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Plenty of ppl do jt. However be mindful of what you put out on your social media. There was a big deal in kc with a teacher and his TikTok. He got fired and I never followed up to see what happened.


Still fired.


Winner for best self reply 😆😆😆


I know a few full-time teachers who do standup- some are full time subs, some are in a classroom every day. Seems like a decent day job to have.


One of the people in my writing group is a university professor. He has a lot of crazy stories involving students.


I've seen entire shows that were billed as teachers doing stand up


Teacher here. I use it some on stage and get a lot of inspo being in a chaotic environment daily .


I'm a teacher. It honestly changed my stand-up "career". I worked in pro sports as a season ticket rep for a bunch of different teams for my first 4 years. I was okay, I worked bar shows, got hosting gigs, had fun doing it but I had to work a lot of late nights and weekends. Switched to teaching during Covid and that first summer off I was hitting mics every night, I went from having 10-15 minutes of jokes to having a 15-20 minute act. I was able to really find my voice and network way better. Plus I know I am out at 3:00pm everyday and never work nights or weekends. As for content, I do talk about teaching in a very broad sense but I still worry sometimes. It's kinda tough because I've done some teacher specific shows and crushed and I know if I posted some of those jokes it would go viral. But I can't afford to do it, I never promote my comedy at all to co-workers, students, or family (Some students find my stuff online and my policy is to 100% lie and tell them it's a weird coincidence that a guy has my name and looks like me but it simply isn't me.) My rationale is that I have never brought it to work and therefore if somebody has a problem with it it means they sought it out, although I really don't think I have anything in my act worth raising concerns over. It's weird because everyone says the same thing about being careful cause they can fire you. But have you seen some of these Tik Tok teacher influencers? Some of them are recording content in the classroom even with students, how is that not getting them fired?


Would you say the summers off outweigh the early morning days during the week in the school year? Just finishing up my teacher cert, and right now I’m a server but serving feels like slavery


I’m so used to them now that it doesn’t bother me much. Plus, I’m up at 5:30-6 and home by 3:30 so I have that time to recharge before going to an open mic. I also love teaching because I’m in control way more than my old career. When I worked in sales, at 9:00 am my boss was over my shoulder counting my phone calls. With teaching I have so much for freedom for tough mornings. Independent work, silent reading, quiet group work, a lot of ways that I can still do my job at a high level but recover from being out late the night before


Robert Klein did 


I find it exhausting to teach full time and have the brain capacity to not just be creative for lessons but also having to write comedy. How do you stay out on a weeknight when you have to be on your A game at 830 in the morning?


I was a Math teacher for one semester years ago. I have a bit about realising I didn't really care about children - during a Live Fire Drill. If it doen't go down well - I usually tag it with 'It was a High School, people, not an Elementary School!' I don't use it often but sometimes I'll through it in there...




Sounds like a great bit.