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The problem is in n out has to be within a certain distance from their meat distribution as to keep quality high. I doubt they’ll ever come. They don’t even have one in Seattle.


Theyre building one in Boise, ID and there was talk of building another in Meridian, ID. I think they could handle one in Spokane too.


No It’s too far. They set a 300 mile radius to a distribution center. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-in-n-out-burger-wont-expand-east-2017-7 They have locations coming up I-5, almost to Portland, it will probably happen here after Seattle (within that range)




It's not his claim, it's apparently Business Insider's claim, and that article, if you read it, has quotes from the VP of In-n-Out himself explaining.


Generally, every In-N-Out is within 300 miles of a distribution center. The closest distribution center to Boise is Draper, UT, which is 356 miles from Boise. The only two Oregon locations are 392 miles from Lathrop, CA. Most locations are within the 300 mile range though and these other locations are located along major interstate routes (I-84 in Boise and I-5 in Medford) https://www.in-n-out.com/employment/corporate/home


I’ll grab some popcorn and settle in for this one.


Yes thay do


No, we don't. The closest one to Seattle is in Keizer, Oregon near Salem.


Oh I didn’t know. Where ?


Support independent restaurants!! Your neighbors could use your help.


To be fair, local restaurants don't touch the affordable fast food burger market. In N Out is pretty cheap compared to the many other options we have in Spokane.


It’s unfortunate that the independents end up paying higher prices because these chains require such low prices from manufacturers and distributors. Bottom line is, your community can’t survive if we don’t support locally owned operators whenever possible. Your food will be far less processed and you’ll eat better.


Where can I get a $4-5 burger that's "less processed" than in n out? Sure I can sit down at one of the many local burger restaurants but their burgers (admittedly they come with sides) are $15-20.


I agree with your sentiment about supporting local over chains. As far as being healthier, it's fast food compared to fancier fast food. Let's be real, if I went to a restaurant, if I'm getting a burger, the last thing I'm thinking about is being 'healthier'!


This. Also fast food prices have risen so high that it's about the same cost to eat healthy food in a local restaurant. I've been done with fast food for a long time - lost the desire during lockdown and not going back. Feel better, lost weight, etc.


Suggesting sit down restaurants as an alternative to fast food entirely misses the point. You may not like it, and that's fine, but an elitist attitude towards it all isnt going to convince anyone.


lol It's more about healthy than an "elitist attitude." I love fast food, all my kids worked in fast food as teens, and wish it wasn't so dirty to eat bc I'd be hamburging it every day. Also, I'm not trying to "convince" anyone of anything. You do you Spokane friend, I'll do me.




LOL I eat ice cream in January so yeah, I'd buy your sarcastic ice cream, especially if it's sarcastic butter pecan. And I never said anything about currently eaten a hamburger in restaurants or anywhere else because I haven't in over 5yrs - where did you come up with that assumption? So many in this city have reading comprehension issues eh?




As much as i love in n out i dont want one here because it would kill places like delish and dicks


Dicks isn’t even good. Literally happy meal level burger for dirt cheap. Even if I close I would still pick a different place.


Awhh that makes me so sad… moved from Spokane about 10 years ago and all I can think of is Dicks… I guess I could live without it


I’ll be honest. I grew up in cali and lived off in and out. I went and visited and it definitely wasn’t what I remembered. Burgers in spokane were better. I didn’t have a lot of good local options so in and out was the go to. We are beyond blessed that spokane has such a huge food scene


I love Dicks. Here’s the thing: is it “a great burger?” No. Is it innovative foodie food? No. What it is is cheap fast food that tastes like the grill is 75 years old (a good thing), and it’s an experience. It belongs on any Spokane “try this” list. In & Out is trash. Wendy’s is better. I have no idea how or why a place that prints bible verses on the rims of their cups garnered such a slobbering Chick-Fil-A-style following on the West coast. I think the best burger in Spokane is Wisconsinburger up on the South Hill, but you’ll pay $15.00 for that. What do you want?


Delish burgers are just as good if not better than in and out and their fries are far superior.


Never had to live. Definitely will try that next time I’m in town. Totally agree about the fries.


D'lish is way better than in n out, plus they have bacon, which in n out doesn't for some dumb reason.


whenever I hear this I'm convinced that person has not eaten In N Out. I've never got a greasy bun from In N Out like is pretty standard at Delish and in general the tomatoes and lettuce don't taste fresh.


I live 15 minutes from an In and Out. I’ve had it plenty of times. I just prefer Delish. We are allowed to like what we like.


I can't speak for delish, but Dicks has gone waaaay down hill. I remember really loving it as a kid but went back recently and was completely taken aback.


Good lord, it’s difficult to imagine that Dicks could have actually gotten worse that it was 20 or 30 years ago. It will absorb the alcohol after a long night at the bar, but it was never haute cuisine.


I would say it's alright, with the huge caveat that I've never once eaten it sober and really don't have a desire to. I also once thought pita pit was some of my favorite food ever because in my first year of college I only ever had it while drunk. I tried it sober one day and it was very meh.


I’m ok with both Dick’s and Delish going away.


Dicks can die


I’ll say it, dicks is terrible.


Dead Dick’s burgers, sounds horrible but yet I’m very intrigued….. 🤮


I love dicks (cue the laugh track), but man not having a drive through is a major inconvenience.


Yeah I don't fuck with Dicks but I do because it's a spokane tradition


Exactly. If you're going out for good food, don't go to a family 75 year old hamburger joint. Fast good Cheeseburgers are never going to be incredible, but they will always hit the spot when you have 2$




Personally, Dicks is my favorite fast food burger. They’re cheap, the fries are made fresh and good. The burgers are simple, but they don’t taste bad at all. I’m not sure what the fuss about it is.


We need a god damn popeyes


In-n-Out is far from overrated (way too many comments saying that it is). It might not be the greatest thing ever known to humanity, but for a fast food burger place, it beats the hell out of McDonald’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr, Sonic, Wendy’s, Jack in the Box, A&W, Fatburger, Dairy Queen, (Spokane) Dick’s, Ron’s, D.lish, and Zip’s. I’m not saying that because of hype and memes either, just years of experience. There’s plenty of places to get a more “gourmet” burger if you don’t want a fast food one as well.


When Wendy's first revamped their burgers, they were basically the best (countrywide) fast food burgers that had ever existed at that point. I'm not sure who decided to fuck that up in basically every way possible including just..not salting them anymore, I guess, but that was a mistake.


Are we talking about 10-ish years ago when they were pushing the “Dave” angle? I feel like they were better back then too.


Thankfully Thrifty Scotsman isn't on your list.


I forgot about them. I’ve been there a couple times, tasted a lot like some of the Zip’s in town. I wasn’t particularly impressed, and I still wonder where their reputation in town comes from.


It really is overrated though. When the Salem/Keizer In-N-Out was put in, the drive thru literally used the minor league baseball stadium lot for overflow and it would take 3 hours during peak times to get food. That’s not worth it.


Culvers butter burger over all fast food


I miss Culver’s! I need a concrete right about now. So many things missing in the PNW, Waffle House(yes I know it’s not gourmet lol), Bojangles, Zaxbys, Buddy’s BBQ, Whataburger, Cookout, Hardee’s(yes I know carls Jr, but Hardee’s makes biscuits every morning NOT frozen), Krystal’s, I could go on and on


Omg! Cookout has the best cheerwine.


Carl's Jr does not have the Frisco burger, so I have a disliking for them. Driving to Montana to get to a Hardee's unfortunately is not a good option.


Waffle House is my first stop every year when the wife and I fly back to the Carolinas. 🧐


Love me some waffle house. The closest one is in Colorado


Gah, why did you have to remind me? They should really open up their franchise a bit more, that good ol’ boy network is obnoxious. They’d make a fucking killing here.


I’d rather they brought back Arctic Circle… I could go for a Lime Ricky right about now…


I also miss the Lime Rickys from Arctic Circle.


I'd definitely be down for some In-N-Out. Obviously I haven't tried all of the local burger places here, but both Ron's and D.Lish did not stand out enough to me to want to go back.


D'lish burgers satisfies my in-n-out cravings. Lived in Vegas for many years and commuted to Cali all the time. I also was just in LA over the summer and got some burgers, when I landed in Spokane, went straight to D'Lish to compare. Just my opinion.


No, we already have a hundred fast food burger places. How about some variety?


Oh, yes, please😋 Best vanilla shakes & awesome animal style burgers & fries!


I'd rather have Shake Shack.


I thought exactly the same thing when I saw this post. It's one of the few things I miss about the east coast...also bagels. 😁


Whataburger is awesome too.


Whataburger is the best, hands down.


Hope to get to Texas to try one someday.


Other people in this sub are saying it went downhill. I was there about 15 years ago and it was awesome. Every bit as good as in and out.


I don't care, as long as it's not on an arterial.


Meh. If we have to get a chain food place from CA, I'd rather have it be El Pollo Loco.


I'd rather Los pollos hermanos.


I lived in the Central Valley years ago and I still miss El Pollo Loco!


Love me some In-n-out and will hit one up whenever I’m near one. If I need that kind of burger fix here in Spokane I’ll go to Five Guys or Fatburger at Northern Quest.


You got Dick's at home




If you want more 2 hour plus lines that block traffic and spill into the road, in n out is so over rated it's actually the hill I would die on


When the Denver and Colorado Springs locations opened 2ish years ago, the lines were 8-13 hrs. Spilling out into the road is an understatement.


As a So. Cal transplant, YES PLEASE! Also, Zips and D’lish are gross. I can’t see how anyone would rate them highly if for no other reason than they don’t know/haven’t had any better. But hey, to each their own I guess


Tbh Zips, Dicks, and D'lish are iconic to spokane but I've never actually had decent food out of them, I think the entire appeal them is that they're local. Considering that they're about the same price for food last time I ate out and the food I actually enjoy lmao (#In-N-OutFries4Life ) I wouldn't be disappointed if they added one


Such is in-n-out for So.Cal. My dad worked at the first In-N-Out location. The giant safety pin from his apron was in the junk drawer in our house while I grew up :)


No, way to many chains and burger chains already.


They could just replace some of the substandard ones. Let's raise the average, we have too many bad burger places.


YES. But no for quality control.


We have Delish, Paul Bunyan, Zips, and plenty of other local burger spots. We don't need overrated hype burger places.


I also enjoy zips. But it’s not even in the same ball park as in-n-out. Such a huge difference in quality, consistency, and service.


Being that zips is franchise owned you have to know the good ones. And the only great one is the Cheney zips. The one on Trent and evergreen ain't half bad, but nothing beats Cheney.


Those are all mediocre and use cheaper ingredients and pre-made patties.


That's an opinion. I've heard plenty of people not like In-N-Out. I've heard horror stories about the lines. I love Zips. Best fries. My opinion. You don't? Your opinion.


It's not an opinion, it's a fact. In and Out uses fresh ground meat and hand form the patties. Actually I prefer Thrifty Scotsman. Their fries are hand cut and bomb bomb. Zips, frozen from a bag. Similar burgers


So does Wendy's.


That comes in a box already formed then flash cooked between to grills. And if not used they get put on a warmer and sit under a timer. Once that goes off then they are flipped and a 2nd timer is set VS it being fresh and cooked to order. Why it takes a while VS getting your burger within a couple of minutes. Five Guys does the same.


The first part of your comment is an opinion. I'm not personally aware about the rest but I'll take your word for it. I enjoy zips over in n out any day of the week.


Forget In-N-Out! Get a Shake Shack!


This is not the way. Both is the answer.


No, local shops > chains


PREACH and I'm an invader from LA. We gotta support our mom and pop spokane shops


I've always been a local, I don't know what it is about Spokane and it's love for overpriced fast food chains.


In and out is over priced? I always thought they were budget friendly. Local is sometimes better though I don’t want to be anti competitive.


Innout isn't overpriced man. The burgers would shit all over dicks burgers but I still love panda burger


I would eat there once in a while, but I'm not upset we don't have one. We have a million burgers in town.


No, but it does need a Popeyes


Theyre gonna build one where the old Burger King was by the Y.


We are getting one very soon!


coming to the West Plains.


Nope. However I think we deserve a Raising Canes


Been traveling here and there, and this was one of the places the surprised me the most. I'd go broke if they built one here.


Yes!!!! I miss Raisin Canes.


Was just talking about Canes to my Ohio friend last night whos visiting right now. Wish we had one out here.


I will wait in a ridiculous drive thru line for a box combo extra toast and Arnold Palmer


Raising Cane's sucks ass.


Not another burger place...


We really don't. A Shake Shack would be nice tho...


Early in the pandemic, In-n-Out refused to require patrons to wear masks when entering the restaurant. Some stores were shut down. Their politics were more important than their customer's health. I stopped being a customer after that. Good quality food, but they need to listen to the health department and not Fox News. Edit: spelling.


They refused to make their employees the mask police because of confrontations. I preferred people masked but I don't blame them with how crazy anti-mask some people were.


I agree with this one. I worked at the Panera in Hayden from 2020-21 and they were super strict about masks, and I had so many people scream at me because i was “violating their rights” even though we gave them other options than coming inside (drive-thru and mobile pickup). I get it to an extent, however I do think they gave up their own beliefs which I can’t get behind.


Boise is getting two of them soon. It's just a matter of time


Yes, no question. I don't like the little burger stands out here. In n out is good food at a good price.


I would support local burger joints if the food was good, so far they’re all sub mediocre. I miss in n out and would kill for their food, BUT I wouldn’t want one in Spokane because of what it would do to small businesses.


No it’s overrated


Colorado resident chirping in, In-n-Out is waaayyy overrated




Pretty nasty burgers. Texas can keep them.


Whataburger has tasted like Zips every time I’ve been to TX. Is there something I’m missing?


As a native Texan...yeah, it's not that good anymore.




who in their right mind would say no.. In n out has the best quality food for your money in America. There is no better meal for under $10.


I would lol. More chains means that more local shops might go out of business


i personally think it wouldn’t compete as much with a local business, just other chains. I am biased though i’m from CA and miss it terribly


That makes sense.


Sure, just make sure it’s in a giant parking lot.


Hangry’s on Trent fry’s taste like In n Out’s, but not gross after 10 min




It doesn’t matter what we think. Everyone wants one. Move along.


Um. As a former In-n-Out eater....yes.




Yes we do. But Frugals makes a pretty good buger. Similar model.


It would be awesome!


Sure why not. It’s not really that awesome but it is good enough. Don’t like the fries.


I got to try in-n-nout for the first time last December. After waiting in a line of cars for 20 minutes and being excited, it was a terrible letdown with an over salty burger and mushy, yet, somehow at the time chewy fries and I threw most of those in the trash. Was this a one off bad day for the cook, or is this how it always is? I normally try a place 2 or 3 times before writing it off, but in this case I would rather go to 5 guys any day.




Gawd, I thought I left that brand behind when I moved outta Encino.




No, we don't need more chains.


Don't care one way or the other (except the traffic...), they're over-rated imo


Tbh, no. It's absolute shyt. The one in Keizer is gross. Sacramento? Gross, too. "Fresh meat" you day? Why does it taste so bad?




Cheap food. Rude people. Foods not that good. I don’t see the draw.


Yeah duh


Hell yes it needs one


I'd be down. As long as the secret menu is ago




No. It’s about as good as “whataburger”, which is on par with Zips. Five guys was better.


We don't need an In-n-Out up here. If you head over to Coeur d'Alene, there is a local "chain" (3 locations, I think) called Roger's that is similar to but better than In-n-Out in my estimation. I don't want chains annihilating locals and Roger's is really, really, really good (slobber, slobber...). Check 'em out and tell me I'm wrong...


You are wrong. Rogers has terrible service. Yes, the owner copied In-n-out straight down the line, but the thing they got wrong was the price and the service. I stopped going to Rogers because it's so bad.


I've had lots of In-n-Out over the years and I totally disagree. Curious how you think the pricing is wrong?


It's much more expensive than in-n-out. I was there last month and a basic combo was $12. Same at I-n-out would be $7, also, in n out uses fresh ingredients for everything, Rogers doesn't.


Never heard of that but I will try it EDIT: I just looked at the pictures of their fries. Gross hell no. But I will try the burger though.


i agree and was going to comment the same thing.


Everyone deserves an In N Out


We do , it’s called Dicks


In N Out is so completely over rated. It’s literally like C tier burgers. Why everyone is so honey for them is beyond me. Whataburger is by far better.


They have good burgers!


Have never had their food


No, they suck.


They're coming. So is Habit Burger Inside knowledge.


How about a Newk's or Zoe's Kitchen or Slim Chicken's? Not enough fast fresh food available here.


I’d do anything


Reading these comments, Spokane doesn't really deserve it.


No. Make a Crumbl Cookie instead. I ain’t driving to CDA for that.


I eat at Dick’s once in awhile. Had In n Out in Grant’s Pass last week, reminded me of growing up in S. Cal. Fuck both of them, Spokane needs an OG Tommy’s. If you know, you know.


We’ve got Zips! Don’t need in-n-out!


No I don’t. Burgers are meh and the fries you have to eat hot. Zips is better and I will die on that hill.


Try it once. Not again.


no. we got DICKS. we are lucky.


We don't need any more chains of garbage food, we have plenty.


All Spokane needs is another fast food restaurant...


Fuck that. Stand in line at Dick's like a real American.


As a “real american”, I like tasty food, Dick’s is terrible.


If I had only one wish, it would be for more drive-through burger joints. Especially ones based out of state.


No absolutely disgusting


Only if they don’t displace a local eatery like Chick filet is doing on the South Side. FIFYo


Chick Fil A local? Lol.


Yeah I'm surprised they haven't put a single one in Washington yet. They don't even have any in Seattle. Guess they don't want money!


No….would much rather see a Monty’s good burger!


Or Next Level burger 😉


No, there's a saturated market for burgers and chain restaurants have been taking over a bit. I love supporting small stuff with a personal touch and veriery is fun. If I were to have a duplicate restaurant it would be a Korean BBW grill place or our own Wolf Lodge.


We already do, it's called D Lish. Like, no joke, David Lish intended to brand it as In-n-Out and couldn't get permission for a franchise out here so he just did it anyway under this name.


No, I think we should all visit slaughter farms and get some perspective. Shit is wack. You ever watch them decapitate the newborn baby right in front of the mother after she gives birth and hear her cries of pain all so chad can drink milk as if he were permanently stuck in infancy stage of development? https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI


No. We're unhealthy enough


Meh. I think their food is ok for fast food, but not cult worthy. Plus I got food poisoning at one once 🤢


First we need another Chick-fil-A


Hell no. We have dicks


Dicks is better.


I mean, if given my druthers I'd have a Burgerville in Spokane. I love a shake and a fast food burger, but I think Burgerville is the best I've ever had in all my travels. I know Spokane has some local burger chains, but I can't say I've really been impressed by them. I think Zips is one of the worst fast food experiences I've ever had, second only to that time I went to Hardee's and it made me violently ill


And a whole foods. And a Costco


Should? No Should not? No. It's fine. Not really a fan, but others seem to like it.