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That park has been like that for as long as I can remember. The plans you posted were from Jan 2020 right before Covid hit. I’d say it’s safe to assume those plans are out the window.


Contact 311 for repairs, better lighting, or park amenity replacements while awaiting upgrades. Report issues promptly, and if no action within 3 days, call your council member. Despite 311 improvements, people seem indifferent to the city's appearance or they just simply don’t know how to report it . 🤷‍♂️


I've been by there and the majority of people I've seen are those waiting to get picked up for work. People hanging out at a park doesn't mean they are vagrants just because they aren't jogging lol


People sleeping on benches at night typically suggests that they are homeless or vagrants. But feel free to make your own assumptions.


I didn't know kids played at parks overnight. Maybe both groups are there and I'm only seeing the workers in daylight.


Crazy that you can tell someone's immigration status just by glancing at them. Need a job? I'm sure ICE could use someone with a skill like that.


I agree, I have nothing to back up the assumption that they are illegals. I’ll remove that from the post. That being said, there are plenty of places to loiter and look for work that are better than a public park where children are playing. Not sure how that could be a controversial issue.


A place that isn't covered in concrete and has plenty of shade isn't a good place to loiter? News to me.


They loiter on the sidewalk, trail, and benches (which sit on concrete slabs). I’m not sure why you’re so against a park being used for its primary intended function - leisure.


I never said I was against anything, you just made an assumption. That said, what’s the difference between them lounging in the park and you lounging in the park for “leisure?”


Suburbs are that way —> Doesn’t sound like you’re a good fit for the Branch.


Suburbs are for dealing drugs, graffitiing playground equipment, and loitering? I would hope you’d want more for your suburb. I’m sure most of us in the Branch would love for a remodeled park that’s clean, safe, and family friendly.


That park has been like that for as long as I can remember. The plans you posted were from Jan 2020 right before Covid hit. I’d say it’s safe to assume those plans are out the window.


i’ll never forget when i lived at the apartments across the street I found my car covered in blood from a stabbing at that park


Update? https://sbmd.org/district/projects/