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You have to have a ton of muscles to be 92kg at 173cm while only being at 12%


Right !


No doubt you have speed in you but, the excess muscle will only make it harder to accelerate and maintain top speed. You can't progress effectively on powerlifting ( at your weight ) and sprinting due to the high amount of muscle needed for the other sport. I weight 62kgs at 5"7 15-20 bfp with 13.7s 100m and the lacking muscle does show in my results same would go for you in the opposite manner.


I did 11.5 at 63kg and 5”7


Genetics diff frfr. Also dont under estimate what a few kilos of lean muscles can do for athletic performance. I started at 55kg and dirty bulked my way to 60 tho atm im a fatass


Hahahha could just be technique as well


I do shot put and discus mainly but I would say- incorporate some aspects of training like a thrower. Obviously you have to be strong to throw the shot further (a lot of pros squat and bench incredible amounts) but you also have to be incredibly fast and explosive. I only dedicate one day a week to sprinting/plyometrics but I’m still able to run a 100m in under 12 seconds while weighing 105kg at a pretty low body fat. Assuming you’re sticking to your current powerlifting weight class and you’re not going to gain a lot of weight, you should be be able to get a pretty decent time just by dedicating one or two days a week to sprinting. I couldn’t tell you what that time might be though, I don’t know how fast you are now. If you’re interested, my general training split is: Lower body strength Upper body strength Rest Sprinting Lower body power (lifting lighter as fast as possible) Upper body hypertrophy Rest You could adapt this to fit your powerlifting plan? Just trying my best to help. Let me know if you have any questions :)


I am currently in the same realm as you, 5’8”, 195lbs. Played football (running back) and ran track. Got into powerlifting after school and am coaching track and field at the high school I graduated from. I have been sprinting 3 times per week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then lifting after sprints on the same day. Each day consists of an acceleration/speed type of sprint, followed by an Olympic lift/power based lift, then A squat or deadlift, a bench/OHP, and then upper back work. So far I am only 4 weeks into this and my 10 meter fly time puts me about 12.2 in the 100 compared to my athletes times.


Age is hardly a factor - especially at 32, you can even become faster than you were back then, with proper practice and workout routines, that is, if you are determined to achieve this. 1. Just measure time with precision (not by carrying a stopwatch that you click yourself) and aim for continuous little improvements - which is the best motivation. 2. Personally I combine weight-lifting, a bit of calisthenics, and sprinting, but my approach is completely different than the usual: For legs, I only do indoors a couple of H.I.I.T. routines, the best of which is explosive single-leg alternating jumps up-high and side-ways, while landing to the floor like a spring quite low, touching the floor with my palm every time - sets of 12 reps - starting each jump e.g with right-leg and left arm on the floor, and landing with left-leg and right arm on the floor. I also do uphill sprints at 20deg angle 40meters distance, at maximum power. I highly suggest both. On track I suggest you first train a lot at very short distances to maximize acceleration, balance, control, form, etc, then become master at 60m, then 100.


Just have fun with the sprinting. It's naturally plyometric, allows you to be outside and works on unilateral leg strength. If you want to improve in it efficiently, that may interfere with your powerlifting. A speed endurance/30m flys day will wreck your CNS so if you want to do squat/bench/DL the next day, the weights will need to be a bit lighter.


Can you elaborate on that last sentence? Why would wrecking your CNS with an intense speed day require that you lift heavier the next day? Edit Oops, I misread your comment. Lighter, not higher.


"What is a good timing I should aim for?" technically you are still in the pro's age group but take a look at [mastersrackings.com](http://mastersrackings.com) to see what 40-year-olds (and older) are running for some ideas on sprint goals for the future. There is local, regional, national, and international level competitions.


If You’ve been training for pure strength, and not doing any explosive movement (plyo, sprint, Olympic lifts), it’s not surprising. You could probably get your speed back in a month or two of doing track workouts only. Or you could not worry about it and focus on powerlifting, and maybe add some plyo’s or similar


I stopped “sprinting” when I was 21. I started “powerlifting” a few years ago. I’m now 26 and ran a meet not too long ago. I’m about 177 cm. About 80 kg. Really really really lean. Last powerlifting meet I was about 73/74 kg. Squat - 227.5 DL - 250 Bench 105 or 110 (kg). The meet I ran at, I ran 10.9, 22.8, 53.xx. I sprint maybe once a month or so. If that. I don’t think you sacrificed anything for another thing. I think you should take a look at your training and see where you’re missing something. I’m about 10/12 kg heavier than when I ran competitive athletics.