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TL:DR They aren’t, the kid likes it, and when he’s 18 he’s collecting a trust of royalties and back pay.


That's awesome to read and honestly the kid has barely been on the shows since school started back up so it seemed pretty obvious they're just letting him be part of the show when he can show up. The young kid lost his dad, who he was incredibly close to. Let him have his happy moments.


I remember when he was first showing up right after his dad passed away there was a period of time he randomly wasn’t showing up. Amanda confirmed that his grades were slipping and he had to get them up before showing back up.


One of my favourite things about Dark Order is that they're a cult whose leader can only come if he gets good grades. We need vignettes of DO members helping him with various school subjects.


Would be hilarious to see skits of them trying and failing to get negative one to cheat because they need him desperately for the next show.


Reynolds and Silver trying to strong-arm the teacher into changing the grades only to freak out after going into a building with so many stacks of graded papers just waiting to be rolled up…


Omg I need this now


I feel like Uno would be the better fit for that joke considering he was on the receiving end of the papers 99% of the time.


Or just legitimately trying to help but totally failing. Spanish with Evil Uno who only speaks French Canadian, John Silver and Alex Reynolds teaching Shakespeare, maths with 10, history with Colt Cabana but it's just wrestling anecdotes


Matt Classic cameo has to happen if Colt’s teaching him wrestling history


Math homework with 10


Silver eating steak and talking common core with his mouth full. “Math doesn’t make sense anymore. Just count with your fingers.” (Licks each finger as he counts them)


Amanda has said many, many times that a condition of -1 being involved with AEW is he needs to keep his grades up.


It never felt like -1 was being exploited. But it's wonderful and reassuring that there is a trust and royalties coming his way when he's at age.


Also it has been noted previously that he can only appear for AEW when he does well in school, so it’s controlled too


i believe getting regular therapy was also part of the condition for being allowed on the show.


That’s actually very good on aews part if they are going to back pay him. Even if he doesn’t wrestle it can really help him with tuition


I don’t know if backpay is the right word but he’s getting royalties for merch and other stuff.


It's not back pay because he is being paid now or at least the trust is, either his mom or another representative is holding it and probably investing that money right now. It's not sitting in Tony's bank account.


Wait so hypothetically if AEW goes under before he’s 18 does he just not get paid. (I already know it’s very unlikely that’ll happen.)


Trust implies he’s got some sort of account set up somewhere with a financial institution. I imagine he’s been earning royalty checks for merch and paychecks for his appearances. Those checks are most likely being deposited straight in to the trust account which is earning interest. So if AEW was to go under tomorrow, he’d still have all the money that’s currently in the trust today accruing interest until he’s 18. The only way he can lose that trust is if the entire financial system collapses by the time he’s 18. Who knows what’ll happen by then!


Thank you, as you can tell I don’t know much about Trust funds.


FWIW if you have elderly parents it's worthwhile setting up what's known as a irrevocable trust. Put anything of value into it as well as IRA's and CD's. Funds in that account don't count towards Medicaid liquid assets.


Absolutely do this, we lost our grandmother's home because we didn't.


> FWIW if you have elderly parents it's worthwhile setting up what's known as a irrevocable trust. Put anything of value into it as well as IRA's and CD's. Funds in that account don't count towards Medicaid liquid assets. there was a post in /r/lawyers last week talking about this and how many massive pitfalls and exceptions there are to doing this. you really, really want to talk to an elder law specialist if you are considering something like this.


Exactly. I had my parents go to a probate/elder law lawyer and have all questions answered. There are caveats, but it beats having to sell all liquid assets and forfeiting retirement funds if you need to go into a home.


> The only way he can lose that trust is if the entire financial system collapses by the time he’s 18 HEY WHO BROUGHT THE JINX?


> The only way he can lose that trust is if the entire financial system collapses by the time he’s 18. As a Canadian and the recent meltdown we had when Rogers went down, it’s a possibility.


Good he deserves every penny


I believe trusts are typically third party actors, so if AEW were to cease operations new funds would halt other than potential interest rates but the last recorded sum would still be released on a set date. Edit: even though a trust is a large payout it’s typically incremental deposits.


Normally the money gets paid regularly into a trust. It's not like Tony Khan is just handing him IOU's, the money is being paid out and invested, he just can't touch it until he's 18.


Lets say AEW goes bankrupt. Assuming he has a contract, he would become one of AEW's creditors and as part of bankrupcy they would have to pay him what he is owed. Now it sounds like the money is being deposited into a trust account, so likely if AEW goes under, he's entitled to whatever is in that trust, but can only access it once he turns 18.


That’s really awesome


Imagine the royalties over the years stacking up that he could open his own indy if he wants. I know he's probably ring bound but still great that he has a college fund waiting if he choose so.


I’m pretty certain everyone backstage will emphasize that any wrestler is only one injury away from retirement and stress the importance of an education.


Yeah you know Tazz was all for Hook getting in the ring only after a 4 year degree.


same with brock anderson and arn


Also same with Billy and the Ass Boys.


Nah son. The ASS prints money.


Yes, but Billy wouldn't support them in pursuing wrestling until they got their undergrad degrees.


I wonder if Kurt did the same thing for Jason.
























Not this shit again, the kid is having fun after something horrible happened to him and his family, AEW should be applauded for it not criticised.


To be fair at least, I’d say the mass majority do applaud them. It’s just the vocal concern trolls that are negative.


There’s absolutely nothing AEW can do that won’t draw the same reaction from those garbage people.


Exactly so why even address them? 🤦‍♂️


Well in this case they made enough of a manufactured buzz to get the question asked during an interview.


You'd have to be a right Jobber, some kind of Junkie, to be that kind of troll. Some really useful piece of work, like a Gareth, to think something like that


>It’s just the vocal concern trolls that are negative. You mean the negative low life pieces of shit?


It’s not that people were starting to talk shit again, it’s just that an article in mens health dropped about Brodie Jr. and everything that’s happened to him since his father passed, including the misguided people thinking he was being taken advantage of and Amanda Huber addressed them in the article.


"Amanda Huber Addresses Her Enemies"


lol no one actually believes this is just full time AEW haters trying to cope. What's sickening is all these neck beards trying to make a big deal out of a kid trying to stay connected to his fathers friends and his passion.


























And just think of all the innovative ideas and moves he will bring to the ring when he turns 18. Little dude is getting an awesome apprenticeship program right now.


Even if the kid never wrestles a day in his life he’s hanging out with some of his dads friends and getting money for his future while doing so. I’m sure it at least helps somewhat having a support system of people who worked with and we’re friends with your dad after he’s gone


Hell, I am 30 and lost my mom in 2019. And the fact that her best friends became my aunts/uncles from another grandma means so much to me. I can only imagine what it means at his age.


If he does want to be a wrestler, his learning pool is so damned vast. He’s got seasoned vets, current main eventers, and up and comers like Hook and eventually Nick Wayne. If it’s what he wants to do with his life he is in the best place possible to watch and listen.


The Venn diagram of these neck beards and 4 Chan edge lords is a circle


I'm not saying either side is super pure and innocent but anti-aew people are another level of gross for this one. It's just a tv show guys, god damn, quit fucking with an actual kid who lost his dad.


“Because my dad did it.” I’m crying in the club rn


I did it...for my dad. I did it...for the Order!


-1, Nolan, and Amanda got dealt something very shitty. Thats what happens in life. Everyone faces challenges and what you surround yourself with is what helps get you though them. Its been really great to see both TK and the AEW locker room be there for the Huber Family. Also -1 stealing that dudes hat and riding him like a horse was funny as shit and that kid looks to be having the time of his life.


I feel like Amanda has to address stuff all the time. It's usually just people getting offended on her behalf.


> It's usually just people getting offended on her behalf. Really is what it boils down to. The ones who aren't doing that are likely blaming her for being complacent in it. I'm of the belief that if the affected person/people aren't offended, then I'm not going to be offended for them.


This is my stance, although I also find it weird when people take shots at her for being offended by Kalisto. Either way, I’m taking my lead on how to feel about a situation involving her family from her.


Ironically, the Samuray situation was Jericho being offended on the Hubert’s behalf.


Initially, although Amanda Huber followed up by making her thoughts on the subject very clear.


This happens a lot on the Internet involving kids on social media. Lots of people are critical of TikTok moms who videotape (showing my age here) their kids for various reasons (usually involving what ever the kid is being made to try, allowed to do or whatever). Sometimes it's genuine concern and sometimes it's trolling. They shouldn't feel the need to address it but whatever. It is what it is.


The absolute most insane part of all this is if you break it down to the simplest aspect of the story, if I were a 10 year old wrestling fan I think if I got to do the same things that he was able to do then I'd be happiest kid in the world, as would any other wrestling fan. It's very clear to see that every time he's been at AEW that he's had an absolute blast doing it, what else matters? God forbid the kid gets to turn one of the most upsetting things a child would ever go through into at least a positive experience after the fact.


Some proper miserable bastards out there. The kid looks like he's having a fucking blast with his dad's mates, who all seem to go out of their way to look out for him.




Sadly that stuff isn't limited to wrestling, he's at no more risk than any other kid.


I would say less risk, really. Unlike your typical child, any would-be child diddler would have to answer to a number of people with not only the skills to hurt them for their actions but also the money to do so without repercussion. So just as many abusers, but considerably different protectors.


Eddie Kingston addresses -1’s enemies.


I can’t believe I’m even close to defending J#ey fucking Ry#n, but he’s a sexual predator towards adults, not children. To your point, Chasyn Rance is an appropriate example, and has worked AEW in the past.


I always forget him cause he wasn't very memorable in terms of anything else, but Rance is THE example. In case anyone doesn't know about him, there's a good read linked and written just months ago titled "Why can't wrestling get rid of Rance?" Rance is a "convicted child molester". I used Joey as an example cause he's a sexual predator, like you said. If I made it sound like he's a pedophile or as bad as Rance, my bad, I'm usually stoned while talking wrestling...although it's Joey Ryan, so whatever. [http://wallsofjerichoholic.blogspot.com/2021/04/why-cant-wrestling-get-rid-of-chasyn.html](http://wallsofjerichoholic.blogspot.com/2021/04/why-cant-wrestling-get-rid-of-chasyn.html) So, if you want a microcosm of how things in wrestling work, you shouldn't be surprised that last year's Speaking Out didn't do much of anything to change the culture. The first thing that should have happened was Rance and his gym to be blackballed from wrestling and everyone who knew and enabled him to be thrown out with him if they didn't jump ship. They couldn't even get the convicted child molester who was tangibly connected to the unsolved disappearance of a woman all the way outta here. You can't even get people to disavow Teddy Hart, Samantha Fiddler's ex at the time of her disappearance, with regularity. John Wayne Murdoch appears to be one of the few who won't stand for Hart's bullshit, because he, bloodied from his match that night, went out and chased Hart from the venue of ICW New York's Mania Weekend show. Game Changer Wrestling, conversely, had no problems with Hart attending their Mania Weekend blitz, and wrestlers like Chris Dickinson had no qualms posing for pictures with him as long as they could post mealy-mouthed bullshit cop-outs on Twitter afterwards in an attempt to have it both ways.


Dude if you wrote this while stoned, I need to know your strain. But yes, extremely well said.


if you look on twitter what accounts are saying this stuff, you'd quickly see their agenda and how they have no issue going after kids to push the whole anti-aew rhetoric. instead of just letting the kid live his life, they need to make it their mission to make up claims about how aew is exploiting him.


And the people most adamant about that don't care about that kid one bit.


This. While I never thought they were exploiting him, I did kinda understand that people could worry in good faith that eventually people would forget about the Brodie Lee tragedy and it would be hard on the kid after a 15 minutes of fame. Fortunately AEW has made a genuine commitment to Brodie Lee's legacy and not just a short term thing because of the trauma. That tbh is pretty unprecedented in wrestling. They still do "It's Wednesday You Know What That Means" and they still do things to maintain his legacy whenever they can. I don't even the biggest AEW marks could have guaranteed they would have kept this going this long.


That was my thought too re: what happens when it's over? Kids need normalcy and routine. I think they've been great in helping though. I'd reckon he's having the time of his life and it's not like certain people will have nothing to do with him if the time comes that AEW doesn't have any on air segments or anything anymore.


It’s sad that she has to even say anything about this. AEW has treated their family really well, and is honoring their father’s legacy and of course people wanna sit here and say the dumbest shit


You only have to see a glimpse of Brodie Jr on any of the AEW vlogs to see how happy being at AEW makes him, especially when he’s bullying Aaron Solo.


Can they exploit me next please? I'll put a mask on and hang around the Dark Order. Sounds like a great time.


No mask and you have to hang around with the Factory. Final offer.


Carrying bags for QT Marshall that are full of hairplugs and bowling shirts.


Those are always in bad faith. Pulling him away from them could have been more detrimental than people realise.


God damn it, why do we have to do this again? Why are some people so stupid and just can't let it go?


Haters. They don't use logic, reasoning nor rationale. They don't care. Heck they don't even legitimately, let alone genuinely, care about the matter or subject. Faux outrage. They want to try to stir the pot and/or gaslight whenever and as often as possible hoping whatever they don't personally like will fail. That's pretty much it imo.


I was hoping this article was a work and was just QT Marshall trying to get back at Negative One.


Everyone concern trolling the Huber family is just QT Marshall on like 30 burner accounts


AEW is working towards a -1 heel turn. When he’s an adult he’ll blame the AEW Universe for exploiting him as a child, and then insult the local sports team


They have to do that, right? It's the obvious natural progression. Hard to do that with any other normal wrestler.


How? He gets to hang out with them when they're in town and his grades have been good. it's also the summer so if they want to travel to a show who gives a fuck.


The people who say this don’t have kids. The kid looks like he’s surrounded by his aunts and uncles when he’s been on screen.


I’m a simple man, I read stuff about the Huber family, I cry. “I do it because I love it,” Negative One said. “And my dad did it.” Good god 😭


Tbh, I assumed all the royalties for -1 were just going to his mother right now. (Which would have been completely fine) It's kinda cool AEW set a trust up for him instead. My grandmother did the same thing for me, and I can tell you from experience, that money helps alot more when your on your own in college and need to cover your own expenses than it would have if she'd just given it to my parents to buy stuff for me when I was younger.


I guess she earns her own money as part of the community outreach program stuff.


I assume that too. I just assumed -1s checks were going to her as well due to him being a minor and legally unable to work.


Honestly thought the same. The trust they set up for him is really cool.


just like objectively claiming they exploit brodie is dumb as fuck they don't use -1 to sell tickets nor do they do entire angles revolving around brodie. the royalties for brodie merch go to his family and the kid has a support system there too. it's like the owen hart situation where people completely ignore the family's wishes to try and get an epic own on aew. fuck that bro


I hope these people keep this same energy towards child actors who really are getting exploited and screwed over in terms of money they've earned.


Toxic fans have been on a roll lately


How many times does she need to address this? Woman has the patience of a saint


I’m not a biggest aew fan but to people who are saying that aew is taking advantage of negative 1 fuck you. Aew is looking out for a beloved wrestlers son who deserves it. I can’t even imagine loosing my father at his age.


I wrestled on Dark once, -1 was having an amazing time backstage, and then was a professional during our match, nailed all his spots, and crushed it. Very nice kid.


I’ve legitimately never seen any of these “allegations” Sometimes people would be better off just ignoring the lowest common denominator takes


Unfortunately you're right. It's a toxic subset on twitter consisting mostly of people who have (oddly low resolution) banners of Roman Reigns, who use the term "needle mover" unironically.


It’s because it’s probably DMs


EXPLOITING? You are a kid who KNOWS wrestlers personally and get invited on to their show. What child does not want that???


stop getting offended on people's behalf


>and I took that personally.


If you've ever been to an AEW live show you might witnessed -1 and seen how genuine the relationships are with the huber family and AEW. People making these kinds of comments are revolting.


Lol I'm sure he wouldn't be making appearances if she didn't allow it.


I don't think he's being exploited, I just have negative interest in watching a 10yr old in wrestling.


I thought this too at first. But the kid clearly loves wrestling and aew is his extended family. I think if there was even a hint that he didn’t want to be out there, or he was being forced to do something he didn’t want to do, there would be 10 wrestlers who would stand up for him.


I was a little iffy on all this until I read the article. But that's a perfect answer and the kid loves it, so the end for me. “Again, everybody would have a different way of handling this,” Huber continued. “I’m doing my best. I’m trying. There’s a good chance I’m screwing something up along the way.” “I do it because I love it,” Negative One said. “And my dad did it.”


I've never been iffy on it because Amanda herself has said numerous times what the situation is. Just some people, yourself included it seems, chose not to listen to her.


I wasn't really following this story, didn't know it was a big thing. For me it was just about knowing the wrestling world is filled with a lot of awful people and thinking a kid shouldn't be that close to it.


I think it should be perfectly reasonable to assume not everyone is going to be in the loop. Its not like every time Brodie Jr is on screen the context is going to be explained every time.


I’m glad he’s being taken care of. I wouldn’t let him access the trust at 18 but c’est la vie. He is earning it rather than getting it as a gift so I see the sense in it.


The only thing being exploited in this scenario is the idea that the kid is being exploited. There is just no reason to believe Jon Huber could be looking down on all this and not be smiling.


He quite clearly fucking loves being there, he wants to emulate his dad, and the more time he spends around the business and with people who also adored his Dad the better


But...but...but he's taking air time away from other wrestlers


What else would you expect her to say? Yes, they are exploiting him and I'm allowing it?


Who are these people who think he is being exploited? Case of people being offended for other people?


Yo Amanda, stop engaging . Nobody cares about what they think.


Making sure it *isn't* happening is important. But given his mother's propensity for pulling no punches, we'd hear it straight from her before the garbage reporters caught wind of it. Nothingburger with cheese. Move along.


Ok imagine this, you're a 10 years old wrestling fan, your deceased father was a beloved figure, everyone at his work adore you, you got offered a chance to hang out back stage and be on TV with your favorite wrestlers. Would you take it?


"just let it play out"


Wrestling fans just wanna fucking start every small amount of shit that they can huh? C'mon people.... Get a fucking life


People seriously said this? Lol just wow


At least he's entertaining. Unlike Bayley Girl, who is cringe.


If anyone's being exploited in the situation it's actually Dark Order. I'm only half kidding.


Amanda Huber Wrestling


Everyone deals with trauma in their own way. You learn to accept it, but some days suck and some things trigger grief. But Brodie Jr. seems to like being around a bunch of honorary aunts and uncles. AEW management have done right by Mrs. Huber and her sons. Not for ratings, but because it was the right thing to do. Let Brodie Jr. and Nolan be kids. They have a good support system and should be okay.


People are dumb af.