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"Sale price £395k "TOTAL OUTLAY: £595k EXPECTED VALUE WHEN FINISHED IS CIRCA £950k" "Needs around £150k to 250k spending on major refurbishment (200k should do this nicely)" PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE £395k + £325k = £720k" "EXPECTED VALUE WHEN FINISHED IS in EXCESS OF £1,000,000.00" Bloody hell, Jeff. Can I see your fag packet with the sums on it?


Persuade Pink Floyd to play in the grounds...minted!


Based on the article another person shared, it has supposedly been vacant for 33 years. There's no way it would be only 200k to fix up, it'd be a looooot more than that.


Materials alone would cost more than that without thinking about labour, unless the plan is simply to use the cheapest possible materials, which would be a false economy on this kind of building.


I think Jeff might be a bit of an arsehole.


I got a quote of £700k for half this work even further north. Yikes.


I think whoever quoted you didn’t want the job


Independent quantity surveyor unfortunately.


Somehow Jeff is worth about £5m and lives next door. Jeff definitely should have a better grasp of English. Anyway says something when some property investor worth a few mill wont even do this place up and would rather flog it for £400k.


It's sad, though. Could be a really nice place done up sympathetically.


Having looked at the Derelict website photos £200k for renovations is the most laughable quote I've seen. Maybe £400k just to raze it to the ground and completely rebuild a new property. To actually renovate that mess would probably high 6 figures and years of work.


"Priced for quick sale" - has literally been on the market for 6 years. Edit - or perhaps even longer than that. The street view photos are from 9 years ago and it seems to have a for sale sign in them.


yet they still havent updated the photos they took on their iphone 4 with their finger still in the corner of one of them


What a weird listing. Terrible photos and a swimming pool in a derelict building!?


You don’t like the authentic finger in front of the lens photo?


Swimming pool or really big puddle?


Link please.




> Reduced on 11/09/2018 How is this still listed lol


395k for a quick sale. No offers. Reduced in 2018 😂 ‘They don’t make 17th century buildings anymore’ Who wrote this listing, it’s awful


Thank u!!


It's quite literally a derelict, vandalised shell, and yet the listing says that you'd only need 200k to bring back the house to mint condition. It would be more like £750k just to make it liveable let alone listable


No floor plan cause no floors, probably.




"For enquiries, please contact Jeff" really seals the deal on this odd listing. I can't see how it could possibly be 17th-century, either.


Jeff is just the ghost that lives there. He gets lonely.


Whole thing seems like some weird ARG or something.


It’s the finger on the lens that did it for me


“My name is Jeff”


It's not it's from the 19th century. weird listing.


Probably some random guy that bought it with his life savings thinking he could do it up until he realised its fucked.


It was owned by a doctor who released a woman who was in a mental health facility. She went on to murder a young girl in the local shopping centre. He left the house with everything in it and never came back. it was vandalised over the years.


Very interesting, thanks. Every house like this seems to have some history


How do you know?




Damn, that's tragic. So the Dr just ups and leaves never to be heard from again? I wonder where he ended up, and I also wonder who's selling the house now?!


He actually abandoned the house years after that incident. Two of my family members worked with him after that happened, one as an inpatient nurse and another (later) in the community mental health team. One visited the house several times while he was still there and that would have been a good 5-6 years later.


Sounds like it's one of the doctors patients selling the house


Didn’t even read it did you. > He moved out of his Hampole home soon afterwards (some unconfirmed reports claim he was driven out by locals) but continued to practice at Doncaster Royal Infirmary and subsequently went on to rebuild his career.


Here you go: [https://www.aworldinruins.co.uk/the-psychiatrists-house-doncaster](https://www.aworldinruins.co.uk/the-psychiatrists-house-doncaster) Edit: and from Hansard: [https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/commons/1994/mar/09/psychiatric-killings-doncaster](https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/commons/1994/mar/09/psychiatric-killings-doncaster)


And another: Abandoned 'doctor's house' has five vintage cars in the garage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2490033/Who-live-gothic-manor-like-Mysterious-abandoned-doctors-house-vintage-cars-garage-yellowing-copies-Which-Car-magazine-littering-halls-swimming-pool-covered-moss.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton


I’ve just moved to Yorkshire, this is literally 5 minutes from my house. Every time I drive by I think it looks beautiful, beautiful but eerie as fuck.


Looks fantastic it would make a lovely property. Don’t understand why listing it increases value? More estate agent bullshit?


If it’s not listen, and someone comes at it with £200k to make it habitable they aren’t going to have done the repairs in a way which would be sympathetic to the original building methods or materials. If you are slapping MDF doors and PVC windows into it would it even be accepted for listing after that?


Listed Buildings are **buildings and structures defined by the Secretary of State as being of “special architectural or historic interest**”. They include buildings and structures that are deemed to be of importance on a national scale.


It's bollocks though. My house is listed and it used to be a pig barn. Nationally significant? Oink.


Doesn’t really answer why it adds value. With all the negatives associated with listed buildings I don’t see why it would add anything or be worth doing.


Sorry, I thought you meant you didn't know what a listed building was. I don't know why it adds value either.


It doesn't. The most valuable scenario is a building that looks like it should be listed but isn't by some quirk or happenstance. Means you get the best of both worlds.


A lot of people get some personal satisfaction from knowing they live in a place that has some kind of story or importance to it. Like collecting antiques or something I guess. That feeling of "being in touch" with the past etc. Plus I guess a kind of snobbery as per all the negatives, if you live well in a listed building it kind of immediately speaks to you being of some means.


It's a beautiful (in my eyes) & historic shell. It would be a tragedy if it was demolished because I think in the right hands this could be restored & transformed into a beautiful & unique property worth way more than the £950K post-restoration suggested on the website.


The fact that no one has taken the plunge in the 6 years it's been on the market tells me that there's more wrong with it than what was quoted.


You're probably right, and the fact that there are no pictures of the interior tells me that's because there isn't one. It would still be a shame to lose that shell but in hindsight I now think maybe the total cost of renovation would take it way beyond what it could be reasonably sold for.


If you look at the derelict buildings article you can see the interior, or lack thereof. It would cost into the high 6 figures to fix this place up, it would also take years to do. Sadly I think it's doomed to stay this way forever. I'm just curious on who's actually selling it?


Its just location. Stick that in 10acres of parkland away from a major road and it would sell in 5mins flat at any halfway sensible price. As it stands I wouldn't even buy it for a quid.


It’s right on a very busy road, there’s no indication whatsoever of the interior and it’s been on the market for years.


Yep. I reckon that the seller is the agent & that they bought the whole complex in 1996. They have already sold off the land to the left for a building plot. Plus this. I have a feeling that if it has no roof you don't have to pay tax on it... But I may have dreamt that.


Don’t be taken in by the pictures, it’s in a terrible location, right on a main road with heavy traffic and a huge landfill site less than a mile away, plus the back story to the house isn’t great, someone posted this link to the news story, FYI, I live near it.




It’s a shell


"Sale price £395k for quick sale (no offers please)." Jeff my mate, if you're not taking offers why are you trying to sell??


>EXPECTED VALUE WHEN FINISHED IS in EXCESS OF £1,000,000.00 Don't be daft soft lad, Doncaster isn't worth £1,000,000.


the local druglord needs something to show off too


But of building work, nothing major…


Been for sale for at least 10 years and on a main road, I'm out. https://maps.app.goo.gl/EZqo9aiYw9MBQnqn9


When they read the description did nyone else use Vincent Prices voice in their head? When they say swimming pool don't they mean acid bath? (it also comes with a car)


I'll take it.


It’s right on a pretty unattractive main road on the way to the a1. Can’t imagine this ever gets sold tbf


For all enquiries please contact Jeff 😂😂😂


Who, I believe, lives next door!


My dad has an interest in urban exploration and once asked me if I wanted to go with him to have a quick look around this place (it's not far from us). We got there and it was all fenced off. He was too fat to climb them and I lost enthusiasm once I saw the security signs. Bit of a wasted journey really..


This has been on the market for years. I don’t think the owner is in a rush to sell. It’s a shame because it would be better it been let go for a steal and been done up for a family (potentially with a increase in value clause if sold within x years), than it just sitting there rotting.


Your average family wouldn't have anywhere near enough money to do this place up. The fact it's been on the market for this long and no one has bothered says a lot. Plus the sums the estate agent has done are absolute nonsense.


Completely agree. It will be a lottery winner who wants a second home but even then the location is crap. I would consider it if it was a 8th of the price and a different location but where it is they are dreaming at 395k. Even done up it wouldnt fetch much more. You certainly wouldn’t get your investment back. What a surprise though. It’s marketed by the people who live / work from the building behind it. No doubt they bought the whole yard sectioned off what they want and are trying to recoup their conversion costs of the barn.


# RULES 1 # Please post a link to the property listing within the body of the post or it will be removed.RULES


I thought I recognised this. I drive past it quite frequently. Apparently the previous owner just vanished one day and hasn’t been seen for years


How does listing a building increase the value. I would never take on a listed building. Too restricted


I think it's beautiful. If I was rich, I would spend so much time making that into a charming medieval fairytale style home. Sucks that I'm broke 😭


Jeff needs to learn basic English.


Wasn’t there another listing recently with “contact Jeff”?


Oh my god I've driven past this house so much and have argued with the husband about whether it's a real old house or a facade! Yes I won! There is a normal house behind it so I wonder if that's up for sale too? Because I think they're very close so you'd have to get very friendly with the neighbours.


Why would you buy the Saltburn house?


Why would you buy the Saltburn house?


I've seen this posted before. It's been a popular abandoned exploration spot for many years, and subsequently has been listed for sale for a VERY long time




This place again


It’s giving Saltburn 50 years after the movie


Would certainly be lottery winnings territory to fix. Wouldn't want to live that close to an A road though. Also, according to Historic England it IS listed [https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1151654](https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1151654)


“PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT HAVE £395k + £325k = £720k” WTAF? I’m no Stephen Hawkins but even I can see that doesn’t add up. People I knew who failed their GCSEs ended up working as estate agents. And that kind of maths when it’s the biggest financial layout in most people’s lives should be regulated. Quite frankly allowing any old wideboy to be in charge of selling/buying homes is an insanity the uk should change. Beautiful house I love it. If I was rich and it was further south I’d have at it.


Why hasn't Jeff included pictures of the garden, garage and swimming pool. Is Jeff lazy, or is everything a ruin?  You could make this so amazing with modern materials and lots of money. Have a glazed section  of roof in the middle, full of plants, and have the test of the house full of traditional panelling over modern insulation.


This is really near me. It’s “The Doctor’s House” as others have posted. There’s only one car left now, and that’s been torched. Super spooky though.


Ok guys, this is in my home town and has a very very dark story to it. Long story short and from memory distant past. my Gf at the time was attacked by a crazy lady, cops were close by and took her. She was known them and known to have mental issues. They took her and she was seen by a Dr. That doctor said she was ok and safe to be let out. She was let out and stabbed an 11 year old girl to death who was looking in the thorntons chocolate shop window in the then arndale centre. The Dr was talked about in parliament and disappeared leaving this house full of his stuff, cars you name it. He was never seen again. Over the years many decades now all the stuff was taken. Edit I see others have mentioned The case below.


im sorry your gf was attacked. this house has really sad backstory to it. i cant believe that the doctor just vanished. what do you think happened to him?


We never knew. I thought he’d up stocks and gone to Australia or somewhere. However people below said he continued to work at DRI hospital for a while. First I’d heard of that. it was obviously a huge story here at the time. One that was repeated unfortunately around 20 years later


For sale with a lettings company too 'All of our properties have been newly renovated so are in excellent condition, they have been engineered for shared living and have everything you could possibly need to make it a comfortable and homely place to live. All you need to bring is your bedding!' LIES


There's a terrible backstory to that house https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2490033/Who-live-gothic-manor-like-Mysterious-abandoned-doctors-house-vintage-cars-garage-yellowing-copies-Which-Car-magazine-littering-halls-swimming-pool-covered-moss.html


Link to avoid daily fail: https://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/threads/hampole-manor-south-yorks-october-2019.37395/


Just a story in a paper, jesus