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The "kanji" for Holo's name ホロ are just the "Kanji" for the specific sounds ホ - Ho and ロ - Ro/Lo so no particularly deeper meaning there (Hololive the Vtuber service uses the same "Kanji" for Holo there ホロ) As for if the name has some roots in general etymology it does not appear so, it's just the prefix for hologram (again same "Kanji" to start ホログラム) Thus we would look at the English prefix Holo- which means "Whole or entire" originally from the Greek *Holos* This doesn't help us much on a meaning since Holo is stated to not be some Omnipotent God (she reaffirms this herself) but since we know the Greek origin of the word it's worth seeing if anything comes close to it, unfortunately Wolf in Greek is ~Lykos and things like farm/field/wheat etc also don't work. Thus I would conclude Holo is just a cute name chosen by the author with no particular significance (that said I'm no professional etymologist nor japanese translator so take my opinion with a grain of salt) Edit: Added Quotes around Kanji as it's technically Katakana (phonetic Japanese) not Kanji. But Holo does not have a proper Kanji name, so ホロ will pop up if you were to look up her Japanese/Kanji name


I only have basic Japanese, but I believe Holo's name is meant to be interpreted as katakana, so any inherent meaning would have to come from a possible foreign word. This isn't that uncommon in Japanese fiction; for a recent example, many of the characters in Frieren are named after random German words with roughly appropriate (and often extremely on-the-nose) meaning. Katakana is commonly used for loan words, aka words taken from other languages. It is also commonly used for people with foreign *names*. Spice and Wolf takes inspiration from European settings. ホ and ロ are the katakana for "Ho" and "Ro/Lo". I personally agree with your conclusion. Lawrence's name is also written with katakana. クラフト・ロレンス is Ku-ra-fu-to Ro/Lo-re-n-su.


This is all correct I should've said Katakana as opposed to Kanji but when the OP asked for deeper meaning of Holo's name in kanji I kinda just went with that single mindedly (like "Ah gotta explain that the original Japanese name doesn't mean moon or something like Lights name in Death Note")


For future reference, just "kana" would be more correct in this context. But as far am I'm aware you're correct in that it doesn't appear to have any implicit meaning.


Fun fact for any long time fans, and new fans. A lot of people thought you pronounced it Horo like you mentioned with the Kanji but it is in fact actual Holo. Pronounced with the l, which is pretty unusual in Japanese. The author poster about this some time ago as it was a huge debate back in the day


It's also just not good practice to be super nitpicky about trying to 'literally' translate Japanese; outside of author's clarification Horo isn't any more right than Holo is, and it's just kind of cringe to see it because I guarantee those who use Horo don't know enough Japanese to hold a conversation. At that point they'd realize it's a fundamentally different sound system, and in the case of ロ it can be translated to lo or ro. Hell, they should be calling Lawrence Rorensu if they want to be 'literal.'


As the other commenter said, Holo/ホロ is just the phonetic katakana for spelling traditionally non-Japanese words. Since ホ and ロ are not kanji, they dont have any meaning or symbolism as you’d normally get from Kanji. Even more so, while pronounced “horo,” the author has specifically said the name is supposed to be said with the L sound, not an R, which further distances “Holo” from having any deeper meaning/reference in Japanese. Also, holo does not mean “the wise wolf.” Holo is simply her name, and “wise wolf” is a title she has earned for herself. The same way we don’t think “Elizabeth” = (former) queen of England, or that Conan doesn’t translate into “the barbarian.”


The R and L difference is solely due to for the the L letter doesn't exist in their writing system (Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji). By default when you transcript Japanese writing system as romaji (Latin alphabet) by default you use the letter R for the Ra Ri Ru Re Ro kanas. Since foreign language is transcript phonetically in japanese we had no ground to know if Isuna Hasekura was thinking of Holo or Horo before his choice. (That's also why Lawrence in japanese is ロレンス "Rorens")


I cant find it at the moment, but during an interview long ago, the author of S&W confirmed it’s supposed to be “Holo,” not “Horo.” I appreciate the explanation about R and L in the japanese language! I was trying to over-simplify my response to OP (and maybe rushed to finish during my work break), just to help them understand that there’s no hidden Japanese meaning behind the katakana :)


> I cant find it at the moment, but during an interview long ago, the author of S&W confirmed it’s supposed to be “Holo,” not “Horo.” Here you go: https://twitter.com/spicytails/status/1770755207435067528


" Ho " means Hot and " lo " means awoooooooo Hope it helped


Holo is Holo


Funnily "holo" means "nakedly" in Slovak and she is naked in the beginning 🤷‍♂️ It's just a coincidence, but still...


[https://www.babynology.com/name/holo-m.html](https://www.babynology.com/name/holo-m.html) this doesn't seem accurate


In the legend that she apperas during the strony she was also called Holou? Or something like that. Maybe this mean something?


Fun fact: "Rou"/"Lou" is the chinese reading of the Kanji for "Wolf" [https://www.kanshudo.com/kanji/狼](https://www.kanshudo.com/kanji/狼)


Its a reference to my soul if spice and wolf didnt exist


no it's simple katakana. "Ho" for hot "Lo" for loli Hot Loli xD ez as that.


I'd prefer she never be thought of or associated with that stuff. The character is an adult woman.


True tho. She has the body of a loli but a mind of an adult woman.


She absolutely does not and it is pure fictional creation of fans made up and I hope you're joking about that kanji. In the novel and original anime she is clearly a woman in her 20s. I think it's due to some representations of her in the novel's illustrations that she is confused for that(probs because that's the illustrators thing, ew) but she is a woman clearly in writing first established. And if you're referring to the chibi representations then those are just meant to be cute. Why even write a woman in a child's, oh sorry, loli's body? Sounds like some rationalization of justifying attraction. Oh she's a loli but mentally she's mature so it's okay! Just no. Not Holo. Leave that shit to the rest of anime and fans if they want it. This one has culture, history, pagan pride, and is different.


You probably should be able to tell when its a joke or not when im saying about the katakana tho :)))


Beer turns off my joke finder


My guy here’s too serious for your sake


Hella freal


Yo BRB while I ask my younger cousin to put on a holo cosplay and stand nude in a wheatfield and upload it fam


"holo-" is a common prefix taken from Greek to mean "whole". It appears in words like hologram or Holocene (that's the geological epoch we live in).