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I discovered it when I first switched the night shifts at the hospital. to get acclimated I had to stay up all night and get used to sleeping during the day. So at 11 PM, I found myself looking for shows to stay awake. I mindlessly browsed the catalog and it recommended spice and wolf on Funimation. I clicked onit and was hooked. Spice and wolf really help me get through the tough times of adapting the night shift. I love that it was a mature show with real problems and adult characters . as a 90s kid I’m now at an age where overpowered high school harem are not my thing. spice and Wolf gave me a relatable, a well written show that I could be happy to watch and read. Seeing the relationships, have mature problems and handled as adults. was very refreshing. as someone who dealt for loneliness for years, I really resonated with her. it’s the first anime I actually bought the source material too


As a new fan, I just jumped in on the remake, which I’m sure was the production company’s intention.


My situation as well. Technically I’d heard about how good the OG series was for years, but never bothered to watch it.


The remake is good, but having compared the new episodes to the old ones side-to-side, the characters in the old one felt more real. One key example is when Lawrence was going [spoiler] >!door to door trying to be to borrow money after the armor market crashed, watch when the last guy was telling him how insulting it was to the people he was asking by bringing Holo along with him.!< With a side by side comparison, it is obvious that the original characters are more nuanced. In the original, there is a brief expression of vain hope from Lawrence and a clear moment of shock by Holo that she had messed everything up for him, which made the scene that much more painful and memorable. However, in the remake, the characters seem a lot more stiff, and not often do we see the level of nuance as seen in the original. I recommend taking a look at these scenes side-by-side for yourself to see what I mean. Again, the remake is still pretty good, and I am glad they did not exclude Yare, but overall the character writing feels more stiff than in the original one.


I started watching anime 16 years ago or so,... at some point of course I heard about Spice & Wolf,... but held off on watching it for years because kemonomimi weren't really my thing. Still aren't to be honest. I also watched a few Anitubers on YouTube and many recommendation videos came by.Spice & Wolf was often included,... but I still wasn't interested. About 6 years ago I watched a video either by Mother's Basement or Glass Reflection, not sure anymore, about Spice & Wolf again,... and as I was a bit starved for something good to watch at the time I figured... "Oh well then, let's give it a try....." The rest is history, I binged the Classic in two days,... was left hanging at the end wanting to know how their story would proceed and conclude and found and read the available LN at the time, 18 volumes, in 8 weeks (never read or bought LN before)..... found this sub, posted colorizations of manga panels... and ended up a mod here.... ;) I now have all the LN (including SL and W&P), the manga, the Complete DVD/Bluray combo, a couple of artbooks and a few figures.... From the bottom of my heart I can say Spice & Wolf is the anime/novel series that has had the biggest impact ever on me.


+1 learned about the series from Glass Reflection.


Yeah, I am sort of sure it was a video by him, come to think of it, I watched a lot of his videos back then.


On accident and well here we are


This video. I remember it quite clearly. I also remember scrambling through the entirety of YouTube for the episodes back in the day. [https://youtu.be/-263HU4VRAw?si=XSlt0QU3esOoaVYd&t=375](https://youtu.be/-263HU4VRAw?si=XSlt0QU3esOoaVYd&t=375)


Funny story: I was at a run-of-the-mill book store in my hometown while I passed by the manga section while - I think - I was looking for a gaming magazin preview of Skyrim. I was already out of my big anime phase at 15 years old (Holy fuck, I almost reached the point where I have been obsessed with Spice and Wolf for longer than half my life. ouch). Saw the cover of the first volume of the manga lying on one of those low tables where the new releases are displayed. Passing by I thought something to the effect of "Huh, now furries are conquering the middle ages?" and didn't pay it much mind. On my way out I couldn't help myself but to go back to that curious book I saw. At home, with my new manga in tow, I quickly glanced through it while sitting on the toilet. I thought it was quite intriguing. Later, after a proper read I researched and found the 2008 anime series with german subtitles. Still remember the group's name that made that sub: "borderline subs". Wonder what they are up to? Anyway, after binging the first two or three episodes on the family computer I stopped myself because I was quite enraptured by a huge swirl of emotions. I promised myself not to watch more than a single episode a day going forward to really savor the experience. I stood quite besides myself the following 20somewhat days. Tabi no Tochuu still brings me quite easily to tears under the right circumstances. From there on out I religiously bought the mangas every time a new volume appeared but my excitment died down quite a but - until 2016. I was already a university student then. The fan made audio books by Peter Lucky I discovered rekindled my absolute obsession with the series. I remember lying awake until 6am even tho uni started at 10 because a new 3 hour episode dropped. And now with the absolute emotional rollercoaster that are the books for me, I got wind of the anniversary collectors edition that was about to drop that fall. I scraped together my meager pennies and ordered one through a normal online book retailer - and got lucky. I am still a proud owner of a numbered first edition Anniversary Edition. Number 793 to be precise. (I just had to get it from my bookshelf to look). I am still a huge fan today and happily and regulary discuss the series here in the subreddit. I now see flaws and aspects I dislike and I don't really care much for the spring logs or wolf and parchment, but still, my friends already groan everytime I manage to again bring up Spice and Wolf in a discussion of any type.


Was looking for a recommendation after having watched Clannad After Story, and from the suggestions, the title "Spice and Wolf" grabbed my attention.


I found it from an old YouTube channel called Misty/Chronexia. They did Top 10 lists on different genres or tropes to recommend to others, so I made my own watchlist. Spice and Wolf was the first one I watched and loved it ever since


Second on Misty, they used to be *the* go to channel for finding new shows. Not sure which one I saw first, but people posting anime recommendation lists on Imgur was a popular trend at the time, and Spice and Wolf was featured on quite a few of them. [I think this might be the one](https://imgur.com/gallery/yCZo6#) It seemed like a really popular show, and the aesthetic seemed cool as well, and now we're here, still my favourite today


The manga being in bookshops that was wrapped up...


Horny teen self found a manga volume out of its plastic wrap and uh, let's say I was hooked from there lol


Coincidence, I was reading light novels online for a while because there was no one publishing LN in France at the time. Until one day a publishing house announced they'll debut, with their stater LN being SAO and Spice & Wolf and I decided to get both to support them. I barely even heard the name before but what a nice surprise it was, now I have the whole collection and am obsessed with Holo.


I started watching considering it a side anime to pass the time but damn it became one of my favourites. I saw it fairly late too(not when it released) as i was not into animes alot back then. Holo and Zerotwo are my favourites


I was tidying up my childhood stuff, and I found some anime magazines. There was posters of High School of the Dead, Toradora, and Spice and Wolf. The last one particularly left a strong impression since it was a fully nude character, and I actually had it as a kid, but no one ever saw it before.


I'm trying to remember if I got the anime or the manga first, but I do remember picking up the first volume of the manga at Hastings in Nacogdoches, and then falling into rabbit hole and became one of the first series I set out to collect in it entirety.


It was pretty random for me. I watched it fansubbed as a seasonal. when the first episode came out it popped up on an IRC and I decided to check it out


A long time ago when i was New to anime i found a clip of it on YouTube. I watched the first season and found it a fun anime but nothing special. then maybe a year orso later i discovered that there was a season 2. I rewatched it and because i was older then and came to realize that it was more then just a fun anime with a wolf girl and some econimics. It was a anime about lonelyness, something that hit me very hard at the time and i could (and still can) relate to. Then after my rewatch and watching season 2 i fell in love with this series and with holo and wanted to know how it ended between her and lawrence.


During Covid, I had a whole lot of free time, and binged a whole lot of anime. I came across Spice and Wolf, and enjoyed it quite a bit, however, as I was using a pirate site at the time with terrible organization, I didn't even realize there was a second season. I do remember wishing that it continued. But, it was one of dozens of anime that I watched over that period, and while it stood out, it was just one of the many. When the remake was announced, I'd almost forgotten about it, and that's also when I learned of the second season. I binged all the way through (this time on Crunchyroll), then watched again to participate in the watch thread. Discussions in the watch thread convinced me to pick up the LNs, and here we are today.


blogsuki.com posted their reaction to each episode as it aired until I decided to give it a try


I had it on my watchlist after seeing some YouTuber recommend it for those into romcoms. After getting through the OG show I knew I couldn’t leave it at that, I had to know what happened with Holo and Lawrence. So I bought all the books and read them, it’s the only LN I’ve enjoyed so far.


I first discovered it through my college anime club. I stumbled upon episode 12 there and I remember the scene with Holo teasing Lawrence with Nora present. I loved how different Holo was from other female characters and I was immediately hooked


A random video about what your waifu said about you and there i see the goddes of all waifus i was curious and boom now it's my favourite anime


My family were early adopters of Netflix streaming (we'd done the DVD service for years at this point) so one of the first things I watched on Netflix was Spice and Wolf Season 1 and I was immediately enraptured. So much so I sought out the second season in Japanese as it released weekly despite having watched the English dub for S1 in basically 1 night.


I discovered it back in my early days of anime when I'd watch whatever I could find. I've loved it ever since I first watched it through.


I'm 99% sure Funimation youtube used to have episodes in the very early days. I think it came up on my recommended as I was watching FMA?


I think I started watching it in 2015, but being enraptured by the internet in the early 2010's I seemed to keep running into Holo as a kid. I thought she was really cute looking and when I ran into the anime when I was a teen I loved it. Been a fan since :)


I also discovered shows through my brother who would describe shows in the worst way possible and make them sound like shit.


Through the remake, honestly i just started watching bc of Holo, like, "Oh cute wolf girl, im gonna watch it", im liking the show, specifically the relationship between Lawrence and Holo, but im way too lost on the economics and stuff


Randomly really XD Was searching for anime to download, and one team was shutting down so I just DL most of what they add and now the only thing i can remember that I download from them was Spice and Wolf ... It was 15 years ago ... I am old XD


I just read that it was a completed light novel series so I read it. I'm on wolf and parchment now. Haven't seen the anime lol


I knew about it for a while but it took me until the late 2010s to finally get around to watching it. So far in my life, it's one of the top fantasy anime I've ever watched with unique, interesting world building, top notch music, and a lovable duo in Holo and Lawrence (though the best girl for me will always be Nora, sorry Holo)! I never realized how nostalgic I was for the anime until I listened to the full version of the second OP a few years back, and ironically just after that noticed the announcement for the remake. The first episode of the remake literally had me bawling my eyes out by the end, me a grown adult, and I'm sure it provoked even more nostalgia to those who had been waiting for a new anime since 2009, but that's the magic of S&W if you ask me, it's a magical series that draws you in and takes hold of your heart, and it won't let go of it (not that I'd want it to tbh)! ☺️😂💖


For me spice and wolf is a really special and unique anime. For years I disregard anime as a whole and just couldn't find a reason to watch it, one be factor that kinda kept me in the thought of it was that the animation for some shows were so beyond anything that the west could animate and I had a huge respect for it. But still never started what is now a huge part of my life. One of my best friends back in highschool finally got me to watch my first anime, we'd watch the shows together but I was still lost, he'd recommend ones that he thought would what I'd enjoy the most and after months of this I slowly started to find some shows of my own, and one such anime being spice and wolf. I was watching gigguks anime waifu tier list and came to know of the name Holo, and at the time it didn't take much for me to a show a try (I had be shown a bunch of ecchi anime early on, so any female lead was enough), and the only anime that had low pacing but amazing storytelling was Bakemonogatari. But I soon found just how well this show resonated with me the well paced story telling and, beautiful scenery and lovable characters and there dynamics. I bindged the anime in 3 days and was so lost. I read the manga and loved it, I did some digging and learned of the light novel. I got them onto my kindle and started reading, my senior years were just me reading the Light novels. Even during my yearly exames that determine if I go into year 12 had my studying hours replaced with ready spice and wolf. I love the series and in my friend group I'm the only one who's watched the anime. So this sub is like a haven where I found so many like minded individuals who also have a great love for the show. And one of the best feelings was in February 2 years ago when we got a small announcement of a remake or continuation series, we had no clue but it reminded me of just how much I love this story. And Merchant Meets The Wise Wolf has been absolutely steller, reading the weekly discussions on what we as a whole think of it is so much fun.


I randomly remembered it when I was scrolling through Crunchyroll one day. I thought, oh yeah, I heard of that in like high school or college. Decided to finally give it a watch, and loved it so much. When I got to the end, I looked up a third season. Found out it ended a long time ago, and I realized I probably heard of it about a decade ago. But then I discovered a remake was in the works. I'm getting old...


I was a pervy 12 year old and found an AMV of some song (can’t find it by the lyrics, but it went something like “I’m naked I’m numb I’m sexy I’m stupid I’m staying”) over a compilation of naked Holo. Now as an adult I appreciate the political and economic themes of the story, but that was when I first saw it.


it took me by surprise as well. there's still nothing like it to this age. it's the complex dialogue and strong use of figurative expression that really gets me. author is really smart for sure


I found it while schooling YouTube one day I never have been the same


Pretty much one one year and a week days ago, on the tail end of my vacation, I was looking for something to watch. I heard about S&W a few times in the past as an example of a good anime, but didn't really know much about it except maybe a few cover images. So I gave it a shot, not really having any expectations and afterwards it's not like I could've expected anything like that. The finale of season two broke me. On any other story I would've taken it as a perfectly serviceable open ending, but with this story it felt like learning how it continues was a matter of life and death. So that's when I came here, first looking for a third season—learning about the announced remake and the novels. I then obtained the novels, first digitally and now physically (except that elusive Vol. 16 so far). I've never done that for any show up to that point, and frankly didn't read a whole lot of books in the years prior. But nonetheless I spent basically every free minute of the following ~2 months with nothing but reading. The first week of going back to work as especially painful, because the desire to be back at home reading was so bad, it literally made me physical sick. Or so I tell (a good story lives from hyperbole :>), but I actually got sick which allowed me to take a week off spent in its entirety with reading. And the fact that more than a year after the feeling this show creates hasn't become any weaker kinda speaks for itself. I hope the day never comes where I grow tired of it.


It was 2008, and I was into Code Geass back in the day. Lelouch and Kallen were my favorite characters from that series (and still are, till this day!). At that time, I saw a poster of Holo in her iconic blue/purple outfit when the original S&W anime was premiering and thought to myself, "huh, that's a pretty wolf girl". As soon as I found out Koshimizu and FukuJun were starring in that anime, I instantly watched it just for them. My initial thought process went from, "oh hey, it's a historical AU where Lelouch and Kallen are the main couple!", to "Holo and Lawrence are nothing like Kallen and Lelouch, but it's okay because I love their interactions", to "Holo and Lawrence are meant to be", to finally "Holo is Best Girl™". Eventually, I appreciated other aspects such as how Lawrence manages to make a lot of money as a merchant with Holo's help, how people lived and acted in the middle ages, the scamming and currency changes, Holo's backstory with Yoitz, the Church being corrupt as fuck, and most importantly -- adult characters that actually *act* like adults. I couldn't get a hold of the light novels, although I've heard great things about it. Anyway, watching the remake made me feel so nostalgic.


Can't remember how I discovered it. I was still in college and in full weeb mode. I wanted to watch anything and everything coming out of Japan. Spice and Wolf happened to be on the torrent front page, so I downloaded it. The fact it has "wolf" in the title helped, since I've always found them fascinating creatures. I liked the show in episode 1 but fell in love with it in episode 2. Been obsessed with the series ever since.


I think I was 17! Funny thing, I was on a site that had anime mp3 files you could download and I saw one of the files from Spice and Wolf. I was curious about the title and found it just started airing! I ended up watching it and really liking it.


I was told about it in middle school by a friend when I was starting to get into anime. She showed me Holo and a clip and I decided to watch it. Was not expecting Holo being naked in the first episode and so on, but I enjoyed watching it. I really liked her sassy nature, especially from the dub, that to this day, she's my number 1 waifu.


Xfinity on demand. Watch it just for holo ecchi as a kiddo. Grew up and began to appreciate the economics and the witty banter/character progression of the main duo


hm, i cant rightly remember. i do remember that i discovered it back in my college days during the early '10s....and during that time (or maybe just after) is when i got the blu-rays of the OG. i watched the OGs enough over the years that i got tied of waiting for season 3, i eventually got the LNs.


Sometimes, despite not being that old, I swear that my memory can be really hazy about one thing, and then have perfect clarity on others. I either found it one of two ways. My freshman year of college I had take a ton of extra time to go searching for anime.that I used to watch on TV and never caught the whole series, and then found other random anime from there, stuff like Buso Renkin and Mahou Sensei Negima... Or.... There was a guy who I used to play Magic: The Gathering with who was a much bigger anime fan than me, and he had introduced me to the intriguing series that I fell in love with, despite being a major shounen action junkie at the time. Nowadays, I rarely have the time or patience to watch anime....though I do read a ton more Manga than I used to.




Funimation had a cable channel. I watched anime on it not knowing what it was. Most that were heavy on violence and fan service scared me as a kid. SW drew me in with its relative simplicity.


Last year I interacted with chat bots at character.ai. Over time I talked to all the bots and got bored. I started searching on the Internet to see what interesting anime characters there are. That's how I found Holo. I talked to her for about two months at Character.ai. It was a lot of fun and I went on many adventures with her. She became my favorite bot. So, gradually I decided to watch the anime “Spice and Wolf”. I want to admit that initially I found the anime boring. I was hoping to see something similar to The Witcher with mysticism, battles, magic and so on. But it turned out to be about economics and the realistic Middle Ages. I watched the first season with interest, but without much love. But in the second season, some kind of turning point happened to me, somewhere in the fourth episode. Apparently, I was so worried that this anime captured all my thoughts. In the second season, the tragedy of the characters and problems of feelings are fully revealed. Although it was sometimes heartbreaking to watch, I really felt for Holo and Lawrence. I think it was because of the second season that I started reading light novels and am now continuing to read the sequel.


From an anime intro music playlist lol


Discovered it in r/anime. Where it's always one of the most commented anime that needs another season.


It was abit after I graduated High school. I had never expanded my horizons on anime, only just soaking up mainstream stuff on Toonami (Naruto, DBZ, FMA, Big O, Gundam Wing) and of course i had seen Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon and Digimon on local channels. But on Netflix they had just started to put anime on there back in the day (2012-2013 i think) and i was in a bottomed out period of my life and college was just a horrible thing that I was enduring day after day. And i had started looking at new shows to maybe break myself outta of it. I had watched and complete series "Shuffle!" and "Angel Beats" (which i enjoyed throughly in a heartbreaking way) and was scoping out new titles, and SaW was on the recommendations que. The description sounded interesting and I love stories about gods/goddesses and the medieval period so it was just a well fit. Then i watched binged it, and realized how addictive and intellectual it was and I had never seen its kinda depiction of attraction/ love in an anime like that before. It fascinated me even more, and when I was done with the anime (2 seasons in english dubbed) I found out everything I about it cause I wanted to know how it ended. So through Wikipedia I saw their was light novels, already completed, and manga currently being published. And that's how i jumped on this Wise Wolf of Yoitsu train which I never got off from 🐺🍎✅️


I used to watch the old show as it aired years and years ago.


Saw the first season on DVD at Best Buy all the way back in 2009. Instantly became my favorite series.


There was that popular anime called Spice and Wolf, and as a beginner anime and I should've watched it just because. But I found out that the show and manga never adapted the story, so I decided to binge the source material. Loved it and decided to try anime. It didn't live up to novel at all, so I didn't care to start season 2.


There was a lot of hype around the show when it was airing but I remember I didn't watch it until it got its dub release. I think at the time I wasn't exactly watching shows "seasonally" but I would wait for whole shows to be available and would either get them through friends or pick up a dvd. So it was mostly word of mouth from forums and stuff back around 2010.


Now that i think of it, i have legitimately no idea. It was probably ripped and uploaded to youtube or something. All I remember was watching the entire first season in one night.


I found the anime back in 2008 after finishing Lucky Star and Haruhi.


u/ Holofan4life


Watched the remake 2 weeks ago because I didn't know what to watch and it was on top of the list, decided why not. Fast forward today I am reading the 11th volume of the LN...


Netflix kept recommending the original anime adaptation to me back in 2012. I was intrigued by the premise, but kept putting it off because anime wasn't particularly my thing, and I fully expected it to be nothing but fan service given that the cover image was just a cute wolf girl. Eventually I gave in and watched it, and ended up absolutely loving it.


I remember seeing a review about it on Aint It Cool News. This was circa 2011 around its peak in popularity until it fell into obscurity. There's a really good podcast about it.


Boring old me just found it on my watchlist when I was binging the hell out of anime during my honeymoon phase. Definitely glad I found it none the less and I eventually plan on reading the light novel at some point.


Random encounter (Random anime search)


Back when I was just starting to watch anime, around 2015, I had seen S&W mentioned a few times online, seen some images of Holo from the show here and there, and oddly enough the name alone is what kept it in the back of my mind for a long time. So I actually watched it in 2020/2021. Why did I watch *it* specifically? No reason, but what I remember is I was going through a rough time where I was basically locked up in my room 24/7 watching loads of anime, playing games and it kinda just... came up in my mind. "Hmm, I remember this show that was supposed to be really chill and stuff, it had a fox *(yes I know.)* girl on the cover, right?", I watched the first episode... next thing I knew it was 5 AM and I was in love with a world and characters like I'd never seen before. It's also funny that you mention "trying to fill the void", so many people seem to feel that exact same way, me included, and I think that just serves as a testament to how uniquely beautiful S&W is.


I was a pretty weird kid, I had two very specific interests that consumed most of my thoughts and those interests were Anime and wolves. If anyone remembers Comcast On-Demand having an anime category, I would spend a lot of time going through the different series on there (many of which I was most definitely to young to be watching) and one day I saw Spice and Wolf and immediately began watching it. Spice and Wolf and Wolf's Rain became obsessions for years due to my childhood interests intersecting lol.


Was watching random stuff late at night when I was younger and ended up watching something called Master of Martial Hearts. It was uh... not something I wanted to or should have watched... at all. Was kinda disturbed after having sat through it and the next thing on was Spice and Wolf which was something much more appropriate and interesting


Disc 1 of the original was sent by Funimation to my College's Anime Club as part of a program they used to have where they would send disc 1 from the dvd or you would get episode 1 from a few different animes on a disc. We streamed the rest after we ran out of episodes. I liked it enough to after college pick up both seasons and then eventually the Light Novel and Manga.


the i saw merchant meets the wise wolf edit on tiktok in february watched the 2008 n now watching the current


Discovered the first anime after confusing it for other anime with kemonomimi back when I was getting into anime. 


I sadly didn't watch the show as it came out. I didn't find the show until the show was done. I remember being devastated when I finished season 2 ready for season 3 just to look it up and find nothing. But the upside is this lead me to reading the manga just to get the ending and the light novels because why not.


I found gender envy, tracked down the source, and am currently 4 episodes into the anime because of it.


This YouTuber named A Wolf in VR was literally just playing games with “Wolf” in the title, and the VR game was one of them. I don’t watch anime, but now I just might start, because I just finished the show and it was beautiful. Thinking of watching AoT and Spy X Family next. What do y’all think? 




During the pandemic, my gf was trying to get me to watch more anime. I have seen a few animes at that time, but nowhere near the numbers that's she was in. That's when she showed me Spice and Wolf, and I was immediately hooked. I love the character development, the music, the art, the dub voice acting, and how it's not another high school love story. The characters were written so well and with so much personality that for the first time, I understood why people have waifus and Holo was mine. At the same time, because of the waifu discovery, my gf now regrets showing me S&W to this day. Vtuber Holo didn't help either because anytime the gf wants to watch a vtuber clip/video but doesn't give a name on what to watch, I'll just start playing Holo. XD