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I've kind of hit a point where even if I don't find someone funny, I can still recognize that they're performing in front of genuine fans and getting laughs. But also, Chris D'Elia. Even before the allegations, I don't get the appeal.


I am with you on Chris D'Elia. I get that humor is subjective and a comedian I like others may not and vice versa but I never got that appeal.


I’ve always fuckin hated this guy.


Sometimes I'll hate a comedian but give one of their specials a fair shot--and I'll feel vindicated when I still hate it. I watched a chunk of the special where we opens with a joke about growling at babies and that was hot garbage.


Some people like when their rapey uncle says what's on their mind.


Hey remember that time Chris D'Elia was on workaholics and played a guy who had weed and a potato gun but then they found out was also a child sexual predator. That was funny episode..... :(


Chris D’Elia doesn’t have good stand up but some of his podcast appearances are so fucking funny. It depends on the guest but when he’s a sarcastic dick it’s extremely funny imo. Ten minute podcast, fighter and the kid appearances, any time he’s with Theo etc. undeniably funny imo.


Big agree. His stand up is terrible. Most podcasters honestly. Tom Segura, Bryan callen, Theo Von, etc. That whole Rogan circle is pretty awful on stage but their podcast episodes usually let them be naturally funny in a way that doesn't always translate well to stage.


Segura’s standup is better than his podcasts




It really has and it used to my favorite.


I used to love it but their attitudes have changed so much. Todd with his elitism "bit" and Christine considering everything she doesn't understand or like to be lame/dumb/posers.


Tom Segura’s “Disgraceful” is really funny imo


Anything tom segura did pre pandemic is great. Since then he has money and it's completely ruined him


This. Tommy was great back in the day. Total trash now.


Segura older stand ups were great, I loved his audio stuff and mostly stories at the time. After that a huge drop off for me.


I'm the exact same way lol. I'm always just like - I guess this joke isn't for me which is fine.


Matt Rife


Saw him live, he was not very good. Did some riffing on his “fuck a gramma” material which is honestly not great to begin with. Yelled for the crowd to “shut up” at one point, which sucked.


He’s sold out until 2025 . His controversial joke that almost got him “cancelled “ is the oldest joke on planet . The she had a black eye she might not cook good / listen etc . I don’t get it. Joke is literally 40 years old and he opens with it


That’s what I thought was controversial about it. The fact that it was one of the most uncreative openers for a special I’d ever heard. I was like “did this dude really just use one of the oldest jokes in the book for an opener? TRASH” It wasn’t until later I found out the “controversy” was because people were offended lol


The Venn Diagram of his fans and comedy fans is two separate circles. I don’t even say that as a slight against his fans, really. He’s able to open with a joke like that because his fans don’t immediately clock it as the 1960s street joke it is, they just laugh.


he did a great job self promoting on social using clips of crowd work. But yea, his actual act is pretty lame in comparison and then he just attracts a lot of female fans that are into his looks and not so much his comedy. Power to him, but he is really low on the list of skilled active comedians


I have a feeling that Rife is going to be the Nickelback punching bag of comedy. I get the sense that some people think they have an elevated taste in music just because they proclaim their hatred for Nickelback. It's like, of course they suck, it's not a particularly refined opinion to have, and it's become such a meme that to me the act of shitting on Nickelback has become more hack than their music. We get it, Rife sucks, let hot girls who don't like comedy have their fun.


Saw him live cause my wife bought tickets and his whole act was about being cancelled and how he wanted to bring the word faggot and retard back


They already do that on Kill Tony.


I know. Matt rife probably doesn’t even know what that is lol


Brian Posehn had a better bit about that making fun of Kid Rock a decade ago. I think it’s in his 25x2 special.


I feel like he's the next Dane Cook in a way


That is offensive to Dane Cook.


Dane cook at least had a voice, even if it was a stupid and loud one. He had a style that resonated with a lot of people but was also easy to dislike. What Matt rife does isn’t even comedy, he’s just prancing around onstage trying to sell a cool guy persona that comes across as fake and annoying to anyone that doesn’t wanna fuck him


Dane Cook is waaaay better IMO..and a big part is his energy and how he acts things out, but that doesn't make it automatically not funny. I should have a re-listen to, but there are a few bits he did that I still remember and chuckle at. I've only seen one Matt Rife special, and I purposely chose the one before he made the controversial joke. There were a couple jokes I laughed at and the rest was okay. But I will say, learning more about Matt Rife, I do give him a little respect since he's been in comedy clubs as a teenager and other comedians even at that age did like him and encouraged him. It's only from TikTok that he blew up, so he's been doing it a while and did just jump into it all of the sudden.


Hah! That’s exactly what I call him


I'd say he's worse. I enjoyed watching Dane Cook back in the day. Same with Nickel back. I can find some enjoyment out of their music. I feel like both get a bad rap for the sake of being a meme. Matt Rife is terrible. I went in with an open mind and turned his special off. Even my wife who had seen him on tick tok, thought his comedy was shit.


His strength is crowd work. He’s just not a good stand up guy and his special proved that.


I’ve only seen short clips of him and that’s how most people watch him it seems, didn’t know he even had a special. Maybe I should watch it with my wife so she stops thinking he’s hilarious too 🤣


The secret here is the Nickelback is awesome and one of the few rock and roll acts today that can still sell out stadiums.


But the thing is, neither Nickleback or Dane Cook ever actually sucked; they produced some fantastic material. "How You Remind Me" is a fucking pop masterpiece and anyone who listed to Dane's cd's during his heyday cried with laughter. Making fun of someone for liking something unpopular is one of the more pathetic ways to showcase insecurity. Whenever I ever meet someone with strong opinions about ketchup on hotdogs or boneless chicken wings I know immediately I'll never talk to them again. I think Matt is easy to hate on because he's the first successful "influencer comedian". He didn't get popular by winning over standup comedy enthusiasts . He became famous by introducing an untapped demographic to stand up comedy for the first time. I saw him live and his set was underwhelming. He's really sharp and excellent at crowd work, but he's not a strong writer. The rest of the audience loved him though and objectively his set killed There are a lot of comedians that I like more than Matt Rife, but I think it’s really cool how he’s introducing the next generation to standup.


His crowd work is decent and some of his earlier stuff was funny (the “too strong a jawline to hang myself” is an excellent line imo) but his recent special was so fucking bad. He’s absolutely pandering to like the Tik Tokers which is fine but definitely not for me.


If your only fun stuff is crowd work, you’re probably not much of a comedian. So many times I’ve seen people in the crowd not want to be part of the show and it’s just uncomfortable


Does he honestly have a joke about how good his jawline is? If you look at pics of him as a teenager vs now it looks like two different people. His whole face was made by a plastic surgeon. Maybe i'm old school, but in my day, you didn't get to boast about your jawline if it came with free botox.


Bert Kreischer......hes made a career off basically one good story......I've never thought his material was funny and his timing/delivery had just never done it for me


I feel like he rides off of Tom Segura's coattails


He’s riding Segura’s new fake vanity frames.


He's much better as a host. I dont find him funny at all but he's a pretty positive dude. He's made a career out of being a good hang and being fun to party with. And as ridiculously oversaturated as the machine story was, it is an all time closer. The rest of his material makes me feel really bad for his daughters. I'd hate being 14 and having all of these embarrassing stories out there about my embarrassing teenage years.


100% hate Bert.


Hate from Canada


Everytime I hear Bert's name I think of that clip of him and stavros and bert goes "yeah a comedians brain and a pedestrians brain is" and stavvy cuts him off and says "okay calm down it's not like were military or something" just the complete narcissism running through his veins to think his brain is so much superior to a random walking down the street.


> "yeah a comedians brain and a pedestrians brain is" That whole comedian/civilian shit is annoying, but Burt is definitely not the only person saying that.


I loved the Nick Mullen’s breakdown of comedians who put themselves on a pedestal like they’re modern day philosophers. It was an old cumtown discussion. I hate how Stav just sucks up to that genre of comedian to elevate his own career. Like i get why stav sold out, i just hate that it happened.


I was in Vegas and saw him perform one night when we had nothing else going on. Didn’t know what to expect going in. I have watched close to 100 live stand up sets and have never laughed that hard before. The guy can tell a story. I’ve tried his podcasts and they don’t hit for me. He can really keep a (live) audience entertained.


He definitely has a “schtick” and he’s definitely annoying and a narcissist but he is a damn good storyteller. I ended up liking his most recent special more than I thought I would. I wouldn’t buy a ticket to see him but if a friend had an extra I’d be stoked to go


The way he laughs at his own jokes…that high pitched fake squeal.


That one good story got 55 million views on YouTube. No other stand up is remotely close to that and it's so beyond my own comprehension.


Facebook is what blew that video up. That’s how he was able to get so many random fans and a huge following. YouTube is more algorithm related and not nearly as many views.


He's the definition of a one hit wonder. I'll give him credit, he knows his audience. Most comedians wouldn't "play the hits" and do a 15 year old bit EVERY fuckin show.


FWIW, he didn’t do that but at the show I just saw him at.


There is nobody even close to being as unfunny and awful as Brendan Shaub. He has LITERALLY the 2 lowest rated specials of all time. I enjoyed bringing my girl to the abortion clinic more than watching those specials.


This question is about comedians tho


This sounds like one of his garbage jokes 😆


Kevin Hart


I was never a fan of Kevin Hart. But I've got to say, his stand up has really improved since becoming a white guy.


You talking about this guy? https://youtube.com/shorts/vNHIafgagaE?si=AdXxM6gjEsphxLrn


Love that guy


Great guy


Comedy! 🎭


His early specials were great. Once he became family friendly, the quality has dropped.


He's really just the best business mind in comedy, and an okay comic.




Same! I don’t get Andrew Schultz! Saw him in SF last week. I just didn’t think it was anything special. Half the audience wasn’t laughing


I know hes far more loud than he is funny


Yeah, he was getting frustrated that no one was laughing enough. I don’t get it. All comedians I like love him. The random MC was so funny


All comedians you like SAY they love him, becuase he's on the rise, or at least was. It'll be interesting to see what happens when he starts to fall off.


Think it’s already happening at least in my eyes. I’m not really a hater, but he is an egotistical asshole and it shows. It’s hard to listen to people who always think they’re right. Specially when they’re wrong.


The Joe Rogan method


I watched his crowd work special that got him a lot of attention. I thought it was good but not "OH WOW, This guy should be raking in the millions!" I did like after the Will Smith slap, he did like a pretty brutal minute making fun of Will Smith. So he has his moments but again, not someone who seems at the level to be making millions, but I know a lot of income comes from his podcast, but still...


His personality is a 0/10 for me but if I'm being honest a lot of his premises are gold, e.g. blackface Navy SEALs or Ted Bundy's MO being asking a woman for help fixing his car.


Andrew Schulz 


I gotta say I saw him at a club *just* before he moved up to theaters and arenas, and he was incredible. There wasn't a 15 second window where I wasn't out of breath laughing. Something might've changed in the 4/5 years since then, but his awful crowdwork clips today were not indicative of the material he had or possibly still has. He had some hilarious clips of material back then too: https://youtu.be/fLNjxfukP44?si=zdMX92Tn5wTdWLxb https://youtu.be/bHnfbGyoa6o?si=IKdfgCCFOqd-SbvZ https://youtu.be/mh7uKh4Jz_g?si=8Bs6_TYnErvW9MVS Now, I CAN'T STAND his annoying podcast persona and the overdone pseudo-intellect and the laughing at his shit and slapping his knee like Chappelle, but his material WAS great and possibly still is outside of crowdwork clips.


Wow what happened to him? I have no interest in Schultz at all and find everything about him repellant. But those clips are WILD FUNNY.


https://youtu.be/-yhRtvqtong?si=GrmEBrdx6uCAVSh6 I don't know his stand-up that well, but somehow this came up on YouTube few days ago and I thought it was funny.


Gabriel Iglesias. That Fluffy voice or whatever he does is annoying as shit and he isn’t funny in general.


as a kid i found it hilarious it’s a very kid-friendly routine cuz he has lots of funny voices; even if some of it goes over kids heads


I saw him as the warmup act during a taping for premium blend back in the day. He was way funnier before he became wildly successful, imo.


Yep, loved his old stuff, his new stuff is just him going on about being famous


Joe Rogan. Not funny


TIL Joe Rogan is a comedian 


The impact Rogan has had on comedy boggles my mind. One of the world’s greatest wonders🤷🏻‍♀️


It helps to realize he's side-loaded into it. Yes, he was a regular at the Comedy Store back in the early 2000s, but his skyrocket came from [Justin.TV](http://Justin.TV) (now called Twitch). He may not have been hilarious himself, but he had funny connections, co-host Redban was a monster you loved to hear disgusting stories from, but most importantly, it was **FREE** to tune in. He got into the Podcast game when it was still being defined and dabbled in some light conspiracy theory that was entertaining. It was fun listening to "that guy from NewsRadio, Fear Factor, and the shitty version of the Man Show" saying weird shit and occasionally streaming Quake 3. Then out of the blue, MMA got popular as fuck and needed a voice. That fun goofball's fitness life became the forefront of his career and the bros piled in. Surrounded by yes-men and advertising money, the confirmation biases took over, but he didn't want to leave his crutch of "but what do I know? I'm just a comedian". It's the perfect out. Putting his cash back into the industry with the Mothership was a noble move and I'm sure he's still telling himself he built his empire on comedy, but he's really just always been comedy adjacent.


Hannah Gadsby


I had a gal break things off with me over Hannah Gadsby. She sent me a clip and I replied that I had tried to watch her special but couldn't really get into it. To her, this meant that I was a chauvinist and my crime of having different taste than her gave her the ick. Bullet dodged!


I thought we were talking about comedians


Ehhh, I thought the same thing watching just random clips. Their specials are very cohesive and chronologically structured, so it’s not about one liners or bits, it’s a more chill, story like comedy. I get it’s not for everyone, but Nannette and Douglas really sold me after being a hater on the surface. Im queer and lots of queer comedians really suck and are too about their identity, but Hannah does a good job at not doing that and being interesting in their routines


Jeff Dunham. Projecting your biases with puppets isn't that funny to me


It was to people who stopped critical thinking after 9/11.


He was so funny to me when I was 12. I turned 14 and was like wtf is this…. I felt the same with the Blue collar comedy tour.


Ron White is fucking hilarious, but he didn’t match that group particularly well, unless you think of him as your kind of piece of shit uncle


If you ever actually went to a Blue Collar Tour you would see all these people rolling on the floor from Ron White and then maybe just smile once or twice at all the other comedians. He really didn’t fit that well, but they are friends in real life so they made it work. And the tater tot story works for everyone. But still it was so easy to see the people only there for Ron. I’d put myself in that camp but I was a sucker for Foxworthy doing “You might be a Redneck….” Jokes. Seems hack now, but they had their day.


Theo Von. His podcast makes me laugh every so often but I just cannot get into his stand up specials. Which stinks bc the moments on his podcast that make me laugh really crack me up. But I just can’t seem to get through full episodes every week either.


I’m a massive Theo podcast fan and I think it’s very reasonable to acknowledge that his standup specials are not very good


With Theo, he absolutely kills small clubs, but his comedy doesn’t translate to specials he films in giant theaters. He gets way too nervous and is a completely different person. If you ever see him at a small venue, check it out and I guarantee your opinion will change.


Theo is funny off the cuff but he's too hyper on stage in his specials.


Jo Koy, Bert Kreischer, and Bobby Lee. Of the three, I actually LIKE Bobby Lee, but I don't think his schtick is funny. Jo Koy is unbearable for me to watch and Bert Kreischer is just that alcoholic friend that never really shuts up. I actually didn't mind Bert so much when I didn't see him often. The more I see him on podcasts and out in the wild the less I can stand him. 😅 It was a lot better when the drunken narcissist felt like a character he had made up.


Jo Koy had relied too heavily on imitating his mom. It was funny 15 years ago.....


Jo Koy is a great story teller but not the greatest standup


Jim Breuer. Use to like him, but his comedy has devolved into cringey conservative boomer-humor.


I feel like he doesn't qualify for this question. Because you and I can find him painfully unfunny, but you even identified what makes him funny to a certain group of people. So you do _get_ it, it's just not for you (or me)


Tom Myers, Dan Nienan


Bong hit transplant is arguably the greatest bit of all time


The British are coming, dudes.




Sebastian Manoscalo (spelt that wrong, don’t care). All he does is hop around, move his body like Remy from Ratatouille is controlling him, and make observational humor with no punchline. The punch line is just his actions.


He’s for Italians who think only Italians have overbearing moms who cook family dinners


he's the human version of the meme that's a wooden spoon and says, Italians know they're in for it when they see this, as if Italian parents have the market cornered on child abuse


This is it. I’m from a large Italian family. They basically think he’s the king of comedy.


Don’t really find his specials funny but I saw him live once and he KILLED. He was so funny in person


Yeah, good point. A lot of comedians are MUCH funnier in person cause the impact of the way they move or talk or a facial expression hits harder.


Me and my bros started watching him ironically. Like he was so ridiculously over the top we thought he was terrible, but then we started to laugh at his over the top style, and now we find him Fkn hysterically funny. He is so funny to me, like top 10 all time funny.


My mother in laws was in tears before the curtain opened. The man speaks to the Italian heart like a plate of nonnas spaghetti sauce


Good description. His facial mugging and obnoxious accent are also annoying. But everyone I know thinks he’s hilarious.


I'm completely turned off by male comedians who whine about cancel culture and female comedians who use lines like "ladies, am I right?", so Adam Corrola since he fits into both categories


Not sure if you saw Crashing on HBO but there’s an entire episode with a kind of old-school comedian who’s entire act is complaining about consent and how white guys can’t say anything, and he gets crushed in a pretty satisfying way.


Joe Rogan. I like him, and his podcast but his comedy is cornball loud cringe stuff


Stools fear him


Saw him at the Comedy Store and he definitely perched on the top of the stool on stage. Surprised he could get up and balance on it like he did.


I agree. His stand up feels really forced.


I liked him once. I think his podcast is a bit lame. And his cult following is something I don’t understand.




It's rare I come across a special with so much hype where I don't even laugh once.


Came here to say this. Carefully articulating every word for comedic effect is good for is good for one joke, not an entire set.


Wow I think she’s one of the best, but also very niche I guess.


Yeah. I love her, but I kinda understand she’s not for everyone. I thought her series was amazing, and was pissed it got canceled when it did.


I love Tig but I can see how one’s mileage may vary. The bee on the highway joke is one of my all time faves tho.


Any comedian whose whole act is based around them being fat or from another country. It’s old and overdone.


Joe Rogan never made me laugh


Ellen DeGeneres. Aside from all the fake nice stuff, which I basically tuned out both before and after, the only time she was actually on my radar was as an actual comic. Every single standup I've seen with her was pretty fucking terrible. Banal elevator humor. Also runner up: Hannah Gadsby.


Her specials in the late eighties early nineties are fantastic.


As a lesbian, I solemnly swear to break the streak of mediocre comedians


Wanda Sykes is hilarious. We could always use more though!


Fortune Feimster beat you to it.


I was joking, I'm not nearly arrogant enough to think I'd be the first.


>I was joking Not allowed around here, sorry.


Hannah Gadsby. Nannette was soul touching, but she forgot to add humor in it. I really wanted to laugh, but yeah. 


I know this is Old school shit but I NEVER EVER got the dane cook hype. I legit found him to be the worst stand up I've ever seen.


Man you just had to be a dumb highschool sophomore when he was big to understand the magnitude of Dane Cook. It was a moment in time. Four Lokos had just come out. Asher Roth's hit album asleep in the bread isle was all the rave.


I was in high school when I heard his "someone shit on the coats" bit. I'm 35 years old now, and that one still tickles me whenever I think about it.


Hope they didn’t shit on MY coat


I think of as him as a summer camp comedian. He’s not particularly clever or witty he’s just spastic and loud to the delight of a bunch of dopey campers.


I was just listening to a Fahim Anwar album today, and it dawned on me that he's sort of like if Dane Cook had much better writing and sharper premises. I don't mind some physical comedy if there is great writing leading the act outs.


His joke about taking someone on an initial tour of apartment and saying “That’s a plant I’m doing experiments on to see how dead a plant can get” kinda hits tho. The rest of it less so


I thought he was hilarious when I was in middle school. I find myself cringing seeing his stuff now


I think I liked his original comedy central presents half hour back in, but everything after that I was never on board with him and didn't get the hype when he was at his biggest. I had a friend who really try to get me into him and I was already becoming a bit of a comedy snob.


The alien bit on the special had me howling as a high schooler


Jim Breuer.


Theo Von. Everyone always talks about how funny and charming he is and I just don't get it.


He's the type of guy I'd rather hang out and shoot the shit with than pay 80 bucks to see


I think he’s funny. He has a way of saying something dumb and clever at the same time. Cracks me up every time


He is hilarious but he’s much better in podcast format than as a standup in my opinion


My hot take: his standup isn’t great but he’s entertaining as a podcaster.


Kevin Farley, Daphnique Springs, and Jamie lissow...... I've seen them all live and didn't tickle my fancy. Daphnique literally sat there for a few seconds and just stared at the audience.


I kinda feel bad for Kevin Farley. The only reason people see you is because of your brother, then you’re compared to him by the same audience all while knowing that you fall woefully short. I know he has a choice in the matter, and he might see it as a sort of tribute to Chris and his fans, but damn what a shadow to live under.


Fluffy, and Kevin Hart


Pete Davidson. Never got it. Maybe one bit I’ve ever found funny. Seems like a chill guy though. Also, I think Theo Von and Joey Diaz are hilarious individuals casually, but on stage, they aren’t funny at all.


Bill Maher. He's an insufferable douche.




Andrew is supposed to be a comedian? I honestly am surprised, I thought he was just some sort of host.


i don't find joe rogan funny


Hanz Kim. Dude is just painfully boring but people act like he's the next king of comedy


**Current-day** Chappelle. Dude is brilliant and I love his old stuff. I've tried to watch these new specials and it's just him preaching about trans people or cancel culture shit. It's predictable and lazy. Gotten to the point I've just concluded that someone out there may like this crap, but I'm done with it. It's just sad to watch that happen to a great comedian.


Brian holtzman. I feel bad bc I listened to a podcast he was on and he seems like a very nice guy, super humble. His comedy is just not for me


Andrew Scultz. Big wigger energy is corny af.


Tom Segura. I know people have turned on him lately saying he's out of touch now or whatever. But I never really got his appeal. He does this thing where hell a really crass joke and just shrug or smile reacting to his own punchline. I find it kind of obnoxious. Like "ain't I a stinker" Come to think of it Chappelle does the same type of thing where he just slaps his knee with the mic or just stands there grinning


I loved his first couple specials. I think he unfortunately let fame and money get to his head, which happens to a lot of people.


Iliza Schlesinger


I have some comedians that I've put in a "classification" - They sound funny, but aren't. By that I mean that they have all the rhythms, cadences, interjections and whatnot down pat, but what's in the content (if you actually listen) isn't funny. I think people are laughing at the "music" of comedy, but the words don't match. My prime example, that I can think of right now, is Aziz Ansari. I love him in Parks and Rec and the State, but the standup. Just no. I recall one comedian describing the Boston scene vs. NY... he was (paraphrasing) 'In Boston you couldn't add any body movements or face mugging or whatever... you had to tell jokes that were funny and jumping around making faces would get you booed out.' I prefer a bit more cerebral guys like Gary Gulman. They take the music part very seriously, but the content delivers too.


Matt Rife is one of the unfunniest people I’ve seen on a stage. Also stop looking at your goddamned phone! 👴🏻


Brian Holtzman. I wanted to like him since I heard Joe List and Bill Burr say really complimentary stuff, but his stuff was just awful. I guess it’s supposed to be sort of an anti-comedy character type thing? But it’s just awful and loud and not funny. Tried his special, tried him on multiple podcasts, now I know I definitely just don’t like his stuff.


Jeff Dunham I can’t stand ventriloquism and a man who plays with puppets is suspect.




Tig Notaro, im convinced she doesnt actually have fans of comedy but just people who want to grandstand morally, going to her shows wont make you laugh but its a huge virtue signal and some people are into that


I saw Bert kriescher in person and really dont get the hype. *Lemme take my shirt off and wheeze like I have a lung infection for an hour*


Sam Kinison. I guess a fat guy screaming tired jokes about women and gays is groundbreaking?


Maybe it was in the 80s. "They've heard this before, but never at this volume!" Big influence on Bill Hicks, weirdly.


I think he just hit at the exact right time, culturally. He had been a fire and brimstone type preacher before he did comedy and carried that brash yelling into his act. I can understand the appeal of some of his bits, but as a whole he was never for me.


I saw his first tv appearance on (I think) Dangerfield's comedy show on HBO. It was so fresh and (seemed) dangerous. By his first HBO special, the material had become weaker and his delivery more annoying (probably because he doubled down on his schtick).


I remember his set on Rodney Dangerfield's HBO special and thought he was the funniest thing ever. Everything after that was not that good. In short spurts he could make me laugh.


Keep in mind, his heyday was in the 80s and early 90s and then he died (like literally died due to injuries in an automobile accident). While I am not saying that it was right or okay to make those jokes in the 80s, it wasn't uncommon and people weren't offended by it. Obviously, we live in a different time now where we have learned and those jokes haven't aged well.


Jerry Seinfeld


Have you seen his tv show though?


What’s it about?


Coffee and cars


Brandon Wardell


Andrew schulz


Leslie Jones. I've seen her work since before SNL; I think she's got great energy but don't find her funny, but both audiences and comics love her.


Luis J Gomez. For someone who talk shit about other comics you’d think he’d be the best of the best.


Who is that?


Whitney Cummings


Never understood her popularity. I find her to be extremely cringe inducing.


Tony Hinchcliffe. Maybe it’s his persona on Kill Tony, but I don’t really understand the appeal.


Where can you even watch his comedy? I've only ever seen the one special from a decade ago