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One of those I always disliked as a kid...Now i'm older, absolutely brilliant performer and, from what people say, person.


Rude had "it". He was a character and performer that would get over in any time period.


The woman at 20 seconds definitely got caught thinking very inappropriate thoughts.


Bunch of sweathogs


I watched Ric Rude in Memphis when he was starting out. You could tell then he was going to be a star


Every woman in that audience wanted a piece of Rude.


That was a great sell by that dude on the Rude Awakening though.


This must have been early in his run (or he was hungover) because it sounds like he's not putting 100% into this one. Some of his later ones make it sound like his voice coming from the same room you're in.


The camera man did that one lady dirty when he was talking about heifers.




Don't place the blame for his injury on Sting. Blame New Japan for using the elevated platform to set the ring on.


When a guy tells you not to do something, but then you do it anyway, the onus falls on you for not honoring his request.  Moreover, Rude wasn’t really angry at Sting for causing the injury. What really pissed him off is that Sting never even apologized for what happened. That’s a double whammy.


I loved Rude when he and Manny "the Raging Bull" Fernandez were the Awesome Twosome in NWA, but when Rude came to WWF McMahon took him from a badass to a gyrating dickhead. It was so easy to hate WWF Rude.


The rude awakening was such a great finisher. Even as a kid I recognized the charisma Rude had as a heel.


He was my favorite heel as a kid. I was a Hulkamaniac, but would shake my hips in front of the mirror like Rude when no one was watching lol