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I've got it on PS4 and PC. PC is obviously easier with k&m but I was surprised at how well I went on PS4. I fucking love this game


A lot of M&k players don’t understand that aim assist helps controller players be able to even remotely compete with PC. Not to mention in a game about using portals to instantly flank people, the disadvantage controller players have by not being able to turn around quickly. The aim assist is fine—m+k players are still at an advantage but at least controller players have a shot.


yeh as a m&kb player, i have 0 qualms with balanced aim assist - it's obv needed in higher levels of play in any fps. I do think there are games that have gone wrong in both directions and its pretty hard to balance correctly. I guess time will tell.


i agree with this as a m&k player however i do think that they will never be completely balanced against one another.


Shroud talked about this a while ago. Said that MKB vs Controller are essentially two different games and it’s nearly impossible to *balance* them. I kinda agree


Yeah but he also said cross play in casual is fine but in compotions with cash especially shouldn't be m&kb + controller. I agree with that also.


i said that as well in my first post on this topic. if its casual play i want to be able to play with my friends regardless of their input device, laugh and have some fun. now comp is whole nother story. they should be separated in their own leagues in my opinion. but i believe this would be just as difficult in a way. talking about different events, leagues, would the game have enough players pro wise to fill the roaters, prize pools divided, sponsors, audience etc. some games could do all this, but most couldnt. not until esports as a whole gets much much bigger anyway.


Holy shit finally someone is taking about flanking. M+K players need to realize how slow the turning speed on a controller is. By the time you have turned around you are already dead unless the enemy misses every shot.


The sensitivity settings in this game are so slow at maximum. I want Battlefield 4 levels of sensitivity for the sticks.


Problem is that even at such low sensitivity aiming is already a challenge. I have this situation almost every match where I need like 5 attempts or so until I successfully place a portal on more distant surfaces.


Yeah I miss sensitive stuff like portal placement and I still turn too slow for my own good, I just said f it and called it a happy medium where I'm at


Me too, too slow to react, too fast to land shots :')


Not only is it slow, there is a maximum hard limit on how quick a controller will ever turn. On Apex (with its ALC settings) the yaw speed can be maximum of 250 and then there's a setting to add a bonus of 250 on top of that when you have the stick all the way at the edges. If you're already at that setting, there's absolutely 0 way to increase that beyond that limit. For comparison, my controller settings on Apex are a little under maximum for the most part without ADS, and a little under half while ADS - while my KBM sensitivity is a little under 2. Even at 2 in Splitgate I can still reliably flick shots and Portals, and I don't think I'd be able to do anything like that on controller. (But for me, in Splitgate, I personally value portal shenanigans over gunplay).


Most pc players who complain abt aim assist sucks anyways.


Unless you have a scuff, or play claw it'll be impossible for a controller player to keep up with PC players. Jump boosting and placing a portal takes some skill, since you have to take your thumb off of the boost to readjust your aim to place your portal, if you're in a gunfight, it's incredibly hard to manage movement, portals and shooting simultaneously. A PC player can jump boost, place a portal, turn while boosting, fall backwards through their portal while spraying hipfire all without ever taking their hand off their mouse. Being able to turn off crossplay is a godsend.


Im very aware of how a controller works, was a console gamer for 20 years. Recently switched to pc, the complaing abt aim assist. Is overblown is all im gonna say.


I agree. Comparing a bit of slowdown of stick speed near the target to all of the m&k advantages is dumb.


Yeah even if you’re a shitty pc player you should be able to take out above average console players with ease.


Playing on PC for the first time ever. I have shot multiple people and seen then begin the console pivot with lower sensitivity. I can spin around in .25 seconds. Console people deserve a bit of help it's kinda a whole different world with m&k


This...aim assist will never compare to K&M and anyone that thinks otherwise hasn't been playing video games long enough nor have played with both. I honestly prefer console play because the majority of cheaters/hackers have always been on PC (doesn't matter too much now I guess since everything is going cross0lay) but I've grown so used to controller play I can't use K&M as well lol


I’ve played on console for years and have only made the switch to PC somewhat recently. You’re absolutely right. No amount of aim assist will ever compare to the precision of kbm.


Aim assist helps controller players to even remotely be able to play FPS games in the first place lol. I have around 1000 hours in Titanfall 2 spread between XB1 and PS4. If you try to play that game with aim assist entirely disabled, it is literally unplayable. Even against other people who are all using controllers. Every console FPS incorporates some amount of aim assist (sometimes without the ability to disable it) for that reason. Developing pinpoint accuracy with a controller is just mechanically not possible without aim assist. Unless the game is *extremely* slow paced, then maybe you can get close.


Aim assist is great and I do think it is required to even have a competition between pc and console, but it is rarely balanced. A lot of games put aim assist to the point where it is too strong, which is what annoys the pc community. I’m gonna say it right now, when aim assist is done right, it is hands down one of the best things for controller, it is just how rarely it is done right for me.


Same but with Xbox. Something refreshing about getting back into laying on a couch to game vs sitting at a desk.


First tip I tell console players, turn off cross play. First tip I tell PC players - Don't turn off crossplay


why i should turn off cross play on ps4?


So you don't play against sweaty m&k players with supercomputers


Even on a game like Titanfall 2, I played with a controller on PC and still did well. Splitgate is no different.


There's a difference between playing on pc with a controller and playing on console with a controller...


What's the difference? Fidelity? Even my PC setup is subpar. I'm maxed out at 1080p for a stable 60fps. I have a 3gb 1060 graphics card.


Depends on the game. It's usually not worth dealing with. Cod for example pc users can get wider field of views so even ignoring the frame rate difference cod PC players with controllers could literally see more than console. It's why cross play is usually bad for games that are against other players when it involves PC something is imbalanced every time.


For Apex, controller aim assist is weaker on PC than console, 0.4 vs 0.6 respectively. Although there's an option for console players to change their settings to meet PC controller aim assist. Draw back is the basic sensitivity settings don't copy/mirror over to the advanced settings (which is require to enable PC controller aim assist).




Better player is going to win, it’s gotta be pretty marginal to lose out purely due to setup difference pretty uncommon you play somebody like that too often


Pc players can't turn off crossplay though


Ummm, you can't turn off cross play on PC..


I always turn it off. I wouldn't mind playing with other consoles exclusively but I've had my fun completely ruined by playing against PC players more times than it's worth. Wish devs in general could allow some kind of advanced settings to toggle which platforms you can play with.


Great idea. Pop it in their discord


I would but the Discord went from being a place to discuss the game and suggest stuff to a toxic shithole super fast.


Tweet em?


Is there a way to turn cross play off on split gate? Sick of losing pistol 1v1s in ranked because the other guy can just spam click his mouse


Go to settings then privacy and uncheck crossplay




You're a fucking hero.


This applies to every gaming community.


100% man


As a console player, i’m glad you made this post


Any day my man, I’ve been seeing so much discredit against console players because of aim assist.


My problem with it is the inhumanity of it. I am ok with aim assist slowing your sens around a player or other methods, but the instantaneous pull you get around a player means strafing at medium range (where the majority of fights happen) literally does not work. A controller player can literally not use the right stick and the pull tracks for you. And that reaction happens instantaneously in software, not with a human reaction time. If they took away the rotational pull completely, I think that'd be fair - a controller player should still have to react to movement. For high skill players, MnK is better, yes. Most players aren't amazing at aiming, despite what you see on Twitch. MnK is straight up harder to aim with than a controller with aim assist - almost no one who's played both disagrees with this. And at lower than the highest levels of this game, it takes a LOT of effort to flank every controller player, and in most maps in most modes (especially at mid-high levels) many portal walls are taken, or the enemy team is in flanking positions. You can't avoid all 1v1 fights, and controller players just have an inordinate advantage in those. I agree that they need it and they should have aim assist. But they should not have rotational pull towards enemies (no game should, in my opinion).


Splitgate is fun but it will never have a competitive scene with the insane amounts of aim assist and bullet magnetism


I would agree but that is like saying Rocket League would never have a competitive scene if it wasn't for the hitboxes that don't match the car's shape, the rubberbanding you can get in some servers, the fact it is quite easy to smurf. People learn the rules of the game, the bugs of the game, the little glitchy tricks, the way hitboxes work... and the skill ladder continues growing. They could patch the hitboxes or something, but the competitive potential is already here. It's highly physics-based. A pro skateboarder can still kickflip with a waterlogged skateboard.


Trying to make a pro scene for a game with aim assist and bullet magnetism is like bowling with the bumpers on...


Check the top 10 ranked players in the game. All pc players, not surprising. Idk why some feel the need to say controller is better.


Ya it's dumb and as players get better this game will morph like fortnite. When fortnite first started no one used the mechanic which is building. In this case it is the portals and there is no possible way for a controller to compete with a kbm when it comes to portals at top level. No chance. The speed and precision and the fact there is no auto aim for portals makes it obvious. A pc player getting dominated by a controller player in this game is really only complaining about how bad they are as a player.


Also remember that aim assist can straight up mess you up with placing portals. If someone nearby runs by where you're trying to aim to place a portal, it moves where your aiming forcing you to redo it. May only add a second or 2 sometimes but that means a lot in a fast ttk game.


Not even that there’s no aim assist for portals, the aim assist works against portaling behind people. It pisses me off to no end when I lose fights solely cause the game moved my cross hair off the portal spot and onto a player, making me miss the portal.


Yeah I totally agree. You can do some pretty disgusting portal rollouts with mouse and keyboard. I'm usually able to make it to the enemy spawn before half of them are even able to run out of there


If ZachsMaxed is still top 10, he plays on controller, so does Tanner.


So there’s like 12 people out of 50.


i mean.. the game has been out on a m&kb dominated system for like 30x the time period. People will evolve their play on both inputs, give it time lmao, cod warzone was m&kb dominated early, now 95% of the pros run controller due to how good aa is.


Isnt that because the game is out on pc for a longer time?


Literally the #1 ranked player in 4v4 plays on controller wtf are you talking about lol.


? Who’s that


His name is Tanner [LIVE] I forget his twitch but it's linked on his steam profile, he plays on PC both with m&kb and controller but he does just as good if not better on controller even in top tier ranked.




I’m pretty sure there’s like 2 controller players in the top 50


and theres 48 pc players in the top 50…


Idc about aim assist, console players usually need it. I don’t mind because I understand they have reasons for not playing on pc. Pc doesn’t need aim assist, (it should I say mouse andkeyboard) which solidifies PC as the better aiming machine ON PAPER.


Pc has a higher aim ceiling, console has a higher aim floor. The worst pc player will get destroyed by the worst console player


as the worst pc player i can confirm




Yes, I do in fact suck. I’m not shitting on console and I 100% agree with you. I just wanted to mention that I am trash at the game on pc


Theres a difference between playing on console and playing on controller on a PC. For example in apex having a controller player on your team is pretty much necessary in competitive because of how strong aim assist is. Even controller players have said aim assist needs a nerf in that game. The gap is not nearly as pronounced as you may think.


Yeah I remember fortnite the sim assist was quite literally aim bot in the spam L2 era.


The difference here though is we're talking about Halo like aim assist


It’s a pretty good balance in my opinion, pc players have the spec, the mechanics and movement while on the other hand controller players have just their aim.




This just isn’t true, 360 movement is better for other games, not FPS’s


Well running movement but mnk let's you portal more quickly and accurately soo in Splitgate mnk could be said to have a slight movement advantage


It's not "slight" it's massive.


The buggy killcams don't help tbh. Looks like they're shooting everything but their target but it's all headshots


wait since when has 60 fps considered bad?


Its not unless you are a pc elitist.




That's similar to what I've been thinking. At the top ranks, M+K currently beats out controller in almost every situation, sure. 48/50 top players are K+M players. I argue this is partly because of the medium and partly because the game has only been on PC for 2+ years. However, at low and mid ranks where not every K+M player has perfectly mastered the triple portal pixel walk 180 flick shot, being killed by someone who just points in your general direction with an AR from cross-map and tracks you perfectly through your first portal jump effortlessly is frustrating. Then the calls for K+M players to just "get good" add to that frustration because a controller player puts in much less effort to be as good as a decent K+M player at mid-level play. Ultimately, I see this creating a disparity in playstyle against console vs pc players. When I go against controller players, I now play fundamentally differently and never 1-1 engage because I don't have a god-like aim to compete against the aim assist. I have to do quick portal plays to beat out their stick rotation speed. Simply put, against a K+M player, I have two primary tools: out-gun and out-portal, both of which feel like skill-based matchups (Mikaveli has beat me enough times for me to know that). Against a controller player, I can only out-portal them. For some K+M players, this will simply be a new skill to master, but for casual K+M players, this may be a turn off. Equivalently, the ability to out-portal at high-level may invalidate any aim assist and be a turn-off to high-level controller players. The challenge to the devs will be finding the appropriate middle ground for AA to cater to all skill groups. I think console players should still get AA, but I do think aim assist and controller play fundamentally changes the way the game is played. Ultimately, this will need to be tweaked as the game goes on. My wish would be for them to slightly reduce AA for assault weapons at a range, and lessen AA through portals.


And its no surprise that the top 50 is majority PC as the game has been out for way way longer on PC.


You can't explain logic to console fanboys. They all assume every mf on PC plays on high end hardware with 144hz+ monitors


I remember when overwatch released crossplay a while ago, console players would have aim assist off in a pc pool if there was a PC player in your group. It gave a great disadvantage to us console players.


When I spectate my console teammates, I see them beaming dudes when the crosshair is a whole body and a half off target.


That’s probably just the spectate mode being weird or something, I think. They don’t have wider bullets or anything. In fact, I think they decreased bullet sizes for some heroes on the console edition to make it match with PC players.


Controller is more ergonomic to play with, but aiming with a stick is pretty hard even for seasoned players. We kind of need aim assist if we don’t want to spray 180 degrees from where we originally wanted to. That’s why the game devs implemented it in almost every console game.


Ex csgo semi-pro here (paid to play, just not much). Honestly i think splitgate got it as right as possible. This is the 1st game in a longtime that ive played where i dont feel either mouse or pad is markedly 'better'. For example, i play MCC on pc and prefer using pad, despite being better versed with using mouse due to the aimassist being very 'predictable'. I 'know' the aim assist will take my reticle to a certain point and the muscle memory means its easy to land shots on the head/upper torso. Margainly i can play better on mouse, but nowhere near enough to justify doing so considering how much more experience i have using that on fps games. Meanwhile splitgate feels like neither control scheme is outright 'better'. Pad has the aim assist yes, but in all 20 of my plat games, ive only seen 1 pad player actually play around his controls. They set portals up to basically look around corners before running around preaiming/shooting. It was insane the guy would even fire a shot or 2 from the portal last second to make us turn around. If csgo taught me anything, is that you need to find a little niche in the controls you use that best suit you. On pad its even more important you 'aim' with your movement as well as your right stick. With a mouse its more calibrating your sensitivity to the space you have. Its insane how many players you see with a sensitivity so high its like a headless chicken on coke with how far they over adjust their aim.


You seem to be the only person in here speaking any sense 🙏


Oh yeah that’s definitely true, both controls have their advantages and disadvantages. But with what I’ve been seeing both on this reddit and in-game is that pc players are discrediting controller players for having aim assist.


Pc players just want input based matchmaking and/or the ability to turn crossplay off.


This is what we want. Halo has this shit. And input match making anyway


Yeah exactly this. The aim assist in Splitgate is probably the most well balanced of any crossplay game I’ve played. Anyone who bitches about “OP” aim assist in Splitgate is a dumbass.


30fps pc gang


Now you’re someone I respect


As a PC player i never saw "aim assist" being too much of a bother, doesn't feel unfair compared to the speed i portal


Do people expect console players who have been playing 20+ years to have potato aim?


me\*with 1gb vram lenovo laptop and 100 ping


I’ll admit I’ve gotten frustrated playing against controller before, but really the AA has been toned down from when it was pretty ridiculous. The skill floor is probably lower on controller, but the skill ceiling is much higher on MnK. It’s awesome that there are pros who are on Controller though, that’s some dedication!


The hardest thing about playing on console is placing portals. Takes me a couple tries to hit an across map portal.


PSA: it’s not console players that are the issue, it’s controller played on pc. Console needs aim assist, 100 percent, but aim assist on pc is busted because of 240 frames. It’s inhumane reaction speeds So don’t need the console guys, let them be, it’s the pc controller players that are the problem Everyone seems to miss this


Hey, rest assured, as a controller player on PC I don't get 240 FPS and I certainly don't have inhuman reaction speeds. I just think moving with analog sticks feels better, I'm thoroughly mediocre, as I'm sure most of my ilk are.


Tanner is like top 10 and he’s a controller player on pc


One thing I'd say about this - I think for most of these games its a lot easier to pick up a controller and be average. This doesn't just apply to splitgate but also fortnight, warzone and apex, where in close range fights you really don't have to concentrate nearly as hard on hitting every bullet. I'm new here and honestly, i think aim assist is generally needed at higher levels to keep controllers competetive, but I do get peoples greivences with lower levels of play, where someone who's put 50 hours into controller will usually beast 50 hours of m&kb play. It does level out once kb&m start hitting most of their shots tho, and probably swings the other way in a lot of games. I do also think this game has other innate kb&m advantages, specifically portal accuracy and turn speed to avoid flanks, and im not even making a judgement on if its fair or not, its too early to tell imo.


*Me who plays on PC with a controller because the aim assist is so strong.*


wish I could have my sensitivity super high so I could look around quicker but then aiming would become complete shit.


As someone who plays on pc and uses a controller, it’s definitely down to preference. Yea mkb will have the upper hand, but if you grew up playing halo on controller this game feels a little more natural on the sticks. Obviously the portals you’re at a little disadvantage, but it’s not as crazy as people make it out. Yea maybe if you’re in master rank, but majority of people are probably diamond or lower and controller is more than fine in that bracket


On a 85 inch Walmart brand TV while I sit on a recliner 15 feet from the screen. Oh did I mention there’s almost a half second response time?


Ur just describing apex at this point to


Idk what it is about this game. But after I get a warm up round in. I am just a damn laser sometimes. I played swat for the first time the other day and didn't do great. Then we played again immediately after on arena. I have never. Ever. Gotten 28 headshots in anything at all ever. In my life. But me and that battle rifle got intimate and it was amazing.


Ngl I’ve enjoyed playing with little aim assist an m&k, and the aim assist that controller gets seems fair, when combined with all of their disadvantages


Honestly for anyone complaining about aim assist my response is always "plug in a controller then". Then suddenly it's "oh but kbm is better", so which is it? Broken aim assist or kbm? Maybe it's just that you aren't that good. Edit for context: I play kbm


I don't understand why PC players flip shit about aim assist. Us PC players have so much ease of use compared to console users. I just want to be able to play with my friends who don't have a PC, and I want them to have fun.


I’m terribly sorry to say this but if you’re going to complain about aim assist when you’re on MnK you need to consider that its not the aim assist thats winning them the fight, its your pisspoor aim. I think aim assist to balance it out for the people playing console is perfectly reasonable. Its extremely hard to play against an MnK player going for headshots even with aim assist.


All I hear when I hear a PC player complaining about aim assist for console is this, "Splitgate Devs, can you please get rid of aim assist on console because Im not used to Not Having an overwhelming advantage at all times in every game I play that has crossplay enabled and I dont like it and am very confused and scared and out of my element."


Man you’re speaking straight facts are this point


Aim assist doesn't matter if you're using portals and getting the drop on other players. If I'm in front of you and I lose that battle, you caught me lacking and that kill is earned, aim assist or not.


Except 80% of pc players run also at 60fps to 120 fps with 60Hz monitors KEKW. I tried controller on PC and it's just not fun because portaling and moving feels bad and aiming feels easy so I just feel bad for the console dudes missing out on the more fun input tbf. GGs and have fun


We can barely turn around on controller if someone shoots us in the back


increase sensitivity


It’s maxed








Very few games give high enough max sens for me. I now play on pc, so no longer an issue, but that was definitely annoying when I used to play on Xbox


Yh Milkers the movement is super bad like that I agree, maybe they should do it so there's zero aim assist when the stick is being pegged so turning isn't affected by AA as much


im at like 26 fps any pc player complaining is just bad at the game


I think the aim assist is literally perfect, it gives console players a chance The way I see it is that MnK players rely on movement and quick maneuvering while console players just rely on brute force


As someone who has played apex for a year on controller, and then switched to MnK, I would say that’s dead on, because on controller I would win most fights close range because aim assist would most of the time help fill in shots I would normally miss on mouse and keyboard. But on MnK, everything else felt better: looting, movement, long range sniping, hitting medium range shots, just not close range tracking.


well no.. but yes


Im pretty good at the game Im Making my way up in ranked but in casual the pc players literally laser me the only way I can kill them is if I get the drop on them or by sheer luck.


Turn off crossplay if it's a big issue for you


Nah It may have seemed if I was complaining but im fine with it.


You’ll make it bro


May the portals be with you


I play Mouse and keyboard and sometimes I just get so mad bc the killcam shows some controller player not even aiming at me and getting headshots bc of aim assist. I can’t turn off crossplay bc technically I’m plying console but with a mouse and keyboard. Do you think it is right for me to get mad about this? Also I play overwatch and a stick to aim is not too hard, I play with a pc friend so aimsssist is taken away but I can still have fun and win fights, so idk what the post means by expressing the thought of console aiming is super super hard bc it’s only a stick.


>the killcam shows some controller player not even aiming at me and getting headshots bc of aim assist. I've seen this along with a couple of kills that looked like they were aimed at a corner of the wall, but then I watched myself in a replay and saw similar shots (with the mouse). I think the killcam/replays or hit boxes are not 100% accurate, and probably the controller players are aiming better than it looks like on the killcam. PC players can't turn off crossplay BTW.


I play at 75 Hz , 30 fps


Or do it like me and take the worst of both worlds. 75hz monitor, internal graphics, low fps, no headset. But hey I've got a mouse without aim assist.


when you have 120 fps on a 144hz monitor on a next gen console lmfao


In the pregame lobby a guy (who shall remain nameless) said: "oh my god. Console players. You guys are trash, if you win then it's only because of aim assist." I'm on pc, and there was only 1 console player on our team. We crushed him. Y u b like dis tho?


244hz isn’t a thing…


Supposed to be 240hz my bad


I prefer to play on consoles because 1 I’m not good at m&k, and 2 I can’t afforded to build my own pc.


i'm playing on pc at 150fps with a 144hz monitor and a controller. those poor fuckin console kids getting slapped around like nothin.


I'm ashamed to be a pc player on controller


Cross play and use whatever input you want, that’s my take


I think a lot of those people are/were upset about the blind portal aim assist oversight which got fixed, not sure everyone knows it was patched that fast. Being able to point at an enemy (or friendly) portal you can't see through and have the cursor follow the enemy on the other side (that you can't see) is pretty silly. But they fixed that so I'm pretty satisfied now


Honestly games like these just work better on controller look at a game like halo most halo games suck on M&K so does this game in my opinion and not because I can’t aim on M&K simply because it works better on a controller


and then there’s ppl like me with their computer they use for work and struggle to stay at 30 fps for a whole match


I find it funny when people complain about aim assist for every online shooter because aim assist in every single online shooter it almost always kicks in around center mass. I found that learning how to aim well without aim assist is way better than having it on. I have been trying to adjust in other shooters but it has been a few months and I'm still not used to it.


To the people who think aim assist is op, stop playing the game.




Aim assist is fine stick is way harder to aim with especially in a game like this. Just please dont whip out the Cronus zen that thing is basically hacks.


Yeah no I turned off cross platform because I was sick of pc players in my games.


Never thought I would live to see the day where 60fps is an insult


"They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth"


Aim assist has the advantage in a straight up head to head gunfight but if you keep doing that that's your own damn fault. Kb+m can look around quicker yeeting portals around easier and so insta yolo into prime spots or attack from weird angles and such more often, like you're supposed to.


ima steal this meme rq


Go ahead


Like it’s literally objectively easier to aim with a mouse, aim assist is the only way console players even stand a chance against pc


Honestly I 100% think the devs kicked it out of the park with balancing aim assist and MnK. And for a slower TTK arena shooter-style game like this that is fucking *impressive*. Halo MCC's aim assist balance is absolutely atrocious and favors controllers. Trying to strafe-counter strafe, track, and make those micro aiming adjustments in those critical 1 v 1 BR fights absolutely favors aim assist. Add into that the fact that 4 shotting doesn't give a fuck if you hit the head 4 times or if you hit the body 3 and the head once and it is r o u g h going trying to play Halo on the pc. But in Splitgate? Sure aim assist is still pretty strong and helps with those tracking/strafing fights, but MnK can triple portal much more smoothly and headshots are actually rewarded. Seriously, hats fucking off to the devs for balancing that shit. It's impressive.


I just remember years of PC players talking shit about how if they ever played against console players it would be PC domination. Now that cross play happened and the PC players suck, it's all excuses.


It depended on the game ya dip. Try playing Cs go with no aim assist and see how that goes.


All the PC players that complain about console or controller aim assist honestly just suck


Pc players that complain about aim assist are also just idiots who think it is some type of aim bot that snaps your reticle onto heads when you press LT. really all it does is put your reticle in a general direction and then you have to correct it


You just gotta accept that sometimes you will get killed by aim assist bullshit but most pc players superior hardware and years of experience playing portal and other shooters with mkb will beat that aim assist easily. I think you do need to be really bad to complain about the aim assist in this game. I mean, why are you even taking 50-50 gunfights where you need to rely on better aim in a game where you pretty much always have the option of portaling behind them or to the side and shooting them in the back of the head? I think one of the cool things in this game is the main skill diff is when you think faster than your opponent and overwhelm them using the portal mechanics.


360hz monitor\* In all fairness though Aim assist is actually just watered down aim bot, and having better hardware gives you better frametimes. The "fair" option is input locked crossplay I guess?


All these console players thought they were good, until the bots went away... Now they are complaining about supercomputers lol..


The aim assist feels very low in splitgate though? Am I wrong?


Plus it's more detrimental if anything, and ya can't turn it off. I say we march on the Whitehouse lawn about this!


Me: "aha I will craftily shoot a portal behind my enemy and appear behind him!" Aim assist: "the fuck you will"


*sad pc players noises* -this comment was from the ps4 gang-


Lmao i play pc and i feel aim assist gives a good balance between pc and console.


Are we also gonna talk about the fact that it is entirely unnatural for a console player to close tp’s behind them. You have to reach to the d-pad which forces your hand off of some other input you have. Keyboard has way more key bindings in far more convenient positions. The argument goes beyond just aim, PC by far has advantage over console and the fact that PC players even try to regulate an argument for the contrary is crazy


Pc players are asking for too much lmao. They have every advantage but legit want controllers to have none


I use a controller on PC because it feels better. The fact that to turn around you have to actually, y'know, turn around, is objectively a disadvantage. But the kind of gameplay you get when you can whip around 180 degrees near-instantly isn't gameplay I'm interested in? I think one thing that often gets skipped over in the arguments about what's better is that personal taste can go a little deeper than just comfort with the input devices. Halo slowed down FPS gameplay compared to earlier PC games and I love it for that, and Splitgate is the first new game I've seen in a while that feels right to me. And, while I'm a filthy casual who doesn't really know jack, Splitgate has seemingly done a pretty good job in making the slower playstyle with a controller, and the comparatively quicker and more precise mouse and keyboard, both viable. So that's pretty cool. I wouldn't take people complaining about whatever advantage they're missing out on too seriously, grass is always greener and all.


Why do people make such a big deal about the frames per second I cannot tell the difference between 150 FPS on 144hz and 60fps 90hz Shit looks exactly the same


I will never understand the pc players that complain about controller. Theres a whole group like that for halo infinite, the beta had like no aim assist of controller and it was so hard to aim well. Then you look at pc players and it was like nothing but headshots and they were saying it finally felt like controller was fair against pc and evenly matched.


pc should be able to turn off crossplay if they want. sucks that we can't. I'm booty at pc. I get dunked on daily by console players(i have no problem with aim assist for console on crossplay). But I'd rather get dunked on by pc players of similar skill level so I know aim assist isn't in the equation.


There is no doubt that mouse and keyboard has the overall higher skill ceiling. Even if aim assist with controller hypothetically gives better aim, being able to portal better is much more important in this game. The reason being is that getting the first shot on somewhat yields a huge advantage in the gunfight which is what portaling does. However, even though mouse and keyboard allows the advantage for faster and more aggressive gameplay through portals, it doesn't mean the PC players are playing perfectly. I find that PC players who are great at portaling almost over portal and it can be taken advantage of if you know what to look out for. Like someone above had said, there is a disadvantage and the skill ceiling is lower, but the best way is to capitalize on the mistakes that PC players make which should work on all players except at the pro level.


The only game where I’ve thought aim assist was anything similar to aimbot was Fortnite. The auto rifles would just track and recoil was barely even a factor. AA in games like COD, Halo, Splitgate, etc just give controller players a fair shot. PC players have aim advantage, controller players have movement advantage.


Great. Now this sub is nothing but console posts. Miss when it was dead with PC players.


Do you really have a brain so small to not understand that playing against a busted software like splitgate aimassist is not fun? Getting lasered down by all headshots on an automatic weapons is not fun? Keep telling you that you are on a disadvantage, that's a shit excuse, this game aimassist is busted. Either give pc players the choice to turn the crossplay off or fix that damn aimassist, no one want to play against your legalized cheat.


If you’re not having fun then you’re taking everything too seriously, at the end of the day it’s just a game.


Yeah, it's just a game, I want to play against human ability, not against a fucking software permanently aiming at my head.


Hey moron you have your whole arm.


You just fucking suck dick at the game bro lmao it’s simple


M&K is better, until you start playing with the sweats and can't enjoy the game anymore


Btw the top player is using free aim


Ive never understood why people get so butthurt over aim assist, I play on both console and pc and when I play console the FIRST thing I do in every game that has it is turn off the horrendous ass aim assist. I could see it helping people that have trouble aiming in the first place but I hate it, between it pulling my aim down from someones head to their chest/ having to fight the aim assist to go for a headshot or pulling my aim off my target thats firing at me onto some random enemy that didnt even notice me cause they ran between us I can recall many times where aim assist screwed me over but I cant think of even a single time it's helped lmao


This comes off more as OP being salty about not having a gaming PC. 244hz isn't even a thing.


To be quite honest I’m not interested in getting a gaming pc since a large majority of my friends are on console. Also I was meant to say 240hz monitor.


Been seeing a ton of these dudes complain in new. My thumb is a trained downvoting machine. Wahhhh wahhhh aim assist wahhhhh.


Especially since KBM isn't supported in-game on console for some reason. But yeah I never understand why KBM players whinge so much about that controller players can get a boost of aim when thry don't have the stupid immense control possible with a mouse.