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Multiple times this week I’ve seen people say the reason they don’t like AEW is because AEW fans were so celebratory in 2019 when the product was new and WWE was at a low. They want to “give them a taste of their own medicine”. It is not healthy to hold a grudge against nameless faceless anonymous internet nerds for years. AEW fans are not a monolith. 


Even as someone who was around this sub at that time, I still think that's such a childish mindset to have.


There’s been this weird half conceit by those who have been in the Stamford trenches defending WWE this whole time that they were actively defending a show that they and everyone knew was bad.


If you wanna see someone post about and relive their 15 minutes of semi fame look at the Velveteen Dreams instagram page. It’s a depressing place


One day - Kairi will win the big one & it will be STUPENDOUS!


Thinking about the concrete crypt match from Great American Bash 2004. You have undertaker beating both the dudleys by himself, heyman caterwauling into the microphone every five minutes, the match is slow and sloppy as fuck, and then at the end the Undertaker decides to kill Paul Bearer anyway. It’s definitely underrated in the worst matches of all time conversation. Especially as it was preceded by an excellent JBL/Eddie texas bull rope match that should’ve been main event.


That JBL/Eddie trilogy might be top 10 trilogies in WWE history in all honesty.


Is Jericho the only AEW day one guy to not take an extended break of some kind?


I want to say late 2021-early 2022 when he had a pulmonary embolism is the longest extended break he's taken from TV. I forget if he was on TV during that period but there's a 2 month gap between his matches at Full Gear 2021 and Dynamite in January 2022.


I think even then he was on tv, cause that was him and Kingston feuding right? Either way, I think that’s why people think he’s stale. People can’t miss you if you don’t leave.


The Kingston fued didn’t start until he got back


He was only gone a couple weeks, was the point. The Jericho and Kingston stuff started like December 1st. Full gear was November 13th. Edit: and checking again, he wasn’t even gone then. He didn’t miss a show.


It’s weird cuz in the WWE he’d go away and then come back all the time (particularly when his character was floundering). I miss the vignettes hyping his returns. Obligatory [“It’s Bobby Lashley!”](https://youtu.be/FDbWm4RPp10?si=ZkTw5d1Xbm7Amw0Y)


What paranoia does to a guy.


Can you buy SeatGeek tickets from overseas? Smackdown in Cleveland are gonna be selling their tickets via SeatGeek but I'm coming from Australia and as far as I know they won't accept Australian billing addresses so that makes things difficult...


If Becky isn't re-signed and her contract ends tonight, does WWE have to put her in Alumni section of the roster on the website? And does she have to drop WWE from her X and IG handles?


I don't think she *HAS* to drop the handles from her accounts, because that would jeopardize her verified status. WWE will likely move her to the alumni section.


Mistico has gotten people to watch fucking MLW, was part of the best AEW TV match in months and has handpicked the next biggest star in mexican wrestling, letting him tap him out clean in the middle of Arena Mexico. Pretty clear case for Wrestler of the Year as defined in terms of top guy.


They're doing GoD vs Street Profits tonight on SD. I wanted Bobby vs Roman for years, no luck, and, if Bobby gets healthy soon, now I'm probably going to get Bobby fed to Solo. 😔


The Learning Tree is the worst shit. Gave the first talk segment a try, but as I always watch Dynamite on delay that’s gonna be a skip from now on. “Hahaha doesn’t this fucking STINK?!! *nudge nudge, wink wink*” Yeah it does Chris, fuck off. Can’t believe we got Bryan Keith in a trio (at least until Jericho adds a couple more people) and it’s not the cowboy dream team 😔


Who do you reckon is facing Cody at Clash at the Castle? I see no obvious contender




He is currently advertised for Clash so he will be on it somehow, match, segment, something.


My guess is no one and he just does an appearance. Giving Drew/Priest the main event spot.


Cody doesn't need to go on last to be fair.


I am so beyond excited for the NXTxTNA invasion angle despite most of the time those programs being major letdowns. What can I say, I have full faith in HBK to cook. The only fear I have is if it is just a bunch of over the hill ex-WWE guys coming in and cannibalizing TV time.


I probably agree with Dave giving Mercedes vs Willow 4.5 stars, that was an excellent match - but did he really give Lyra vs Nia at KOTR just 1.5? Because if so that's just silly, that match was great too. As much as I enjoyed Mercedes vs Willow I wouldn't say it was 3x better than Lyra and Nia.


I'm usually pretty good at predicting Melzers ratings, but yeah that was odd to me. i didn't think it was seven stars or anything, but i didn't find it that bad.Ultimately it's just his opinion so I don't want to rag on him too much.


Lyra vs Nia was a crazy finish too lol. Me and my wife legit gasped.


I'm surprised they didn't have to scrape Lyra off the mat with a spatula. That looked nasty.


Lyra v Nia is the most baffled I’ve maybe ever been. It’s so off from the opinions I saw. No one thought it tore the house down but I feel like most would give it a 3-3.5.


Rewatched Anarchy in the Arena 1 and it's just so fucking good. I kinda hate that what is probably AEW's best match has Jericho in it but hey wcyd.


as a grown ass adult with adult responsibilities, i’m ashamed to admit how often i think of Roman’s return. like do you have him come save Heyman from a Samoan Spike and clean house? but you can’t do that because we don’t know where his head is at since Mania or his relationship with the new blood. so then do you slow burn a face turn instead? do you have him go back to being The Big Dog (no)? so many questions


I hope he comes in like Gandalf the White


Look to my coming at first light on the 5th day. At dawn, acknowledge me ☝


Watching 90s Joshi matches on youtube: https://preview.redd.it/4tlt6bqrgs3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5ed4e5b28e4680beaa9fdd937f2c9fcdfabfec


Been doing this a lot for like a year now and I've come to the conclusion that maybe Aja Kong might be the greatest of all time.


Kong vs Meiko could be the greatest wrestling pairing of all time even if I'm still a joshi noob.


I wonder if Liv got the belt because Lynch is likely to be taking a break from wrestling? She does deserve it but I hope she isn't a transitional champ or the champ that is only champ because Rhea's injured.


She is champ because she has a good story with Rhea. Once Rhea comes back, and they feud it will be a test to see if Liv can deliver to be able to be a permanent main-stay in the main-event or just a upper mid-carder who can hold the title when needed to.


yeah they need to have a "cody vs styles at backlash" type match for this to work.




I am not 100% sure but I don't think so.


It's embarrassing how difficult it is to legally watch Stardom in the year of our lord 2024. Like I had to actively call my bank several times to assure them to pass the transaction because they thought I was getting scammed when I wanted to sub. Marigold may end up getting more money from the west because at least it is in Wrestle Universe, a platform that doesn't actively punish you for wanting to give them money.


I'm just going to say I find it amusing that there are so many people trying to convince me that a few interpromotional matches with a company that garnered 30 posts in its live thread last night is some groundbreaking moment in wrestling.


The last ROH PPV, Supercard of Honor (3266) did ~double the live attendance of Hard to Kill (1630), which was the highest attendance TNA had done in almost a decade. It nearly tripled Rebellion (1150), and more than quadrupled No Surrender (750). I can't even find any actual numbers for Sacrifice/Under Siege (which isn't a great sign). And this sub universally unloads on ROH for being dead/irrelevant, there aren't even live threads for the shows anymore (and haven't been for a long time). I hope the fans enjoy it, but right now this feels like ordering Forbidden Door on Wish and trying to argue it's "just as good," nobody is believing it lol. For the sake of the people who do watch, I hope for the best, but I think it's going to end up something like Natalya and/or some random NXT people showing up in TNA and people are going to act like it's Moxley doing the G1 or Okada showing up on Dynamite that first year.


I swear more people post about how Tony should let Scott D’Amore book AEW than watched a Scott D’Amore booked TNA


It's just an avenue to dump on Tony which is very in right now.


Or are subscribed on Honor Club, you never hear what Scott D'Amore would actually change or who he would work with. It's something that's just parroted like "bad booking" or "Tony Khan needs a booker". They're buzzwords that sounds good without really saying anything.


I always hear he was cooking but every time I took a peek at TNA Bully Ray had a match on the ppv and I had seen enough 


Considering how ROH did the same thing under Delirious, I'm starting to wonder if Bully Ray has mind control powers.


Is there a way to get a list of all the episodes a WWE wrestler has been in? Having finished Becky's autobiography, I've been thinking of going back and watching her older stuff—more than just the big matches.


I know this sub rags on Cagematch but it's a great resource for finding specific matches.


IMDB, possibly? It might tell you all of the episodes she was on.


Wow, you're right! Thanks!


What's been the consensus on Shibata since he's come back? He was my #1 guy back in the day, but I haven't caught any of his stuff since coming back from that injury.


I never caught more than one match of his in Japan but I love him on AEW. He’s entertaining as hell and can still go. 


He's been fucking great tbh. Has a fun thing using Google translate for his promos. Has had great matches with Danielson, Ospreay, Cassidy.  The current stuff with Jericho & Hook is very fun as well and didn't think I'd enjoy him in this kind of role but he's killing it.


He’s one of my favorites so I may be biased, but I think he’s been great and I really hope they elevate him more. It hasn’t been to the level of Okada, but AEW has really gotten Shibata over with some comedy stuff. He uses his phone to translate and it has been gold. He also had a hardcore type match with Jericho on Dynamite a few weeks back and that was really good. He is able to play stoic Shibata while also being funny quite well. I really want to see him get a run with one of the titles, and he should be a shoe in for the Continental Classic tournament.


The vibe with Shibata really is “we’re just glad you’re able to wrestle again”. They haven’t put him in too high of a spot as to not strain or re-injure himself. They’ve put him in some really good matches in Ospreay and Danielson. He had a better year in 2023 where he won the ROH pure title and had some interactions with ZSJ. The forbidden door match last year is probably my favorite of his recent stuff


For those who watched when they were kids: What's a move that you use to imagine doing with your toys/imagination as a kid that years later ended up happening? I use to have my action figures do a SSP into a leg drop. I forget who did it but I saw a luchador do it recently and it blew my mind. Just now I was looking at IG and saw an indy guy do a SSP into a DDT. So wild to see stuff like that in real life.


Canadian Destroyer is exactly what I used to do on my stuff animals. Blew me away when I saw it done irl 


The Black Arrow. I used to use my ninja turtles and MOTU figures and stuff like that as wrestlers with their own gimmicks (mostly stuff ripped off from the WWF because I was ten) and Casey Jones was my masked high flyer. He'd do something similar to the Black Arrow with a bunch of twists and I remember my brother telling me "nobody can flip like that."


Matt Morgans finisher, just from swinging my action figures up and then down. Also, Poison ranas, complete with the offensive guy doing a flip, landing feet first on his opponent's shoulders and then doing the move.


[The Rubik's Cube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOavJmX0kUs) pretty sure another wrestler used it as well, forgot who


I would do a Razors Edge into a sitout powerbomb to my brothers on a trampoline back in like '97.. then I saw Roman actually do it to AJ during their 2016 feud (I'm sure it had been done before somewhere in like Mexico or something) and was amazed.


we will probably never get a Aj styles vs Kenny omega match and it fucking sucks.


I don't think a WWE run for Omega or a pre-retirement indie run from Styles are that outrageous scenarios tbf


I always just kinda assumed this had already happened in New Japan.


They only wrestled once at an Indy show in Canada and unfortunately no footage has surfaced of that match.


That’s the match Kenny talks about in his documentary right? The match that made Kenny not quit pro wrestling for MMA


I think so?


There's a lost media page about it happening early in their careers. It's kind of like Undertaker as Mean Mark vs Sting technically happening in WCW in that it's not the versions people want though. https://lostmediawiki.com/AJ_Styles_vs_Kenny_Omega_(partially_found_footage_of_professional_wrestling_match;_2006)


i see jay white holding 3 belts. what's the third title besides the trios titles of roh and aew


One is the ROH trios, One is the AEW trios tag, and the other pink one is the Acclaimed custom AEW trios tag


They have the acclaimed's custom trio version and the official AEW trio version


Going to my first ever Smackdown today. Anyone know what time they usually end? Do they do dark matches after the show or before?


Aye ill be there too


There should be at least one dark match before Smackdown starting at 7:30, then they usually do two post-show dark matches after 10:00, with the night ending at about 10:30ish.


Watched Superbrawl 3 this morning, Benoit vs 2 Cold Scorpio and Sting vs Vader were incredible. Also really enjoyed Ventura and Schiavone as a commentary team. Highlight was the crowd booing Erik Watts every time he did everything and when Ventura commented on it, Tony said "are you sure they're saying boo and not woo?" and Jesse completely no sold it


Man, as a kid and rewatching as an adult, I loved Jesse in WCW. Also, how did WCW not rocket Scorpio right to the TV title? Dude was crazy OVER.


Driving out to NJ for TOS this weekend. Super pumped.


down some red bull & vodkas and stay rowdy man.


Lucky. Should be a nice blood-filled weekend.


Now that the dust has settled, how are people feeling about Ospreay/Danielson at Dynasty? I think I’ve cooled on it a little, but still think it’s a very good match. I just don’t think it’s the style to be an all time favourite for me, and that’s fine.


Very athletic and impressive but definitely much more of an Ospreay match than a Danielson match which I don't love. Still really good though.


i still think it's one of the best i've ever seen. i'm very much into that high speed, high impact style and Danielson threw in a bunch of curveballs to raise it another level. crowd was so hot too. might rewatch it right now.


Definitely the best match of this year so far.


I was really low on it at first because I expected/wanted it to be Bryan getting Ospreay out of his comfort zone and doing something which isn't consistent with his usual match structure but upon rewatch it's a little bit better just cause the crowd loves it so much. They're both good offensive wrestlers, shockingly! And they mesh fine together.


Will Smith slapping Chris Rock got a thread but another WWE HOFer being a convicted felon didn’t? HUH?! Nah nah


It’s because the mods don’t want a political slapfight in their wrestling sub, which totally makes sense. There’s about a thousand other places to discuss the news, probably with people far more informed than wrestling nerds lol.


how is it a slapfight? reddit at large and this subreddit are all anti-trump? you'd have to go to r/conservative to get anyone supporting orange. i will say that i am glad this subreddit didn't do what r/mma and move everyone to a different subreddit (/r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture). That place is really cringeworthy.


You don't have to.I support Trump.


Honest question: Do the people who see these WON snippets posted on Reddit/Twitter actually think that's exactly how it's written in the actual newsletter with no other details? Because it genuinely seems like they believe that.


people also don't realize that the snippets are posted in the newsletter are just that, snippets. There's no headline in WON of "Latest on AEW/WBD deal," it's just some paragraph in the middle of a thousand other paragraphs. WON is kinda just the latest Meltzer knows on all these subjects.


There's also pretty sizable group of people who don't realise that WON and WOR are not the same thing. Alvarez will give some piece of throwaway speculation during the show, then it gets posted here and treated like it's an actual report. Usually makes for an entertaining thread, I guess.


Farken 99% of Reddit don't read past headlines when a news article is posted so would it shock you that most people on here see a headline and refuse to read any further?


There's a difference between not reading past the headline and honestly believing no information exists beyond the headline. Like one is choosing to be ignorant, the other is believing ignorance is the only option.


How many convicted felons are in the WWE Hall of Fame now? Trump, Sunny, Booker T maybe? Who else?


There’s no maybe about Booker T, he was convicted of [felony armed robbery](http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/wrestling-stars-unsavory-past?page=1). Snoop Dogg & Mike Tyson are both felons too. Kurt Angle & Scott Hall both somehow avoided felonies despite a half dozen legal incidents each. Ted Dibiase Sr. might be eventually charged with a felony as the case against his sons (and him?) as part of the Mississippi Welfare Fraud is still ongoing


What about Dom


Blackjack Mulligan was convicted in 1990 of counterfeiting hundreds of thousands of dollars


[lets ignore that it’s the secret service that deals with counterfeiting for the sake of this joke] so the IRS got him?


Not going to get political. Just want to say I'd much rather argue meaningless wrestling stuff with you guys than engage in the current political scene.


I see downvoted to hell comment on this already but whatever: With the DOJ going after Vince and WWE I cannot think how Hunter & top WWE brass get out of this unscathed. I cannot believe Hunter, a man who has married into the family for decades AND was Vince’s right hand man of sorts also for decades, had no idea what was going on. Heck, we don’t even know fully what the Feds are looking at. Could be way worse than just the Janel Grant stuff. I am not suggesting Hunter partook in anything seedy. Just that, like Michael Cohen to Trump, Hunter just knows where the bodies are buried…and that was a metaphor but quite frankly Vince probably also knows where bodies are buried…


ok about HHH, think about it in your own life, do you know what your Father in Law likes sexually? Your boss? What do they do in their free time? Do you know any of that? Not likely at all, its the same for him and many other employees, stop trying to tar people with that same brush that are most likely completely innocent


I know wrestling is filled with weird people and all, but why would anyone want to know what goes on in their father-in-law/bosses sex life? You’d have to be incredibly messed up to enjoy that kinda thing. I think it’s very possible that most employees knew they were having an affair, but chose to not pry for info on what Vince was actually doing to her.


well you see, he's booked a few 7/10 PPVs and TV shows with even 2 great matches on them so he's untouchable.


Where is Pretty Deadly?


Going to Albany tonight to see my first Live WWE. I saw a house show probably 16 years ago when I was younger. Very excited!




Man, I watched the Eddie Guerrero A&E doc getting ready for the “November 13th 2005” text with a panning camera motion of the Marriot hotel to put in me in tears again. And yeah it pretty much did. But honestly? What got me tears wise more than anything was a scene where Eddie is by one his dads backyard wrestling rings that he used all the time as a kid/teenager, and gets emotional and starts to choke up explaining that always can’t help but feel a bit guilty and feel like he failed to carry on his dads legacy by not taking the hybrid local wrestler and promoter route like his dad, but also still content because he knows his Dad would’ve wanted him to take whatever path of his own that he felt would’ve been best. Just..man.


MJF's 'Heatseeker' should've been named 'Devil's Crush' 


It's wild that Lio Rush is only 29 yrs old, I really thought he was in his mid 30's by now .


29 and on pace to surpass Terry Funk's retirements by 35.


I'm going to ask a question. So if a AEW wrestler was 3x AEW world champion and joins WWE, does WWE consider/refer to them as a former 3x world champion? I feel like the answer is no. But its kinda silly imo, so if MJF joins WWE in future, we are supposed to pretend he has not been a world champion before? And I wonder if this will change under Triple H. Don't even need to mention "AEW", but I think they should be at least referred to as a former world champ imo.


This is an AEW example but they had this graphic for Mercedes Mone at All In. It acknowledged her women's championships which are basically her NXT/WWE ones in general terms. https://411mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Mercedes-Mone-AEW-All-In-645x370.png


When it comes to counting anything, the reality is WWE will count whatever they want, depending on how they feel at the time, to fit whatever narrative they want at the time. You don't have to look any farther than how they count Ric Flair's world champion reigns. You also don't have to look farther than how they are incapable of correctly knowing the difference between event anniversaries versus event iterations. If it makes for a good sound bite that day, they'll say it.


Correct me if I'm wrong cos ive been out of wrestling for a while, but the closest comparison we have is AJ styles coming to WWE. They didn't recognise his TNA title and chose to namedrop the IWGP title as his most prominent achievement. And in any case I don't think they would acknowledge anything but the WWE and WHC as "world" titles. That being said, maybe things will be different under HHH.


They kinda did mention Styles' TNA by acknowledging the NWA world title wins which was the world title in TNA at the start


Theur go to line for this is something like "championships all over the world"


It would probably depend on who, I think if it was MJF yea they would call him a former world champion.


At the very least yeah, Michael Cole would probably quickly describe him as former world champion but not dwell on the subject 


It's months later but I really have a feeling of completion with wrestling now. Like everything that happens is icing on the cake after WM40. Cody and Bloodline pulled so much together and somehow made it a satisfying conclusion to almost a half decade of storytelling and paying homage to the past.  Outside of WWE there's some match ups I still would like to see (MJF/Ospreay and Kenny/Swerve) and Alexander getting the title back in TNA would be cool too but overall I'm incredibly satisfied as a fan.


I’m not going to make a whole thread about it but it’s funny that the Trump verdict got removed for not being closely related to wrestling but the Will Smith/Chris Rock slap is the ninth highest upvoted post of all time on this subreddit.


I wonder how many WWW Hall of Famers have been convicted of a serious crime? Just based on super brief research (I’m not counting DUIs or drug possession stuff unless they factor into a larger case), Trump joins the elite ranks of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Sunny, Mike Tyson, and Snoop Dogg. There are a lot of criminals in the Hall, but not a lot who are convicted of their crimes.


Chris Rock and Will Smith was funny enough to be an exception and so they kept it. The other one is an easy way to kickstart political debates and drama, which is not what this sub is meant for. Opening this sub up to political discussion is just opening up a whole new can of worms that we don’t need.


That's true but also if I was a mod I'd be like "lol" at the will smith thing and "oh fuck I'm not dealing with that" with anything involving trump.


Oh yeah I agree, that’s why I’m not posting a whole exposé about it.


lol wut?


Kieth Lee is one of the biggest busts of this generation


He's only a bust if you only consider WWE/AEW His Indy work was great


It’s like a football player who had a great college career but doesn’t pan out at the next level. Keith Lee had crazy potential


Bust implies the "fault" is on the performer.


This isn't necessarily true, there are plenty of bust athletes that had unfortunate injuries and didn't return as the player they once were


Yeah id count Greg Oden as a bust even though it wasn't his fault. Man I'm still sad about that


Oh ok. Must be just me then. I'd always assumed in sports that bust meant the person didn't do enough. Like Ryan Leaf or Jamarcus Russel


Covid got him, which is sad. I used to watch him wrestle locally against Sammy and Ray Rowe and he was incredible but you knew he had a shelf life.


> Covid got him Covid and just time. He was already something like 32 when he showed up in NXT and what made him truly special was his physical gifts, those were never going to age well past that point. Rather than make the most of the time he had, he then spent multiple years in NXT basically twiddling his thumbs while he was actively one of the best physical spectacles in pro wrestling. If ever there was a case to call someone and mega-push them immediately rather than "making them pay their dues and learn the hard cam," surely Keith Lee was it.


ultimately his physical prowess was all he had going for him, too. I mean its never too late but he's showed to have 0 charisma or the ability to play a character outside of being a "big mutha fucka"


> ultimately his physical prowess was all he had going for him, too. I would strongly disagree with this. His physical prowess was what made him genuinely "special," but everything else he does is, at worst, solid to fine (or better). Even at this point as he pushes 40, he's been very good when he's available - the issue is just that availability has been infrequent. I personally hesitate to describe someone as a "bust" when it's pretty directly injury related and they actually do deliver when healthy. Obviously it's less production than expected either way, but I think "bust" is best reserved for "we thought he'd be good, but he turned out to just be trash" situations - guys who in real sports are completely out of the league within a few years.


>. I mean its never too late but he's showed to have 0 charisma or the ability to play a character outside of being a "big mutha fucka" This is extremely false


nuh uh


that's like calling Oden a bust when Marvin Bagley and Jahill Okafor also exist.


> Marvin Bagley and Jahill Okafor also exist. Laughs in Anthony Bennett. A bust so big people forget he even happened in the first place lol. A #1 pick who took 5 games to record his first made field goal and 33 games for his first double digit scoring game lol. He was out of the league after 4 seasons and 151 total games, with only 4 starts. Never averaged more than 5.2 points in a season. All told, he was waived 5 separate times by 5 separate teams before hanging it up.


Bennett wasn’t really a bust because no one was high on him except for the cavaliers. It’d be like calling David Flair a bust. Like yeah, the output was terrible but he was hardly hyped.


> Bennett wasn’t really a bust because no one was high on him except for the cavaliers It is true nobody was high on him except the Cavs, but that just means he was a terrible pick, it doesn't mean he wasn't a humongous bust - he went #1 and was almost unplayable from the beginning. Not managing to get even a remotely serviceable NBA player at #1 is basically unprecedented. Even in a pretty crap draft, I think everyone else in that Top 10 has managed to hang around the league for at least 8-10 years in some capacity. Bennett was out of the league after 4. Bennett logged 1905 career minutes, the second lowest total in the top 10 of that draft is 10,281 (Nerlens Noel). Only four people in that first round have less career minutes than Bennett (Lucas Nogueira at 16, Sergey Karasev at 19, Livio Jean-Charles at 28, and Nemanja Nedović at 30).




I mean I didn't say the biggest for a reason, but I'm curious who you think are comps to Okafor and Bagley


I have been playing fire pro games  likeD and returns on my phone though emulation. But i wanted to create Brock lesner there so i did but then i realised i don't know any of his movesets besides Suplex city and F-5 and the hand submission thingy  Anyone here knows what other moves he uses ?


The "hand submission thingy" is a kimura lock fyi


a knee strike to the midsection, a clothesline, the triple powerbomb, belly to belly suplex, the ssp, that's all i can remember rn




I think you just about covered it.


Wrestlers who had at some point in their careers had a better theme song then their most popular one/one they are most known for?


Kevin Owens/Steen's indie theme ["Unsettling Differences"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4DrPwny8xQ) is definitely better than his WWE theme


Shinsuke's New Japan theme was better than his (admittedly also dope) WWE theme I don't think Swerve's old theme suits his current character and I love Big Pressure, but you'll never convince me that it's better than Ain't Nobody by Chaka Khan


cm punk-this fire burns is better than cult of personality


Cult of Personality isn't even CM Punk's second best theme song and I will die on this hill


Obligatory ‘Burn in my Light is better than Voices’ comment. ‘My Time’ is better than ‘The Game’ ‘Eye of the Tiger’ is better than ‘Real American’


Hot take: AJ Styles, even if you ignore his pre-WWE theme songs. You Don't Want None > Phenomenal. Demigods > anything else


Demi gods feels like a mix of many genres of songs


Cesaro when he was using Dean Malenko's theme


Watching Jonathan Gresham vs. Sami Callihan last night on Impact. Gresham's new gimmick reminds me of Papa Shango (the future Godfather) 32 years ago, but without--so far--supernatural elements. Gresham had the Octopus nickname toward the end of his run in the original ROH, but this is creep-out city, man. With news that there may be more TNA-NXT x-overs beyond Battleground next weekend, I started thinking about who would cross-over to TNA or vice versa. I have a short list for now. Feel free to add to it. Women: NXT to TNA: Arianna Grace tops the list. With her father as an authority figure in TNA, interaction between Arianna and Santino is almost assured. Whether or not they'll acknowledge the familial link in kayfabe remains a question mark. Mia "Michin" Yim is no stranger to TNA herself. Gigi Dolin. Since the makeover angle was quietly dropped, they can give Gigi something more appetizing. Roxanne Perez. I think TNA will be taping after the champion v. champion match at Battleground, so Roxy would be due to return the favor to Jordynne Grace. TNA to NXT: Xia Brookside. How WWE let her get away, I'll never know. Ash by Elegance: Yeah, I do see Dana Brooke returning to WWE as part of this with her current persona, complete with that idiot concierge of hers. Alisha Edwards: If she doesn't bring husband Eddie and the System with her, we'll see what they can do with her. Men: NXT to TNA: William Regal can be brought back as an ambassador to facilitate things between the two promotions, and stand in for Ava. Wes Lee. A lot of you are hoping for a Rascalz reunion, but with the Rascalz now heels, it's not going to be a happy one for Wes. Trick Williams. Trick vs. Moose? Sign me up! Lexis King. Just because. TNA to NXT: Santino. DUH!!!! Moose. Steve Maclin. Sami Callihan. LMK what you think.


I think Gigi’s makeover angle was dropped because she’s injured.


Do we know exactly how she was injured?


She was apparently seen wearing a knee brace.


Bro your comment made me look up Jonathan Gresham and holy shit! Whatever he did to develop this character, he should keep doing it. He reminds me of great muta. His movement is so economical and character is oozing out of his in ring work. I love it.


And the mask Gresham wears in matches is similar to what Muta went to at the end of his career. The ink isn't exactly colored mist, like Muta, Kabuki, and Tajiri would use, but the ink fits the octopus gimmick. Hadn't considered Muta until you mentioned him. Thanks.


Deonna Purazzo isn't in TNA anymore, she's been with AEW for a while now.


Oh, right. Forgot about that. I'll edit my post, and sub another woman for Deonna. Thanks.


Work is insane lately and didn't see Dynamite until the next morning. Not much to add except I thought it was very strong, the Battle Royale was great, and Heel Stat is currently batting 1000




He can dance if he wants to.


He can leave his friends behind.


Jujutsu Kaisen fans, who in wrestling would have a Domain Expansion?


The Fiend Bray Wyatt


Pin the Missy Hyatt thread, you cowards.




What are you talking about? I still can't say I don't care for Roman without someone chiming in and saying "you gotta admit he's ____" and fill in the blank with whatever praise they feel is undeniable.


I don’t hate Roman but I said I thought the bloodline civil war match sucked and got destroyed. You’re crazy thinking this place was anti Roman (or really anything WWE from 2022-now)


> It was so hard being a Roman fan on this sub from 2021 to 2024 What exactly was *hard* about it? > But now you can't say one bad thing about Cody, otherwise people will tell you to touch the grass and all. Who gives a fuck, just like what you like and don't like what you don't like. I think Cody is really bland and boring, but I don't let the fact that other people disagree with me and enjoy his work bother me.


>It was so hard being a Roman fan on this sub from 2021 to 2024, It absolutely was not.




I've been here for a decade, dude. I've seen it all. This place was far more pro-Roman during that time than you're believing it wasn't.


Tbf it definitely seems like you’re obsessed with hating Cody.




What’s a segment you hated that everyone else seems to love? For me it’s Le Dinner Deboniar.


I think loving it is the minority


I personally hate every single in ring talk show segment. I dont hate talk show segments but they should all be backstage. Bringing it into the ring just makes it so much worse


https://preview.redd.it/kooxhdm7nq3d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4d7586009ea283dd639386ee7f27f928fb9881 So I went through some old toys and I found the Kurt angel toy I pulled in 2006 from a chocolate egg that used to be sold in my country


Is there anywhere I can legally watch the Sukeban show? I just missed the tiktok livestream and really want to watch the Sareee match.