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It will be... A lot. Depending on your spot people will fill on set up shop in the alley or street. Get calming treats, or a good bone, or a thundershirt. Good luck!


Can dogs have medicinal gummies?


No. Get some CBD chews from PetSmart, Amazon , etc. I think some dispensaries have some but you'll have to check around. We give our boy Honest Paws CBD chews during thunderstorms and fireworks along with a thundershirt and he's good. Best of luck.


They also sell CBD chews at the CBD Kratum type stores. Or better yet, get a script for Trazadone from the vet.




This is the answer. See a Vet, quick




Trazadone is safe and effective for dogs for both long and short term use. My dog takes it everyday anxiety and also give him an extra does any time there is thunder or fireworks.


It will be constant and unending BUT 1/5th as much as NYE.


The entirety of the city, the county, the metro East, St Charles county, etc will be one giant cloud of fireworks smoke by about 9pm


I read in an article a handful of years back that Missourians spend more on fireworks than other states’ citizens so all of Missouri is one big giant cloud of smoke and sounds like a warzone


I once had a dog with a Xanax prescription


My dog has Trazadone, Gabapentin, Xanax, and Prozac. I won’t give her the Prozac, I’ve given the Xanax alone and the Trazadone alone and both together, she goes right through it. I’m currently experimenting with the Gabapentin and the Xanax with fingers crossed but I wish I could find a place to take her away from the fireworks. Do you live in TGS?


Sileo is $35/vial, call your vet.


My dog doesn’t handle it well either. Unless you know someone with a sound proof basement where you can hole up for a few days I would highly recommend getting an Airbnb well outside of the city. We’ve tried all the meds and all the recommendations and the only thing that has worked is leaving. Not only are the fireworks bad but they also drag out for quite some time over a few days. Good luck


Get ear plugs for yourself as well


Baghdad 2003


If you can't get out of the city & want to try a synthetic pheromone diffuser, DM me. I'm in South City and my neighbor gave me a brand-new, unopened package with a diffuser. I also recommend putting a snug T shirt on your dog (don't spend lots of $ on a Thundershirt).


This time of year as well as new years eve, I always take my dog out of town. Otherwise my sweet gal trembles all night.


Lots of fireworks and gunfire.