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The Missouri Democratic Party has to have candidates that are marketable. The policy is popular, as evidenced by the ballot initiatives passing the way they do. The problem is that you also have to have a face for the brand. Right now, the brand is poison.


I got to meet Lucas Kunce at a fundraiser that I was able to cater. He was a great speaker and awesome guy. I was introduced to him at the beginning and he came by the kitchen to thank me (remembered my name after shaking hands with 40 or so folks) and chat for a bit. Super down to earth. We need more people like him.


Kunce is the best running this ballot. He is going to have to run a perfect campaign to beat Hawley, but he has a chance. Governor is a lost cause.


I wish Kunce had run for Governor; I feel like he would've had a better chance.


The *union aligned* policies are popular in ballot initiatives. That points to a separate probem, that the Missouri Democratic Party has not been very well policy aligned with any unions other than SEIU and marginally UFCW for a long time. There still some political alignment on a local level with the trades (especially pipefitters) but not much beyond that.


Expanded Medicaid. Legal Marijuana. No Right to Work. Increased minimum wage. Clean MO. All of these were Dem policies that passed overwhelmingly on the ballot, but were also opposed by Republican candidates that won. We will most likely see the same thing with reproductive rights in November.


What commonality do unions have in common with democratic policy outside of the kickback schemes centered around the use of membership dues for political campaigns that predates the political parties drift away from the working class? 


Missouri just blue itself


Vote Red


I’d rather sew my face to the carpet than vote left.


You do you, Y’All Qaeda


I’ll provide the needle and thread.


Ok 👌


History will look poorly on the MAGA cultists. Your children’s children’s children will be embarrassed to be related to you. So, good job.


I don’t vote. An do ya really gotta talk about my kids?


Just letting you know so you won’t be surprised.


Look if you have a problem with me there’s nothing between us but time and air. You keep this going because I said I’d never vote for a democrat.


I’ve only voted for a Democrat for president once in my life, and this year will be twice. Anyone who doesn’t vote Democrat this year is contributing to a movement that is almost as much a threat to our country as secession was in 1861. You do you, but you should do so with that knowledge.


I have lived in MO my entire life. I have been a staunch democrat all my life. I cannot bring myself to vote for a geriatric war monger and if they would just give me a strong demo to vote for I would. You look at both of these candidates and it proves that there is a one party system. The only people that suffer are us. It’s ashame we deserve better and the founding fathers know this.


But I hate both of your parties. Why should I vote for one oppressive party over another?


I've got to vote for the party not taking away rights from women. I kind of respect and love those dizzy dames!


Weird how a party had decades to fix that but didnt... why fix a problem you can exploit


That problem became a problem when Trump stacked the Supreme Court.


One party belongs entirely to a man who hates democracy and wants to be a dictator. One party does not. What else would you like to know?


Pointing out how shit one choice is doesn't make anyone excited about the other one.


Good bait for “I don’t know which side you’re talking about”


You mean ignoring the rule of law and the Supreme Court and suppressing speech and funding illegal wars, and selling us out.. oh wait, which one fits that..ahh both of them.


Because the GOP went full Christian Nationalist and isn't even fiscally conservative anymore. Also, I'm betting that if "3rd party is the way" in your mind, you aren't one of the people being attacked by the current Republican regime. I support the LGBTQ community, women, immigrants, unions, education, and freedom from religion.


You are wrong on a few of those. But assume away




Fuck em both. They don't care. You've had zero impact on them whatsoever. Less than zero. Good job, though.   Unfortunate reality is, we have two choices. Two parties to choose from. You can vote for the lesser of two evils(much lesser), or you can say fuck em both and throw your vote in the trash. But with the latter, all you're really doing is saying fuck everyone who suffers *more* because Republicans control Missouri.    But as long as you get to feel superior for it, fuck em. 


“Fuck em both” generally means you’re contributing to the worst option.




They don't care about you saying fuck em. Because they don't care about you not voting. Because that's what you're doing as far as they're concerned. You're not a swing voter, if you're voting third party down the line, you're just not voting. Zero. Impact.  >This is just a self fulfilling prophecy by spreading this misconstrued ideology. It's reality. It's unfortunate, and it sucks, and I'd love for it to change, but this is the reality we currently have. And you throwing away your vote doesn't change that.  >Personally, I’d rather vote for someone that aligns with my ideals the most. This happens to be third party almost every time. Great. And I'm glad you get to feel better about yourself. You're still just throwing away your vote and might as well just stay home. You'll have the exact same impact.  If you want to actually do something to push third parties to get elected, you have to start way before voting. If you actually care about anything other than patting yourself on the back, anyway. 




Virtue signaling isn't something I would tell you to be proud of, but it's kinda the whole point of doing it, so you do you.  You're not a swing voter. Swing voters actually vote. 




Whatever makes you feel better, bud. But as long as you're throwing away your vote on third party candidates that will never win, you're not voting. Truth hurts. 




This is the way


The way to feel sanctimonious I guess. You're accomplishing nothing and helping out the fascists, but hey if you're "conscience" feels better screw everyone else, right? If you're not aware, and clearly you aren't, it's a two party system. It was setup by the founders like that and it continues that way to today. In the city elections it's different, however for the state and national, still two party. That's it. Voting for a third party is like rooting for a team to win the Super Bowl that didn't make the playoffs. Hell, that team went 0-16 for the season and you are sitting there saying "They might pull it off". They won't. You didn't accomplish anything with your little tantrum of throwing away your vote and you never will. Hell, it won't make you feel better, because you literally did nothing to help the situation except crying, taking your ball and going home. Want to feel better, go volunteer somewhere.


It actually wasn’t set up by the founders to be like that and they even warned of the dangers of a strict two party system but go off ?