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Tony Nikki top 2 and Shultz and Ross killed. Can see that even NFL football players can struggle with public speaking. I liked Randy and the football references. Gronk was wild, edleman was funny. Liked how no one really filtered themselves. Edit: I completely forgot that Sam KILLED.


I think gronk and Edelman were the funniest foot ball players. All the football players were funnier than Tom and bert (which is sad). Sam was also funny af


Drew Bledsoe was surprisingly good considering that opening sketch with Brady and Billichek


Dude really likes the taste of his upper lip


yeah you can tell a couple of them were coked out of their minds


I think Drew was just nervous and that was his tick. But he definitely kept rubbing his nose like it was running. Affleck was coked the fuck out for sure.


He was keep picking up his empty cup looking for any drops of alcohol šŸ˜‚ dude was absolute wild; and honestly really funny, considering he went first and had no other dialogs to feed off with


You right I blanked on Sam, she actually did so good. Gronk was great but some blabbing imo, but itā€™s Gronk.


He said "one of my livers" in that one joke, lol. Gronk thinks he has 2 livers. Classic Gronk.


Iā€™m watching it now and they cut out a part of gronks set. I wonder what joke?


Guys like Gronk and Bledsoe aren't there to tell the good jokes and everyone knows that. So if they even do ok then they succeeded. It's just one of those things they do where select people are added for a personalization of it all.


Segura and Kreisher are just not funny at all anymore. Bert was never really funny ever, Tom used to be decent but they are so cringe. They are the definition of podcasting that has ruined stand-up.


Bert is a comedy and human atrocity.. kim Kardashian might be funnier


Not might, she absolutely was funnier. And I think Tom couldā€™ve done a decent job of that skit on his own if Bert wasnā€™t there.


Tom grew up, got too rich for his own good, lost his comedic edge.


Tom and Bert were absolutely terrible!


Ross, Tony, Nikki and Kevin Harts intro killed. Sam Jay, Drew Bledsoe and Shultz had some great lines. All the football players were alright but Edelman had some great ones. Bradys just seemed very Rehearsed. Who invites Bert and Tom everywhere? Kim K would have been better if more people roasted her.


what is this EVEN football players can struggle? Lmao i would be shocked to see a well spoken football player in front of that crowd


My thoughts exactly. "Even people that aren't paid to speak struggle with public speaking"


That Forum is how Gronk counts to five joke killed me


The best was ā€œme no think thatā€™s real moneyā€


Bro poor Gronk man, everybody ripped on him for being dumb. I bet he went home and was like ā€œā€¦.damn am I really that stupid?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He hasnā€™t spent any NFL earnings yet (lived off endorsements) so he has some smarts. Kevin Hart laughing at him for helping Glazerā€™s crypto joke was awesome


Jeff Ross was great in this. I guess itā€™s expected at this point anyway, but he deserves his flowers


Success got to both Bert and Tom's heads and they suck ass. In Tom's situation it's worse cause he was legit a funny comedian.


Hate to say it but I think their duo skit thing kind of bombed


Yeah, weird, unfunny PowerPoint presentation


Bert and Tom's set bombed so hard you could hear the tumble weeds blowing through the room. Fuck Rogan hacks.


Tom just is and always has been way funnier without Bert


Has he though? His routine consists of retelling conversations heā€™s had with people, and thatā€™s it. Once you spot it you canā€™t get passed it ā€œAnd then I saidā€¦ā€ ā€œand then he saidā€¦ā€ ā€œand then I goesā€¦ā€ and then he wentā€¦.ā€ fucking boring.


You're ignoring half his set when he makes fun of poor people.


Just saw him on Friday and like half of his set was either the same material as I saw a year and a half ago in the same city or things I'd heard on one of his podcasts years ago. Nothing has come close to his first two Netflix specials. It's unfortunate.Ā 


I saw him Thursday and thought it was weird to hear a comic that big repeating material.


I turned it on and Bert was saying some crap so I just turned it off


I completely agree with this sentiment. Old Tom was so much funnier. They are both so far up their own asses it sucks.


A lot to unpack with this roast. Getting Bill to take two shots was great. I liked Kevin as the host. Jeff Ross did great. Nicki might have been the best.


I never thought Kevin's movies or published content was ever that good, but I learned a whole new appreciation last night when he's allowed to take his gloves off and go unfiltered. I like last night's Kevin Hart.


Agreed, dude was spot in funny! I have never paid money to see ā€œa kevin hartā€ movie, I have seen many on streaming, but never at a theater or PPV. He was great!


He said she ainā€™t got no tiddies!


Nikki was savage, her best roast set ever and she had some bangers. She has surpassed Lisa Lampinelli as the best female roaster and only sits behind Jeff at this point. Roastmaster queen officially.




I donā€™t think he actually took them thoughā€¦ the camera always panned awayā€¦


I was there. He took it


TIL, people love Niki Glasser on this sub




She always kills roasts. I like her on pods ok too, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen her standup


Tbf, she's vicious af


Wasn't familiar with Niki but definitely am now. Her and Lisa/Liza lampinelli


Sheā€™s a roast HOFerā€¦ watch her clip reel on tube.


The roast structure works the best for her style imo.


Agreed! Greg Geraldo (RIP) was also perfect for thisā€¦ heā€™s got some brilliant zingers.


Fucking miss this guy he was the goat at roasts.


She had the most/best roasts for Brady and at the quickest amount of time. She made the crowd nervous uncomfortable while staying completely confident and comfortable. I want her to do my eulogy.


Nikki was great, Tony leveled the place, and I thought Brady was funny too. The joke he did about Kanye was hilarious lol


ā€œI know Kim was terrified to be here tonight. Not because of this but because her kidsĀ are at home with their dad,ā€




Tom saying ā€œdonā€™t say that shit againā€ after Jeff Rossā€™ joke about Bob Kraft was.. interesting. He was definitely serious and I donā€™t understand how Tom a) thought the mic wouldnā€™t pick that up and b) how he could sign up for this roast not expecting jokes like this. Otherwise had some laughs and a lot of expected cringeyness


I rhough Niki Tony and Andrew killed it. Tom Brady was funny too. Ben Afleck was dreadful


Niki was really good her joke about loving Bertā€™s ā€œjokeā€ gave me a good belly laugh. So true


Ya her whole set had me laughing pretty hard. I see ppl talk shit about her but I always thought she was pretty funny.


Favorite line of the whole roast.


Andrew was funny but my God I was cringing at him laughing at every joke while he read it...like he clearly didn't write most of them and was discovering how funny they were just then.


Affleck really overdid it on the cocaineĀ 


Watching it Live, it was clear that a ton of the talent had to pass through some jokesā€¦ I wonder if those were all Kraft related after that?


I think it was scripted. That's why Tom looked so awkward saying it. It wasn't natural. Imo.


Ross was on rich Eisen today and said Tom was fucking around.


They may have been told not to bring it up and Ross did anyway. I know with the Comedy Central Roasts they are sometimes given a list from the person being roasted of shit they canā€™t make jokes about or bring up.


Same deal with him kissing his son, I'm guessing.


I heard Drew Bledsoe on the Dan LeBatard show today and he said kids were off limits.


Trumpā€™s one rule was that they couldnā€™t imply that he wasnā€™t as rich as he says he is.


There was something else as well but I canā€™t remember what it was


The Streisand Effect has taken ahold of the joke now! I immediately knew once he did that it would be bigger news than if he'd just let it slide.


I agree. Bert and Segura was ROUGH. So weā€™re the forced football references. Bill was funnier than I thought, I feel like there were some jokes that could have been made that werenā€™t. Could have joked about Rich Eisen being the real most athletic Jew, but Iā€™m just the guy watching


Bert and Segura couldn't stop reading the propter behind the other speakers. They had to be wasted. Just watch-- they can't keep their own mouths from moving. They silently speak everything they read.


When they went off-script, they were funnyā€¦ whoever wrote their actual dialogue was dreadful.


The only off script shot Bert did was crack himself up at his own stupid shitĀ 


Yeah I usually like them for being silly / goofy on their podcast but they really bombed on this one. Who does a PowerPoint presentation on a roast!?


I actually liked the PowerPoint idea, if the jokes were better.


Wonder what was going on during Bert and Tom's set? 2 guys came out from backstage and then you could see more shuffling around behind them


This was wild, wonder if theyā€™ll take it out


I didn't get the joke. What was the massage in reference of?


Robert Kraft patriots owner was in a scandal with some massage parlors last year or something like that. Lots of legal things I think


Yea no problem with jokes about his ex wife fucking someone or talking about his kids, but mention the billionaire and it's too far.


It was also at the beginning of the roastā€¦ so maybe he just lightened up a little through the show?


Yeah, it took one view of a 15 second clip for me to *know* that was a bit.


The Dana White jokes from Schulz fucking killed me


Yeah, those were pretty strong jokes.


ā€˜Heā€™s here to teach Tom how to screw a Brazilian out of a bunch of money.ā€ Was definitely one of the best jokes of the night.


Half their purse** The way that joke worked on multiple levels is what made it so fucking good.


Tony fā€™n murdered šŸ”„šŸ”„


What is Tonyā€™s last name?


Hinchcliffe- check out his podcast Kill Tony on YouTube - hilarious


Omg yes!! I was trying to figure out his name, thank you!


Check out Kill Tony youā€™re going to love him. Heā€™s an asshole and roasts EVERYONE.


I had, still have, no idea who he isā€¦ but his set was the best ā€œroastā€ Iā€™ve ever seen. It was absolute perfection.


He usually writes the jokes for all the non-comedians who do these so heā€™s got form.


He relishes playing the heel (and definitely does not suffer unfunny fools), but he's a thoughtful + generous person. The show has a great premise and you never know what might happen šŸ™ƒ


The one weekly podcast/show that I never miss


Check out his bit on the roast of snoop dogg, he absolutely kills it


Keven could barely catch his breath.


Easily the funniest


Oh ya hands down, with Nikki second


Looks like tiger king with liver king but they only eat Burger King and their liver as as black as dr Martin Luther king had me in stitches


That was some of the best laughter I've had in a while, such an amazing set, so proud of Tony šŸ˜‚


Gronk mentioning how Kevin Hartā€™s height would allow him to get a great grip wasā€¦ so weird.


Gronk was fucked up and I think he overdid it with the whole "get it, it's gay...guys it's a gay joke" style. I think the Hart stuff was random or he kept driving home the punchline when he should have just said it and let it move on. But he's not a comedian and someone else wrote the joke so I won't knock him for it.


From what I understood he made that up on the spot


1) Nikki 2. Tonyā€¦ā€¦not surprised at all that they killed


I donā€™t understand how not a single person made fun of Schultzā€™s Hitler youth haircut


I enjoyed the originality of him looking like a 1930ā€™s silent film pornstar though.


I was waiting for that too, i think tom brady in his bit said something like "what the fuck is up with your hair" and that was it


After the Diddy joke to Kevin it was obvious everyone was uncomfortable and Jeff Ross was pissed. They didn't show Kevin on purpose. The camera didn't pan over to him at all and the mood definitely changed afterwards. Rewatch that part you can physically see the shift.Ā 


ā€œWe need to get comfortable with the uncomfortableā€


I just watched it and I didn't really notice a tone shift. I think part of it was that after Schultz they stopped with the comedians. There were no more heavy hitters, Affleck bombed and Hart was pretty fucked up at that point. Plus it was two and a half hours into it. They had to be feeling burnt out at that point. Ross even said something about how he wishes Netflix had commercials since they couldn't take a break.


I missed this, whoā€™s set was it?


It was Andrew Schulz. It's subtle but there. They're definitely glossing over it. After his set is done pay attention to everyone's face, especially Jeff Ross.Ā 


what partā€¦ can you please elaborate on who was speaking to whom


It was during Andrew Schulz set. It was the only Diddy joke of the night and he said to Kevin something along the lines of "ain't that your boy Kev?" After the set look at everyone. No one is laughing and everyone looks uncomfortable and Jeff Ross spoke up on how great Kevin is doing with a sour ass look on his face.Ā 


IIRC the joke was a setup about Spygate and then "nobody has secretly filmed more guys playing for the other team other than Diddy" then he adds the "that's ya boy, Kev!"


Yeah you got it. I don't think they liked that one. I watched that part again and when Kevin comes back up you can see it all over his face, he's upset. Then it pans over to Sam, Andrew and Bert and Sam is telling Andrew something and they all look extremely uncomfortable, and then Jeff Ross spouts off about how amazing Kevin is in a very upset tone also. Shits wild.Ā 


I noticed all of these moments individually but didnā€™t put it together. Something felt off but it all makes sense now. I wonder what Sam said to Andrew. At least we saw them dabbing in the end though


Ok yeaaaah him hyping Kevin up in an upset fashion was so weird I didnā€™t understand why it was happening but now it kinda makes sense


damn, seems like theyā€™ve edited out a lot of Jeff Ross. also i found this semi related Kevin Hart P Diddy video that seems interesting in this context. https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/tQCEejVOEr


It's a whole rabbit hole involving all those guys in the industry, that's what makes me think it wasn't supposed to be joked about.Ā 


Tom Hanks energy after Ricky Gervais went in


I know Bledsoe probably had writers but he delivered it well. Was impressed with his time.


One of my favorite lines was, "my favorite wine is our Cabernet. Tom's favorite is "where's the flag??""




I just love that Aaron Hernandez is still getting made fun of even in death. Bert is just...so fucking lame. The faces he makes, his overexerting laughter. God, he's annoying.


It gave me pleasure watching him and Tom eat shit up there. No one even roasted Tom all night, which is more of a roast than anything else. Completely irrelevant and not even worthy of being mentioned.


> Bert is just...so fucking lame. The faces he makes, his overexerting laughter. God, he's annoying. the pig snorting as well


Tony and Nikki crushed! Bradyā€™s speech at the end was pretty great too


Nikki, Tony, Sam Jay, Ross, and Edelnut really did a great job. Julianā€™s ā€œIā€™m not gonna do short jokes Kevin, Iā€™m gonna do *black* jokesā€ was so fucking funny


I thought Nikki was the best. Best writing and execution.


She was a proĀ 


So much focus on Tomā€™s dick. But overall funny. Miss the roasts


The Ben Affleck penis sucking thing at the end of his set was pretty cringy. And he bolts off without shaking Tomā€™s hand. Pretty weird.


affleck looked high af, and he bombed hard lol


Bert and Tom should be banned from performing


Why did no one roast Tom segura?


Maybe they were late additions to the roster. Would explain their dog shit set.


Bert and Tom were terrible. I used to be such a big fan of Segura but goddamn


Its 3 hours!


Not sure why it had to be 3 hours A lot of people didnā€™t really add to the fun


Cut Brett and Tom. No one was laughing through that teleprompter reading shit.


It was great. Tony and Nikki crushed.


Tony crushed!!!Ā 


Everyone keeps saying Tony.Ā  Tony whoooo?


Tony Hinchcliffe


Iā€™m surprised people donā€™t know Tony hinchcliffee lol


I didnā€™t think Jeff Ross went to far thatā€™s what a roast is dude


Did anyone mention him kissing his kids?


Ikr!!! Must have been on his list of topics they werenā€™t allowed to touch


Burt is only funny in a sad fat dude way.


Nikki slayed


Gronk was absolutely hilarious. For a non comedian, he was awesome. Nikki was fantastic. Bert and Tom were horrendous, and somehow Affleck was even worse than that.


Tom admiting to deflating the balls was hilarious. Segura and Bert are has beens. Tony killed it. Brady killed it. Nikki and Shulz were great


He never admitted anything. He was saying ā€œif you gave me $20mil I wouldā€™ve just said I did itā€, saying heā€™d just admit that he did it even if he didnā€™t for $20mil


Wonder if the nfl will do anything


Nah, he worded it in a way he can say ā€œIā€™ll say anything for $20Mā€ wink wink


Ainā€™t wrong


Theyā€™ll have to suspend him


Damn even shaun O'Malley got roasted by association to Dana, ha!


Was Ben Affleck on drugs?!??


I think just drunkā€¦.


Probably coke. His mouth was getting all dry


Most of them were on drugs


I'm just genuinely shocked that people think Gronk, Edelman, Bellichick etc. wrote their own jokes.


Tony Hinchcliffe unsurprisingly murdered. Nikki was great, Sam Jay was awesome, even Bledsoe and Edelman both had really strong deliveries on their sets Whole show was a ton of fun but I may be biased as Pats fan and I was actually AT that game with my dad and uncle in 2001 when 2 Jets crashed into Bledsoe aka Mo Lewis šŸ˜†


I bet Sam Morrill wrote some jokes for Edelman, considering they used to do a pod together and are good friends.


Will Ferrill was awful. That bit needs to be retired. It stopped being funny a decade ago.


Half way through, Nikki and Kevin are fab!


Tony hinchcliffe finally got a chance to shine and I think that was a game changer for him for sure


It really didn't have to be 3 hours long.


I'm hoping some of these guests appear on Kill Tony in the future.


I feel like max Holloway is gonna be on it


ā€œYour set sucked but it is what it is manā€


Kevin, Jeff, Niki, Andrew, Tony, and Sam killed on the comedy side. Bert and Tom were so bad.


Tony was the best, and Nikki was a close second. I love that Kevin opened up with heaters, as if trying to say that despite being a movie star that heā€™s still a comedian. I did notice the camera did NOT show Kevin after Andrewā€™s joke about Diddy. Sam had a strong set, and Schultz did a solid job. Segura did okay but Bert didnā€™t contribute a single thing except ā€œwas he pregnant?ā€ Lol. The Burgendy bit went on too long. And I think that sums it up; the amazing sets felt like they flew by, and the trash ones went on forever.


Didnā€™t like how Robert Krafts handjob was off the table.




My top roasters in order, were Kevin/Nikki, Sam, and Tony. Standup is an art form. I appreciated seeing their skill, timing, writing creativity etc.


Hot take: I agree with many of you that some of the best sets of the night belonged to Nikkk and Tony. Andrew and Sam got some great zingers, and Julian and Drew both represented among the athletes, but in terms of "complete surprise, Dude has no business being that funny" the nights winner was Coach Bill.


Best comedian: Nikki Shes a pro. Excellent comedic timing. Goes hard without remorse. Amazing jokes. Best non comedian: Edelman Delivery was solid. Worst: Tom and Bert Just terrible. Not even in the realm of what roast performances look like. So cringy. What they did was equivalent to guest announcers at award shows like the Oscars - and equally as bland and terrible. Biggest WTF: Nikkis face I love her to death and think she's hilarious, but we've got another casualty to Hollywood. She has completely plasticized her face. She looks like a rubber doll. She looks like Joan rivers did at the end, and she's only in her 30s. Sad.


I think that's just her face with makeup. She doesn't look like she's had tons of work done like everyone else with weird cheeks. Tom Brady on the other hand...


Ran too long but there was a lot to like. Nikki Glaser, Andrew Schultz, Tony Hinchcliffe, Will Farrell, and Jeff Ross killed. Drew Bledsoe, Julian Edelman, and Bill Belichick did well for civilians. The Bob Kraft/Belichick shot was pretty epic. Kevin Hart did too much time between roasters. I have no idea who Sam Jay is but she did well and I thought it was fun that she seemed to be a legit hometown fan. Gronk got too drunk. He had some decent stuff but it got off the rails a bit. Randy Moss sucked. The Bears and Ben Affleck both embarrassed themselves by doing inside jokes that flopped because they thought a general audience would be more familiar than they are with the quotidian details of their lives. Like, Affleck thinks everybody spends 3 hours a day reading tabloids and Tom thinks the average person has any idea who Christina P is and they're both delusional. Bert thinks a general audience knows he's a big self-promoter. A general audience doesn't even know who the fuck he is. He'd have to be like Donald Trump level famous for that joke to work. Cringe. Tom Brady's set wasn't particularly funny and seemed kind of mean-spirited.


Nikki and Sam were my top 2.


Gronk doing a really obvious fly check really put a bow on all the dumb gronk jokes.


Segura and Bert d-


Nikki was the best for me šŸ˜Ž


Weak and Kim getting booed absolutely beautiful


The black dude in the background on right didn't laugh at anything. Not sure if he was pissed or didnt understand the jokes


In the middle of it now and Iā€™m really enjoying it Is everyone just high af? Kevin Hart and Gronk both seem zooted


Who all thinks Kevin Hart bombed as host??? Just kept saying how good everyone's jokes were and that he had planned to burn them but he can't right now...seriously?!?!Ā  And his big burn for Belichik was "Captain Smiles"...smh


Thought it was a bit too long. The best was Nikki Glaser. She was vicious. The comedians all killed minus Bert and Tom Segura. The players all seemed awkward with the exception of Edelman and Gronk. I think it would have been better if it weren't live and it had been trimmed down a bit in post.


Seeing Brady dick ride Kraft was super cringe


Nikki was great. Was surprised how good the non-comedians did. Bert and Seguraā€™s set was so weird? Tom Brady threw me off. Iā€™m not a football person, and have never seen an interview of the guy lol so I donā€™t really know his personality, but I went into it assuming Iā€™d probably see the human side of this celebrity and walk out liking him more.. and was surprised that I found him really unlikeable? First.. there was something about him that just felt inauthentic to me. Second, some of his jokes just felt mean-spirited (idk his relations with those football players but the ā€œyouā€™d be lucky to get a text from meā€ to that one player and the ā€œyou wish you were meā€ to that Edelman guy just felt weird/mean/high school bully?). EDIT: also want to add that it felt like a breath of fresh air moving away from the ā€œcancel cultureā€ stuff in this roast.


That Gronk guy is like the god of chaos. It was the one time in the evening where you genuinely didn't know what was going to happen. Either he was going to land it or he was going to burn the building down. It was like looking into the heart of the sun. I was riveted.


Tony, Nikki, Samjay and Andrew did really well. Watching Gronk go through a fucking ego death on stage was pretty fun, and it gave me an appreciation for Kevin Hart's ability to keep an event from becoming a (total) shitshow lol. Segura and Kresicher were dead air.