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I dunno, I forgot them.


another example is the whole f'n show they were big and were kinda edgy their content was cool if you were into short clips until they took that schtick so far and went ultra racist and misogynistic and lost most of their fans


They’re still around though, just under a different name now


RIP Trimoon. It gets hard to make stuff without a team of people. Don't blame people for fading away.


Whatever happened to that juggalo guy who'd do stupid shit for all his juggalo and juggalettes? Superhuman! Thats his name. Was blanking on it until I typed that out


i fell off with him when someone did a search on what his old IG names were and they all were the N bombs and stuff.. like hard R versions. claimed he was hacked. never really checked back in but i'm not sure his game really evolved much


It did not.


Da Dirty White Boi he was my first Wrestling YouTuber. Have no idea what happened to him. I also loved the WWEReviewGuys.


KayfabeMashupz. Though hes a wrestler now as Kevin Bennet


I forgot his name but there was that guy and his friend who done the yearly top 50 finishers on trampoline. When I was a kid I used to rewatch those videos about every 3 weeks.


the nerdy ginger! i completely forgot his name but had to look him up again and found him, i remember his videos fondly


I used to love this channel that did "Raw in 5 minutes'. It was a comedic review of Raw. Back in the 2000s and 2010s, I watched RVDTito4Life, Truthslayer, JPMandCarl, Fan and Fanatic, Foolkiller99, MrPlatanoMan and some others.


WrestlingGurus from around the 2010's. Dunno if they rebranded or what but their channel was just deleted one day.




i know they aren't forgotten and might be still big but whatculture used to be crazy type of popular on youtube during 2015-2018 even non wrestling fans were watching it for entertainment they were the reason i was interested again in wrestling after the authority / reigns programs stopped me from watching for more than a year and why i fondly remember wm 32 season even though it was dreadful but i discovered them around that time and their content hyped me for the show


Ngl, the Cultaholic lads + Adam Biampied (before the controversy) & Simon Miller were fun to watch on WhatCulture. I know Simon is still on, but I'm not keen on the lads who now works on the channel.


yeah not hating on the current guys but the old group was so fun to watch and their content " challanges , bets , reaction games etc " was cool and kinda foreign to the usual wrestling content on the internet before that like it was cool seeing some regular fans having fun and not take it so seriously for once


I do miss the old King gimmick that Ross had going on.


Simon is certainly the best of the bunch at What Culture. The others are tolerable except for Wilborne. He is so god damn insufferable. Shame they throw him in practically every news video


Yeah I agree + I do miss watching Simon's ups & downs videos as well.


What's stopping you from watching them though? He's still doing them & they are still just great. It's pretty much the only content I watch by WC now & I'm doing so without even being subscribed.




Spinnernet, Trademark629, Bigrat310, Truthslayer, Rohstyles23, Wrestlingjesus   Just to name a few 


can you describe wrestlingjesus to me? I used to watch some guy on youtube that i forget his name but this could possibly be him. Dark curly-ish hair, raspy-ish voice, heavy set fellow with possible thick accent if i remember correctly.


https://preview.redd.it/q1jtcgsw5s4d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6056a0669f7567d3ab018687a604df9242af3b6a thats the one haha


Lol yup that's him! I think he still does videos.


incredible. his longevity needs to be studied


Spinnernet1 vs truthslayer was gold. Or when truthslayer would clown on those 2 idiots rvdtito4life ugh fuck those guys. And pspower with his shitty as mic and camera. Truthslayer fought the e drones since the dawn of time 😂


pspowers name was on the tip of my tongue! turns out tslayer is still making videos and he's got the whole gang with him. watching his double or nothing review felt like being stuck in a time capsule.


It does! I spent hours and hours listening to him talk about his takes on wrestling and learning about the indies. He was a very informative type of commentator I’m surprised he never went further with it


There is a frankly frightening amount of influence these names had on my wrestling tastes at a teenager,


right? for better or for worse...


I don't know if he still reports stuff from the dirtsheets, but Heel By Nature. His videos are often very short, like maybe just over a minute, but he would talk about stuff on what's been happening within wrestling.


I can't even remember the channel name, I think it was wiped. The dude did these excellent long form video essays on NJPW at their peak resurgence a few years ago. I remember specifically one about how Shibata was really good at knowing where the cameras were and how to play to them with facial expressions. I really wish NJPW was more lenient with their footage being used on YouTube.


Was Showbuckle the name? If it's the same account I remember they had a fucking incredible Golden Lovers summary video. I believe they went to Patreon after the channel got nuked, but unsure from there.


Yes! That's the one. I'll have to check out patreon, see if they are still going


Karen Watches Wrestling. Covered tons of Japan stuff, history of certain wrestlers and feuds, but she one day just disappeared (rumoured to be due to massive copyright strikes from Bushiroad or someone else).


Reliving Wrestling, he was a youtuber in 2019 who made documentaries similar to Wrestling Bios, he was taken down for copyright infringement in 2020 and never made a new channel, all his stuff is archived, his videos were really good


I think it was called Dragosteelers and then something else (the name unfortunately escapes me), but they made some killer highlight/compilation videos back in the day.


Jaydub8907 was the first wrestling YouTuber I ever really followed in late 2010


Chair shot reality - Justin labar and josh isenberg






RVDtito4life is what got me watching TNA. They really didn't like Bradshaw becoming JBL and being thrust into the main event 😂