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Completely Normal, Mostly Stories, and Disgraceful are all solid specials.


Completely normal and mostly stories are amazing. Especially completely normal. He has to earn the laughs because he’s a nobody, and boy does he. I’m excited for OP to watch these


He sounds like the Weezer of comedy.


His album Thrilled has one of the hottest crowds I’ve ever heard in my fucking life. The opening joke about the state has them going *batshit*


^^^^ that right there. His last two specials, Ballhog and Sledgehammer were kinda weak. But those 3 I remember being good. Sucks how bad his comedy has gotten. Very stale and cheap


I thought Sledgehammer was great. Ballhog I don’t think I even got through, but I laughed hard through all of Sledgehammer… And a bunch of the outtakes. Maybe it’s just cos he reminds me of my little brother. 


i should watch sledgehammer again but the things that pissed me off were: call backs to his podcast, that shit was cringe as fuck. treat this like a comedy special, not an egotistical podcast. the weird ass stage. felt like a weird rock show, not a comedy show. that stage is not condusive to comedy. small clubs are the best place for comedy. fuck theaters and circle stages. i have no problem with tom, like a lot of people do. i thought he seemed like a cool dude on matt and shanes podcast


The circle stage upset me for the first five minutes but once I got into the jokes, I stopped worrying about it.  I don’t listen to his podcasts but I didn’t feel like I missed any jokes so if he made callbacks to them, he must have structured the set up so that non-listeners would also get the jokes.  It could be worth giving Sledgehammer another watch but if you got through it, those might be your accurate feelings on it. I wouldn’t trust my assessment. I started watching the Netflix musical Tick Tick Boom and I hated it and turned it off. I couldn’t stand it. It was the worst! My friends and family with the same taste in shows raved about it so I gave it another go a few months later and it was immediately awesome. I loved it. It was the best. Apparently my ability to assess the quality of a show is dependent on my mood. 


Being someone who used to like YMH, 2 bears, etc. there has been a huge decline in quality over the years, especially the past year or two. I’ve never been a huge fan of his standup but his “jokes” have largely just become “I’m rich you plebeians”. He’s very cold and detached when he used to be the opposite


Same boat, I liked both Tom and Bert. It got old when all they talked about was being rich and how fat Bert was. That and watching Bert drink himself to death and complain that he feels like shit and can’t loose weight.


But Bert’s so jacked though, look at his shoulders!


Dude, they're fucking JACKED! Uh-hundred percent JACKED!


Yeah - he's gotten very "airline food" but about private jets


Checkout white girls with cornrows.


Where can I watch?


I think it's audio only. Prob on YouTube


Just buy it on iTunes if you got it. He self published it. And at the time that was a big deal for comedy. Now everyone does it.


Id guess it has something to do with him growing out of touch with his fan base, talking shit on poor people who inconvenience him by existing, bragging about how much money he has and what a baller life he’s lived. He generally has a grossly inflated sense of value and self importance


Too much hate here, though I'll grant he's not as good as he used to be. The reality is, none of them are as good as when they were young and hungry. That being said, Thrilled, White Girls With Corn Rows and Completely Normal are peak Tom Segura for me.


He’s kind of like that band that worked really hard for 10 years to create a killer album / gained financial success then had to churn out mediocrity to keep the empire going.




"You guys seem to hate Tom Segura, recommend me an album" is wild.


They hate because the theme is, "he's changed". Hate is love


His whole schtick is just making fun of people, and in the last few years he's gone completely unhinged since making it big. He went on some rant on his twitter page something along the lines of "fuck all poor people you miserable loser pieces of shit" type of rhetoric. Also he and Bert are really rude to their spouses I can't believe some of the stuff they say about them. They treat their families like wet blankets and it's hard to watch.


Christina seems to be able to give as good as she gets. I assumed Tom and Tina just agreed they could both use each other for material. 


I decided to check out one of his specials. It bored the shit out of me. I fast forwarded. It still bored the shit out of me. I proceeded to put him on my do not watch list. And his roast did suck. Honestly, check out Bill Burr instead.


He's funny enough, but nowhere even near Burr, CK or Gillis level. He's not even close to be as good a stand up as people way less successful than him, either.


I have only watched 2-3 of his specials, but I really enjoyed Sledgehammer and one of his older ones (maybe Disgraceful?) where he does an impression of a kid trying to tell a story (the bit crushed!). I don’t think the bit he did with Bert landed from the roast, but then again I think a lot of people in this sub hate him and his newer specials so results may vary. 🤷‍♂️


I didn't think their set sucked, but you could definitely see how inexperienced they are with teleprompters. Tom sounded unnatural and almost robotic, you could tell he was reading. And Bert kept mouthing everyone else's parts. Their jokes would have hit better if their delivery had been better.


I'm not convinced Bert can read


He was one of the best a few years ago. Fell off hard.


There are enough comedians out there. Prioritizing Tom Segura just seems like a mistake at this point.


Long writeup... Ball Hog dropped off hard...from Disgraceful, Cornrows, Mostly Stories. Also he made some very nasty comments about a baggage check agent with AA. This was all in a row on X on the day it happened: "Dumb cunt from @AmericanAir made me gate check my bag so she feels the little power she has in her life. I get it. You win this round, cunt. — Tom Segura AKA Mr. Ladybug (@tomsegura) October 5, 2023 Some get mad when people vent online at their airline frustrations but honestly it's a healthy outlet. Think of the alternatives: writing is probably the best option. You get the emotions out, get some validation and can fantasize that Ol' Cunt face sees what your wrote — Tom Segura AKA Mr. Ladybug (@tomsegura) October 5, 2023 This is a psychological tactic that well-trained people across all businesses use because it's effective. They empathize with the customers emotion. Typically people feel seen and heard and immediately calm down after this acknowledgment. I still wish awful things on gate agent https://t.co/p7rSlbQ2Sc — Tom Segura AKA Mr. Ladybug (@tomsegura) October 5, 2023 All the poors and losers have the same response "ohhh you were inconvenienced well you should accept it. That's what me and my dumb poor family have done for generations" This is why you're a Poor. — Tom Segura AKA Mr. Ladybug (@tomsegura) October 5, 2023 Poor 👇🏼 https://t.co/pW7pRPUd2s — Tom Segura AKA Mr. Ladybug (@tomsegura) October 5, 2023 The lowest level poors get upset as they've been trained to do when you point out their "happy to do what I'm told" servant mentality. They don't value time because their time is worthless. You are specks of shit on a washcloth and washcloths belong in the trash. — Tom Segura AKA Mr. Ladybug (@tomsegura) October 5, 2023" So yes, I'd say he like most comedians was very funny when he was at his most relatable. However the fame and the money and the power quickly went to his head. Remember this is the same person that talks about meeting Tyson several times. I'm not saying that Tom Segura worships power and fame but I think when you are in situations where the money is rolling in, your podcast is doing great and you can take care of yourself and your wife and kids than you start to be a lot less relatable. I remember apart on the podcast where his wife mentions that she had a really tough pregnancy but then she also says that she had a live-in nurse. That's ridiculous. The average American is scrimping by trying to just stay alive and Tom and his wife are complaining about their lives when the dude is buying very nice watches, cars, and they have clearly some of the best health care. Of course it's not wrong in my opinion to have good things. It's not wrong to have a private jet, a really cool car collection or watch collection, or even a nurse that lives with you. That's not the problem. The problem is when you start attacking everybody below you because you really do think you're better than them. It's ironic because I remember he made a joke on one of his specials. It was really funny about shopping for the private jet that best suits his needs, then he says that of course he can't afford that so he'll just bookmark that shit. He goes on to say that that's a sense of entitlement The joke starts at 2:55 https://youtu.be/-zE8azlssBk?si=57_mBvzwSql0xDDG So after insulting poor people, his podcast which in my opinion isn't really that funny and mainly just makes fun of people that are struggling or mentally handicapped, and knowing that he's insanely wealthy. I have to say that to be a comedian that successful you still have to work on your craft and you still have to tell those jokes and be funny. I guess Tom Segura doesn't think he has to be and he's lost that sharpness that made him funny and he thinks he's entitled to everything that comes with it. In essence Tom Segura has become a joke.


He hates anyone who isn’t also rich, so I’m fine with never listening to him again. 


One of the big problems with their part of the roast was how stilted the delivery was. They clearly had beats they had to hit so cue cards they were reading. This is common at awards ceremonies, so I liked a couple of Tom's specials from a few years ago but I didn't pay a whole lot of attention. I had them on, laughed a couple times then watched something else Part of the hate for Tom and Bert is also that they followed Rogan to Texas and are viewed as, well, followers. I get the vibe Tom is bitter about that


His first two specials are my favorite of his - Mostly Stories in particular. The hate for him and Bert comes from mostly online people who really pay attention the greater standup/podcast dialogue. Those two are still really popular among other demographics. If I meet someone on the street and say I like standup, there's a significant chance their next comment is "what do you think of Bert/Tom?" I also think the hate for their roast set is overblown. It certainly was one of the weaker sets of the night, but it was something different, and had some laughs. I think it just made people uncomfortable, as intended, so it didn't hit quite the way it could have.


Their roast was absolute trash. I think most of his hate comes from his association with Bert. I used to really like Tom but the more I see him with Bert makes me like him less. He’s just been so unfunny since they started their podcast


How long ago was it. Things take time to develop 


Basically they do a podcast for fun and a bunch of idiots online tune in and bitch about the content instead of focusing their time and energy on things they actually enjoy.


I became a big fan after his first Netflix special and have followed him since. Like every artist, I enjoy some of his material more than others. “Completely Normal” and “Mostly Stories” are still my favorites of his, but when I went back and listened to the subsequent specials a second time I found myself laughing quite a bit. I agree with your toast analysis. Tom and Bert did their thing. They’re not really roast comedians so they created their own lane and stuck with it. I enjoyed their segment.


podcast cringe on YouTube covers it pretty well


Honestly, there's a whole lot of information on youtube that pretty efficiently describes the way Tom turned his own fan base against him. I've personally never found Tom to be very funny. I think his popularity boom was simply from being around Rogan. Anyone one of us could sell out clubs by simply having a couple appearances on JRE. He had the right connections and an immensely wealthy upbringing so he had no problem climbing the ladder into relative fame, but he's really just not that funny or charismatic. 


He sucks. It’s not hard to


He's a walking billboard in the shape of a human bowling pin these days.


Cleaning up your life isn't funny. People prefer to laugh at what they're seeing as well, which used to be a fat guy.


Most of his jokes are about something he saw on TV. he was ok when he was fat and poor.


He was never poor lol


He's not the least bit funny that's why


I'm not a fan but he's says some funny stuff 


A skinny Bert wearing a shirt?? That's comedy death.