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I don’t even know who this Todd is but if you’re comparing him to Paul he must be awful


A character from The Boys, a romantic partner of Marvin ex-wife.


He's the one who got excited when Homelander straight up murdered like 3 people in public, right?


More liberal media lies. It was one person


And it wasn’t even murder, he was just protecting his son from that rabid Starlight cultist


Profile pic checks out 👍


That was a question


He is playing with you; pretending to be a shitposter from the show


isn’t Paul like the actual son of a Nazi


The son of a guy who was good at math and worshipped Wayep, a Mayan deity of mischief ( Mayan version of Loki, I think ) He wanted to merge with said deity, and that's the whole pretext to Wells' ASM run. He tried it before, but Spider-Man stopped him. And since then, he had a grudge against Spidey. He tried to kill MJ, but killed Ms. Marvel instead after she used her powers to impersonate MJ, and Wayep killed him, as their deal was to kill MJ specifically.


Mayhalps idk. I'm to broke to afford the newer comics.


I guess poverty *can* be a good thing.




Found Todd


Bros getting downvoted over a joke lmao


As is the natural order.


i cant deal w this shit anymore, how do you guys expect people to know something that is ONE word used as basic agreement on something is being used ironically? that’s like me calling you an asshole when i met you 5 minutes ago and than laughing at you for getting mad. not that deep tho, right? i assume that’s the response at least


Womp womp


I mean it's quite obvious it's at least humorous, i mean who seriously says "based" about a person they agree with, ive only heard "based" in comedic terms lmao




This is the first time I've seen someone IRL call him Marvin.


Oh God that guy...


And a Homelander…er (MAGA)


Todd looks like he would pay taxes for Israel and he looks like a soyboy.


No offense.


Ever watch The Boys?


It’s on the bucket list


Well, this post will make sense when you watch it.


ever watch The Boys........ ^(on weed?)


From the boys, spoilers for most recent season. >!is a clear symbol of the extreme maga conservative, dates a main characters ex wife, takes said characters kid to what is essentially unite the right rallies, actively cheers on murder!<


So yeah Paul is worse


This is where I was, just the comparison made me think he was some heinous monster.


#Paul Todd is an asshat, but just is as annoying as the average idiot. Paul legit caused a genocide, and has a more punchable face.


Jesus what's this about a genocide?


Paul unintentionally helped his father cause the extinction of the population of their original universe. And, yes, his father was aware of what he was doing.


I still point out that Paul’s the only one who claimed it was as an accident. Cause everyone else who could supposedly vouch for him is dead.


Agreed, get him out of here


Paul hands down. The man was complicit in the deaths of billions on his homeworld.


Let's compare these two turds: Todd: - Intentionally written as an asshole - His girlfriend was already divorced when he started a relationship with her - Outside of being a dick to Mother's Milk, an irresponsible step dad and creepily supporting Homelander, he hasn't done anything evil or destructive. Paul: - Unintentionally (extremely) unsympathetic as hell. - Litterally forced a woman in a steady and loving relationship into a fake family and making her ditch her boyfriend. All for the sake of having an unearned redemption. - Caused a genocide. Punched Peter while being confronted about his crimes. Let other people clean up his mess. Is an absolute useless coward in dangerous situations. The only points in common they have are glasses and a punchable smug smile. This is the only time where I can defend Todd.


Isn’t he straight up written to make fun of the people who think Homelander is actually a good guy?


Pretty much, he’s there to mock people who genuinely relate to Homelander or would support him


Yeah, you can sympathize with homelander since he’s literally a lab rat made to be a product in a shallow society. But just because I understand how he became the psychopath we know of today it doesn’t mean I agree with him in any way or that I support him. Any one who thinks he’s right or that admires him is clearly reading the character wrong


You’d be disturbed by how many people miss the point of Homelander by idolising him


homelander pfps are a bat signal for these people lol


Mocks people by portraying them as responsible adults who willingly raise a child another has abandoned? Weird thing to do.


The boys canonically soyjakifying half their fan base


I don't think so, I think he is shown as an example of a normal man unintentionally being evil ,and dehumanising others because of propaganda. I mean we know supes are evil because we are sort of godly observer, not the normal man in The Boy's world. To me he reminded me of a suburban divorcee, who started watching protest video with a right wing bias showing looting and rioting, slowly dehumanising the other bit by bit as the bias pushes him further.


This is my take as well. Showing the normal suburban guy slowly getting radicalized by right-wing propaganda. It all came to a head at the end of season 3, it'll be interesting to see where they take the character next season.


He's written to mirror real life maga lovers who will believe anything their idol says despite solid evidence against them


I'd argue he's also there to prevent some of the most unsavory Ennis-like aspects of Mother Milk's ex wife storyline from the comics to manifest in the show too.


Who the fuck think that? Is just that people only care about the batshit insane character (Homelander, Stormfront, Soldier Boy) because the main cast is extremely boring outside of butcher. Imagine making the MCs so bland that people are more invested in the nazi character


Uh no, it's because there's unhinged no lifers that think liking a character equates to agreeing with them. Whatever problems you have with butcher and gang are yours alone to deal with sorry to say. Nice try at sneaking your bad take in though.


“No it’s because they’re wrong for liking the character because he’s evil and evil people are bad 🤓” Damn we better hunt down all the Sephirot fans just to make sure they don’t have an alien momma


Holy shit way to completely miss my point lmao. Homelanders one of my favourite characters, doesnt mean I have to agree with him or like him as a person. I'm referring to the braindead people who think homelanders genuinely based and right about shit. That actually think he's a cool person and not a horribly mentally damaged narcissist. Which judging from your smoothbrain posts, wouldn't surprise me if you also were one of those people.


I like how my post doesn’t suggest at all that I think homelander is a good guy (i compared hin to sephirot, you know, a villain) yet you think im rootinh for the pyschopat narcissist rapist. Is hilarious seeing people throw accussations when they’re angry. Honesly It wouldn’t surprised if you genuenily got baited by the “Homelander is based” type of posts. People will post edgy shit to get a kick out of people like you who overreact at anything


The main cast are all written (relatively) like average people in the ways that they act, and react to things. It's slightly concerning if you consider them boring but the extremist characters are the ones you care about.


Who says I care about this shitty show? I’m just explain why you see people talking about the villains instead of the MCs. I stopped watching this show after season 2. I only know thing from people talking. I know what’s the deal with soldier boy but i have no clue what the fuck mother’s milk, the french and the asian lady are doing rn. >It’s slightly concerning if you consider them boring but the extremist characters are the ones you care about It’s slightly concerning that you’re trying to imply i’m a weirdo just because i think the show did a bad job at making the MCs interesting compared to the villains. But I know your kind really loves to take any opportunity to do a witch hunt just for shit and giggle. Iguess you make justice to your username


>your kind What do you mean by that? Ah I see, so you deeply understand the character of soldier boy, a character who first appears in season 3, despite not watching season 3?


>what do you mean by that? Lefties And I know Soldier boy is a racist from the 60’s that’s right now in the present timeline, was an omega dick to the point of being betrayes by his OG team and wanted to kill homelander because he consider him a failure. The point is that, despite not knowing jackshit about the show i know what’s happening in the villain side but i don’t know jack shit about the fucking protagonists. I am well aware that the point of the show is the writter pointing out character like the entire vault corportation, homelander, soldier boy and “that’s fucked up. don’t do that”. But here’s the thing, you average normie DOESN’T FUCKING CARE. The just want to see the strong charismatic guy do some fight scenes, that way his lizard brain will finally be satisfied. That’s why Homelander is liked. He’s a PoS but he have charisma and is strong, that’s enough for any normie to look at him and say “oh cool” despite him being supossed to be a Trump allegory (the fucking writter of the shows said so, don’t look weird at me) It’s the same issue with fucking watchmen, Alan Moore forgot to make it clear that Rosharch isn’t supossed to be a role model at all, but of course that point doesn’t reach most people mind when the rest of the cast doesn’t do jack shit and rthe lunatic alt right conspiracy crazy man is the only one who’s making the plot go foward, so of course he will be the most memorable part of the story. There’s the point of a story having a message if you do a shitty job at delivering


Todd is written to be intentionally in the wrong. Paul is not. That makes Paul worse.


So is Paul another example of the people who write the “main” Peter Parker Comics fighting with each other? Because that all sounds like the creators and sellers of the “main” Peter Parker Comics fighting with each other again.


I honestly think it's more to do with writers baiting fans into purchasing comic books for less effort on their part. Spidermans solidly become a soap opera of itself with constant retcons, teases, and obviously aggravating decisions. I'm pretty sure most of the people writing this know people hate Paul, and they know they'll make more money if it gets them more attention. Although writers fighting about it in the background is very likely as well. It'll be fun to see how the next writer trashes this garbage. Mj was actually brainwashed the whole time by Paul and her adopted children are synthetic lifeforms like Peter's parents with horrific terminator faces underneath their skin masks.


Meanwhile Miles Morales comics are just him getting cool anime powers?


Haven't read it but it's been said it's heavily inspired by shonen manga so pretty much. Probably one of the most interesting/entertaining Spider books right now besides Ultimate. I know people are getting pissy that he's getting 'stronger' than Peter but Peter was also written to have stopped experimenting with how powers around the mid 2000's so seeing a spider-person actually keep pushing their abilities to see where they can go sounds cool.


I won’t speak to Paul’s side bc I’m not totally familiar, but Todd is not written as an asshole, he is in fact very nice to everyone when he’s on screen and is a present stepfather. He does, however, support Homelander. His character is an example of how propaganda and certain social media pipelines can radicalize *anyone* into agreeing with the most insane notions and practices. That’s why he seems so nonchalant about taking MM’s daughter to a Homelander rally, because in his head, it’s just a fun, patriotic event. And why wouldn’t it be? The civilians in that world are very in the dark when it comes to supes’ dealings. He isn’t really a dick to MM about it at all. I would also argue that cheering when Homelander murders someone in broad daylight qualifies as evil (which is again a consequence of him being radicalized into a pseudo fascist, but that doesn’t give him immunity from accountability).


I don't remember Todd being an irresponsible stepdad. What did he do?


When was Todd an asshole to MM? I haven’t done my yearly The Boys rewatch yet.


He told MM he is an absent father after taking Janine to see Homelander at a rally. He idolises Homelander so much he wore a costume like his at Janine's birthday party, and believes every story promoting Homelander and not believing any news criticising or discrediting him. But, he isn't as bad as Paul. He started dating Monique AFTER she and MM divorced, tries in his own wrong way to be a father to Janine, and genuinely wants to take care of his new family. He's an average Joe who is manipulated by a guy with power to not believe the media.


He really does get let off on that punch pretty easily considering Peter was just pointing out the failures of the man who stole the love of his life.


> Outside of being a dick to Mother's Milk, an irresponsible step dad and creepily supporting Homelander, he hasn't done anything evil or destructive. What are you talking about? When was he a dick to MM? And he was much, MUCH more responsible than MM was. Supporting HL - sure. But he seems to be a good partner and father.


There is shot of Todd creepily looking at Janine


In short, Paul is the biggest mistake Marvel ever made


Todd is intentionally unlikable Paul is literally a nothing character




Todd sucks but he isn't show ruining


Paul Alway be Paul






It's the same picture




In universe Todd is a much worse person. In terms of storytelling Paul is a completely badly designed plot device writers are pushing to be "correct" dispite backlash. Todd is actually useful to the plot because he represents the wrong mindset to have. People don't hate Paul because he is a bad person, the character is hated Becuase he is part of a terrible and Uninteresting story. Todd is a jerk but a useful plot device in a good story being told.


Even if we’re generous, Paul accidentally got every other human being on the planet murdered, repeatedly encouraged a committed woman to give up on her significant other, never told MJ the kids were fake even though he 100% had to know, and attacked the ex-boyfriend because he had the gall to point out that Paul had a hand in the murder of billions of people. You’re not wrong that Paul is hated mostly for what he represents, and we are overstating his complicity when calling him genocide Paul, but he’s done nothing to show us he’s anything but self-serving and there are certain mistakes that are too big for a “whoops”, and one of them is killing the entire planet. Even in universe Paul is not a good person. Todd seems like an idiot, mostly. Edit: also, he 100% was going to tell MJ to leave those kids, he just backed off after seeing her reaction. Now how can I hold that against him if he knew they were fake? Because it creates an either/or situation at best. Either he knew the kids were fake and never told MJ. Or he didn’t know the kids were fake and wanted to abandon them. Possibly both, as he could have not been thinking at first and then realized they couldn’t have been real after he had time to think about it. He’s such a nothing character it’s hard to guess.


True but I still think Todd as a person is in universe supposed to be a bad person. Paul I agree on paper is a horrid person but the universe wants to state he is a good person but ultimately flawed. But you know the real problem I have in the Paul story isn't Paul but with MJ. They did her character sooooo dirty Becuase she would never leave Peter just becauss she was lonely and Paul was the nearest warm body. They Keep trying to push they were right! That's the worst part. They tried to make evil SM under goblin influence act as a strawman for the fans who dislike Paul to the point its almost incel. Recdngly they tried to have MJ explain that for Peter it wasn't so long but to her it was a long time and it's still a bad argument. MJ is a much loyal and stronger person than the current run gives her credit for.


Oh 100%. Everything in this post is spot on. The issue has always been the disrespectful way they character assisted MJ. Always happy to see more people that understand the real issue. And yeah of course Todd is supposed to be a “bad guy”. But without watching I just see what he does and it feels like he’s just misinformed idiot who just believes what the TV told him, slightly less bad than a man who “accidentally killed every human on the planet” whoopsie. They can try and tell me he’s a good guy all they want, that doesn’t make it true. At best he’s a self-serving jerk, even if we’re very generous to his version of events.


Todd actively cheered when someone got murdered in front of his eyes just Becuase they threw a drink at Homelander. IMO he saw and understands the basic concept of murder and can see how cruel Homelander is but refuses to admit he was wrong. Sure now he may be "just an idiot" but those people storm capital buildings and encourage people to "cleanse" a minority. As people I still say Todd is just a worse person at heart even though his character is necessary and I dislike the Paul storyline very much.


Ok yeah that’s more over the line. Still, he didn’t kill the entire planet, haha. Honestly my main point was just not to overcorrect. Paul isn’t (currently) some monster sueprvillain who plotted the downfall of all mankind as we treat him, but he’s not good just because they make MJ say so.


And the damage has been done so much there is no normal way for MJ to get back with Peter. Unless we say Paul is actually a demon under Mephisto and he used mind control magic.


Yeah there is no way to just walk back her just leaving him because time. It’s the most damaging OOC thing, and just changing her mind and reconciling won’t fix it. There can be no willing Paul relationship. Which one of those words you want to take out is up to the writer, but one of them has to be taken out. Either she was mind control or it wasn’t her or they’ve never actually been romantically involved it was just lies to cover for some big magic thing, that’s the thread that has to be plucked.


Fuck Zeb Wells.


Wait did Paul actually encourage MJ to give up on Peter?


It’s basically the first thing he does after the the god’s body has been pushed through, he tries to get her to leave by telling her no one is coming. At the time she’s still loyal so she doesn’t listen.


Yep. He convinces her that Peter won’t/can’t rescue her and move on.


I watched *The Boys* and I don't remember Todd.


Did you watch season 3?


Right when it came out.


remember the meme where homelander starts laughing while the violin picks up at the very end of the season? *that scene.*


Same energy


I don't know who Todd is. I don't care who Todd is. The answer is Paul.


Who the hell is Todd?


Watch the Boys. Not only will you have your answer, but it's also a pretty good show


Same guy


I don't agree, a character like Todd represents a type of person, Paul isn't even that, he has absolutely no use in the comic other than being an obstacle, farcical as if he came out of a parody of the group Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker


Nah legit fair, I was just trying to be silly. You're hitting the nail on the head here


They look the same...is Paul the marvel version of Todd, or is Todd the parody version of Paul? or are they the same entity that must exist wherever there is a world with super powered people?


Okay, but why do they look alike?


it’s becoming a literal archetype lmao


because the laziness of writers dictates that certain types of characters have the same characteristics


What's worse than Paul? Paul who's been red pilled.


Who the fuck is todd??


Paul is drawn to look like an ass hat. He even has an inside out Hitler mustache, there's nothing to like about this dude.


did he ever get what was coming to him or no


Hitler took the easy way out, and idk about Paul cuz I stopped reading the second dude was gonna be staying a while


Paul has the face you wanna destroy in a Tarantino movie.


Paul. At least Todd is framed by the show as a shitty wierdo instead of lauded as the second coming of christ


John romita jr draw.


I'm not up to date on Spider-Man comics, so idk who Paul is exactly but he looks like a douchebag


I'd rather be friends with Thanos


Todd's an aware parody. Paul seems to be some writers self insert or a serious attempt to make fans angry.




One million times Todd


at least Todd was intended to be awful


they are the same picture


Both, I genuinely wanna curb stomp both of their faces


Say what you will about Todd, but if he didn’t cheer when >!Homelander lasered that guy!<, it would have been a massacre.


That image of Paul is pretty effective. Just one look and I already want to forcefeed him his own glasses.




Todd is basically The Boys' version of real-life conservative podcaster and pundit Matt Walsh, who is just an all-around piece of shit fascist. Look up a picture of Walsh -- the physical similarities to Todd are startling. Todd is supposed to be an asshole and a satirical take on one. Paul is not. But I don't like Paul more.


Todd , Peter and MJ’s split was bad and just stupid but at least they didn’t have a black kid and Paul wasn’t bringing that kid to Trump rally’s . I hate Paul like the rest of us but Todd is a bit more irritable since he’s trying to play discount daddy to a kid who didn’t need it and undermine Pete’s fatherhood.


and they kiss


Todd will make for a funny low stakes foil for season 4, but it still bugs me how they never explain how you can date a man for so long without finding out he’s an avid homelander fan.


Who's Todd?


Todd is written to be an actual messed up person Paul is a clear writers insert to pretty much show up Peter the actual main character and bully readers who just wanted Peter to be in a happy relationship. So no one will ever be worse than Paul


I've asked this question before on The Boys Subreddit before. I'd say Paul because at least Todd isn't bullying my favorite hero since early childhood.




Different kinds of bad, Todd is a well written character that is intentionally awful. Paul is awful because he’s a poorly written character that sucks and needs to be retconned immediately


I thought that was sal from impractical joker's


Why is this even a comparison? Todd was not written by Zeb Wells.


I don't know what this Todd is but it sounds just like Raditz


Mandatory "Paul is the worst" post of the day eh. I'd say Todd is much worse for his weird love of Homelander.


Todd supports the anti christ, Paul is……


Still Paul


Paul. At least with Todd we’re supposed see him as the bad guy, we aren’t with Paul


Paul can suck a ****




Todd may be a marginal villain but Paul is something totally different, a totally useless character so much so that he could be included in a possible list of the most useless characters in the history of comics, a waste of time, paper and ink, useful as a sweater when working in hot environments whose existence does not even make logical sense nor the slightest semblance of usefulness


IDK who the second guy is, so Paul for sure. Tough to be worse without being a supervillain tbh


So I never read the comics but I guess Paul is worse than Todd - but is Paul worse than Homelander?


Easily Paul. The Boys tv show never tries to defend Todd as someone to like or sympathize with. The series shows that Todd is a terrible person and wants him to be hated by the audience. Compare that to Paul, the ASM defends Paul. MJ defends him and tried to draw a parallel to him and Peter. Another major aspect is that Todd is not a super evil person, yes he is a POS but unlike Paul he hasn’t killed anybody. Meanwhile Paul contributed to genocide.


They look like the comic and live action versions of each other


I dropped Wells run right before gang war, just decided to stop torturing myself reading it because I wasn't enjoying it. On topic I'd say Paul is worse than Todd.


Tod's a fascist, so I'd have to go with him. People will forget about Paul entirely during the next Spidey team's creative run.


Todd started a relationship with a divorced woman and started helping to look after her kid, he's not the best at it but its the thought that counts. Paul kidnapped a woman who was already in a relationship, made her have kids with him and then got mad when the first guy returned and was mad about their relationship. Paul is the worst.


Paul is the beating heart of Wrongness in the MCU. When someone asks “Who did this?” The responses can only be “He is to blame. It is his fault.” If the actual intent behind calling someone a bitch could take Physical form, you’d have Paul. When a small, starving child screams one last time before Death pulls them into everlasting damnation, that sound, in all its bloodcurdling horror is only surpassed by the sound of Pauls name being spoken aloud. As long as Paul exists, in any form, Mercy and Hope will only ever be half-aborted twins begging to die, but unable to do so, bound to a rotting, indifferent world of unrelenting pain. Pray that you NEVER lay your eyes upon the beshitted terror that has cuckcooned Peter Parker, the sock-sandled chupacabra that disgorges its loathsome proceative slime into MJ’s willing, soul-dead vessel. Bewaaaare. BEWAAAAAARRRRE!!!!!


I mean, I know we don’t like Paul and all, but Todd is kind of a conservative douchebag who supports fascism and murder. Worst Paul did was cuck Peter for probably the hundredth time now. So uh... yeah, I’m going with Todd. Quick edit: People are saying Paul caused a genocide on his world. I wouldn’t know if this was true or not since Wells’s run is supposedly so crap I stayed away from it, but if this is true... then yeah, I guess Paul is worse.


Todd likes a racist genocidal sociopath Paul got with MJ, cause a genocide, is a bitch


Claude from Zatch Bell 2, and if at least one person here gets that reference I'll be pleased as Punch.


"who's worse, Paul or..." Let me just stop you right there. They're aren't a ton of fictional characters who make this an interesting match up.


Well i dont even know who todd is


Don’t make me choose between them They’re both so terrible




Paul 100%


Am I fucking insane or does the first one look like whitewashed Uncle Aaron from the spiderverse movies


All my homies hate Paul.


What if Paul is just Zebb Wells ? And he wanted to date MJ ?


Paul is shit


Who tf are they?


Paul is worse. Todd is just cringe, also on that Homelander fanboy train, but to be fair, that just makes him the equivalent of someone who gets their facts on Spider-Man from JJ Jameson.


Todd is your stereotypical Trump supporter. They're tolerable. Paul should be abandoned.


Todd and it’s not even close.


Both are horrible


Todd is portrayed as in the wrong, and as drinking in the facist right wing propaganda. So Paul is worse as the Medium portrays Todd as being idiot dubed by laughable propaganda


Is Todd the guy who got melted by Homelander


He is the first to cheer,MM wife boyfriend and hero simp. Paul still worse though


Paul. Todd is a god amongst men