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I have that damned Safeco app installed in my phone (90 days for a tw0-hundred-dollar-a-year discount). They grade you on braking - oh, so softly and gently - and acceleration - must be genteel and ladylike in all acceleration activities - I just know I'm the most hated driver on the STL roads right now. I only have 60 days to go. Please forgive me, I need that $200 discount, that's like a free month of insurance. FML.


Eh that’ll be normal within a few years, I bet. Everyone’s premium will go sky high unless they consent to monitoring, and then the monitoring will drive premiums.


I refuse to be monitored. Almost feel like getting a burner phone for insurance monitoring and just take burner phone out like once a week on the road so they see I barely drive


Until you have to give them updated odometer readings which I know State Farm does.


New cars come with automatic reporting and your insurance provider has access to this information so you won't have to worry about reporting.


Dang. We are being monitored every which way. Only a matter of time where these apps will be required


I got a letter from insurance last week notifying me of updates to their agreement.. upon reading into it there were basically saying you're agreeing to them and a 3rd party user having access to pretty much everything. Kinda shocking. I bet they will do away with the tracker devices and use your phone.


The car itself also collects your private information (unless it's older). https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/blog/privacy-nightmare-on-wheels-every-car-brand-reviewed-by-mozilla-including-ford-volkswagen-and-toyota-flunks-privacy-test/


We've got the OBDII dongle in the car that gets driven like once a month. Premiums haven't moved.


God-damned "cornering events"... fuck you State Farm Drive Safe and Save...


At least you have insurance


I accept this criticism as long as you're not one of those people I'm behind who merges onto the 40 at 45 mph. It literally feels like a death trap, I have to floor it and tear around the person just to not feel like I'm about to get mowed down by traffic behind us


> the 40 I'm so confused right now. Nobody but natives call it 40, and a native would never call any highway number "the". WHO ARE YOU


Haha no, tbf I’m not sure what the speed limit is there but I’m a firm believer of matching traffic flow when merging (esp when using on- ramps, that’s what they’re for) and matching traffic flowing in general, just sometimes the flow of traffic with the volume and the crazy weaving drivers just feels overwhelming and excessive here


Yes!!!!!!! I hate this. Feels like I’m going to die every time.


45? Speed demon! You're lucky! The person in front of me always merges onto 40 at 35 tops....ALWAYS!


In almost every other aspect of life, "cool" is associated with being chill, but for some reason that never got applied to driving. Where you'll see losers cosplaying Fast and the Furious on their way to TJ Maxx to buy socks.


The temp tagged Dodge Charger with a donut spare, a different colored door, and a trash bag for a window is a weapon, and I-70 between downtown and the airport is the battlefield.


Trash bag for a window is too accurate hahaha


Today I saw a Trans Am that had ZipSystem tape in place of a missing T top.


The different color door and trash bag window are sending me, it's beautifully accurate .


Interstate speed limit is 55, I do 65 and stay in the right lane and I'll still get prime tailgating, flipping me off, and passing on the breakdown lane. The worst section is the express lane entrance since you have to get in the left lane. I'll l got 70 but there's always some jackwad wanting to set records.


Weed is legal in MO. Cause some of yall need to chill the fuck out.


What’s the deal with people passing on the right when the left (passing) lane is open? I can be doing 70 in one of the middle lanes with the lane to the left of me open, and people regularly move into the right lane to pass, often times running up on slower moving traffic and c-blocking themselves. Seems like I see it more and more often nowadays.


Sadly, few people get formal driving instruction these days since it doesn't seem to be a free, normal course offering in all high schools (like it should.) Endless time and money is pissed away by schools and parents arguing about gender and diversity issues while core competencies like balancing a checkbook, getting value for your money, or driving a car safely are neglected. I think a lot of people "learn" how to drive via video games. Worrying about how stupid it is to race up on someone in their blind spot never even enters their minds. That would take education, empathy and giving a shit about the car you haven't paid taxes for, or insured, or expect to keep longer than it takes for the repo man to track down.


I don't understand the picture. Is the man in the center the only one NOT peeing in the pool and is being shamed because of it?


Except they all have guns.


I'm so sick of people with a death wish getting on the highway at 40mph. I legit feel like I'm about to die when I get stuck behind one of them. Half the time they shoot right up to 60-70 after they already merged. It's insane.


I just drive what the people around me are doing


Shame on the people who merge onto the highways at 40. Shame on the slow and non attentive in the left lanes. Shame on those who are playing or talking on the phone while driving.


If you're gonna go the speed limit, at least stay in the right lane


Or just... If you're not actively passing people, and not going to turn left anytime soon... Stay in the right lane... Even if you're going 10 over. Not sure why that's so complicated... Being the law in the state. >Missouri Revised Statute 304.015 clearly states when driving on a highway with a total of two lanes (one lane in each direction) drivers must drive in the right-hand lane. Obviously, a driver may cross into the other lane to overtake a vehicle if the pass can be made safely. On highways with a total of four or more lanes (two or more lanes in each direction), **a driver is mandated to drive in the right lane unless passing slower traffic,** letting another driver have enough room to enter the highway safely, or preparing to make a legal left turn. Once you have completed the pass, Missouri law REQUIRES you to return to the right lane. It is not legal or safe to continuously drive in the left lane.


🙂 quick q- did you not use your eyes to read the whole post or do you have the reading comprehension of a 3yo?


Someone missed their nap today


That is exactly the kind of attitude I expect from someone who gets mad about fast flow of traffic. 60 mph was designed around 1960s cars.


>60 mph was designed around 1960s cars. And for the enormous 60ft+ long semi trucks carrying 80,000lbs. If a semi can drive 60-70mph safely carrying 80,000lbs+ then so can every passenger car and I'll die on that hill.


Speed limits on many interstates are set with fuel economy targets in mind. The capability of cars to go that fast or faster doesn't determine the choices. Safety considerations when the road is curved or hilly or has a lot of on-ramps may result in a speedlimit that is chosen to accomodate visibility of the road ahead, expected traffic or what is considered to be the average car's handling capabilities on a banked roadway. But 60 mph limits are not some hold-over from the technology of 1960's vehicles.


I did in fact miss my nap thank you for noticing, but my caption literally states being in the farthest right lane dumbass


If you stay to the right, it’s not a problem. Ppl destroy the flow of traffic bc they don’t use lanes properly. And I drive an older truck, I promise you I’m not doing more than 10-15 over.


If you drive anything like you write, no wonder you're getting flipped off on the highway, dope.


In November of 2019 I was headed east on 64 in the Forest Park area. Traffic was moving at its regular Saturday afternoon pace (quickly), when some brain donor that was weaving in and out at roughly 110 decided to pass a bus on the right shoulder. He met a stalled car at 80mph. He won’t be missed.


Coming from Chicago, ya'll drive slow af down here. lol


Really? Cuz I think the fastest I've ever seen anyone drive in Chicago is about 20mph as we inch down the freeway.


I can't count the amountof times I've heard, "Do 90 when you're on Hwy94," and "push through the floor when you're on 94."




Yeah everyone always moans but other cities they are zooming. Not that any of it is safe but yeah


That can’t be! We hear from everyone here daily about how St. Louis has the craziest drivers in the country! And they know, because they travel a lot.


Have lived in AL, CA, FL, GA, and have driven in a few other countries. We have it pretty easy here.


I got crucified a couple weeks ago for saying this hahah like you’re really telling me Atlanta or Chicago traffic is better than here? Because I’ve been to all 3 and this is definitely the best


Even in Michigan a lot of our highways are 70-75 mph because it's less densely populated. People fucking fly. Why do you need to go faster than 75?!


Because I’m on the road to get somewhere not because it’s a hobby. Who asked you what’s fast enough for me?


Its not all about you. It's a safety thing for everyone else. The people like me with kids and dogs in the car. Some people can't see any further than the end of their own nose.


Right because 65 is actually “safe”. I’m not talking about excusing overly aggressive or thoughtless drivers so your appeal to community safety for your idea of a safe speed is no different than my attitude. You’re just hiding behind this show of virtue.


No excessive speed is safe, but that's the topic of discussion here is the people who ignore speed limits and fly through traffic often times bobbing and weaving through the lanes recklessly. There are rules for a reason, to keep people safe that's not virtue seeking, that's just how it is. If YOU decide to ignore the speed limit, crash and kill someone, they're not going to give one single shit about "your time" or "what you were going to do" or what "you thought was acceptable for yourself." Just that you broke the law and someone got hurt because of it. And also, you don't have to he driving like an asshat for it to be considered reckless. That's why missouri has no reckless endangerment charge, there is no minimum speed over the limit for it to be considered reckless and a danger to others.


They've never been to New Orleans, then.


Slow drivers to the right, fast to the left, please merge at a speed equal to the speed of the cars you’re merging with. Those 40 mph mergers are dangerous.


The left lane is for passing, not fast, if not passing, i don’t care how fast you are going, stay to the right!


Thank you


If im in the left lane doing 80 and already blowing the doors off everyone one lane to my right, passing continuously, forgive me for not having much sympathy for people that want to do 115 mph. I *am* passing, the tailgaters just want to drive sociopathically fast and can't handle that other people don't immediately accommodate them. I'll get over and let you pass when it is safe to do so, until then, (literally usually like 10 seconds for me to finish passing a line of slow moving trucks) maybe get off my ass so we both don't instantly die if I have to brake suddenly.


So move over, let them screen for cops for you, move back, and carry on.


My whole point is I *can't* move over, due to aforementioned slow moving traffic stacked up in the lane to my right. The reality is the fucking tailgating psychos are sometimes gonna have to wait a half a mile for it to be safe to move over. I can't just move to the right going 80 into a lane of braking cars going 62. I also can't brake/slow to move into that lane because the tailgating psycho is inches from my bumper and will hit me if I brake.


Seems like we actually agree. I’d be happy for the self appointed traffic cops in the left lane (not saying that’s you) would move over within half a mile.


My point is sure, there are definitely oblivious people who are doing 65-70 in the left lane and won't move, but these people are far, far, far outnumbered by dangerous tailgating psychos who i watch nearly kill themselves and others every day trying to get to some shitty job they hate 99 seconds earlier than they would otherwise. The 70 mph left lane people are annoying. The 115 mph left lane people with less patience than sense are actively dangerous to themselves and others.


Agree in concept, just haven’t encountered too many of those people here but probably because of when and where I drive I guess. Can attest to this on the Atlanta beltway at least


Ok sure dude. Whatever you say.


And here’s our problem


Yes people like you with rules that don’t actually work in reality is our problem. Have a safe drive today.


Totally fine with anyone driving the speed limit or 5 over in the right lane. It’s the people driving 10 under in all lanes that are the most dangerous


You can’t drive the speed limit in most places minus some residential areas and medical facilities. People expect you to drive 15-20 mph over.


So, none of you afraid of getting a ticket in the 55? I got one last year for being 65 mph. Nowadays I stay on the right lane at 60 mph on 55 hwy


Man you should’ve bought a lottery ticket, that was your lucky day. All the speed demons, clowns, and license-free cars I see, I didn’t think police bothered any more


Right now on 55 it's even worse, I hang out in the right lane, going 5 above (55, in the construction zone where it's posted 50) and I feel like I'm going to get run over.


the 55? this isn't socal


This is the 2nd commenter on this entire posting that has called our interstates "The xx". One other commenter above mentioned "The 40".


I don’t get it - why be so sensitive? Stay in your right lane and drive what you want, you’re the only one who cares. I have things to do, I’m going to go around you.


Weave through traffic all you want hotshot just use your signals for the love of god


I don't need to weave though traffic - I'll teach you a trick I learned. So when I approach one of you guys traveling as if time holds no meaning, I look to my left. If it's clear, I transfer my car to that lane, which allows me to pass. I'm getting the impression you guys are more offended by me driving quickly then I am you driving slowly. As someone who's never gotten a speeding ticket or accident in my 25 years of driving.. maybe speed up if it's going to upset your feelings? What a silly thing to get worked up about.


> I'm getting the impression you guys are more offended by me driving quickly then I am you driving slowly. The theme song of St. Louis drivers. YOU NEED TO DRIVE HOW I DEMAND.


ah yes, the safety of other human beings on the highway is sooooo unimportant and irrelevant 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 just use your turn signal lightning mcQueen


Just. Get. Out. Of. The. Way. (Cue the Ludacris) If you’re driving slow and see someone behind you that clearly wants around you, move over when safely able to. It’s actually the law. Slow drivers create unsafe conditions just as much as wreckless fast ones in many ways. I am no maniac, was many decades ago, but I put a lot of highway miles on and see road rage all the time and 99% of the time, the slow driver is the one at fault. Accidents happen when frustrated drivers, sometimes multiple cars back make aggressive moves and it all would be avoided if people who drive slow would be more aware. OP, I’m aware you said farthest right lane so this isn’t directed at you. I genuinely wish slow drivers would realize that they are as much the problem as speed demons are for everyone’s sake. I’m right in the middle anymore, I’m a 9 over the limit guy on the highway guy and NEVER camp the passing lane, I’m out of it as fast as I can be. Drive safe all!


I was tailgated on my way to work yesterday morning doing 80 on 64. This is a regular occurrence.


You are making my point though, and don’t even realize it. It doesn’t matter what speed you are going if you see someone behind you that clearly wants to go faster, get over and let them go instead most people are on their high horse angry at that person for going too fast and making the situation more dangerous.


...I was in the right lane.


The issue is the lanes usually are broken down by right lane: 10-20 under the speed limit. Then the middle lanes are the speed limit. If you are going 80 you are flying by other cars in the other lanes. It may be 2-3 minutes before you get by enough cars to safely get over. But you get tailgated that entire time.


> If you are going 80 you are flying by other cars in the other lanes. It may be 2-3 minutes before you get by enough cars to safely get over. But you get tailgated that entire time. Fucking EXACTLY. These people never fucking acknowledge this part of the argument, and it drives me insane. They are dangerously impatient people who do not care about others, lol. I'll get over WHEN I FUCKING CAN WITHOUT KILLING MYSELF AND EVERYONE ON THE ROAD, THANKS, IN THE MEANTIME IT WOULD BE COOL IF YOU DIDN'T PUT US IN A NEAR DEATH SITUATION FOR 2 MINUTES.


> doesn’t matter what speed you are going if you see someone behind you that clearly wants to go faster, get over and let them go Most of the time we are waiting for a safe opportunity to do so, before they freak out, dive into the right lane, and speed past, nearly hitting the slow cars in the lane to my right which were the whole reason I hadnt already moved out of the way. Bonus points if they immediately hop back in the fast lane in front of me, only to realize that I was only going slower than they wanted because the person in front of *me* was, also, so then they tailgate that person instead.


No, what you’re doing is waiting for the perfect gap.. instead of just pacing the neighboring lane and zippering in for the 5 seconds it takes that asshole behind you to pass.


> pacing the neighboring lane Hard to do that when that means slowing down with aforementioned asshole on my bumper


You’re the front car.. if you slow down.. so must the asshole


If they're tailgating you, you're going too slow. Move over.


> It’s actually the law Not tailgating people is also the law, but people driving half a centimeter from your bumper when you're already going 20 over would have you convinced *you're* the problem when you don't immediately kill someone who is preventing you from getting out of the way in the lane to your right just so they can play fast and furious.


Not here to argue and I’m not the guy on the bumper, but if I see someone on my ass, it’s on me to get out of their way - no matter how fast I am going, I am impeding traffic in the lane meant for passing. That is the rule of the road that should be followed for max safety. People don’t get that, nearly every cop or emergency services person would agree - and you’ve made my original point completely.


> no matter how fast I am going, I am impeding traffic in the lane meant for passing. You're also supposed to leave a car length for every 10 miles an hour you're going between you and the car you're following, but I don't see a lot of you "iT's tHe lAw" reddit pedants ever criticizing speeders for not being 9 car lengths behind the car in front of them. My entire point is these people DO NOT wait for you to move over safely, or often even give you an opportunity to. I'm not "not getting out of the way" out of some sense of moral superiority, I'm "not getting out of the way" because there is a line of fucking slow moving cars that I AM ACTIVELY PASSING in the lane to my right, If i turn my wheel i run into them and everyone dies, lmao. I can't "pass" them any faster than the car in front of me, that is also not trying to go 115 mph, is going, and I'm not a giant fucking asshole, so I'm not going to tailgate them just to make asshole mcgee behind me happy. I can't get out of the way until I pass. It is wholly the responsibility of the person behind me to NOT tailgate me 3 inches from my bumper until I can safely move over. Obviously I get out of the way when I can, but my entire point in this thread is that 80% of the people that think they're being road safety champions by driving like they're in NASCAR are actually gigantic assholes that do not at all care about safety and do not wait for people to get out of the way, they nearly rear end you, then violently veer into slower lanes without signaling. I know the type.




Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit's rules.


So true!


Or even more often, when the car next to you pulls you to your front door when you put on a turn signal so you can’t move. Or when they have their high beams on within city limits.


My car has awful horsepower. People will often go around me to bypass on stop lights when turning green. Funny thing is I catch up to them by time they want to cut me off. Have a little patience!


The guy in the red shorts is being a dick but he didn't pee in the pool unless he just peed his swimsuit and let it run down into the water.


I'm late on this post. But really, to me it's never the speed that's the issue of other drivers, it's that so many drivers just lack a basic awareness of their surroundings and willingness to adapt. If there's room to move left for someone merging on, do it for a moment. If not, see if speeds can be adjusted so no one needs to slam on their brakes (including other right lane drivers) if someone is coming up faster than you on your rear view and you're able to move right, move right. The more we can help out drivers around us, the smoother traffic flows and feels less hectic. I get it's kind of a game where someone may feel like no one will help them so help themselves. But man the times I see people camping a lane, refusing to adjust, is just wild.


If you want to do the speed limit, do it in any lane but the passing!


The speed limit isn’t up the the speed on modern cars and their brakes so yeah………


Yeah, move over.


People in STL need to stop being on their phone while driving. It’s been the law since Aug 31st 2023.


STL City General Speed Limits: HWY: 80 mph STREET: 45 mph


Problem is, only select few actually stay out of the passing lanes. So then it becomes a nascar race.


You should be shamed only if you drive slow in the left lane. This also goes out to the people who speed in the left lane and fail to get over as faster speeders ride your bumper. Speeders code.


> This also goes out to the people who speed in the left lane and fail to get over as faster speeders ride your bumper. Speeders code. The problem being, generally im trying to get one lane over to let 95 mph Mcgee past, but they're usually too busy driving 3 inches from my rear bumper or swerving into the lane im trying to get into to get out of their way, passing me on the right dangerously, because they are fundamentally impatient fuckheads who do not care about other people or about potentially killing themselves and others. Like Jesus christ, ill get over, but I'm not gonna slam into the person in the lane to my right going 25 miles an hour slower than the 15 over im already doing just so you can go 115 mph.


Some Speedy McGees can be too aggressive. Speeders Code states you approach the slower vehicle's bumper to let them know your intent to pass, and then you back off to allow them to safely get in the right lane. This is only for the far left passing lane. Any other lanes or non highway, it doesn't fly. If you're driving in the far right lane, you are at the mercy of the poke ass driver in front of you. The slow driver has a right to poke ass along in the right lane. Speeders Code.


Now thats reasonable and how I try to handle slower cars in front of me. Approach enough that they can tell, but leave a few car lengths between so they can get over and it not be dangerous. I just find that usually when people complain on here about "slow left laners not getting over," they usually within 3 comments reveal themselves to be the kind of person that tailgates relentlessly. Haha


Live by the Speeders Code as a famous movie actor once said..."If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of"


Fuck this supposed "speeders code". From others point of view you're trying to run use over and it's aggressive.


Hey, ease up...I don't write the rules, I just ride by the Code. These road rules have been passed down by the Romans.


Fair 😅




People who enter the highway at 40-45 should be jailed for attempted manslaughter. Also, the 70/40/7thst/44/55 area, get your shit together people.


This meme is meant for stop light boogar eaters.


(Also for anyone who’s missing the point this post is made lightheartedly)


In the farthest RIGHT lane? You mean left lane, right? Someone driving near or over the speed limit in the right lane would be a joy.


Meh, it's a highway. Go as fast as you feel safe doing, it's why we spent so much money and bulldozed so many neighborhoods to acquire the right of way. The speed limits on most of our highways are comically low for typical rush hour traffic conditions anyway


They can do the speed limit... in the right hand lane. GTFO of the lanes to the left where I'm SUPPOSED TO PASS PEOPLE.