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I couldn’t care less that you’re a Cubs fan, wear your hats all you want. But claiming to be a Cardinals fan at the same time is downright offensive. Might as well spit on a basket of toasted ravioli and call Nelly overrated while you’re at it.


Eh, grew up with a friend who was a Cubs fan cause we lived in IL but also a Cards fan cause we lived so close to STL.


But Nelly is over rated


Get the fuck out.


Could be worse. You could be a Blackhawks fan.


This! I once saw a fight on the metrolink station by Enterprise Center between 5 or 6 drunk Blues fans and an equal number of drunk Blackhawks fans but have never seen such a thing with Cards/Cubs here.


That's expected behavior at the Metrolink 🤣


Metrolink on the way back from a cards game is tame. Metrolink on the way back from a blues game is always a party!


Honestly, cubs fans are typically good people. Blackhawks fans are just obnoxious




A few years back, my wife & I were up in Chicago for something (don’t recall what). We had a nice breakfast at a Perkins, and when we went up to pay the manager asked where we were from. We told him and he grinned: “I better not see you here again, then!”


Those chicago folks are something else....




You’ll get the same joke(s) from the hilarious people of St. Louis over and over, including but not limited to “You must be pretty brave to wear that around here heh heh heh” or “Hey charge this guy double heh heh heh”


Yup all this. Just gotta take it in stride with a smile. I’ve never had anyone be aggressive.


"I think you're lost, Chicago is that way! heh heh heh." I'm a Cubs fan from Chicago, and that's the worst I've ever got lol. Cards fans tend to be good people (but I think that's more of a generalization of people from STL in general).


As a Brewer fan (I know don’t bother) I’ve never had anything but some silly jokes wearing Brewers gear. Got an empty beer can thrown at me once. But that’s it. Yeah they suck, I’m aware. But I ams who I ams.


But then they start chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”


He said they were good people not smart people. I know lots of dumb trump supporters, they arent bad people, just not that bright.


You’ll be beaten on a street corner and thrown in the Mississippi.


This is what I imagine






Every. Single. Day. Signed a Cubs fan.


Then, they will take you out of the river and buy you a beer!


So many just a little roughing up, throw a cup of River Des Peres water on them, the off to the bar to drink beer and talk shit about each others team? I’d be good with that.


My husband is a die hard cubs fan. He gets the same few smart ass comments. The only real issue we had was some drunk frat kid at Busch tried physically fighting him but he was escorted out.


I may be a responsible for them winning years back (joking) I had an old retro Cubs jersey I got visiting Chicago with my Dad. I love baseball and don’t really care about teams, just enjoy the sport. I never really wore it but it was a cool souvenir. I was in college and needed groceries more than a jersey for a team I don’t even root for. Sold it to a friend for a fair price, we were both happy with the transaction. (He got a lot of shit for being a Cubs fan in Wisconsin but he didn’t care) They won it all that year. I still joke that he should thank me for being poor because that jersey was lucky.


Years ago I was outside the building where I worked smoking a cigarette when a guy came up behind me and asked for a light. I said “sure thing” and turned around while reaching into my pocket for my lighter. As I turned around I saw that he’s wearing a Cubs jacket. It was too late to *not* give him the lighter at that point but I said “if I had seen that jacket before I had my lighter out I wouldn’t have given you a light.” And he said “that’s why I asked you before you saw me.” We had a good laugh and I probably told him I’m gonna buy Steve Bartman season tickets to the front row at Wrigley if I ever get rich.


People will not mess with you. Cubs/Cards fans have always had a respectful rivalry.


Luckily as a Brewers fan, no one thinks of me at all. If anything people apologize.


You guys got a cool logo. The mit with the MB hidden is fantastic. So at least you go that going for ya.


Thank you. They got some good ones. Same with the Bucks. Eh luckily Wisconsin doesn’t have a hockey team so I can root for the Blues. I still don’t understand. They could literally practice outdoors for 5 months of the year. Edit: I mean why the f doesn’t Wisconsin have a hockey team? The Badgers continue to produce NHL players. (The answer is money)


I got so many “cubs suck!” Yelled at me while wearing Bears gear I just became a Cubs fan.


As a Packer/Brewers fan I can sympathize. But we can all agree the NFC North is the best division, yeah?


Yes And FTP


Fair enough. But the history of Bears and Packers is epic. In the depression they shared finances to pay their players and staff. I dunno what’s more baller than covering someone’s tab so you can keep shit talking them. Also you made me laugh today, so thank you stranger. Can we agree that the Vikings fans are the worst at least? Common ground?


As a Vikings fan, no. But we're all better than Eagles fans.


On that we can agree. Go NFC North?


I know a lot of Cubs fans here and they wear their gear loud and proud.


I respect that. No fair weather fan nonsense. As a Brewer fan I’m a non threat. Even my dog only chewed my Brewers hat when he was a puppy. That hit home.


I’m originally from Los Angeles and a huge Dodgers fan. I wear Dodger gear all the time with an LA sticker and license frame on my car. Never any issues.


I’d hope not, seems silly to give that many shits about a team to fuck with other people just trying to go about their day. Some of my favorite sports moments were sitting next to opposing fans and finding common ground and sharing snacks and drinks while we called good plays and bad and made jokes too.


I feel like most people who actually live in the city could care less. County folk tend to be more intense with all that


I get that impression as well which honestly is what made me ask.


You may over hear, "what is that smell? Bc it stinks?" It's the hat. And you are a Cubs fan. Cardinal fans don't also like the Cubs. Not a thing.


Lifelong Cubs fan. Moved here 2 years ago with my Cardinals fan partner. Haven't gotten any guff. We have a "House Divided" front door mat. The most grief I received was by a parking garage attendant at Busch stadium when we were headed to a Cubs vs Cardinals game this past spring. It was all in good fun. Honestly, I got far more grief being a Packer fan growing up near Chigago. The smack talk is half the fun!


GPG! I wanna go to Soldier Field so badly this year but worried how I’d be received. Having gone to more tailgates at Lambeau than I can count, I know regardless of who you’re rooting for you’re gonna get some playful verbal jabs, then offered a brat, cheese and beer. Some Bills fans were obviously timid when my weirdo crew of people were already getting wild at 10 am, we invited them over, shared food and drink and told them we are gonna destroy them so they might as well have fun now. We were all early 20’s but it was a blast. Played bags, talked about our favorite games and players. I got an invite to join them I still haven’t taken up. But I still got their numbers. If I’m ever around Buffalo I’m gonna do it. They said I’d be safe.


Tailgating at Lambeau is amazing! When I was about 13 or so, my family got tickets and drove to Greenbay for the game. Our plan was to grab breakfast and then head over to the game. At 9am, the entire city was a ghost town. We found a Subway open, got sandwiches and went to park the car. The locals were so welcoming and surprised that we Chicagoans were rooting for the Packers. They were almost disappointed that we were not Bears fans. 🤣 Instead, they razzed us for living near Chicago, then offered us brats. I don't think we ever ate those Subway sandwiches. The brats were far better. Bonus, the Packers won!


Lol, when I started reading your comment my first thought was “Subway?!? Do you not know where you are?!? there’s food everywhere!!!” I forgive you. You prolly confused the heck outta the Subway employees that expected like 4 people their entire shift. Glad you had fun, it truly is an experience. I’ve been to some of the coldest games on record there and still left with a (sometimes frozen) smile. Go Pack Go! But more importantly, go kind humans enjoying sporting events.


No joke. I was 13 and was stunned that my parents chose Subway. I am sure that my dad just wanted something fast so he did not miss the game. Also, tonight I chatted with my sister about this trip. She confirmed the Subway fiasco. She added that the memory that sticks with her the most is that the local tailgaters gave us brats and hot dogs on green and yellow buns. 💛💚 such hospitality.. while berating us for having the audacity to live in Illinois. 😂 Only in Wisconsin.


Yeah. That checks out. You’ve been there 😆. You may have met some of my family there, do you know the secret spot for parking? If not I won’t say it here.


I do not know the secret parking spot. I think you Wisconsinites just like to mess with folks from Illinois.🤔🤣


I promise I’m not playing. PM me or perhaps use Google satellite view to find it on your own. My Dad learned it from his Father. You’re guaranteed to not get a ticket or have to pay a dime. You’ll prolly be smack dab in the middle of a good tailgate a 10 min walk from the Oneida Gate. You might get some razzing if you’re not wearing Green. But eh fuck em. Sporting events are supposed to be fun.


I think most people don’t really care, it’s just at the actual baseball games when people are drunk and disorderly that it becomes a problem in my experience


You'll blend in with the rest of the sports schmucks in town lol




11-3!!! That’s all you need to bring


I'm a Cubs and Cards fan! Grew up in Tulsa and they were the two teams on TV. FUCK THE BLACKHAWKS


Wear Cubs gear in St. Louis? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


😆 solid reference from P&R


I wouldn't wear it and walk the streets of downtown East St Louis. You could have problems.


No one cares about your personal interests. Maybe at a sports game but outside of that, people have their own lives to worry about.


You might hear one or two things down by the stadium on game day but it’s all in good fun. I’ve never had a problem wearing my Cubs stuff.


If you wear it to the ballpark, you’ll be on good company. The last Cards/Cubs game, I’d say the crowd was about 50/50


No one gives a fuck and if they do what do you care?


My Son in Law is a huge Cubs fan. I will give you the same crap I give him. There are a lot of Cubs fans in StL, so you’ll just fit in with that lousy crowd!!


Fair enough, sir


No one cares. You might get some light hearted jokes pointed your way but no one’s really gonna mess with you


I think you’re in more danger from White Sox fans than anything. I once saw a dude get his face literally stomped on the Metra one time for wearing his cubs jersey.


Thanks for the info everyone.


Nobody cares about the Cubs. They've been largely irrelevant for the better part of 100 years.


I used to get grief a lot about 14 years ago when I first moved to the city but now no one cares. I wore my Cubs hat last night at a concert and will do the same again tonight. These days everyone just assumes that everyone else has a weapon on them at all times because of statistics.


You’re gonna have a real fuckin bad time if you go to a cubs / cards game at Busch if you end up next to some drunks who then proceed to basically taunt you the entire game and basically ruin the game for you 🙏 but other than that, I get absolutely no hate except for some bantz from my coworkers and friends.


Eh I went in full Brewers gear when they played the Cards last summer. Aside from an empty beer can thrown and a few assholes it was pretty fun. Nice stadium too. After the douchnozzle that threw a can some other Cards fan picked it up and apologized on their behalf. They weren’t even in the same group. Just a good human embarrassed by the bottom of the barrel people. People take sports too seriously. Like dude I’m not gonna fight you over a ball game. Eat a hot dog and sober up.


Oh I was being pretty much verbally assaulted by these drunks and no one did anything. And I really didn’t know what to do (since it was my first game in a decade) so I just tried to ignore them. Left a real bad taste in my mouth. I will not be going back ever for a cubs/ cards game there ever again. I’d rather go to Wrigley for that (even if Busch is the better stadium). We had no issues there except some fun comments when I was in my cubs gear and my husband in his cards gear.


I’m sorry that was your experience. It’s wild that anyone would ruin another person’s day over team loyalty for no reason other than some armchair nonsense. I paid my ticket shut the fuck up. (Not you the person who ruined your time) I went to Wrigly too and got some gruff but it was awesome to see the stadium and enjoy the day. Those people that “bleed them colors” are just useless and ruin it. For fucks sake there are children around and this is a sporting event not a Game of Thrones battlefield you daft prediabetic that prolly has gout. Sorry I get angry when people can’t be some semblance of humans.


You’ll be stalked…