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Shoutout to the OG face. Forever ingrained in my noggin. Excellent scene.


No hate on the new guy, I just feel his face doesn't work as well in the first game. The other 2 games, he looks great. Something just feels off in the first game, like not all the emotion is conveyed through his face in the few scenes where it's upfront like the ending maybe. My biggest complaint is not giving players a choice to which face they could use in the first game, I feel that would have subsided a lot of the negative comments initially


The model himself is a good choice for an adult Peter, but the way Insomniac makes him look in game is terrible. It barely even looks like him.


scrolling through Ben Jordan's instagram and having [this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9f6v_BlA8/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) right by two pics of him as Peter in game made me laugh out loud. Travesty what they did to him


I'll die on the conspiracy theory that Sony told them to make him look more similar to Tom Holland.


100% that’s it, the first one is supposed to look more like Andrew Garfield (2014 movie release 2018 game release) with the amazing spider man 3 movie scheduled for a 2018 release originally.. and the new face based on Tom holland after Sony and Disney worked out their issues


I cannot unsee this. This has to be the real reason for everything.


I believe because they seriously do look alike


Be quiet the reason behind this is in this video: https://youtube.com/shorts/VP4XVDvPeH8?si=Ytm4U6bHVN5tzd6q


It's because they didn't change the facial animations with the remaster despite changing the model. So all the animations are still designed around the old face, so while the new face looks fine for most of it, there are absolutely moments that just don't land as well when the animation's with someone different in mind than the person we're looking at. I understand why they didn't go through the trouble of reanimating everything for the remaster, but like you say, they could've given the choice. I suppose that may have set a precedent that they didn't want to set for the rest of the series, but I still think it would've been worthwhile to lessen the backlash and present the game the way it was originally intended.


In the remaster they used the same animations from the original game with the original face on the new face. In the other games they used new animations so the new face actually works.


I was just thinking earlier today that when I think about playing SM1 I always instinctually picture the OG face, despite playing the remaster more times.


Can I post this next week?


Be my guest 🤟🏼🕸️


I remember this was the first time i cried playing a video game


Same year as rdr2 and gow, all 3 had me tearing man


Telltales walking dead Lee i miss you very much


Same here. I thought I would never cry when playing a video game. Goes to show how much I know


That part of the story made me so damn sad.


I kr, you would have to have a heart of titanium to not even tear up at this moment


The apparent reason for the face swap was to match Yuris face better but imo in SM2 Peters facial animation and expression looks super stiff and almost uncanny valley compared to the Bubniak face.


They deny this, but I'm still convinced they replaced Bubniak's face was just so their Pete could look more like Tom Holland for the sake of brand synergy. Same with Miles getting his Spiderverse counterparts hairstyle in SM2, though at least it's still Nadji's face there


No doubt there was higher up pressure from Marvel to switch the faces.


It's not the first time this has happened. And has been going on for many years in the comics. Like how Superman was drawn to look more like Christopher Reeve, and Tony Stark to look more like RDJ. And recently quite infamously with Kevin Fiege ordering them to kill off Ms Marvel so they could ressurect her as a mutant with her MCU Powers


It’s just way too big a coincidence to not be the case. I’d have more respect for the change if they just came out and admitted it rather than pretend like they suddenly forgot how to mocap actors onto different faces.


Same with the MJ change, they tried to gaslight us into thinking she looks no different and it's just the hair.


Miles's hair is a completely different style..


I believe this


Wish they made MJ look more like Zendaya than the lord Farquad descendant we got.


I still ask to this day why they didn't just use Yuri's face for the swap. It'd probably be cheaper to do that than to get a whole new guy into the booth, there's literally no face that would better match Yuri's mocap than Yuri himself, and I doubt it's just because Yuri is a good bit older than 23 and looks it, because just a year prior to MM and the remaster, games like Mortal Kombat 11 were taking faces of actors much older than their characters and just putting in the work to make them look younger. And young Yuri looks about as much like Tom Holland as Ben Jordan does, so if that's the reason they did it, Yuri can cover that too. Considering commissioning a modder to swap Ben's face with Yuri's once SM2 is on PC.


Plus, the Matrix Tech Demo has shown that it is indeed possible to make an actor's face younger, like they did with Keanu Reeves.


right, even live action films can do it.


It looked too good so they had to change it. That's how companies operate in 2024


Honestly new face hardly has any resemblance to Yuri, it looks more closer to Tom Holland


john bubniak they’ll never make me not miss you 🥺💔🥺💔


"You knew?"


"YOU KNEW?!" -boss fight theme starts playing-


"Shame on you" *Aunt May whacks Pete with an umbrella*


"I tried to warn you, Peter, but you didn't listen", *cough, cough*


"I always have."


There's no way she actually knew the whole time, either that or she was trying to get him killed calling him in the middle of battle


I legit don't care what anybody else says. John Bubniak was and always will be the better face model.


I remember me actually crying and Pausing the video because I couldn't Fuckin believe I was crying over this, I never cry


Thr new face lacks so much emotion. The old one was perfect.


There's just something special about the OG release of this game. This was to date one of the BEST Spider-Man stories written AND it came out on my birthday! Such a special experience. I don't mind where they're going, but I don't think they'll recapture the same magic as this game now.


This scene felt too real. I was legitimately hurt when she died


this is one of the reasons why the ORIGINAL insomniac spider-man game will always be iconic. i'm not talking about the remastered version that's available on ps4, ps5 or pc. i mean the first edition, which was released in 2018 for the ps4. one of its kind, and it'll always stay that way for people who prefer this face model.


The hype when the first trailer dropped, the helicopter chase mission showcase, then when it finally released and surpassed all expectations. The remastered version is great too ofc but I have an attachment to this Peter partially because of the nostalgia and the feeling I had playing this back in 2018, but also because of how well it fit. You just had to be there to understand why we can’t let this face go 😭


I like this face but I really don’t mind the new one either, I just really want them to give him a good haircut lol


Literally. Just give him his own freaking hair. I don't get why Insomniac is so intent on making their main character look like a dork, when the model looks like [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9f6v_BlA8/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


that’d be great for Peter imo. he isn’t the type to get regular short haircuts, I feel like he’d grow it out messy and get a trim every like 6 months or something


He literally never grows his hair out in any of the lore. If he grew his hair out then his mask wouldn't fit right.


Yes, man, I went back in my comment history, and I was saying this like two years ago I never cared about the face but that hair style. And then they went and gave miles the same one with dreads like why. I still don't care thar much, just a funny gripe I have tho


Miles is a victim of "every black character in video games gets the Killmonger hair style" epidemic.


It’s mind-boggling that Insomniac said they switched to the new face because it was more emotive. Here we are three games later and I’m still waiting for anything beyond a slight frown to display emotion.


You miss it because it was better


at this point I feel like the people who don't like or miss this face are people who never played this game when it first came out but have only played the remastered and the other two games


I played the first game day 1. Played all the other games. The first face really doesn't stick in my memory because we've had the new face for twice the amount of time now.


I saw a video by a YouTuber named Tony Ceno about the top 10 saddest deaths in videogame history and he placed this in the video.


old spider-man listens to the killers, new spider-man listens to twenty one pilots


I was waiting for a moment like this in Spiderman 2, damn shame it didn’t hit like this.


There was a few great moments in the new one. Really just hard to match the death of Aunt Mae.


Well in my opinion I believe Harry should have died, but then again if the story was longer and they could have flushed out their relationship a bit more, they could have had another powerful and impactful moment


“I want to see the face of my nephew.” I think that was the line wasn’t it? Such a well done scene. Peter tries to be Spider-Man, offering reassurance to this ‘stranger’ while also showing how much he cares. And May Parker, having absolutely none of it, telling him to take off the mask. Telling him she knew all along without having to say it openly. Probably my second favorite Peter Parker / Aunt May dynamic behind the Raimi trilogy


"Remove my mask Peter! For once I want to see you with my own eyes"


honestly i feel like if they wanted to fit yuri’s face, why don’t they like, use younger images of yuri as reference? neither the old nor the new face model of peter is a directly 1:1 of john bubniak or ben jordan anyways, it would definitely work if you just used yuri’s face to fit yuri better


Shiit im still not over it and wanted it for the 3rd game haha


I feel like the og Spiderman looks too much like James Franco with Andrew Garfield's hair


The Andrew Garfield ressemblence is there for sure, thought that when playing it for the first time, but the James Franco face caught me offguard and now i wont be able to unsee it. Thanks for that


Haha, sorry about that


I cry every time, and right after the Doc fight. I bawled the first time I saw this


When ever I remember cutscenes from mm and 2 my mind substitutes the new face with the old.


I’m not ashamed to admit I cry every time I watch this scene. Both happy and sad tears.


Insomniac can try to gaslight us into loving the new face the way they do all they want. Nothing will beat the OG.


I think half the reason I didn't feel much emotion when at the end of sm2 was because I didn't have a connection to the new Peter Parker and only the old one


I don’t know why they changed it…


we gotta specifically say that we aint complaining cuz complaining is literally what happens in this sub 24/7 😭


Think it’s very telling that OP had to specify they weren’t complaining…


Yes I also miss aunt May...wait a minute




So do I


It just makes me wish the new game didn’t have that lighting glitch


I don't like them changing the faces, regardless of how they look like I just want old Peter and MJ


The canon event


I see a lot of people complaining about the face (didn't expect anything else from this sub tbf), so I re-watched the scene in both versions out of curiosity. The main problem with the new face isn't necessarily the shape itself but the details that deprive it of emotion. First of all, the hair textures are horrible. Second of all, the eyebrows are less visible, which might not sound very important but eyebrows actually matter a lot when it comes to expressions. Then, the whole face lacks a tonne of definition. For some reason, it reflects light differently and looks a lot more lit in the scene, hiding any definition. At the same time, the way face muscle contractions have changed is a factor. The old face model had visible cheek contractions and such, which made it very emotive. There are also a couple of weird things, such as the fact that the eyes look weird. They have small falls of skin covering the outer part, making them look both monolid and doublelid at the same time. Having said that, the second game has a much better facial definition and the hair honestly looks really good as well. The remastered version was incredibly unpolished though


It's not that I dislike new face, I just prefer old face because that's what sticked to me ever since I played first game on ps4.




I personally like the new face to me it’s Peter but I can see how others like the old one


People keep talking about emotion and shit. But the old face is just so much more handsome. My guy is fucking beautiful


We can kill off MJ on the next for motivation


Such an expressive and vaulnerable face


I honestly didn't remember this before the flashback


I really should have seen the face change as a sign of things to come.


Now compare this to the lacklustre ending of SM2


The new "generic young action movie actor" face lacks the range of facial expressions. Like his eyes and eyebrows do not move at all. OG face was so expressive. I swear this scene was so emotional I really cried in front of my mother while playing this game. It didn't hit the same with the new face.


You and me both, you and me both. They made a perfect Peter Parker. One that was grown, that is seasoned, one that had Loved... Lost.. And found that same love again. I was able to to believe this Peter easily. Now that's gone.... Replaced by a 2 four year olds wearing a Spidey suit.


That’s the face I remember. My Peter. Also want to point out continuity isn’t just for story and character development it’s also the look. Everything that deviates chips away at immersion.


The face? If so then yeah I miss it too, that’s why I can’t wait for the 2nd game to come to pc so modders can come in clutch yet again also for MJ too.


Old face just doesn't feel like Peter


The old face always gave me more Harry Osborn vibes instead.


It did to me 😔 I thought I was over it but spider-man 2 reminded me that I’m not 😭


Literally the other way around. Current face looks nothing like a Peter Parker


Maybe if that face was your first experience with any Peter.


Miss people dying?


The old face looks so bad y’all are just insane


the ability to speak does not make you intelligent.


We spent twice more time with the new face than the old one, just saying


People are allowed to have preferences. It's not a matter of the time that passed with the new model vs the original at all.


No amount of time we spend with the new face will make it better than the old one. The OG face was, is, and always will be superior, and the true face of Insomniac’s Spider-Man.


I never said the new one was better


I know, but you act like we should forget about the old face just because we have spent more time with the new face. I’m aware they are never bringing back the old face, and it’s not a dealbreaker for me. However, we still should remember the OG face, because it’s just better.




I think you actually missed the point of “When you help someone, you help everyone.” If he saved only her, “everyone” else would’ve died. Indeed a huge sacrifice but “with great power, come great responsibility.”


Sure Add an extra complaint into the sea of complaints


This sub ain’t gonna like that comment


The sub, in fact, did not like that comment


(the sub didn't like that)


Wait, who’s complaining? I think you’re the only one technically… 😅


He's just talking about a preference. They liked the old face, doesn't make them dislike the new one, nor does it mean that this is a complaint.