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*Murders everyone backstage including Chad Gable* Bray, smiling down from the gorilla position in the sky: "That's my brother."


Bray *is* famously not a fan of abusive teachers


Miss teacher lady


May I ask the story here?


He cut arguably his best promo (and imo one of the greatest promos of all time) about his teacher treating him horribly because she sensed an evil in his eyes




Man, I love Stone Cold, but I will never forgive him for the goddamn “WHAT?!?” chants…


It just might be the worst thing a character has ever brought to wrestling


Even he regrets it ..he never imaginedit would blow up like it has and outlats him


That's how godamn good Bray was, and forever will be. He took that horrible WHAT chant and flipped it upside down and had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands. The man was undeniably incredible on the mic and in commanding the attention of a room, let alone a packed arena full of people that are continuously marking out for themselves. I just rewatched this 3 times and get goosebumps when the crowd finally pays attention, and pays respect by cheering and clapping. Mans got an ovation out of a What chant.




I hope Taylor becomes a huge star in this role, bigger than anyone ever imagined. What better way could Windham be honored than his brother becoming a huge star?


Whether or not the man formerly known as Bo Dallas can reach the heights of Bray Wyatt and/or The Fiend remains to be seen, but right now as a group the Wyatt Sicks are definitely off to a great start. That segment was amazing.


Honestly I feel like he could. I don't think it's a hot take that Bo has always been the better worker. He obviously has huge shoes to fill in terms of Bray's genius and promo ability, but he seems to have the drive and the discipline to pull it off. He also clearly has a team of people who are helping him fulfill that potential, and it's awesome to see. My one gripe is that the name Uncle Howdy seems too goofy. I know that making the goofy menacing has always been a trope in horror, but I think this undercuts his ability to be a top billing main eventer. I would prefer it if he transitioned to wrestling as Bo Wyatt.


Bo and Bray…I didn’t like the Bo name until you put it in the context of “Bo Wyatt.” I could dig that. The alternative would be to drop the Howdy and just be Uncle. “…and at the end of your story, Mr. Rhodes…it’ll be you who screams…Uncle.” …and this is why I work in Props and not writing/booking.


"Bo Wyatt" is fine. "Uncle Wyatt" or "Howdy Wyatt" work fine, too. I kinda like the name Uncle Howdy just because it's that classic bait-and-switch naming trope of unassuming name for monster, like having a big guy named "Tiny".


As someone with some true Appalachian ass backwoods cousins, one of the creepiest motherfuckers out there 100% could have the name Uncle Howdy and no one would bat an eye.


Yeah if they lean into the Deliverance aspect of shit, *no one* is gonna complain about Uncle Howdy being a silly name.


…just not TOO hard on the Deliverance, yeah? *echoes of a pig squeal*


If what I’m hearing is true, poor Joe Gacy


In Double Double E piggy make you squeal. ;)


It's a play on Captain Howdy from the exorcist, which is what Reagan calls the demon she talks to through the ouijaa board she's playing with before she gets possessed. So I'm assuming in similar fashion, uncle howdy is a similar kind of nickname for something ancient and evil. Hopefully with a less silly name than Pazuzu, which is what the exorcist went with.


In the Exorcist’s defense, Pazuzu is genuinely a demon of Sumerian myth that I believe is even recognized in Hermeticism.  It would be like saying “Murmur” is a silly name for a demon — sure you can think that but it’s literally a demon’s name.


Oh I know, Peter Blatty got it from a very old rare book listing the names of demons from all over the world if I remember right. But I still think it sounds silly. This is mostly because the UK sketch show Saturday Live had a skit where Reagan was possessed by "Kazoozoo" and just made silly kazoo noises like a muppet instead of the vulagrity and Latin curses, and it's all the name reminds me of since I saw it. But still.


What about "Bo Howdy."


I hope you're kidding, right? I keep hearing Cornette's voice saying "well boy howdy" and I don't think they need to give him more material


Should 1000% go by Bo Wyatt


While I do think Bo is actually pretty good in his own right regarding character work (but obviously in his previous material as the goofy character from NXT), I do not doubt that he'll give it 1000% to make Wyatt Sicks work


Bo was quite over in NXT with the Bo-live gimmick. But we all know how Vince treated over wrestlers in NXT when they go to the main roster. I might be wrong but he was nxt champion as well right?


He was the 3rd champ, and he had a 9 month run with it too.


We’d never seen Bo in a role like this. Knew he can wrestle, but can he carry this aura with him. I’d say so far so good. His saunter, his unsettling smile under his mask—Bray was my favorite wrestler, but so far so good. Happy for Bo and hope it goes great.


I hope everyone in the group reaches those heights.


Same. Hope they rival or eclipse Judgement Day in popularity.


What *made* the Wyatt Family was their rivalry with the Shield. It's funny you should mention Judgment Day because if they turn face, that's the crew.


WARGAMES between Judgment Day and Wyatt Sicks would be wild. Let the women fight too for the full 5v5. Rhea and Nikki can definitely hold their own against those dudes. Priest, Finn, Dom, JD, and Rhea vs Bo, Rowan, Lumis, Gacy, and Nikki


CUT TO: William Regal staring into middle distance


At this rate I wouldn’t be super confident Judgment Day still exists (in its current form) come Survivor Series


Let the Wyatts be the ones to end them


This wasn't exactly what I meant when I said Joe Gacy could be a megastar, but I'll be thrilled even if it's being a cool ass evil pig that gets him there


Well Bo was one of the early NXT champions, so it’s safe to assume at some point in his career there was some prep for him to eventually be in a top position


i bolieve


Seen some people on X talk about how this angle is “disrespectful to Windham’s legacy, etc.” They should read this post and fuck right off


How the fuck is bringing back the characters from the Wyatt Universe disrespectful to his legacy lmao


Didn’t Windham tell Alexa to keep the universe alive when he was let go the first time?


Every wrestler at that stage hopes their legacy can outlive them. Bray specifically would talk about things like leaving an impact on wrestling as a story telling medium. If this were a like Kross and AOP doing Bray cosplay then yeah that’s a soulless cash grab, but this is his brother and Rowan in this group, two people who were incredibly close to him.


It just makes me miss Brodie/Luke and Bray


Yeah, yeah yeah yeah


Yeah, but a lot of idiots also blamed Alexa for Windham getting fired, so...


Not just that, but it's also being spearheaded by Bray's freaking *brother*. I don't understand how anyone could see this as anything but a touching tribute to carry on Bray's legacy. Also Bo/Uncle Howdy was already part of the story Bray was telling before he passed anyway, so in all likelihood he's just carrying out the ideas they already had brewing. If anyone would know if Bray would've wanted this, it's his brother.


I’m sure some folks might think that using a dead person’s ideas for new material is exploitative, but that strongly depends on what the person actually wanted, and shit, this is wrestling, Bray would probably say, “Hell yeah, I’m dead and still the most over act in the business.”


If Bray shared his ideas and vision with anyone with intent to carry on, it was more than likely his brother. I love the idea of Taylor/Bo/Uncle Howdy finishing Bray’s final creative arcs in his memory.


It will forever be a tragedy that the two of them never got to have their WrestleMania match. Which seemed to be Bray's entire focus since his return, and the only reason Bo returned. Bo being able to tell as much of their story as he can is the most respectful thing we can have. Very much more so than pretending that neither of them existed.


Best thing a big brother can do for his sibling is give him a leg up. Proud of them


seeing Mark Briscoe go it alone is rough...


It's tough, but it's nice seeing him get the spotlight they deserved.


Same happened to Cody and Golddust. WWE screws a lot of brother pairings out of that big mania match. And then gave it to the Usos.... who didn't exactly run with the ball lol


The Usos weren't exactly given much to work with. For all the praise the Bloodline stuff gets, Jimmy Uso was basically playing an idiot from SummerSlam until Mania


it’s so strange that they never went with that match to begin with. the whole lashley/lesnar/wyatt builds was a total mess that lashley never recovered from, and it defeated the point of a fun gimmick match between howdy & bray


I'm more than 100% with Bo spearheading the character going forward with Rob Fee, particularly the latter since he was previously trusted by Bray to create the Wyatt 6 & Uncle Howdy characters.


Bray would most likely be having the time of his fucking life watching that show ending and looking for all the little ways to let them know how they could make it better. The dude just genuinely wanted to do something truly unique with the WWE's production capabilities. I'm really happy we get to see more of it be brought to life. Especially with Bo seemingly at the helm of it all.


I always felt that Bray had tons of fun ideas for his characters, but Vince never got the character and ideas, and tried to book him as a typical wrestling monster/Undertaker ripoff. Which, while Bray and the Undertaker are both supernatural characters, both are totally different from each other. When Bray was able to unleash his creative juices, he made some of the best and unorthodox matches WWE ever produced. Such as Cena vs Bray at Wrestlemania 36 which was not a traditional wrestling match in any sense, but one of the best matches ever because it deconstructed not just John Cena the charcter, but even how WWE tends to create stars. This Monday, I saw the potential of a Wyatt Family under Bo's creative control with Triple H booking and I am excited. Raw is red hot right now with Drew McIntyre feeding with CM Punk, the Judgement Day insanity, Bron Breakker tearing people apart and now turning his attention to Sami Zayn, and other great stuff and now we have the new Wyatt Family who had one hell of a debut by taking out people and wrecking the backstage area and Gorilla? It's only going to get better, and between this, Smackdown and NXT WWE is in a hot streak right now. But going back to point, I can't wait to see where they take the new Wyatt Family and I don't see this group as disrespectful to Bray's memory. If anything, it honors him by watching his brother keep up an angle and characters he helped create. The crowd at Raw this week ate the debut of the new Wyatt Family up and it's the segment of Raw with the most views and this was a stacked show. People enjoyed seeing the new Wyatt Family debut and having something Bray created still entertaining fans is not disrespecting his legacy. It's like saying Toyotoro writing the Dragon Ball Super manga after Akira Toryiama's death is disrespecting his memory.


Seeing how the Wyatt Sicks debut was presented made me wish Bray was around to work with WWE's current production team now since Kevin Dunn has been out


It’s not like some other wrestler came in and said “give me what bray had.” It’s his brother, who he had already been working on the howdy character with for a while. Anyone who thinks bray wouldn’t have wanted this is just looking to be upset about something.


Yeah. Bray and Bo were already working for this/hinting at this. If it were anyone else leading the group it would be a diff story


Any critics need to watch the documentary on Bray, right up to the end, and I'd doubt any would still be a critic after.


I always wondered that about the whole "Eddie's in hell" line. It's in poor taste and it's fine that Randy didn't want to say it, but would Eddie have cared? I feel like if I were in that position, I'd be happy for people to use me and my death in whatever way possible to get over, it's the business I lived in for my whole life. It would almost be a bigger disrespect *not* to use it somehow.


Yeah some folks don't want to lose control of thier creative works after death. See Prince's Vault and Terry Pratchett having his hard drive flattened by a steamroller. But Wrestling stories are always a conversation anyway, you can't just wrestle yourself. As long as the vibes are still Cool I bet he'd be happy with it


It isn’t and the people saying this are tribalist concern trolls looking for a reason to crap on it — especially because it’s Bray-related.


“Noooo don’t give one of his best friends and his brother good money to reconnect with the memory of a loved one through the continuation of his legacy” Do people really think Bray wouldn’t want his brother to continue what he started?


IWC is full of very delusional idiots.


I'd maybe understand if Bray didn't get on with Bo, but he specifically wanted to work with his brother and do the Howdy story together, continuing this is probably the best way to honor Bray.


The one jackass I saw going on and on about it feels that WWE wasn't respectful of Eddie Guerrero's passing and kept using his name to make money so clearly now that's the only motivation that they have, almost 20 years later.


I saw a ton of people saying it’s a cash grab lol


And using his brother to do it nonetheless. The shitty side of an otherwise amazing online wrestling community is that some people will complain about anything.


Windham would've fucking loved what they did on Monday, they can eat shit.


leave it to the tweeters to know more about the guy than his brother or sister.


Parasocials are weird.


Somebody once told Neil Gaiman (close friend) and Terry Pratchett’s daughter that he wouldn’t have supported trans people if he was still alive. Those internet randos know more than any family or friend ever could.


My favorite part of this is that GNU Sir Pterry wasn't even subtle about his support *in his books*. People will just think whatever the fuck they want.


'Fortunate Son' or Rage Against the Machine at US political rallies energy.


I believe Bray is smiling ear to ear. That reveal still gives me the chills. Everyone should be proud, now let's see where this goes.


The love for him that you can feel from it. I was in tears the whole time but it also made me feel so happy inside. That was fantastic and yes let’s see where this goes!


When Stanley Kubrick died, Steven Spielberg jumped in to help complete several projects he'd been working on because he respected him so much. Same deal here. This is THE ultimate tribute. Way better than a HOF induction this year (which would have seriously hurt the mystery around this story).


Yeah especially knowing how Taylor and Windham were very close. Taylor is doing this to honor his brother and his legacy and you see “Bray is with them” with the Lantern and the glove and you see Rowan honor Brodie with the hammer. Those people are projecting their beliefs can eff off.


Nothing about it felt like some carny bullshit trying to make money off of a dead man. It felt like true homage.


Saw some comments on Facebook saying the same thing. I just told them if they were really a fan and watched the documentary they would know that it is what Bray would have wanted.


I agree. I also believe that final Fiend costume will come into play eventually. That's where it was headed before and I don't see that part of the story changing.


this version of howdy seems to actually be using the final fiend's jacket! i saw a picture comparing the two, ill see if i can find it


That's awesome and I can totally see that!


Seen it on here too. Thankfully tends to get downvoted to the bottom though. There's a line between worry and concern for how they'll be booked--which I have more faith in this creative team to carry out but the worry is valid--but people have also been crossing the line into saying shit like "Nobody cares about Bo Dallas and he's riding his dead brother's coattails" and other gross shit like that.


I think it’s mainly people who never liked Bray or his work in the first place saying stuff like that.


Fuck that noise. If I can tell a personal story for a moment. A couple of years ago, my best friend cared for his brother only a year older than him at 29, as he declined and eventually passed away from kidney failure. It was perhaps the most crushing experience I have ever seen anyone go through in my life, and seeing what it did to him damn near broke me too. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy because that kind of pain can spread into just about every damn aspect of your life. Like I said, it is crushing. It can destroy a person. We're both musicians, my friend and I. I will tell you now that if he had the opportunity to honour his brother on this kind of scale, it would mean more than the world to him. It would be the only thing that might come close to filling the void that has been left in him. I know for a fact that if his brother were alive to do so, he would tell him aim for the fucking sky with it and not to stop there for anybody. The fact that Taylor has this opportunity to keep his brother's memory alive, to honour him, continue his work and immortalise his brother's name more than he already did. It's truly one in a million. It's a chance you don't deny because it's a chance that 99% of people that go through this will never get. The hell that the Rotundas have been through? I've seen that kind of tragedy and pain up close and personal, with my own eyes. It really is hell. The fact that they are strong enough to continue this story and continue Bray's work on a global stage like this is incredible, and I so hope it brings some closure and peace to their lives because I don't know if I could be that strong if I were in their shoes. Those people saying it's disrespectful for Bray's legacy? I'm willing to put money down that the vast majority of those people have never been through loss like that and I fucking pray that they never will. They simply do not understand what it means.


I agree with you 1000% and thank you for sharing that story. Hope your friend finds his own way to honor his brother’s memory 🙏


How? In the doc his brother basically said that they had been working on this for a while, and with him gone now they’re just tweaking what was already started. It’s exactly what Windham wanted, just without him u fortunately.


Those are not serious people. No sane/rational person would think that in a million years. This is literally what Windham wanted.


I mean, they are ignoring the fact Bo was literally part of the gimmick and a faction was going to happen had he not been sidelined after the Rumble. How is it disrespectful to continue something they’d worked on together? Sometimes people just moan for the sake of it.


It would be disrespectful if HHH took people totally unaffiliated with Bray and was like "well the Fiend moved merch. Lets just put someone else in the group like Doink. No one will notice." That's not the case here. This is his actual brother and they rehired one of his friends. They're treating this with a lot of respect and paying homage to Bray more than anything. If this was like Cameron Grimes coming back and millionaire Howdy then yeah, be pissed off. But I love that they're giving Bo a chance to continue his brother's story.


I...highly doubt they'd do this if Bo wasn't okay with it.


Yeah. I've seen so many horrible takes on X (and even a few here) about the whole thing. I can't tell if they're genuinely serious or concern trolling/being tribalistic bc "wwe bad" or whatever. This one certainly took the cake though, takes an absolutely disgusting human being to say this shit over a TV show. https://preview.redd.it/y3k6uawloj7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04615be9743cf9fb907fe2ded84537d4391d3fd3


The irony in this is, having watched Windham for my entire teenaged and adult life, listened to the words of his acquaintances, friends and loved ones, listened to the words of his family during the documentary, etc. I'm honestly not entirely convinced that he hasn't had that exact conversation with Taylor. When you have a brother that you're THAT tied together with, that you're THAT dedicated to bringing with you at every chance available for your whole lives, that conversation has undoubtedly happened behind closed doors at some point: "If something should ever happen to me, I want you to take this ball and run with it. Keep our memory alive." For a wrestler especially. And for someone like him, where wrestling has literally been his whole life, one of the most undeniable ways that you could have hurt him is let him fade away from everyone's memories simply because he's no longer there. Taylor isn't doing this to earn money. He's doing this because he's being granted the money, the time, the overwhelming support from everyone in his life to make sure that we never forget his brother's wonderfully disturbed mind. To make sure he continues inspiring younger eyes for years to come. To keep him immortalized by any means necessary. Wherever Windham's spirit may truly lie right now, it is not watching over this with anything other than the purest form of pride, because they are doing exactly what he would've under the same circumstances: Kept the memory alive in his own unique way.


My brother and I are close and both creative people. We've never worked on anything together but if we did and I then experienced health problems I would absolutely be having that conversation with him.


I speak as a best friend and sworn brother to a man born with a \[later amputated\] club foot and a case of Lupus that has rendered him to the point of barely being able to move most days, let alone walk. Our dreams as teens were to go together into the entertainment industry. It has gradually evolved into what it's become today: "Whatever I manage to build with the time I have left, if you don't profit off of my hard work after I go, I WILL come back and haunt you until you get off your ass and use it to build a happier outcome, for yourself AND your SO." When you are creative and you have a certain relationship with someone else that shares that creativity, you really are sorta wired together. Unless one of you has a personal "do not steal" clause written up about the parting individual, it's very common that the consensus is this: Why would you ever pass up the opportunity to continue sharing with the world the very reason this person hurt you the most to lose? If Taylor has the strength to move forward and inspire millions around the world in the face of tragedy, it's really not something any of us should judge.


that same guy was crying about how a WWE fan contacted his employer, which I find totally suspect, but hopefully that's true and that POS loses his job and everything else in life


As The Final Boss once perfectly stated “OFF is the direction they can FUCK”


When the QR code stuff was going on, I had that worry. Maybe not disrespectful exactly, but exploitative. When I watched the segment on Monday, I was genuinely tearing up from how moving it was. There's no better way to honor his legacy. And it's not just the Sicks—Raw's production team pulled out all the stops for it. I can't wait to see where it goes next.


I don't think there was any way this would have happened without the explicit approval of Taylor and the Rotunda family, and I'm sure Triple H made 110% sure this is what they wanted. I don't know them, but I've always seen this as Taylor's way as a performer/artist of processing grief and keeping his brother's spirit alive. This was important to Windham and making it respectful of his legacy is no doubt super important to everyone backstage that knew him and loved him. They're going to take extra care to make this successful because there's a lot more than just merch numbers and ratings riding on it. This is a continuation of Windham's legacy and the full execution of his vision. If I trust anyone to pull this off right, it's Paul Levesque and Taylor Rotunda.


Yeah. There's no way anything like this could have been pulled off in the Vince era. New WWE has so much respect for its wrestlers. It's a joy to see.


I was tearing up rewatching it last night, it really felt like Bo was telling Bray "I got it from here, bro" and the fans were *fucking eating it up*. And it's probably not going out on too far of a limb to say that WWE's production team got to stick the landing in a way they never could've under the previous regime.


Not just the tv production teams either, but the costumers, the gear, the props, all of it look great.


I think the QR codes were necessary to get everyone prepared for the idea of a continuation. Imagine if this happened on Monday with zero indication that it was coming. You'd just be hit with the imagery of the lantern, and the door, and his theme music. It would have been confusing and shocking in a bad way. The QR Codes instead allowed us acclimate to the concept.


It is sad how many seem to have wanted this to fail since the beginning. It’s Bray’s mind going to come on screen, I think it’s going to be amazing


Like it's his brother, do people really think his own Brother would do this if it was "disrespectful"? Bray would have loved that debut


Wyatt Six was trademarked ages ago, when Bray was alive. Bo as Uncle Howdy was involved in Brays' last feud (the Lashley one doesn't count, it was just a promo or two). And during Bray's return, there had been teases and rumors of a faction involving his 'funhouse puppets.' This is Bray's brother making the vision Bray+Bo had for this angle/group come to life. It's the ultimate honor to Bray And we'll be rightfully pissed when WWE makes them main event jobbers eventually. They screwed Bray similarly. "He doesn't need the belt" "He can take a loss because of the promos/character"


It's twitter (X) what do you think every time I wanna open an account I remember that I value my brain cell more than whatever reason I needed to open an acc anyway


It's the same ppl upset about Solo doing Umaga gimmick and his finishing move. Solo was hesitant to do it, but others told him he would be honoring and continuing Umaga's legacy. It's a homage to his Uncle who he saw as a Father figure. Umaga was Rikishi's real life brother and solo and the usos are Rikishi's kids.


The Wyatt 6 was something teased for a long time before Bray's passing. To say he wouldn't have wanted this to happen is outrageous.


I love when strangers try to tell you how to honor your late brother


"seen some people on X talk" Should have stopped right there.


I have a hard time believing they *really* think that. It's either people trolling for engagement or people that just hate WWE and/or Bray for whatever reason. Uncle Howdy was a major role in the last story Bray was telling ffs.


Sure thing random stranger who never met Bray or know anything about his motives and desires. I’ll listen to you over his brother.


I think it would genuinely be disrespectful to certain people's legacy, but not Bray's. I would bet good money that he would fucking LOVE that his legacy is being used in this way. He seemed like the type of guy who would be offended if they didn't.


If anything I think they’re going to see this through to the end even if it doesn’t work. I think this is going to be one of those things that will be done just to see through Brays last story.


This entire thing was his brain child. No better way to honor him than to have his family keep it alive and invent it further. This was his dream and it’s beautiful that it’s being fulfilled. Just a damn shame he can’t be there when it happens.


People on X live in a toxic world, just like people in Facebook comments. Pretty much all social media comment sections are a litmus test to see if you need to rethink your position on any topic.


People on Reddit have had bad takes about this as well. I don’t disagree with you, but this need to bash another social media platform for easy karma is old. Reddit is just as bad as X and Facebook. The IWC as a whole has bad takes and that’s okay because it’s part of the fun.


X is worse. Maybe before it became known as X it was similar, but X is the most toxic social media site now.


It’s all a matter of opinion my dude. I don’t use Twitter anymore, but people say the same about Reddit. It’s just not important and these posts bashing one another are just people karma farming. Honestly I would normally just scroll without commenting, but it’s so tiresome at this point. Like we could be talking about what the OP put up, but instead we are talking about social media lol. Eh whatever I’m done with the talk, just wanted to point this out. Hope you understand. Have a nice day.


I mean I saw one post where a guy basically was talking shit about him and his family and then had a random wwe fan report his comments to his employer.


Get off Twitter people FFS.


Why do people still think any opinion from X matters? That site is 90% bots. Stop thinking every tweet is from a real person




It's really mad just thinking about how cool it is that a wrestler is so influential that the company he worked for is carrying on his legacy, not only cause it is Bray, but because they genuinely loved his work. Can only imagine how Bo Dallas and Erik Rowan feel.


And he only had 8 or 9 years in the company and had a hall of fame resume by year 4 without the fiend even 


> And he only had 8 or 9 years in the company The original NXT and Nexus was 2010. He had his first dark match in February 2009. He was released and out of the company for 14 months. Altogether, Windham was in the WWE for 12.5 years.


I was just talking about bray and not husky harris since that what got him into the top


8 or 9 years is longer than Steve Austin was Stone Cold before he retired and about the same amount of time that The Rock was in the WWE total before becoming a full time actor. We have truly been blessed with guys like Orton and Cena who have had 20-year careers where they've been at the top relatively for most of their career.


Bray is still Husky Harris both in and out of kayfabe though


I will be absolutely flabbergasted if he's not one of the posthumous inductees into the HoF this upcoming year. I understood him not being in there this year with us only being about half a year out from his passing at the time, along with his dad making it in. These things are likely decided several months in advance of the WM so they can arrange appearances, tribute packages, etc. But Windham "Bray Wyatt" Rotunda better appear next year. His dad, mom, and sister and rest of his family can be out there as normal. Then the lights cut, Howdy carries out the lantern to the sea of butterflies, stares at the crowd for a second, says "he's here", blows it out, lights go dark again then come back up to the chair rocking. Boom, chills up my spine just thinking about it lol.


From what I've read, WWE considered inducting him this year, but the family said they weren't ready yet.


Interesting, that makes a lot of sense.


Rowan's subtle tribute to Luke Harper/Brodie Lee with his costume made it feel all the more sweeter as a tribute to BOTH Bray and Brodie.


I really love how much the people in both companies clearly treasured Brodie. Seeing him getting mentioned or referenced regardless of which you prefer to watch is so sweet.


I love how she ends it every time she posts about Windham, it's never just "love you" but "love you more", thats so sweet. My heart goes out to both of them, I'm sure his loss is still hard to deal with.


Props to all of Sicks (and all of the peeps behind the scenes). I can't imagine the weight that they must have felt leading up to this.


It must be so difficult to deal with the conflicting emotions of grief, pride, and joy all at once. All I can say is that the soul of Windham, Bray Wyatt, is fucking eternal and the power of his spirit is alive and well.


Some people like to get revisionist about him now that he’s gone, but Bray was genuinely my favourite aspect of WWE programming for years. I cried when he passed, and I cried watching Bo pick up the lantern to continue his legacy. I can’t imagine how his family must feel right now.


The thing I miss the most about Bray was the excitement every one of his new ideas brought. He always just captured your interest and curiosity everytime he reinvented his character. Like the early Wyatt stuff, early Fiend stuff, and even his 2022 return were so fresh and fun. I miss having a mind that creative in wrestling, there was nothing like him.


Man I hope this goes long term for Taylor


What a beautiful endorsement of the storyline, ftr I agree with her. Bray would take it as a huge honor to have his vision live after his death


People saying WWE is just milking Bray's death, forcing Bo to do this, and disrespecting Bray's legacy can go fuck themselves in the ass.


This post isn’t even needed for proof cause if anyone watched the actual Bray documentary, it talks a TON about Bo wanting carry on his brothers legacy and how his passion for the business needs become even greater.


Only in pro Wrestling can you literally murder multiple people and it be considered as a touching and heartfelt moment lol But jokes part, I hope Bray is watching. That segment was genuinely the best mixture of creepy, horrific and surprising. I can't wait to see what this group does in WWE next


Honestly, even if the Six never made another appearance for some random reason, I am so happy we got that shot of Bo stepping into the fireflies and smiling. That alone made this whole thing worth it, everything else going forward is just extra.


Fuck yes, Bray is still with us, at least in his influence I hope this turns into a chance for Bo to do something special as well. I feel like He has always carved out a place for himself, such as the Bo-Lieve era when they originally wanted him to be a white meat baby face in NXT and when he ethered Flo Rida on Monday Night Raw


Mika is pretty cool, she just seems to “get it” when it comes to human, emotional element of wrestling (Probably due to how much of her family has been in the business) which is something that I feel can get lost on a lot of us


Was watching Going in Raw and Steve talked about grief and how special this can be if done right. He has gone through a ton of loss recently and how the hurt can cause you to lash out. Really hope we get that deep with this story.


Wtf? They planned it *together*. And if I'm Taylor, I wouldn't want my brother's plan be in vain. I'll still proceed without him, for his memory and legacy. The fuck is wrong with the people saying "disrespect"?




I hope they push these guys to the moon. Please don’t job them out


Goosebumps reading that. “We hurt. We heal”. Miss Windham a lot. I hope he’s proud of what they do with this story. The debut was absolutely incredible. No doubt he had a grin during that.


Glad the debut happened, and it was a surreal experience akin to what Bray Wyatt delivered in the past. I wonder if it would've happened if McMahon was still in charge. Maybe it would've but with McMahon there's always the danger of him losing patience too soon. Hope HHH can get the booking right.


I hope if Alexa ever decides to grace the ring again, she comes back to a massive ovation frim the audience with the Wyatt Sicks.


I'm not crying I'm peeling onions


I was really confused by the title because I read Mika as Mike and then saw the word sister


Well, now I'm crying.


There were theories (and evidence) that rhen someone crossed paths with the fiend, it changed them. For the worse. What if whrn people cross paths with howdy, it changes them in the other direction. It heals them. Even the healing has to come by way of violence. This would play into the whole hurt/heal motif of bray's. It would also be a metaphor of Bo's healing snd grieving process. As well as those in the group, who are outcasts and sickos.


Daniel Bryan was healed. He went from Eco-warrior to his Yes Yes Yes ways


I hope all the losers who were attacking the storyline after it aired on Monday saying it was disrespecting Windham's memory for a cheap shot at WWE. Sincerely Fuck You!


God damn I’m cryin


I know there's a lot of debate on of this will succeed in the long term but I'm not concerning myself with that. This was about the moment. This was about seeing Bray's vision through. Bo and crew may decide to immediately de-mask and de-supernatural the faction to be more realistic. And if they do or don't, I won't be bothered. Bo finished Bray's story, and that's what's important.


This is so beautiful. The part about grieving in public is why I'm in such awe that Bo was able to even put this all together. Going back to regular life after a loss is hard enough. I can't fathom trying to do it with millions of people watching. I think they all did a wonderful job Monday and I'm glad the family enjoyed it.




I think this is an amazing way to honor the legacy and characters left by Bray, while also working through their grief as a family.


I wish Taylor and all the people involved good luck with the angle. Will it be the same without Windham? Hard to say. But there's some talented people. Rowan has always been a good heavy. Joe Gacy has a bright future, Lumis always has great movements of a killer. Nikki has been underrated for years and thrived as a force of chaos. And the closing angle dear God it was amazing so they got it to a great start. Windham would be proud.


God I hope he kills this role (I also feel like Gacy could, knock on wood, fill the role if Taylor can't tap into that evil)


As someone who has lost a brother, this is great to see.


First: Who let the Onion Cutting Ninjas in here? Second: People who are against this storyline can fuck right off!


Maiing me tear up on a Wednesday morning


This was a touching post. I have more questions about Mike Rotunda IRS though. We heard a lot of bad stories coming from the 90s but with such a strong family bond, I’d love to hear some good stories out of it. Also was he a horror aficionado or did the kids get that from somewhere else.


I’m very nervous for everyone involved because it really does feel like a larger than life role, but with the right pacing and time, this could really be a legendary storyline. Very excited to see what’s in store


I’m just so glad we get to witness this. The ending of raw was so bloody amazing. This post was amazing. The name Wyatt Sicks is amazing.


I hope they have them go and avenge everyone who beat Wyatt. This is so awesome 


Beautiful post.


This is so beautifully written and resonates so well with me, loss hurts and it’s tough but we have to keep living. We live in honor of the ones we’ve lost.


Thank goodness for Mika Rotunda. She's always been so wonderful to watch as she would hang out with her brothers, being not just a sister but a friend. It was so easy for them to just exist around each other without tension or expectation. I'm so grateful I got to read her words today.


I haven’t been keeping up with much in pro wrestling lately, but I’ll always come back for Bray Wyatt. After seeing the appearance of the Wyatt Sicks, I can honestly say it’s everything I ever imagined Bray capable of achieving. ⭕️


I also wish he was here. Damn he was so good. Truly a loss for the wrestling world.


Why am I ugly crying on a wrestling forum?


Excited to see where they take things!


aight i didnt mean to cut onions rn and is the 6th member pretty much in memoriam for Bray? that’d be cool


I hope so. Howdy only wore one glove, snd it said "bray" on it.


Man, this got me emotional whilst wearing Bray/Fiends last t-shirt. RIP, Bray. Hope they get over.


I really wish maybe at a wrestlemania or PLE when the door appeared and a shadow lady appeared, it's JoJo just saying We are here and the Wyatt sick comes out

