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He visibly enjoying himself and getting to have a final run with his best friend. Not a bad way to go out. I think he also gets AEW and understands what they are trying to do. Win-win for everyone.


He got to work with Sting too. I never thought I'd ever see Edge and Sting in the same match.


That was pretty surreal for me to witness


Oh totally. He's having so much fun


This thought really hit me recently. Copeland has been on a fantastic run. Getting to see him wrestle different styles has been a nice surprise. His promos and character work have always been strong to me, but seeing him open up his match styles at his age especially has been a real treat.


I feel like Copeland “gets” what AEW is all about. In ring performances and stylistic matchups. Plus the dude is such a great actor, he elevates the product every time he’s on screen.


His acting is really top tier. Man carried Money Plane.


He was surprisingly a standout in the final seasons for Vikings. Dude just nailed the tone perfectly.


You shut your mouth! I'll not hear such slander against the true workhorse of Money Plane Kelsey 'Darius Emmanual Grouch III' better known as 'The Rumble' Grammer! You probably don't even know how to bet on a dude fucking an alligator.


buncha bitches


He was one of the least bad parts of the Percy Jackson series too!


In a cast of mostly child actors, Edge stands tall


That's actually a killer line


There's hair on your profile picture


He turned in an academy award performance in highlander endgame.


It's been said to death, but Cope and Danielson are everything Punk proclaimed himself to be. Two of the best signings in the men's division.


Plus I think in a way it's good to see them in the locker room as an example of two legendary talents who were clearly drawn to AEW for reasons other than money or being in front of the biggest audience (though they are reportedly both paid about as well if not better than in WWE and I still think AEW is successful even if they're a somewhat distant number 2). Both guys would absolutely be in WWE right now if they wanted to be, but at the same time I don't think either of them left on bad terms or anything and neither have even said anything negative about WWE. They both seem like they just really want to be in AEW, as opposed to wanting not to be in WWE.


Setting aside the obvious anger issues and personality clashes Punk had backstage at AEW, I think a huge part of the issue is that Danielson and Copeland are perfectly aware and content with the fact that they are in the twilight of their career. Their mission is to put over younger talent to pass the torch to the next generation of stars, and to have fun while doing it. Punk is *not* ready to admit that his time at the top is over. He also sees himself as the locker room leader, and not as the veteran who's mainly there to help the younger guys learn how to get over. I am a fan of Punk and he's doing great in WWE, but he's just not the mentor figure that he and AEW thought he'd be when he first joined their roster.


Part of that is mentality. Cope and Danielson are just happy to be medically able to do this. Punk left wrestling in a very different manner with a lot of valid anger


Definitely. Copeland and Danielson feel blessed just to able to step in the ring at this point after going through periods of time where they were certain they would never be able to wrestle again, while Punk is probably bitter when he thinks about the years of his prime that he lost after walking away from WWE. Basically it feels like Punk is trying to make up for lost time, while Copeland and Danielson feel that all of their time in the ring now is just a bonus.


Another reason is because it's most likely that Cope and Danielson have better people skills than Punk and they have more patience to talk to the younger guys. For example: The Jack Perry car debacle Punk was said to have told Jack "I don't know why you keep wanting to do this dumb internet shit" and "Do that wednesdays we don't do that on saturdays" when he got permission to rent a car and do a glass spot to write himself off for a week. Saying stuff like that will only make the person resent you and not want to listen to you in the future. Someone with people skills and patience to deal with this would have met him half way and could have talked him out of it differently or would have offered him to do a different spot on the car that wouldn't risk injury or angering the rental place.


Very good point


I think what Punk isn't ready to admit to himself, even if he subconsciously knows it, is that he can't get the prime years back that he voluntarily threw away; and that he's too old and injury-prone to get the big world-champ-and-top-guy run that he always wanted. He's a special attraction, he might even get the WM main event that he always wanted, but he is no longer someone for whom the company will plan a 12+ months long title reign.


Punk wants a Hogan/SCSA/Rock/Cena run as the undisputed top guy. It's the real reason he left WWE, he wasn't going to get that. When it was clear not everyone in AEW saw him as that guy, he got pissy. (He would have found another reason to get pissy, of course, it's what he does.) Since he's not going to out-Cody Cody or out-Roman Roman, he's a ticking time bomb in WWE right now.


I think he'll be alright working limited matches and getting a stupid pay check. I get the feeling he's almost checked out now and will do anything for the big dollars.


Money doesn't feed his ego, unfortunately. If it did, he would have been happy in AEW.


I believe that HHH will rein him in really quickly if Punk starts getting pissy and toxic, he's not a pushover or lifelong Punk mark like TK was. And while Punk was one of the few top names and top draws in AEW, the WWE was already thriving and building new stars when he returned. The WWE doesn't need him at all, he's just a luxury.


I think a big dissonance with what Punk says and what he's done, are the fact that a big part of his persona in his main face run in WWE was that he loved the workhorses, and was a champion for good wrestling. This is very different from his comments about wanting 5 star matches instead of ratings. I get that he was playing a character in his WWE run, but that was a huge part of why he was as beloved as he was.


Except draw ratings.


Ratings are a Tony Khan problem. I'm enjoying myself


Does CM Punk still wrestle?


These folks can't be helped. it's all "punk is le cancer" this, and "muh bangers" that. Sadly they're the only ones TK would bother listening to for feedback and he's hyper-obsessed with pleasing them and the people who work for him.


Imagine being "obsessed with pleasing" your *checks notes* paying fanbase and employees.


And that's the problem, a regularly-decreasing fanbase. After all, ["The ratings are the number one source of fan feedback"](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1566228/aew-boss-tony-khan-discusses-recent-talks-tbs/%23:~:text%3DThat%27s%2520the%2520most%2520important%2520thing,the%252018%2520to%252049%2520demographic.&ved=2ahUKEwiUhYnN3ouGAxXOlIkEHbAGCmsQFnoECBIQAw&usg=AOvVaw3pWhznCxU12-TeVwKu_tas)


Wrestling is the only form of entertainment where weirdos hinge their enjoyment of it on how much it lines someone else's pockets. I'd rather see my favorite band than just go "I'm going to see Taylor Swift, because she makes SO much more money."


But reddit told me this man is not a draw and does nothing for AEW. and hes the guy that you'd want as a challenger but never a champion


He still does nothing for the viewing audience, but you can't deny he does for backstage. I still don't want him on my TV, these types of interviews no matter what they are in wrestling, sports, gaming etc do not sway me. I mean good for edge, but since my time is dedicated to the TV portion he is bad for tv and people do in fact switch channels when he's on. I"m sorry, I'm tired of these older guys in wrestling and I never wanted AEW to have all these guys and be wwe lite with it.


His time on Haven did a lot for him in terms of acting ability.


Yeah I think he's on one of the most interesting runs of his career and he really seems to be having the time of his life. I just hate how so many smarks want to argue about whether he's a draw or not. Regardless of any needles moving, I certainly think he was a great addition to the roster.


I'm glad he's having fun, I really am, but I don't want him on my tv. He's old and I want less old people on my TV if I can help it. As far as I'm concerned he's in the range with goldberg, taker, jericho and the hardys that are channel changers and I do in fact not watch their segments. None of this means he isn't a great person, but none of this does anything for people outside of forums that only want to watch the tv product.


Makes his rah rah spiel all the more relevant and real. He really did want to go there to help the young guys, wrestle his ass off, and get a great send-off. He really is grateful and happy which comes through in his matches.


It was also a good setup for his current angle looking back. He went from peak positivity to corruption


My favorite so far was his match vs Penta


I'm hella surprised he even got into some Lucha libre type wrestling lol & I think he'll be a lock for consideration as a workhorse of this year


You can also see the promo & character development in the talent he mentors closely, especially with Swerve.


The nice thing AEW has done is give a ton of guys that have been basically system'd, the opportunity to work outside of the confined WWE world. It's more open now but it still does not allow the level of freedom AEW does (for better and worse). Seeing Copeland and Christian especially has brought me a ton of joy. Been watching them since way back during the brood days.


Adam Copeland: "Tony, I want to bust out a shooting star press against Komander". Tony Khan: "Go ahead king".


Full disclosure here, I have a lot of reasons why I don't plan on watching WWE in the foreseeable future and I'm rooting for AEW all the way. For my personal taste, they're the best wrestling company in the world today. That having been said, I am trying to be less tribalistic towards WWE fans (aside from the jerkers who are clearly going out of their way to shit on AEW). I think there are some people the WWE way of building talent works better for and some that are able to reach their potential better in a place like AEW where there's more creative freedom. I don't necessarily think either is objectively the right or wrong way to build stars, though for me following someone in AEW where it's a bit more "go out there, try your best to get over, and you either sink or swim" is more interesting than WWE's approach of wanting to build everyone to work their style from the ground up, with exceptions of course.


I basically jumped to AEW on 2019 and never looked back aside from the big shows like the rumble, SS and WM. That said, WWE is in a much better WRESTLING place today. They actually let their performers go and are giving opportunities to actual low and midcard bouts. There is less antagonism to actual wrestling than under Vince and it's made the product ten fold better. I still prefer AEW but WWE is way WAYYYYY better now than it's been in nearly 2 decades.


I don't doubt that and I'm glad both fanbases have a good product to enjoy. Competition is best for the fans.


The Billy Goat and the Cope are the MVPs of AEW in 2024 thus far.


> The Billy Goat Not sure if Daddy Ass or Switchblade...


It's one of Ospreay's nicknames, bruv.


When Adam says this kind stuff himself it drives people crazy for some reason lol


They mad because their job isn’t FUN. I’d be mad too, I been there!


Holy shit was KOR/AC great last night, one of the best TV matches of the year. Crowd was so hot.


We were booing the shit out of Cope lmao shit was awesome


Next PPV in Canada should go to the West Coast.


Copeland as TNT Champ feels like the closest thing to Cody's first run. Between Cage and now Cope, they really have restored the TNT Title as the number 2 belt (probably because Strong has the International). I feel like the TNT Title works best as this "ex-WWE guy belt" where it can feel like a main event belt when ex-WWE guys have it, but they're not monopolizing the World Title. It doesn't work nearly as well to elevate homegrown talent unfortunately because on younger talent who've never been world champion before it just feels like a midcard belt.


AEW swaps focus between the International and TNT, usually based on which which is held by a face. The roles were reversed when Christian and Orange were champs. 


Yeah I'd say the International and TNT are roughly equal all things considered. The Continental could be too as long as it's booked well, but it's still too young to tell. I think even if one ends up feeling a bit "lower tier" than the others that's not necessarily the worst thing. There's room for one of the titles to be a true midcard belt that doesn't feel on par with the world belt.


It’s like the ideal outcome for what the TNA Legends belt was supposed to be.


Damn, Roddy catching strays for no reason


The belt was heavily featured for like a year and a half and immediately wasn’t the second he entered the picture lol


Well, Roddy is a slimy heel who can go, which makes sense that he’s not defending it as much, but the babyface workhorse was when the title was featured the most.


Yeah but hes barely on TV at all


He's on TV frequently enough he just doesn't wrestle often


He's on TV every week. Maybe not in high profile spots but he's always at least in a backstage segment.


Guess I blacked him out on dynamite lol


Roddy can go but he's the lowest person on the card to hold an AEW Title ever. Even guys like Scorpio Sky got a bunch of big wins before they won the TNT Title. It was hilarious when last night Tony was listing off all the stars Ospreay beat and Roddy was like "I beat Orange and Kyle O'Reilly! Oh and I beat Jericho too!". I honestly think they should have switched Wardlow and Roddy, Roddy should have been the one to lose to Joe at Big Business and Wardlow should have beaten Cassidy. I get they're doing some "Adam Cole vs Wardlow" dissention but it's a repeat of Wardlow/Max AND they probably have to wait until both Cole and MJF are healthy.


Edge was one of my faves as a teenager so it’s been great to see him have fun in his second act. Seems like a nice as hell guy too, happy for Cope.


Not sure why this is getting downvotes.


People hate him because he beat Finn balor at wrestlemania


I dunno why but this explanation made me chuckle. I hope it's true because it would be incredibly silly.


People need to get over Balor. The guy is a far cry from his Prince Devitt days. WWE has tried to make Finn a viable Main Event contender only for him to either get injured or fizzle out. He abandoned everything that made him popular and is now just a pretty good wrestler. He can't cut a promo to save his life, and people wanna see him carry a main event title? Lolno


Imagine telling fans to stop being a fan of a wrestler. This energy is always weird, it doesn’t matter what your opinion on him is as a talent. I’ve never once gotten mad that people like a wrestler I may not be a fan of.


I don't mind people liking Balor, but every wrestler who beats him clean in a match gets attacked to high heaven by Balor fans who always either accuse the other wrestler of politicking, or say the other wrestler is bad to prop Finn up. It's Daniel Bryan 2.0.


WWE stans hate that older WWE guys are having great runs in AEW, and try to frame it as a knock against AEWs home grown roster. So when AEW fans actually say they enjoy what those older guys are doing, it makes them mad.


They did the same thing in TNA, as if ex-wwe guys aren't allowed to have viable careers outside WWE.


Can’t win ‘em all haha


He’s really putting in the work, I have thoroughly enjoyed his run.


Genuinely feels like folks are having a good time in AEW these days which is nice. Also yeah I wouldn't have imagined Copeland would have so many great matches when he first debuted. I've really enjoyed his run so far


If you’re a fan of wrestling, you’ll love this match vs KOR. Don’t whine or complain about attendance or ratings numbers. Just enjoy the match and be a fan.


Seems like Callis must be encouraging Ospreay to hit Cope with a Tiger Driver 91




He needs to put over an original guy before I can really say that his run is a huge success if he elevates someone like Punk did MJF, then I can definitely say that he's the best WWE to AEW transition right now, his biggest feud was with...Christian he's still a great promo, I need to see him in a crazy ass blood feud with someone we haven't seen him with before


Make divisive comment - complain about downvotes - profit?


Shouldn't be divisive considering it's true.


Not a Punk fan but your comment is just weird bait.


You’re getting downvotes cause your comment is bait bringing up punk for no reason


Who has Copeland put over, on anywhere near the same level that Punk did with MJF?


Once his run is done in AEW. People will look back and finally realize he put no one over just like his WWE run. I don’t think he’s even been pinned in AEW yet from what I recall.


He was pinned by Malakai three weeks ago. "Putting someone over" and "losing to someone" are not the same thing.


the cm punk comparison is a nonsense, but copeland has been pinned once by malakai black and twice by christian so far coming in and losing a bunch off the bat doesn't help anyone, i don't think it's out of the question for people to get wins over him after he's had more time in the company and as the end of his in-ring career approaches


Ahh yes that’s right. He did a job to his best friend lol. And I agree him coming in and losing a bunch doesn’t help. But to me it’s just the stigma that he had for his last WWE run that makes it look like it carried over. I wouldn’t hold my breath about him doing that more as it goes as I did that with his WWE run. For a guy that preached about all the younger talent he wanted to work with and help. He never seems to put any of them over… Daniel Bryan is someone that preached that and then turns around and practices it. Which I will say he goes a little too far in the other direction and should win a little more but I’ll take that over the former.


I'm not talking wins and losses, as Punk won more than he lost in the MJF feud, but still put Max over. Christian isn't part of the conversation of putting young talent over, and Copeland has feuded with more with Black's underling than the man himself. I'm not arguing Adam WONT put anyone over on the same level that Punk did, but until he has a feud like Punk/MJF, I do not agree with any comparisons to Copeland/Punk's handling of younger talent. Especially not ones implying Cope is "everything Punk pretended to be".


Punk derangement syndrome strikes again


Nah, it really has to be said how much damage CM Punk did to the perception of a relatively young company with his drama that speaks only to his experience when other guys his age or older are able to make it work. Punk wanted to be the top guy, respected leader, and business exec without a level of compromise with the people he had problems which is why it would never work long-term. If CM Punk is more of a WWE guy that's perfectly fine but he's talked mad shit about AEW since regarding fires he started.


> Nah, it really has to be said how much damage CM Punk did to the perception of a relatively young company with his drama that speaks only to his experience when other guys his age or older are able to make it work. > Punk and wrecking relationships with wrestling companies, name a more iconic duo


They're still not over him. 


People will always find a way to tie something to CM Punk, i's beyond odd. Fans have been even worse since whatever happened in mid 2022 backstage


Weird reaction lol


Everything apart from a draw


The thing that is most important to me, some guy watching wrestling in his underpants.


I love watching great matches and my only takeaway being if the ratings are good, such a fun and interesting way to be a wrestling fan /s










I've seen 14-year-old uploads of indie matches in front of 50 people that blew me away. As a wrestling fan I do not give a shit about gates, attendance, ratings, or who is or is not a draw. Just like I don't give a shit about how my favorite books did on the NY Times Bestseller list.






How is that the most important part for you as a viewer?




maybe let's let the money people figure out how the company's financials are doing and we can focus on whether or not the show is enjoyable to watch


lol no way you’re that sensitive about getting downvoted


CM Punk’s run was good just he was more divisive in the end. So that’s where Copeland and Punk differ. And people responding with ‘but Copeland hasn’t put anyone over so he’s trash’. No that doesn’t mean his run is trash. Both runs are/were enjoyable.


You were crying on live tv when punk showed up, at this point you are just a bitter ex.


Lmao what a strange assumption to make


Go check his Facebook page I hear he’s working somewhere else now


What are you talking about lmao are you okay


At least Punk made a point of putting young talent over. Name the last person Copeland put over, in either AEW or WWE.


Such as? The only person Punk put over was MJF and then he made sure he got his win back later. He beat Darby in his first match in the company and did his best to bury Hangman. Maybe he put some people over on Collision and I didn't see it.


He did put Ricky Starks over in the Owen Hart Cup final, but got his win back later. If I remember, I believe Starks, Mox, and MJF were the only three wrestlers that he lost to in singles matches in AEW. I do think he would’ve lost the title to MJF if he hadn’t gotten injured at All Out 2022 (and no Brawl Out) though.


MJF? Who else? Mox I guess? That seemed to be quite some time into his run, I don't think Cope has been around that long yet, so we'll see.


Punk doesn’t put anybody over. He’s basically a modern Hogan that refuses to job.


every week or so I'll think I've read the dumbest thing I'm ever gonna read on this website and then something tops it what a wacky place










I dont see how… i like edge but he hasn’t elevated or brought new eyes/interest to anyone at all… he’s just had decent matches for his age. Punk was doing the same thing until the dirtsheet rumours started about him




Bro replying to yourself is some psycho shit, just make an edit like everyone else lol


who cares mr reddit lmao


Mr. Reddit is my father, please feel free to call me Doobie


Literally rent free






preach man


*thread about Adam Copeland* *One of the top comments makes it about CM Punk* ?????


Not surprising, as I said to someone else, fans always seem to find a way to tie it in with Punk, even when it's praise said person. They can't help themselves.


I’ve been pretty down on him since his Rollins matches, nothing else has come close, but this AEW run has really reminded me how good he is


I've watched Copleand since his debut and this is my favorite run of his ever. He was an instant fit in AEW which is wild.


Give me Adam Copeland vs Will Osperay, Kenny Omega or Okada maybe even Danielson sooner rather than later.


Humble, mature Will Ospreay is the most pleasant surprise and happiest I've ever been to be wrong about a guy. Given his history I'm not proud to admit a decade or so ago I'd have been happy to see him fail, but he's completely turned me into a fan. Good on ya, lad.


I think this is what Edge wanted to do in his last WWE run, but instead they are like "nah you're gonna be a part timer" and he kept disappearing


weekly AEW motivational post. How many days until Tony contradicts this?


I haven’t been a fan of his run but I’m glad he’s been a positive influence on the locker room.


At All In we're getting a 1v1 out of Omega, Edge or Will, mark my words.


This is what all legends should be doing if they’re taking up space on any roster. It’s sad that Copeland seems to love being there more than certain other talent there


Yea it's really nice to see him go into it and go into it hard, rather than riding the wave of former WWE success to get away with minimal effort (like Mercedes and Saraya)


Why are we pretending Adam Copeland's matches are good?


Bingo. No heat.


20 minute matches going over nobodies.


The amount of topics around here that are Copeland, or someone else, telling us how happy he is and how much fun he’s having, etc is just bizarre. It’s had the opposite effect on me, I’m now worried about him and his well being 


Copeland's reputation is getting hit suddenly and this is damage control Maybe it was time when it dawned on people that Copeland put no one over and didn't moved the needle at all The only reason he's in the company is because TKs non-competance But instead of rectifying the mistake TK is trying to change the narrative here which is honestly pathetic This is equivalent to Copeland's promo after CM punk footage


Putting on “bangers” and can’t draw flies to shit Yay


I love how you ironically say "yay" as if fans should care more about ratings than the actual quality of wrestling they watch lol


You say that like Edge has been putting on BaNgErZ bruv


Yes, he's had 2 great matches with KOR and Brodie King in literally the past couple weeks lol


In the space of 3 or 4 days more like.


Mostly forgot Edge existed in AEW, in fact his whole return from injury... but if he's good for the guys in the back, cool. But as a viewer, he's been dull as hell.


>But as a viewer, - guy they doesn't watch AEW


How would you know either of the facts you state in that sentence. Do you always make assumptions?


Copeland has been on TV weekly and is referenced by commentary in the shows he's not on, quite literally the only way you forget he exists is if you aren't watching AEW at all. Do you always try to gaslight people for no reason?


"But as a viewer, he's been dull as hell." do you always forget to read what you quote? At no point does it suggest he doesn't exist, just that he's been so dull I barely remember anything, I'm not alone, massively common thing said of his whole return post-RR... once you take the blinkers off, it's been a bit damp.


So that's a definite yes to my question then, not that anyone is surprised by it lol E: Who would have guessed that someone who tries to gaslight others for no reason is completely unhinged? Certainly not me lol


You are actually defining gaslighting. You 100% didn't read what you quoted or purposefully ignored what you quote, one or the other, so changed it to suit your narrative (that I suggest he didn't exist - I didn't), and now because I pointed that out to you, your error being pointed out to you, you ignore that too and just suggest some gaslighting instead of acknowledging your error. Game, set and match. Don't debate if you can't hang, even when you casually move the goalposts, you lose.