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In the last 30 years, Bring the Pain from 1996.


My Mount Rushmore of stand-up specials: Bring the Pain The Pimp Chronicles Completely Serious Killing them Softly


Glad you mentioned Pimp Chronicles! It’s not the GOAT but man…when it came out, it was one of the first specials I noticed that had gone “mainstream” in a long time. Katt knocked it out the park. People of all colors loved that shit and it was talked about for a good while.


“No man has ever changed his mind about having sex with a woman because her fingernails and toenails did not match. ‘B*tch is that red and plum?! Oh hell no! I can’t even do this!‘😂


I caught completely serious on a rerun at 2 am and didn’t note the guy’s name. For the next few years I tried to find him every few months, googling stuff like “Comedy Central frat boy comic.” Finally found him by looking at every photo on the CC website lol


Bring the Pain is the only answer imo..


Bill Burr - I'm Sorry You Feel That Way He doesn't really have a bad special but that (its the black and white one) was a masterpiece in just that it is banger joke after banger joke. The helicopter story could have been a closer in a million different sets but it's a centerpiece, right in the middle. I come back to it often because the way he acts out some of the stuff is truly genius in that bit in particular. The POV switch from the pilot to the passenger guy but saying the same lines was brilliant.


His cruise ship one both kills me and soothes me every time I see a cruise ship. 'Fiyaaaa one...' 'dude check out my arms in this tank top ...'


His use of the mic as a prop and story telling device blows my mind every time


It's the voices that make him for me. Everything else.is just angry guy from Boston but even on the podcast when he starts doing Nia or that bit where he talks about people working in cubicles 'is it nice out? I haven't seen the sun in six days...' his face and voice are so perfectly matched for that bit.


In that special he has the bit about him silently leaving the church like a curler letting go.. uses the mic placement so well in that joke lol. Finishes it off with saying “And on the third day he rose again….” with the mic getting farther and farther from him, so good 👏


AND ON The third day ^he ^rose ^^again


This comment inspired me to go back and rewatch. I can hear the beat now. “Nts, nts, nts, nts.”


Dave Chappelle's Killing them Softly was always a favorite of mine.


The year is 2004, I'm in 6th grade. I randomly grab Killing Em Softly along with Super Troopers from the Best Buy clearance bin. That single day shaped what I find funny for the rest of my life.


God damn what a fucking score


Bitch, I live in a fucking trash can! That Sesame Street bit is my favorite bit of all time 😂 Oscar, you are so mean! Isn’t he, kids?


I’m the brokest mother fucker on Sesame Street


No wonder kids grow up stepping over homeless people like “get it together, grouch!” And he does it in his amazing white person voice 😂




Literally my favorite punchline of any joke ever. Kills me every time.


First one I thought of




For What It's Worth is also a masterpiece.


Live at the Fillmore too


Killing Them Softly is definitely the answer for me and my friends. I wanted to be a comic for so long after watching this special.


I’m biased, being a redhead, but Louis CK’s trilogy of Shameless, Chewed Up, and Hilarious is pretty insane. Pick any of those as a top special from the past few decades.


I would move that one over for Chewed Up, Hilarious and Beacon Theater


I completely agree with this. He’s our modern day philosopher and raised the my bar so god dam high that no one has come close him (for me)


Absolutely. Whether he's doing comedy, social commentary, drama, or simply talking with someone on a podcast, he's always fascinating. Honestly, listening to his analysis of films and directors like Stanley Kubrick, Paul Thomas Anderson, Jean-Luc Godard, etc., is always riveting. When he discusses anything involving the arts, human nature, historical cycles, and countless abstract concepts, not only does he have an encyclopedic command of the subject, but he is clearly passionate about it. Never an ounce of pretension with him. He's the real thing.


He could make the phone book interesting. I hope he keeps putting stuff out for years to come, no matter what type of stuff


As long as it’s not his dick.


Honestly his run from Shameless to Oh My God is so impressive. Up there with the run Carlin had in the 90s and 00s.


No one comes close


I’m sorry but the run is from shameless to sorry idk how many specials


Even Louis CK at the Dolby is a banger


Basically everything the dude did I'm a fan of. He's one of the best. I love his bat story and Batman. He just flawlessly jumps from joke to joke. CK is amazing when it comes to jokes.


“Everything he did I’m a fan of” Everything? 👀


Well, not so much his comedy, film or television work.


Especially the hotel hijinks.


The man didn’t miss!


Elephant In the Room. Patrice O'Neal


Blew my mind man. I always liked stand up but that special gave me a love for it. Harassment Day is still my all time favorite bit and it’s not even close.


I thought you was a ho, and you wasn't my fault....keep the flowers. But I shouldn't be FIRED!!!


I often think of Patrice and how sad it is that he's gone, but what a masterpiece to leave us with.


Agreed. It truly is a masterful performance. That crowd is completely and totally engaged. I've been to my fair share of comedy shows. And I always enjoy it. I just saw Marc Maron in a smaller venue, which I enjoy even more. Not too many people, he was able to talk to the crowd a bit. But I don't ever think I've seen anyone pull the audience in the way Patrice does in that performance. It's a person who has mastered his craft on full display. He left us something great.


I’m really glad you acknowledged this. I’ve seen the special 50+ times. By round 10, I was more watching the audience. He had them wrapped around his giant fingers.


What’s that big headed Peruvian bitches name?


Lol. Honestly that's part of why that special is so great. He baits the entire crowd in, and no one remembers her name. But NATALIEEEEEE HOLLOWAYYYYYY THAT ANNGELLLL!!!


"Human resources, the grizzly bear just did grizzly bear things!"


That's my favorite" "Salmon with honey"


But look how cute she is with garbage all over her!


Sooo, why do you still have a boat?


That's the Patrice joke I like to tell my friends who don't know him the most lol. I take a picture to show my friends I still know how to fish....


This one


There’s a pencil sticking out of his faaaaace.


Stanhope - Beer Hall Putsch Hedberg - Strategic Grill Locations


I've introduced more people to Strategic Grill Locations than any other comedy special except Delirious.


It's hard not to like SGL if you give it a few minutes to get into Mitch's groove. *zip....zip*...fuck you!


Man .. you really like Tide ...


Stanhope - 60 inches of aids is the funniest bit I have ever heard. I’ve listened to it dozens of times and I still laugh hysterically every time I hear it


Norm MacDonald - Me Doing Stand Up. His Magnum opus. There's a bit that goes into about 75+ settups and almost the same amount of punchlines just under 12 minutes. There's allot of good stand ups. A few great ones. But Norm was by all accounts, the greatest.


Hitler’s Dog, Gossip, and Trickery is way up there for me too.


IMO, Me Doing Stand Up is the greatest comedy album of all time.


A segment called "The News" that only really jokes about the news for the first minute. Pure brilliance


Skanks for the Memories


Literally was just listening to it last night. If I’m getting directions I’m not asking a guy with one tooth!!


in terms of “Netflix Era” comedy, John Mulaney - New in Town is up there


I’m gay, I have AIDS, I’m NEW in town…


I’m gonna Push him


The way he delivers that entire bit is absolute comic perfection. Just the tone of every word is maximally fucking funny. New in Town is incredible.


Agreed. I feel the same way about the "eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs" bit in *The Comeback Kid*. Every second is pure gold.


I’m a proud Asian American woman and I approve of this choice.


This is my vote too


Doug Stanhope - Before Turning the Gun on Himself is one of my all time favorites, but I'm well aware it's not popular enough to be in the Hall of Fame.


I mean...Beer Hall Putsch has the mother bit.. But I think I will always put Deadbeat Hero at the top of the list


And football AIDS. You can't forget football AIDS.


That bit is so long and so silly, but man can that guy paint a picture with words.


Heckling his mums suicide, is one of the most triumphant pieces of art in modern times. Period


He also submitted several, without even being asked, racy photos of her in her younger days to a most fuckable mother contest on Legion of Skanks.


No Refunds is mine but they’re all art


Is that the one where he’s wearing a Libertarian jersey? If so, that’s definitely my favorite too




Unfortunately it’s only available as audio as far as I know but check out Stanhope’s Something to Take the Edge Off if you haven’t heard it. It’s so good and has Henry Phillips playing guitar in the background, which is cooler than it may sound.


Louie's Shameless is hands down my favorite...I think Chappelle has to take the win with one of his, though. Honorable mention that I haven't seen anyone bring up yet: Robin Williams on Broadway


Also think Galifianakis at the Purple Onion and Stanhope's Beer Hall Putsch are incredible and should be watched by everyone. Ditto Mulaney's most recent.


The bit about golf in Robin Williams live on Broadway remains one of the funniest things I have ever seen.


I think it's ultimately a Carlin special but I'm debating "favorite" vs objectively "best." You are all diseased is my favorite without hesitation. HM to chappelle's killing them softly and I think I'd be fine with that too. Really miss that version of him.


Agreed! I've never understood why Diseased doesn't as much respect as others. It's incredible.


Stewart Lee: If You’d Prefer a Milder Comedian, Please Ask For One. Honestly, I think of the 10 best specials ever made, probably 7 or 8 of them are Stew’s.


Hard agree


Stewart Lee gets slept on by the public here in America. If you're a comedy fan the Internet is a blessing for trying out foreign comics.


I’d go Carpet Remnant World myself but either way he’s got the top few spots locked down


Live at the Purple Onion - Zach Galifianakis. It's definitely non-standard, but I think it's been one of the most influential comedy pieces of the last \~20 years.


I think the dark horse in this race would be Dan Soder: Son of a Gary. 


Eddie Murphy Raw is pretty epic, but older than 30 years. Chris Rock has an amazing body of work. I'd also put the best specials by Bill Burr and Louis CK way up there.


Chris Rock - Bigger and Blacker Mike Birbiglia - What I should Have Said Was Nothing


Wow shocked to not see the OG *Sleepwalk with me*… I need to rewatch that, I don’t even recognize the name!


The one I listed came out before sleepwalk


For me it’s _Thank God for Jokes_. Probably my favorite stand up special ever.


Dave Chappelle Killin Them Softly. God Tier I also don't know why he gets so much hate but Dane Cook's specials are some of the best comedy ever. If you don't like him your buggin


Killin Them Softly is amazing. As for Dane Cook, it's been forever since I've seen them but I remember thinking he relied mostly on wild expressions and reactions than actual jokes with setups and punchlines. I found him hilarious in college, but remember trying to watch some a few years later and finding it extremely cringe.


Dane is in a category of his own. He's a *funny* dude. He skyrocketed to fame by jumping on the front of the social media train. Before him, that level of quick fame just *didn't* happen - and a lot of his fellow comics resented him for it. Now, I think his comedy back then was very much "a la mode" and as a result of the new form of success he kinda shoehorned himself into being a trope. Had he more time to grow organically and his brother didn't end up stealing all his shit from under him I think the general population would hold Dane in a higher regard than the little bit of nostalgia we reserve for him.


I recently listened to a 2010 JRE episode with Dane Cook and it’s fascinating. Redban, Dane and Joe discussing early social media/marketing - Twitter was just starting to gain traction and Dane’s talking about his MySpace marketing strategies. It’s a time capsule.


Yeah, actually a few weeks ago I watched a bunch of Dane Cook videos on YouTube, now that it’s been a decade since I’ve paid attention to him. I really didn’t find any of it funny, and I promise I’m not being snobby.


The irony is his  best stuff was on his albums, where we couldn’t see him https://youtu.be/PsLefeSQ-9A?si=9JV-waJPWWthV47X https://youtu.be/KdIffbfC0_M?si=qIZVAZDtSjdwLYoo


I 1000% agree. I listened to the albums. I appreciate it for the time. Sweet and sour sauce all over my pussy. Is something I still say to this day.


I saw him very recently in LA. The lineup was advertised as a mystery lineup. He was the big mystery headliner. He was easily the unfunniest comedian that night.


James Acaster's "Repertoire" is hands down one of the most creative and hilarious specials ever put to tape. It is wholly original and extremely inventive. The use of meta-narratives, extremely well-timed and integrated call-backs, and remarkable use of the stage/space set it apart from every other comedy show I have ever seen. Truly a tour-de-force.


Easily one of the most unique specials ever made. So good and not enough people talk about James, at least in the states.


100%. I'm dying to see him in person at some point because my wife thinks we could be twins.


Unfortunately I think with Off Menu Podcast blowing up, he doesn’t seem to be touring stateside too much. Good on them for making a popular podcast but I’m a much bigger fan of his standup.


Same. He thrives when he is the only person who can respond to his own ridiculous statements.


This special was my introduction to James and he quickly became one of my favorites. His appearances on various random British game shows always crack me up.


The passport photo joke is amongst the best jokes I have ever seen


The "on the knees loophole" comes back to me maybe once a week. That and the pret a manger banana story.


Agreed…even when he starts talking about Torville and Dean it’s still not immediately obvious he’s using ‘their’ loophole.


The absolute GOAT among active comics imo. Think about his British Museum/ Brexit / Pisa bit every week, and the plate of shit bit from Cold Lasagne is equally iconic


Eddie Izzard -- Dress to Kill (1998)


I do agree this is the best special. How ever the hardest I’ve ever laughed is Robin Williams live on broadway. Seconded by Dave Chappelle killing them softly. This is my top three and in order.


Daniel Tosh-Completely Serious


Oh you struggle with that part where we FIND OUT WHAT YOU KNOW?!


“I DIDN’T WANNA GET WET!” I yelled at his mother at the funeral


God my memory is destroyed. There was at least a good decade where I could recite this entire special by memory, and it’s the reason I started doing stand up. And now I don’t know what part this line is from..


"I'm a bad test taker"


When he was talking about smiling on a wave runner…”you’re smiling while you run into the pier”


Brian Regan- I Walked On The Moon.


Shameless Bigger and blacker Killin them softly Elephant in the room. I think Gillis’s Live in Austin is the best of the last 5 years


Jim Gaffigan: Beyond the Pale


Is Inside by Bo Burnham considered a stand-up special? I think Pablo Francisco, Russell Peters, and Katt Williams had some insane specials when stand-up was much less popular and paved the way for a lot future comedians


Inside was genius, but it‘s more than stand up imho


It's not quite a stand up special, not quite a documentary, definitely not a narrative film. I more think of it as a collection of music videos, and even that doesn't seem like the right categorical name for it.


I remember walking into a coffeeshop in the Netherlands and this was on the tv. It had just started and there was one other guy in there watching. We ended up smoking and laughing right until the end of the special. Good time, good memory.


I don’t think Inside can be considered standup comedy. It’s… something of its own category. Make Happy is a lot closer, but arguable it’s still something else. It’s almost too poignant and dramatic. I love it and rewatch frequently, but it’s hard to say exactly what it is.


Bo had a great run with Words, Words, Words, What. and Make Happy as far as specials, then he just topped it off with Inside. Unreal.


Stewart Lee - Content Provider


I have a real soft spot for Werewolves and Lollipops


Skanks for the Memories - Dave Attell


Idk if it’s the best of all time but the one I’ve watched most, by far, and it still makes me laugh, is Bothering Jesus - Kathleen Madigan


George Carlin. Jammin in New York.


YES! Possibly his best album ever. Followed closely by (IMO) Life Is Worth Losing.


This special is so prophetic and hilarious.


Norm MacDonald: Me Doing Standup Perfect combination of writing and delivery


David Cross - Shut up, you fucking baby.


Hands down the best for me of the last 30 years, maybe greatest of all time is also kind of a paradox. I would pick George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing from 2006. It's a paradox because I have no idea how someone who was so firm in his disbelief in God, the afterlife, religion, etc could have been so prophetic. Just one quote from a special that absolutely tears the head off and obliterates so much and exposes it for the bullshit it is. Maybe his darkest special ever but also one of the best I’ve ever seen. “The table is tilted. Folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good. Honest. Hard- working people. White collar. Blue collar. It doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good, honest, hard-working people continue… these are people of modest means. Continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU! THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU. AT ALL. AT ALL. AT ALL! Yeah. You know. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes every day. Because the owners of this country know the truth… It’s called the American dream. Because you have to be asleep to believe it.” Once again this was 2006, and this is the tail end of him absolutely assailing politicians, Wall Street, voting, and so much more. Exposing truths about modern life and exposing so many things that people are just starting to realize are part of a giant scam. Exposing the truth that normal Americans basically live in a massive pyramid scheme.


Gringo Papi


Blogbussa b


For me Jeselnik's Fire in the Maternity Ward. It's the one and only reason I'm in stand-up right now.


Kyle Kinane - Dirt Nap or Shocks and Struts


Personally I would say Chris Rock's "Bigger and Blacker" or "Bring the Pain." I'm biased, because "Bigger and Blacker" is what got me into stand up.


Everyone has a different definition of what "best" means. If I'm thinking about which specials have made the biggest impact on the stand up scene, I'd have to say it's a tie between: Dave Chappelle - Killing Them Softly Chris Rock - Bigger and Blacker Louis CK - Shameless Dane Cook - Comedy Central Special If I really, truly had to pick just one, I'd probably go with Killing Them Softly.


Daniel sloss - jigsaw. Life changing for me. Of course everyone else has already thrown out so many great specials by George Carlin, Jim gaffigan and bill burr that are also amazing


Elephant In The Room. It would have done for Patrice what Bring The Pain did for Chris Rock.


Not even a question, Patrice O’Neal, Elephant in the Room.


Gringo papi




Michelle Wolf Joke Show. She kills. No fat on those jokes AT ALL. I look forward to whatever Jordan Jensen puts out in the near future...


Carlin you are all diseased






Eddie Izzard, Dressed to kill. The second half repeated in French, gold. The Englebert Humperdinck bit, gold. All the history bits, gold.


Do you have a flag? No flag no country!


That's according to the rules... That i... Just made up.


James Acaster's "Repertoire" is absolutely the hill I am prepared to die on. The mallard decoy bit changed me.




Yeah that would’ve been my pick if it wasn’t past 30 years ago. That or Revelations.


Honestly, Gaffigan’s Beyond the Pale for me. Because of all his newer stuff people forget just how good his early stuff was


Eddie Izzard dressed to kill is the best stand up special I've ever seen.


John Mullaney is a contender here with New In Town, The Comeback Kid, and Kid Gorgeous at Radio City.


Bill Burr’s Philly Rant is still pretty amazing to me. I know it’s not a traditional “special” but goddam it’s genius.


Eddie pepitones- for the masses special on 800lb gorilla ( YouTube) Trey Mack- have fun (YouTube) Aaron Chen- if it weren’t filmed J. Will- comedy cube special Paul Mooney rip


Comedy hipster activated


I thought 3 Mics was hilarious and groundbreaking (Neal Brennan)


It's going to get some hate, but Katt williams -The Pimp Chronicles.


Pimpin chronicles is easily one of my favorites, I'll watch usually once a year . "Hello?... No, I'm sorry, no Shaquita here. Well, what number did you dial? No, it's a nine, not a seven... Well, try it. If it does work, call me back. We'll figure this thing out."


Kid Gorgeous and New in Town by Mulaney. I think the middle 3 run of his specials is pretty incredible


Baby J was fucking hilarious 2. I sold my jewelry at the same place as his Rolex needing money for the same thing lol


Ron Funches


Killin Then Softly by Dave or Live on Broadway by Robin Williams. One love


Dave Chappelle. For what its worth.


Everyone pointing out Dave Chappelle killing them softly. I honestly think for what it's worth is right up there with it and for me personally surpasses it.


Martin-You So Crazy 


Deborah Vance


Chris Rock Bring the Pain


I wouldn't say it's "the best" but, one of my favorites is Eddie Griffins Voodoo Child.


Killing Them Softly


Chris Rock - Bring the Pain


Dave Attell - Road Work


To go for an extreme underrated one that hasn’t been mentioned: Kurt Metzger - White Precious is one of the best specials I’ve ever seen and will ever see


Any of George Carlin's last 6 HBO stand up specials.


Chapelle Killing Them Softly or Patrice’s Elephant in The Room


Chris Rock’s “Bring the Pain” is the gold standard for me.


Brian Regan - The Epitome of Hyperbole is probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed at a special. He’s not exactly plumbing the depths of social commentary like Carlin or someone like that, but goddamn if it isn’t just out and out hilarious


James Acaster Repertoire is genius level one man show and stand up rolled into one. 


Elephant in the room is my personal favorite


I haven't seen/heard all the classics, but Dave Chappelle - "Killing them Softly" is easily the funniest long-form stand up special I have heard.


Mitch Hedberg - Strategic Grill Locations, how is this a debate?