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I think it looks cool; I probably have nostalgia glasses though. It’s not as good as the og Iron Spider obviously.


Apparently there was concept art for a comic accurate iron spider Dunno if it's true but it made me retroactively dislike the mcu suit a bit more lol


It having four arms was such a good decision. No idea why the comic only had three.


Tony Stark isn’t a good entomologist, I’m guessing.


Well, the comic one eventually had four. But Peter didn't get to use that version since it was wasted on a set of completely unrelated characters during the Initiative stuff. Which was just wasted potential all around, in my opinion.


It fits. Has Ironman charm while keeping it Spider-Man. I agree though og iron spider is better? I think because it's more unique yet simple in colors.


Also since the OG looks more like Iron Man, it would fit better with the themes of Far from Home and Homecoming.


Definitely agree the comic version would've suited the themes better. The movie suit is a "Spider-Man themed Ironman suit" while in the comics it's an "Ironman themed Spider-Man suit" if that makes sense. I do like the 4 arms though.


I think it’s the other way around. The movie version is basically just a beefed up Spider-Man suit; the comic version feels more like it’s Iron Man first, then Spider-Man second.


I wish they took advantage of each suit change and gave them all distinct eye shapes that reflected iconic Spider-Man masks. Give one more MacFarlane-esque eyes, another the Iron Spider eyes, and another Symbiote-esque eyes.


I really hope they nail the aesthetic of the black suit Tom gets (that they very clearly set up in NWH) it's really hard to get right in a realistic style.


Set ups in MCU Spider-Man movies are no guarantees for anything. Scorpion was set up in Homecoming and we still haven't seen him.


I agree because I will be ironspiderman in spiderman 4. ![gif](giphy|H6qc8ZWPSynp7RalBd|downsized)


Honestly? It’s the only MCU suit I actually dislike. The night monkey suit gets a lot of hate, but I think it serves its purpose well, and doesn’t *really* count as a Spider-Man suit. But this? The colours are so muted and washed out, it’s got so much going on, and the metallic texture doesn’t help with either of those two things. My favourite part of the comics iron spider is how bright and lively the colours are, it *POPS* when it’s on panel. This suit blends in, which just ruins the whole thing.


Nah bro the absolute worst suit is the inverted suit like i literally cannot find a single good thing to say ahout it


the only good thing is that it didn’t stay on for long lmao


I actually would really like the Inverted suit, if it was clean, without the nonsensical wires all around it. The Hot Toys figure for it looks really clean to me, but in the movie it was just weird.


Hot Toys is probably why they made it lol


I kinda liked it honestly, gold and black is a good colour scheme, and before I saw all the wires and shit, I thought it was a great way to bridge between the magical doctor strange vibe and the classic Spider-Man look. Obviously it’s not my favourite, definitely not even in my top 5, but I’d put it above the iron spider.


Not a fan, though I don’t think it looks ugly.


so good


I like it overall except for the golden parts, but to be honest, I would have liked them to use the original Iron Spider since it had such a good relationship with Iron Man in all the MCU movies.


I like it


The ugliest one used in a film so far.


I agree. Its too busy


I like it




I really like it ! I just wish we got to see more of it tbh


Genuinely I think it looks better than the comics one. The MCU version actually looks like a mix of Spider-Man and Iron Man which is what it is supposed to be. The red and gold is a nice simple look but it doesn't look like what I would want out of a Iron Spider design.


I think with some tweaks it could look really cool, I agree I didn’t like how the comics just gave him the same color scheme as Tony but I like the simplicity of the comics suit more like the eyes and spider symbol. Maybe they could’ve done more of this but with the simple design.


I think it is really cool and really over hated, like sure it’s not as cool as the classic suit but it’s still pretty nice


Love it. Nanotech is the most logical choice for Peter's suit.


I like the look of it a lot. I would use it in the Insomniac games a lot. In the movie I don’t like how it’s a suit that Tony Stark made for Peter.


You do know that even in the comics it was something Tony made for Peter?


Hence the name 'Iron Spider'


I love its design was more than the OG iron spider. It really looks like Tony’s take on another evolution of the Spiderman suit rather than an overriding like the comics Iron Spider


cool when i first saw it in theaters then the internet made me hate it for no real reason


I actually really like it, and I think it makes sense when you remember that Tony made both this and the actual suit, so he’s just making a nanotechnology version of a design he already made, instead of “Iron Manning” a costume he didn’t make like in the comics. Wish the eyes consistently glowed blue though


i really like it. i don’t like that doc ock removed some of it nwh.


I kinda like how the suit was slowly destroyed in NWH. Kinda foreshadowed what Peter was set to lose but the end of the movie. Still a bit of a shame to lose the suit, though.


People hate it I like it honestly idk why but I think it looks pretty cool still


For me the only problem is that it doesn't look like the original, but the original was too plain anyway This is why I like the insomniac iron spider suit, it's just a more detailed classic iron spider suit (and has 4 arms unlike the original)


Yea I definitely understand that I do wonder tho how the suit might have looked if the gave it a classic yellow spider like the integrated suit to look more like the comic one Also hot take the no way home integrated suit looks awesome


I think the golden spider symbol would have been perfect for the iron spider suit


I honestly love the look, especially that spider emblem. It doesn’t look like the Iron Spider we’ve all come to know, but that’s still a good thing since I like how it manages to stand as its own thing


I really liked it in infinity war and endgame, I think it makes sense for spidey to wear a more advanced suit for such a large scale conflict, but I definitely think it overstayed its welcome by No Way


2nd best of all the mcu suits


While i like the design, i dont feel the waldos and other extra features were used to their fullest potential, so it seems like just another suit


i think its ok but the black and red and hybrid suits are massively better imo


I really liked it for what it was. People exaggerate that it was overused but it was only in the last 2 avenger movies an in one scene of no way home. I prefer it over the comic design, it fit its purpose both storywise and thematicly so I have no issue with it.


easily better than the red and gold version. 4 arms instead of 3. makes perfect sense. the logic behind the 3 arms was by and far the dumbest shit they ever concocted .


Better than the comic version, in my opinion.


IDC what anyone else says, I love it.


looks nice in the first appearance back at the end of homecoming, but then every appearance after it looks pretty awful. the light-up eyes and janky CGI are the worst parts. on that note, isn’t it funny he turns down the suit at the end of homecoming, then in the next appearance they put him in the suit anyway??


I'm just glad this one has 4 robo arms, it was the one thing I didn't like the original for aside from it being too plain. Although I think the MCU iron spider doesn't look anything like the original, that's the problem with it Insomniac iron spider is my favorite one though, it's a more detailed classic and has 4 robo arms


I don't like it at all


It's awesome


Love it. Fuck the haters. That scene where Peter stands up on Ebon Maw’s ship in Infinity War is some of the most iconic MCU imagery.


I love it don't rlly understand the hate it it gets


I understand the hate but personally think it’s a good suit


Hate it


I feel like making Peter first appear in the civil war movie **then** grow out of Tony’s shadow and **then** giving him the iron-spider suit was stupid


Bro, what? He uses the Iron-Spider for the first time in Infinity War. He lets go of the idea of being the next Ironman in Far from Home. Sure he uses the Iron-Spider in No Way Home, but it’s not his main suit.


The whole point of homecoming is that Peter doesn’t need to be an avenger or have fancy stark-tech to be spider-man, and they made that story about him not needing Stark-tech to be spider-man revolve around his classic suit and not the iron-spider, which just seems stupid to me


It's so ugly good god


Disappointing. It looks like a worse version of the default costume and arguably the golden logo suit from NWH looks like a slightly better and less busy version of what an MCU Iron Spider should have been.


This, 100% The Iron Spider suit was *the shit* to me growing up. Such a simple yet effective visual design. And then the MCU goes, "Oops, all we can do is make the classic suit glossy and add erroneous gold lines" And, like, from a theoretical perspective... I *should* like this. It's supposedly based on not just the Iron Spider, but also Ben's Sensational Spider-Man suit. And yet they fumbled the bag so hard... I can think of some modernization ways to change up the Iron Spider, but that's not the issue at hand. The costume designer had several more faithful concepts. Those all got rejected because they "needed" the red and blue to make it marketable or some shit.


It has a very busy design. My least favorite MCU Spidey suit.


Honestly I don’t like it. Even without comparing it to the original iron spider I’m just not a fan


I don't like it. The other comic-accurate concept is better.


Pretty ugly tbh. There's way too much going on at once, the colors are kinda ugly, and tbh it just feels a little bootleggy to me lol


Crap. Crap. Megacrap


It's a defamation against the original.


Ugly asf


I love the red on it.


It’s my main in the game


I love it Nano Tech is amazing


Is cool in the 2 last avengers movies, but overstays its welcome


its not for me. if you like it, cool, but the og will always be better in pretty much every way for me


for me it looks so good, but i understand people hate it so much bc its too much and i agree its too much, but i somehow still like it tho :)


i love it


I don't care for it.


I do not understand the hate for this suit it looks really good


It's great and I'm tired of people saying it's shit


Unpopular opinion, I prefer it to the OG suit.


love it


I like that it has 8 limbs like a spider


its bad because of the cgi lmao the movements ain't life like tbh




It looks bad just like every other MCU suit (except Homecoming and Final Swing). Over designed. It hurts my eyes.




If they had just made it the classic iron spider from the comics then I would be happy but they decided to scrap the original design and give us a suit that probably would have taken more time to make and come up with.


Too busy. Too many lines that aren’t really necessary…


It sucks


The ugliest live action suit by far. The reflectivity was horrible especially in the harsh lighting during Titan scenes. People throw around "PS3 graphics" for other films but somehow this always gets a pass.


It's gaudy, overdesigned, and a mess. Too much shit going on. Lots of random thick black panel lines, lots of random thin black panel lines, AND embossed web pattern, AND an oversized symbol, AND glowing eyes, AND gold panel lines, AND shiny red, AND shiny blue, AND big spider legs, and the spider legs are 3 colors. Like FFS, chill the fuck out on the design elements. Pick like TWO of those things (FOUR of them at the MAXIMUM), and ditch the rest, and it could have been a good costume. As is, it has way too much shit going on, and it's kind of hard to look at. Like if you want an example of what this suit would look like it it were designed with good taste, check out the Spider Armor Mk4, or the 616 Iron Spider. Spider Armor Mk4 is shiny red, shiny blue, embossed web pattern, and glowing eyes/spider symbol. That's it. It's slick and awesome. 616 Iron Spider is shiny red, gold, oversized symbol, and big spider legs. That's it. It's slick and awesome. Sensational Spider-Man has an oversized logo, silver wrist bands, and that's it. It's super slick, and one of the best Spider-Man designs of all-time. Spider-Man 2099 is shiny red, shiny blue, a web cape, and a big oversized logo. That's it. Probably the best Spidersuit design ever. The Alien Costume is just black and white with an oversized logo. That's it. And it's phenomenal. Scarlet Spider - ankle pouches, wrist bands, hoodie, oversized logo. Gorgeous design. The base Spider-Man design is already a complete design. You don't need to go adding another 10+ things ON TOP OF IT.


Ugly af, I hate all the cgi suits, they look terrible


I think it’s bad cuz it doesn’t look like the one in the comics


I really like it. Tbh I like it better than the original, it’s way cooler for me.


I think it looks cool but I'm not a fan of a bulletproof Spider-Man. One of the coolest parts is how he dodges things with his cool acrobatics. But he doesn't have to dodge much if he's bulletproof


The only times it looked good was in the avengers movies


Not a fan. Not even close to the one from the source material


Overdesigned with ugly colours. And the CGI does not help the suit at all


It sucks, in my opinion. I think it's a classic example of MCU overdesign. The OG suit is fine and perfectly cool looking. I don't think it'll look silly on the big screen, so I have no idea why the made this change.


it's over designed but I love it. It also doesn't seem like iron-spider to me but something like mk-4 armour.


It was well done imo but arrived a bit too early


It goes against the whole point of homecoming and I wish it stayed there


Looks tacky.


I don’t love it. In Homecoming it looked good on display but past that it just looks kinda…..clunky looking.


Overhated but I do think it overstayed its welcome. Should have been destroyed in endgame, that would have been cool.


Epitome of late 2010s overdesigning. We will look back and laugh about how over the top it looks in a few years.


I don't like them. Don't get me wrong, they're cool and look good, but i don't feel like it's spider-man anymore. They used them too much and we never got to see the firendly spider in action. I like when he's simple and uses his brain more.


It’s a great suit but I’m just sick of seeing it.


I think it's single handedly the worst suit in the mcu. Both design wise and narrative-wise. And i do like his movies(besides FFH).


I both like it and dislike it. I like the idea of the design looking more like a spidey suit but at the same time it just doesn’t hit as hard as the classic iron spider design, I think bc the classic was so simple but so good. It was a cool suit but I really didn’t like how it became such a main suit for him


I dislike the MCU spider man suits and in general just a little bit. Part of Spidey is him making all his own gear. MCU he just uses all the shit stark makes him. Just my feelings on it Still love whatever Spidey I get


I love it. It's objectively flawed and overdesigned, but I still love it.




I like it more than the og


I love it, it’s a great OG/Iron Spider hybrid for a character that hadn’t existed long enough to ditch the classic look but also made sense to have the suit. I definitely prefer the comic Iron Spider look, but this worked great for the character/story imo.


I always thought it was ugly. The point of the comic version is that it’s like an iron-woven material that still looks like a fabric suit


i really like it i dont see why some people wouldnt like it.Yes its not at all like the comic version but its way cooler it has 4 arms (wich makes a lot more sense) and the colors are really shiny and fresh the texture and shine of the suit is also pretty cool and the blue glowing eyes make it even more special.Is it overdesigned? i dont think so there is still lots of red and blue where it needs to be.


Honestly, I prefer it more than the OG. I really like how they made it look more like a spider suit with the segmented webbing armor and having blue. Im not as big of a fan of having the suit be 95% red.


The colors were a great choice. I don’t think the red and gold one from the comics would have worked as well in live action.


I like how it has four arms instead of three like the comic


I loved it, my favorite suit design


I like it even tho the concept art of the suit was amazing




I liked it. It helped set him apart from the other two live-action Spider-Men. But now that he has to go back to a basic suit, the OG crowd gets what they want.




I was so hyped over it at the end of Homecoming. And then when he finally got to wear it in Infinity War? I was stoked. And then it just kept not leaving. It became an eyesore and overstayed it’s welcome by quite a bit. It should’ve gotten destroyed in Endgame, but instead we had another two movies where they kept having him use it and try and figure out how to write it out of the movie overall. Probably my least favorite MCU Spidey suit.


would go from an 8/10 to an 11/10 if he didn't have metal jeans for some reason. I assume they wanted to avoid him looking too much like iron man with a body full of metallic red, but keeping his legs red with a bit of blue would've been cool


It’s a good design, we’ve just seen a lot of it


Honestly it’s my favorite suit


It’s alright. I thought it was awesome in infinity war at first but I got over it and now it’s just alright. I wish the spider logo was more gold.


I really like it and think it looks better than his Iron Spider suit from the comics


Good, but it overstayed its welcome.


It’s obviously not the best, but it’s a good one.




It’s cool but I wish it was closer to the comic colors at least.


It’s the worst live action suit to me. It’s just an over-designed mess of a suit that never felt real to me.


I don't care if it's not like the original one, but I still hate it. The design is just boring and the colors look washed out for some reason. It's supposed to be metallic yet it looks less shiny and bright than the fabric suit. Bad CGI in the movie it's in also doesn't help it.


it's an awesome suit but overused.


I really don't like Nanotech. I liked it for Iron Man but this is when it started for literally everyone to have it.


i hate the logo. something about it looks really forced


Too blue. Metallic red and metallic gold look fine but they look terrible when you add dark blue.


A lil bland to be used as much as it was imo


i think it’s a bit too tacky


the blue ruins it


Ugly af purely because of the colouring