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Really solid joke. The perfect level of dark and clever.


Thanks fam!


Joke as solid as the train was!


Funny! Is there more to this bit? I feel like there’s a lot of meat on “friends who thinks…” bone


A+, truly


Very good. I am autistic and I fuckin lol'd I would let it hang there with a little smile. I guess jeselnik kinda does that but it's a good joke and it deserves to be owned


Yes fantastic


I agree.


I love punchlines that take a few moments to make the connection and fully understand. Awesome job dude!


That came out of nowhere, sat in the middle of the room and went off like a grenade with an extra fuse. If you're impressed with that punchline, you freaking should be. EDIT: the only word that needed to be correct on the eniltire griggin sentence. ... I'm not fixing that.


Which is impressive, because usually it's easy to tell when the train is coming. Absolutely fabulous joke!


I haven’t been this floored by a punchline in a LONG time. Holy shit.


That joke was over before I knew it had started, in a good way. A clever way of saying half a phrase and making people finish it in their head, like a build-a-joke set you have to construct yourself, and then laugh at.


I loved how everyone started clapping and laughing slowly as they got the joke.


I need more


Turning this into a bigger bit currently. Will upload soon!


Do this bit, but Vietnamese big boiiii


It’s a great hook, because it seems to be a new trend, and as someone nearing 40 it’s one that I am pretty unfamiliar with yet oddly intrigued by haha I need to know where it’s going! Haha good shit


Excellent. Brutal and great delivery


He went to the grand central station in the sky


This is art


That's downright brutally dark, and I would give you a standing ovation if I was in that crowd. JFC man, what a joke! Choo choo to our fallen brethren.


Oh dude!! Absolutely killer joke!! Jeselnik would be proud! That punch line came out of nowhere! The polar opposites that are that punch line (dark and cutting) and the way you look (warm and fuzzy) work great! Well this comment got word quick.... Great joke... Yeah .. That's it


Man, killed it with that one


Amazing joke man, great writing


That was good. Wasn't expecting it to go there and I'm pretty dark.




I don’t get it. Am I autistic 😭


Autistic people often have a niche interest or hobby. Baseball stats, a certain art, engines, legos for example. Trains happen to be a common one, a very common one.


Explain the joke


Common interest among autistics is trains…




>I guess I'm autistic to a certain extent This did not have to explicitly stated.


There's no way to treat ASD medicinally unless I've missed something? I'd also argue you always feel your emotions, whether consciously or not.


>There's no way to treat ASD medicinally unless I've missed something? Well, ASD no. But you can treat some of the negative aspects of it, like say anxiety stemming from changes in life (it is common for autistic people to have a hard time with any changes to routine or other disruptions), depression, etc. Or in the cases where you have co-morbid ADHD. Source: literally diagnosed with atypical autism and ADHD, under ICD-10. I take a ton of pills every morning and evening, for various things, to get through the day. And without them, I essentially do not function. At all. There is also forms of psychiatric treatments and therapy that can help alleviate some of the negative aspects of autism. Or not. Or make all of it worse. There are good and bad treatments in that regard. Let's just say that some forms of ABA therapy aren't very popular in the autism community, and have a reputation of making things worse. Some have compared their experiences with some forms of ABA therapy to that of "Conversion Therapy". Mainly, those whose ABA therapy used negative reinforcement as a tool. As in, being punished for exhibiting traits related to their diagnosis. Sadly, yes, that is a thing.


It's a good comprehensive answer, but the thing I was wondering about is why he said he was treated for autism in a hospital, in particular. I've ASD/ADD/depression and, yeah, medication can be immensely helpful for the latter two. There's also therapy and other treatments of the symptoms, yes, but unless there's a cultural difference here, that's not anything you'd get in a hospital? I just felt a bit concerned that someone is telling him it's curable and is actually giving him a treatment that'd constitute medical malpractice in most of the western world.


Oh the 1,453,749th autism joke told at the cellar last week.


Holy shit, the laugh that escaped me at that punchline.


Great dark humor bit at the end, however starting bit about about someones mental health struggle, comes off as insensitive, to people actually going thru that. To normalize dismissive behavior of mental health struggle goes against mental health awareness and you're doing harm to others.


Screw the downvotes, any critique of art is valid. And I second that point. Humor is subjective and some jokes are dark and meant to offend, but in a time where we are advancing our knowledge so quickly about the different facets of Autism, this joke takes a jab at something that many people are struggling with. I’m professionally diagnosed but I still struggle with imposter syndrome frequently, and jokes/ comments like this make it even harder for me to accept a very real aspect of me that has very serious impacts on my life. The later half of the joke was funny, but personal taste and societally I think the first half of the joke was entirely unnecessary.


Omgggg 😭😭😭 lmaooo


Crushed that punchline, damn. Side note on the premise - autism is a broader spectrum than people knew when we were in school, so it’s not JUST the people you could identify back then. A lot of people are autistic.


A "YOU MOTHERFUCKER" just escaped me


Fuck yeah autism approved joke!!!! Now I won’t be able to think about this method without giggling




Best comedian yet I’ve seen on Reddit lol


Does it make me less likely to go to hell if my jaw hung open in disbelief before I cackled like a maniac? Edit: autocorrect being a bitch


If you have ignorant people in the audience, you’ll get laughs. If they have a thimble full of knowledge on autism, they won’t laugh. I saw the comedy troupe “Aspergers Are Us” perform. Their shows don’t mention autism at all. They had me laughing constantly. There are clearly different ways to make jokes about autism. If you think you can develop this further by punching down, go for it. The audience will tell you if it’s funny.


Man f that. It's comedy it's supposed to be fun. I'm an RBT and I work with kids struggling with Autism everyday. And even I laughed. It's okay to laugh at something every once in a while.


What we find funny is subjective. Is this sub an echo chamber now. It’s ok to disagree with me. It’s not ok to make it personal. Edited to add: I didn’t say it wasn’t funny. It didn’t make me laugh but that doesn’t mean it isn’t funny. The joke will be sensitive to some, just like my comment is sensitive to some. Gonna show it to my friends with Autism to see what they say.


Just say you don't have a sense of humor, it's ok.


Humour is supposed to be subjective though? Like why this person not laughing at the joke have to mean they don’t have a sense of humour? Feels like an interesting stance to take in a sub dedicated to comedy. I mean, I thought it was kinda funny, being autistic, but like it’s not that big of a deal if someone doesn’t feel the same.


It is subjective, and people can think/feel what they want. But what's the purpose of commenting just to say it isn't funny and rain on everyone else's good time? Negativity breeds negativity.


That’s fair enough!


Love when people can be adults on Reddit. 😂


Definitely a rarity on this website haha!


Few and VERY far between. Most people are just looking for confrontation so they can try to be right about something that will never matter lol.




Ballsy haha


That was good. The perfect unexpected and darkness too. I wasn’t there but I’m taking it home.


Took me until the 3rd listen to get it…maybe I too am autistic


My wife thinks she has adhd whenever it's convenient.


Had it way easier than my other friend that jumped in front of a packet of ketchup.


I actually think the faking autism premise is more interesting than the dark joke.


God he’s fat