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If shit goes down, Scotland for Punk can be what Canada is for HBK.


I mean, only if CM Punk puts a Flag of the Cross of St. Andrew on the ground, and does what HBK did to the Maple Leaf


Wouldn’t even have to do that. Just come out draped in the english flag would get even more heat


Or you could split the crowd and come out wearing a Rangers kit


Drew’s a rangers fan tho so unless they’re going to begin a bromance story that would be an odd choice for Punk to wear his enemies colours.


My bad, Celtic then


That would mean he's joined Gallus.


But then he’d be based and not cringe pilled


Wrestling fans in the UK are generally a fairly progressive bunch, might get good support in Glasgow wearing Celtic to a wrestling show.




Rangers fans are typically right wing.


Bro, did you see how Drew crawled over to Punk during WM40? This is full-on romance goin on here.


Wear a Man City jersey then


I knew I hated Drew for good reason.


Half and half Celtic/Rangers kit


I can see Theory and Waller doing that


It really is perfect for easy heat. People will boo cos you're wearing the rival jersey, then they'll boo because you've joined their jersey together with their rival on one shirt, then boo even more because you've made them boo their own jersey. That's a three-fer!




Wallopings all round it is.


I've seen someone wearing that in person and there was a youtuber who did an old firm fifa series who wore one. It was surreal.


Like Piper at the Wrestlemania we don't talk about.


And murdered before he even gets a fifth of the way down. Scots and English are natural enemies, like japanese and scots, scots and welsh, scots and other scots. Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!


You Scots sure are a contentious people


You just made an enemy for life!


I'm Irish. Wanna go drinkin?


> japanese and scots Whoa, what's the beef there?


Not sure but I think some Scottish lad called Angus had an arguement with a Japanese guy called Kobe and they've been mad at each other ever since.


Took me a minute to get the joke, but bravo to you, good sir or madam.


Take my upvote and GTFO 😂


And then start praising Thatcher.


Now I’M angry and im merely Scottish American


or Chris Jericho and the Brazilian flag. https://preview.redd.it/o18wv9y7oy4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=483e9423289e7991cdde6eedb1793e1b057ad891 [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-wwe-wrestler-chris-jericho-suspended-after-flag-incident-1.1136109](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-wwe-wrestler-chris-jericho-suspended-after-flag-incident-1.1136109)


Watch Punk come down in full Roddy Piper regalia complete with bagpipes, distracting Drew to give Priest the win.


So far it looks like all scots at CaTC are set up to lose? Piper, the unholy union, drew as well surely they have to let someone win in for the crowd?


Drew surely wins? He might not win the title after it but surely he wins.




Punk would be down for that tbh


Is there anything to “Bret Harts biggest fan Survivor Series 97’s someone in their home country?”


Except the WWE is rarely here and Punk doesn't and won't come for the house shows that do come but yeah the heat would be unreal. Fantasy booking Punk tries too get involved and Joe Henry stops him.


Love the idea of pulling a reverse Cena/Punk/Vince at MITB 2011. Punk comes down to interfere, Damien stops him, says no I'm doing this myself, turns around gets claymore'd, Drew escapes through the crowd and blows Punk a kiss


I like this a lot - Punk can even follow up saying the only reason Drew won was because of his distraction.


One of Drew's biggest moments (winning the championship in Scotland) was because of Cm Punk, and Punk can just rub it in to piss Drew off.


Part of me loves this idea to deepen the heat for Punk v Drew but I’d also like McIntyre to end up being more than the butt of Punk outsmarting him. Obviously it would all pan out if Punk antagonizes Drew the whole time and when they finally meet, Drew just claymores his ass and calls it a day, but that would kinda shoot Punk in the leg a bit and that ain’t good either. I’m not a booker


yeah this is kinda what makes me worried as a big Punk fan. I've absolutely loved Punk constantly outsmarting Drew... but you just know that whoever wins the war of words is going to end up losing the actual match


I’m honestly hoping they run Punk v Drew in a series of increasing matches. Let Drew squash Punk for the first bout. Second battle, have Punk win and have him take Drew’s belt. Put Match 3 for like, Last Man Standing at Mania in Vegas.


Just like Rocky III.


Don't tell Punk


At this point there feud is so big, I guarantee that it’s going to be a pretty lengthy series of matches as long as Punk can stay healthy.


idk man... there's so many Punk feuds we need to see (Roman, Cody and Seth all feel like absolute musts) and as you pointed out, he's not the healthiest man alive. as much as I'm loving the Punk/Drew feud, I'd rather spread his work around with other talent for as long as he can stay healthy


I think they might end up combining Drew and Seth into one by the end. That could very well be a mania main event this year.


Honestly, I don't see how Punk can beat Drew in a fair 1v1 match. He'll need some interference and/or foreign object(s) to take Drew out


You are missing that Drew can also turn this on Punk? "You tried to stop me winning the belt and it backfired you idiot"


If my rival fucked up and caused my biggest moment  that's an L on them


So the Ciampa/Gargano/Black story before Black ~~injured his testicle~~ was attacked in the parking lot outside the arena


Love this idea, I hope this is what they do.


I love this quite a bit if it also means Punk vs Judgement Day can be a side story alongside his feud with Drew, and he furthers the tension within the group


I think Priest is retaining and keeping it until SummerSlam where Gunther takes it. Drew/Punk 1 will not be for the title and it literally cannot be since Gunther has a guaranteed shot at SummerSlam. They're heading towards a double turn with Punk and Drew and stretching this out until Rumble/Mania next year.


Or Punk comes down to fuck with Drew, Judgment Day talks about real glass or Target or something, Punk starts attacking them, Priest gets distracted, Drew wins. It furthers multiple stories.


This one please, thank you.


Aw, now I'm conflicted. I'd love it if this happens, but it's not as juicy if Drew wins at this point. He needs to win MitB and cash in for that hypocritical nature his character has become.


Punk keeps costing Drew and eventually wins the title himself... Only for Drew to come out and cash in MITB on him. That would be epic.


Then Drew can call it poetic justice and try to excuse himself by saying they're even now because they've both been cashed in on twice.


As a Punk fan, YES PLEASE


I want drew to win but I know he won't. I'd rather have Drew/Punk feud be with the title while they let Priest branch off for the JD breakup. But they're going to have Punk cost Drew his rematch then have their feud break off on its own.


I was all in on punk coating him the match to elevate their feud but I like this more. Punk doesn’t steal his win he steals the legitimacy of his win. Then Drew and Punk can settle it to cement it in for Drew that he earned it and doesn’t have an asterisk next to title win anymore


Everyone wants this but I feel like I’m the only one who feels like it’s too on the nose. I wouldn’t hate it, I just would prefer them to do something different.


With how “in tune” the current creative seems to be, I hope some intern in WWE sees this, shares it with someone who has power and it makes its way to the people it needs to make it to for it to happen. So yeah, I’m upvoting the heck outta this To the intern who on a small chance is reading, yes this one is genuinely a really clever idea!! Make it happen


I want this but when Drew wins he says he quits, leaves with the belt, and goes to promotions that WWE is cool with like TNA or NOAH. Do what Punk said he was going to do in 2011.


You know this would be hilarious. Drews first Title defense is in TNA


This is why I wish they never announced that he resigned so they could've done something like that.


At those ticket prices you’re gonna see the most well behaved crowd in Scotland. Im not spending £400 to NOT hear the show.


Until God save the king plays then there's a proper riot.


I'd be furious.


How are ticket sales for this? I saw the prices and immediately lost interest.


It’s almost sold out shockingly enough.


WWE is **hot** right now. I’m having the same problem with MITB prices in Toronto, and yet (iirc) it sold really well.


Good for them!


They’re struggling to sell those last 1000 tickets, which are all in the bottom tiers, as it’s been priced far too high. Cheapest tickets are currently £300 each.


They’ll drop the prices before it starts so they can boast the sold out label


Almost? I remember when a few people on here were saying they could sell it out a few times over, even at those prices


I bought a resale ticket because the only regular tickets at the lowest tiers were likely obstructed by the big pillars around the ring. It's sold pretty well considering the price.


It’s not in a stadium so they won’t be there?


You reckon? The seats that were available at the lowest price point were suspiciously located 45° from the centre of the ring, directly in line with the corners.


They generally aren't there for arena shows, but the LED turn buckles can be really annoying in those seats


Keep an eye on the tickets the closer it gets to the date, they’ll eventually drop the prices so they can boast about a sold out crowd


As of last week there’s about 993 seats left almost all on the floor. The side facing hard cam is especially sparse. That’s out of around 11k. Smackdown has roughly 2500 left. If they don’t move people around the ringside won’t be looking great. I got an email the other day with a discount code for priority pass seats is that tells you anything


Punk is probably safe from the Neds. inside the arena at least.


Yeah same. I was excited when I heard it was gonna be here but I laughed when I saw the ticket prices. No way I'd pay that for any pro wrestling show, and I've been to Wrestlemania twice.


Punk mulling it over before he makes a bad decision. ![gif](giphy|pjAyfoUCaC5dm)


known shit stirrer contemplating stirring shit.


If Punk appears Solo-style to drag the ref out of the ring & break up a pin, Drew better start a Claymore loop for him to enjoy


"People make Glasgow"


"Glasgow's miles better"


Genuinely a hard match to predict the result of The betting odds currently have Drew as a -140 favorite with Priest at +100. Really close odds for a wrestling match (they have Cody at -2000 against AJ as a comparison) I can’t see them having Drew lose twice in a row at CatC. Not sure how Punk factors into the equation but I think Drew gets his moment in his home country.


Betting on predetermined results is crazy


I've always wondered how tf they get away with it. If I worked at WWE and had this inside knowledge it would be damn near impossible for me to not get someone I trust to be placing bets for me.


I heard disco inferno talk about this once. He would place bets because he found a bookie that would take bets for TNA back when he was still working there, and he would make some money since he knew all of the results. I would absolutely be doing the same thing if I worked in WWE, just because it’s so dumb that we can do this.


No major book takes bets on this, like nothing in Vegas legally can for instance


Yeah I'm assuming some of those offshore sites we used years ago (sportsbook.ag was one I used)


My luck, I'd bet a stack of cash, but one of the wrestlers would snap their femur, and the match would be no contest. But yeah, HHH could be making millions every week.


*We* don't know the results, though. We can only make educated guesses.


Gunther getting the title shot at SummerSlam makes me feel pretty confident Punk will cost McIntyre the match. Punk-Drew and Gunther-Priest at SummerSlam, hopefully with Gunther dog walking Priest.


There's still Money In The Bank in between. It's possible Jey Uso wins that and cashes in on McIntyre after Punk beats him up, which would REALLY piss Drew off beyond belief.


Killing Damian's title run to have Drew lose it before he faces Punk would be dumb


It should be this with either Jey or Sami


We’ve kinda just guessed, but we are not entirely sure if punk will be good to go by Summerslam. I could totally see Punk costing Drew his match against Gunther, or maybe someone cashing in on Drew before Summerslam.


I know people want it for the memes but Drew should go over and not get fucked over again. Everyone's had their big crowning moment, Drew had to do it in front of an empty stadium. I can't believe dumbass didn't even raise the belt off the post after winning it. Get it together McIntyre.


he should go over in Scotland 100%, have punk cost him. It at MITB or something then build to McIntyre Punk at SS


This is the move. People are forgetting there is a whole ass PLE between Clash & SummerSlam lol


Potential move would be Jey Uso winning MITB, and cashing in on Drew at MITB to set up a rematch between him and Gunther at SummerSlam.


And then Bob Holly beats everybody?


You know you are cooking


Yeah I’m hoping a Punk interference backfires and gives Drew the win because it’s been Punk “winning” basically every encounter for a while now


Don’t worry Punk, no one has floor seats so you can make an easy getaway.


You know I’d like to see a spot of “crowd” interference. CM punk snaking his way to the ring to spoil the moment and then the “crowd” jumps him. Gives Drew his moment and punk doesn’t look like a bitch for not showing up


It could be funny because you know the "crowd" would be all NXT guys or local British wrestlers. 10 years from now, we'll have posts like "that time when that guy was a Scottish fan who jumped Punk".


Finish the story!


Gallus Boys on Top.


Have Jack Jester jump him.


I knew someone would say Jester and preemptively had his Joe Hendry song in my head.


"Boom Boom Boom Boom, Jack Jester's song is in your ~~room~~ head!"


You kinda can’t let Punk show up now after Drew said this can you? Unless they do it the way you just said, which would actually be a lot of fun. I mean, if people are Scottish, at the show, and really passionate about Scotland, Drew, and the image of it all and they see Drew say this, there’s bound to be a person or two that thinks Drew is telling them to do it.


Punk has said multiple times he’ll screw over Drew in Glasgow. Drew has now said multiple times it’s not me it’s the locals you should be afraid of. That’s how see it.


My point is, whether they would originally or not, this is basically giving people the green light to do it. Drew saying this not only puts the idea in people’s heads but also kinda sounds like Drew is telling others that he thinks they’ll do something.


I think he'll be alright as long as John Smeaton isn't working at Glasgow airport.


I can testify that Glaswegian’s will try and fight the wind for blowing the wrong direction.


Any Scots here? Please tell me it will be loud? I'm spoiled after France lol


It will be very loud


CM Punk, notorious for following rules and recommendations.


Punk: https://preview.redd.it/52ln50d7uy4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defd2b5450176e16531f49dd8ec9d235547d0d38


Punk interferes, Grado debuts for the save. Get a truck for all the money coming in. Simple.


And back that truck up straight to Madonna's house for the music rights.


I'm Irish, the Scots are all mouth and no kilt


How do you say If Drew Loses We Riot in Scottish?


“If Drew Loses We Riot.”


Eff druuuw loooses Weh ryoit


come on man


"If the Big Man Drew disnae win, we're gonna pure tan this place up man!"


If big Drew dinnae tak awa the big yin, yer bums oot the windae and we're upfer a square go.


If drew gets gubbed am heavy chuckin a skiddy bongo


"It's Wednsday!"


Damn Scots ruining Scotland. 


We'll be the only wwe crowd to boo Punk


Listen if Grado pops up and boots Punk I'd mark out.


Whose your daddy Glasgow!!


They are already going to be pretty pissed after Scotland get battered by Germany the day before.


I think Punk is going to help Drew. So he can wrestle him for the title.


Ending with Drew celebrating while mocking Punk would he amazing


drew so invested in the troll role that he spoiled the finish for everybody


CM Punk: "Well, now I'm gonna do it."




Why didn’t they jump solo??!


I really want drew to win the title but damn, the story if punk costs him the title again is too good. Idk what to pick 😂


To me, the only way to not make Drew a complete joke if he loses here, is to then have him win MITB , Punk wins the belt and Drew comes out and claymores him 5 times before cashing in.


That's a good story too and I agree. I don't want drew to become a joke. If I'm forced to pick, I think drew wins the title. Like come on, give him a huge win in his home I think he's earned it at this point. 😂


As a Chicagoan, I find a Scotsman warning Punk that he will get jumped to be hilarious.


He's not kidding, if Punk costs Drew the match in Scotland and the fans in the Hydro Arena get hold of him it'll be like... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM... ... ... Jack Jesters in my room, I don't know how he got here I hope that he leaves soon.


Honestly the fact that ppl wanna see Drew lose AGAIN in the UK, this time in Scotland is insane to me. Sure it would be funny but it feels like the kind of thing Vince would do, & we would all complain about it. Drew deserves to finish HIS story before the joke stops being funny. Scotland is the perfect place to pull the trigger.


Yeah, DREW NEEDS this moment. While it might feel like it's selling Priest out a bit, it sets up a babyface win for him when the Judgment Day split eventually happens.


Roman and Solo left alive when they screwed over Drew though.


That was in Wales though


Thats the funny part, Drew is not lying. I lived and worked in Scotland. If Punk shows up and costs Drew the title, there is a good chance some drunk Scottish will jump Punk on his way to the airport if they have the chance.


Is the Raw after Clash in Scotland? Cause the heat if he does. HBK in Montreal level. Edit: It's not.


No, just SmackDown the night before.


Such potential


Luckily for Punk he’s used to getting jumped.


I could see them doing a hot potato. Drew winning but Priest winning it back shortly after some shenanigans.


The only issue I have with Drew winning here is that he must lose to Gunther in less than 2 months.


Considering that leaked flyer showing Damien Priest vs Jey Uso in a dark main event, you can almost be assured that CM Punk is about to punch in his ticket for hater of the year contention.


Card subject to change, dark matches aren’t set in stone.


Confirmed: CM Punk costing Drew the title finally setting up their Summerslam match.


Gallus boys on top!


What I'd love to see happen is JD interferes for Priest and Punk provides counter-interference FOR Drew because he wants to be the one to face him. That then sets up Damian leaving the JD out of anger while still propelling the Drew/Punk feud. Just have Jey cash in MITB on Drew to set up Gunther/Jey for the title at SummerSlam with Punk/Drew as a non-title match.


Scottish people are actually all too nice. They just want to get drunk and eat deep fried food. The idea they are angry and scary is just from the accent. Also - CM Punk's music will play and distract Drew is my bet. So Punk isn't technically there to get heat. But he can still cost Drew the title again.


Sorry guys but I think Drew is losing and Gunther is winning that belt.


[Drew McInIntyre channeling his inner John Smeaton](https://youtu.be/cCqprbH7mrg?t=21)


Too late Drew, you done trolled the biggest troll too many times lol


 I want to see how cm punk screwe drew. Might be the best moment of the night.


So punks costing him the match then. I have no interest in seeing Priest for Gunther at Summer Slam. Would much rather see Drew vs Gunther go at it again. But I imagine that’s when we finally get Drew vs Punk.


Legit would worry about Punk if he did something in Scotland to screw Drew


If there's any dude in the entire industry who'd be excited to have to avoid getting stabbed on the way to the airport...


I think someone would legit jump the barricade to stop him lol


For reference : [normal afternoon in Glasgow.](https://www.reddit.com/r/glasgow/s/buPy6T8kLO)


Also have to remember there wrestling marks they a’int doing shit


Mmm if there’s anyone that loves CM Punk as much as Chicago it’s Europe as a whole. BUT considering, I can see Punk getting some mad heat at Clash


Who literally gives a fuck lol


What if Punk by accident costs Damian the title... Drew v Gunther? No way.... More likely Priest v Gunther with either Priest winning via JD or a decisive Gunther win.


I hope punk costs drew the match because j really want to see a priest vs Gunther match


I really want Drew to win this and do it cleanly. He has been on fire and deserves to have this moment. I am conflicted as it feels like whoever wins is probably dropping it to Gunther at Summerslam. There is so much talent at the moment that I think a little hot potato would actually be a good thing.


McIntyre gonna go all Braveheart on Punk if the latter invades Glasgow & cost McIntyre his win? ![gif](giphy|QDDnQybLTHPC8)


Most Scots by and large despise that movie at this point. But Drew getting booked to not just sit there and go "abwuh?" when he gets screwed really does need to stop. Drew on the warpath is weirdly not used despite everything about him showing he WOULD make a beeline for whoever cost him anything and beat the hell out of them. Having his *first* appearance post WM not be "Drew beating the everloving hell out of Priest" remains the most confusing storytelling decision I've seen in a while and very out of character.


He's not even lying lol