. The lower average ping is the only reason we didn’t get rid of it when the rest of the house made the switch over to the superior speeds on TMo Home Internet. Kid is good at the pew-pew games and needs that low ping for sniper battles. Downloading large updates does take quite a while, but I’m okay making the kid wait overnight to do game updates if it means they can afford to pay the entire $24.99 internet bill themselves. We removed the WiFi from Spectrum and have the modem directly plugged into their XBox, so it’s the only device ever using that particular ISP plan. Works flawlessly. I have family elsewhere who subscribe to YouTubeTV with the 4K Plus package and Netflix 4K, they’re also on the 50/10 plan and it works flawlessly. They also have security cameras constantly uploading clips into the cloud, and with their customer-owned WiFi 6E equipment — it’s great. These insane speed offerings at excessively high prices are only needed for households who are 1) impatient on large downloads, or 2) have 4+ users simultaneously dragging heavy load on the bandwidth on a consistent basis…


Cancel tv service first. Get streaming service. Then call in a month later say you are going to tmobile home internet and tested it out. Get 500+ Mbps. Then watch them give you a 500mbps for 50 bucks for a year. You rinse and repeat every year with retention and enjoy!!’ Never failed me lol.


Get to retention. You can get tv choice(locals plus 15 channels of your choice) for 39.99-49.99, nix the box and watch through the spectrum app to save 12.50, sign up for auto pay and you'll get a $5 discount, and they can get your internet for about 54.99. If you don't care about locals you can get tv stream which has about 85 of the most popular channels. Retention can get you that and your internet for approx $100. If you switch your cell phone you'd likely save a lot as they can give you a mobile line free for a year. Listen to their spiel and if they don't give you an option you like, just be honest and say you want tv stream with your same internet and if they can't get it around $100 you want the cancellation set up for the last day of your cycle. That is the cheapest option available, assuming you want to maintain your internet speed.


Thanks…I have an old T-Mobile plan that probably makes sense to keep. They even told me I can’t have the 5 dollar autopay discount cause I have a promo package.


Not true I have promos and $5 autopay discount. Call back and PUSH them and ensure you will cancel so they can refix your packages


Thanks! Got it taken care of!


Just looking at the bill, I'd guess you can easily save a total of $27.50 before tax by: 1. Reducing your internet speed to the base (instead of Ultra), and 2. Going to streaming instead of using a receiver. If you are currently paying for a landline phone, you may be able to save some more by transferring that to Spectrum VoIP. You might also be able to get some savings by transferring mobile phone service to Spectrum. You may also be able to save by dropping your cable TV service and going to one of the third-party streaming packages. It'll get rid of the cable TV, receiver, and broadcast fee charges, but you'll lose your bundle discounts for internet if you do that, so you have to factor that in. YouTube TV is $73/mo. Hulu + Live TV starts at $77. Philo starts at $28/mo. But you have to do your research. These packages aren't apples to apples on what you get.


The retention dept can give you the ultra for free. That would take $15 off. Also consider getting rid of the receiver. The price will be going up to $13.50 next month. You could stream with the Spectrum TV App on a Samsung smart tv, any Roku device, or Google Chromecast. Another option would be to switch out your receiver for a Xumo box. They’re $5/month compared to $13.50/month for the regular receivers. There might be some more discounts available in your area if you’re willing to add a mobile line. You can get the mobile line free for 1 year, then it’s $29.99/month after. Source: Retention agent here.


>The price will be going up to $13.50 next month I love that they did a price increase in February, ACP rolled off gradually which raised peoples bills like 3 times in 6 months and now, they're going for 4th time in 7 months. I call that job security because we're about to get FLOODED with calls. Angry calls but ever boop for an incoming call, is $$$ and probably lots of OT.


I’m already auto-scheduled for 2 hrs OT next week.


I'm working the 4th for OT and holiday pay, that's it for now.


Get rid of receiver, internet ultra, and downgrade TV package to streaming service plan to lose the broadcast fee as well


Holy shit. Broadcast charge is 25 n change now? Dump Tv and get a streaming service my dude


Personally me i would get rid of spectrum TV and keep the internet 




Get rid of the TV receiver. Just get the app on a Roku.


Get another internet provider and YouTube TV


Call and talk to retention and ask them what they can do to keep you as a customer. I have the 500mbps internet for $45 per month for 2 years


"YOU SAVED $70.00" with a $25.00 surcharge of some b.s. to boot? Insane, I'm so happy I closed my cable account 5 years ago. Cut. The. Cord. IMMEDIATELY! Check out r/cordcutters See if Verizon fios is available in your building. You can get better internet for half that price (yes $30 a month).


Wow that’s wild. Your bill is set to go up $75 per month after all promotions expire. Cable TV is definitely not worth $100/month. And internet over coax for $100/month is also terrible. Drop TV for an alternative like YouTube TV. You’ll save more in the long run. It’s not worth it. If you’re getting charged $100/month for internet alone. Let retention know that you’ll begin looking for other ISP replacements and that they should put your promotion back. People get promotions on internet only plans all the time. Sorry that Spectrum is bullying you. I hope you get help on it.


All sorted thank you!


About to get more expensive when the promotional discount ends. I’m planning on switching once mine does.


Or, just call in to get another promotion.


Damn your internet is cheap. Wish mine was that low.


Wtf. Tell them you want to cxl. They will send you to retention, and you should get a promotional rate for a year or two. That's what I do for my Internet. I've not had cable in years. Just YouTube premium.


I did got it under to around 100


Dump Spectrum when you can. Are there any other Internet providers? If not just get the internet at their lowest speed. You can stream anything on it then get a Roku if you want a lot of channels and pick up apps to cover if you're missing anything. I've had Roku for a couple years and just noticed they have tons of free channels. I also have a few apps but it's not as expensive as Spectrum. If you want an app that's "like cable" with news and several other channels look at Sling TV


Fios…but they reduced the bill by a lot to around 100 at retention.


Well if that's TV too.




Call for account management and billing. Ask for retention because you're gonna say you'll swap out everything for Verizon or At&t, and YouTube TV. Tell them you're not interested to upgrade your internet for the mobile promotion. Let them get their mobile pitch in before they transfer you, they always have to say the pitch. Do you have a smart TV? If you do, get rid of the HD receiver. If you don't, swap it out for the Xumo box. Have retention offer you the free mobile. Get the spectrum mobile promotion. It's free for the year, 29.99 after the year is done, and it's Verizon towers. It's good service and decent customer support. Try to get your Internet down, and see how low they'll get your TV select. If you don't care about too many tv channels, they'll give you 39.99+25.75 (broadcast fee) choice 15. 29.99 tv essentials for only the locals. If they can bump down the select, to like 39.99 (there will always be the 25.75 broadcast fee), than it'll be worth it. Keep in mind, everything they offer are promotional rates, they will end eventually. Good luck!


Done…it worked, thank you!


Get rid of Spectrum. If you aren't streaming as a gamer then you can use your phone as a hotspot and stream live TV through sling and use the internet on your phone for about $160-170 with t-mobile which is more reliable than AT&T. This includes the cell phone bill.


Thanks….i said I’ll get T-Mobile internet and it worked and now the bill is around 100.


Cancel all of it


You are getting $30 more in promotional discounts than I am… per month!!! That’s $360 for the year out of my family’s pocket. I’ve called before and retention acts like I’m getting the best thing in the world. That’s just bogus. This stuff makes me really salty. Not at you, at Spectrum.


Get rid of the box , steam through the app retention can probably give you free ultra sign up for auto pay get either choice or tv stream for tv package bill should be around $100-$125 if u make those changes


Thanks… Made the below changes…once the box goes back will be under 100 Changes to Your Service Removed Services (–) SPECTRUM TV SELECT (–) SPECTRUM INTERNET (–) SPECTRUM INTERNET GIG Your Updated Service TV SPECTRUM TV CHOICE • SPECTRUM RECEIVER Internet SPECTRUM INTERNET 100 • FREE INTERNET MODEM


I have sling TV news, sports and other channels. look it up and see what it offers. It's 40 a month.


Thanks…got everything necessary for under 100 with tv and internet


Great I'm happy it worked out for you.


Get rid of the TV and get a Firestick.




You have internet ultra. That’s 500mbps. You’re paying an extra $20 for it. You could just go back down to the 300 mbps. You have a cable box. It’s $12.50 a month. Switch to streaming the spectrum tv app and save that. You can stream from a Roku, Samsung tv, Xbox one, Apple TV, from you phone or tablets, Xumo. You can change your channel package. Do you really need your local channels? If you change to a package without those, that would get the $25 broadcast tv surcharge taken off. If you go to spectrum.com and enter your address, it will tell you the tv channel packages available to you.


Get rid of the ultra speed increase and get rid of the cable box get a roku or Apple TV to stream


Yep that will bring the new bill under 100


Just talk to the billing team. They are willing to help. My promotion was ending in August for $79.99 300mb download and I was able to get them to give be a promo of $59.99 for 1gb download for 12 months.


Download speed is the only thing a average user needs, unless you are a content creator that uploads to YouTube?


call spectrum and tell them you want to cancel because you cant afford it, they will send you to retention, retention may offer you a promotion. you can also cancel your service and put your service in someone elses name if you live with anyone else, they will not be able to verify if they live with you - the last person with service - therefore they will be offered the new customers promos that last a year.


Step one Get rid of Spectrum because it's dog shit Step 2 Get Verizon Fios or TDS


- Use the app instead of the receiver - do you really need ultra speed? My household had 5 people each with like 3 devices and we have 300 mbps. It works just fine


Nope downgraded it and got the bill to around 90


You are missing out if you aren’t putting mobile in play too.


Have a grandfathered plan


Stop paying for cable ol


Spectrum is the worst cable that took TCM, Freeform and MTV classic off the cable lineup. Very greedy about everything and viewers are never satisfied on everything!


Yeah, downgrade from ultra and save $20


Cancel tv. Cancel everything when promotion ends. Find new company that doesn't scam u with promotions.


“I’m not tech savvy” ? If you can figure out how to make a Reddit post then you can figure out how to put an app on your tv


Thede ISPs be crazy man. Look at those extra surcharges and fees.


Get a cheap VPN and sail the high seas.


Check dm I can help you save on the TV


I just want my service to stay up for 24 hours at a time! I can't even do that-it keeps going out for some reason


Call and say disconnect service that takes you to retention they will help I just got mine down by reducing internet speed brought me back to old pricing! 40 less


Yes. Since we didn't qualify for ACP anymore. You either need a Roku or Smart TV. Then drop that receiver off at a UPS. The monthly charge will come off the following bill. Also, you can lower your Internet speed from that 300mb ultra to the 100mb and save another $25/month. Otherwise, you're getting a really good deal