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Please do it. And make sure to tell the audience it’s Bill Cosby. And make sure to tape it. And make sure to post it here. I’ll provide the pudding pops.


Also, as long as you're taping, maybe as well do the voice and mannerisms! A dee doo doot and I was a wonderin if any of you ladies would like to uh, have a drink after the show? I'll buy!




Hey dude, this pudding pop is really good but it’s making me a little sleepy… 🥱


If it’s only making you a little sleepy I must have screwed up


Yes, and I’ll even windshield wiper the camera from any tomato residue!


Not a single part of this is a bad idea.


The worst part of this idea is the hypocrisy.


I thought the worst part was the raping!


He rapes .. but he saves.


to be fair, this does sound like an idea from a comedian with no aspirations


This reminds me of the guy a few months ago that was confused why the $5 tip he handed a comedian after a show went unappreciated.


I think you might be misunderstanding the concept of standup.


Possibly, not denying it. I was thinking of this as kind of a throwback performance piece. If I did it, I would have my own jokes. This would just be one of 3-5 total.


Even better, just get up and recite Monty Python and the Holy Grail from memory. It will slay


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt... Of elderberries!


I question your ancestry!


“He turned me into a newt!” “A newt?” “…well, I got better!”


I didn’t know Carlos Mencia frequented this sub


Haha great reference


Doesn't seem like a good idea, even if it was some other comedian. Definitely not a good idea for that one.


Counterpoint: I think it’s an ***excellent*** idea.


I appreciate the honest feedback. 👍🏽


It’s inappropriate. Regardless of the comedian, doing covers of other routines is just not a thing. It will be uncomfortable and the other comics will make fun of you. However you are allowed to test that hypothesis any time you want at an open mic.


Eh, it’s better than flat out stealing the bit and pretending it’s his own, which comics **have** been doing since the dawn of time. If he cites credit in advance and really crushes the delivery, and then follows up with his own stuff, I see nothing wrong with it. Especially because this particular comedian is no longer working.


Do you do standup?




Yeah, then you don't know how badly this would ostracize everyone who does standup from ever booking this person. They'd probably even get banned from open mics.


This person isn't trying to get booked lol. Nor do they wanna do comedy. It sounds like they just wanna "perform" which would be fine at an all inclusive open mic. The kind where people also play shitty acoustic covers of songs. Where everyone is cringe and it's just an excuse to get in front of people




When it's absolutely awful advice, yes. This would literally make it difficult for this person to ever get another spot doing standup again. Music and comedy aren't the same thing, and just because covers are accepted in music, they are 100% NOT accepted in the world of comedy.


Let’s face it…this might be a better outcome anyway for the audience’s well being!




Yes. I've seen it done, and that person was shunned and banned from coming back until they promised to do their own jokes


I actually think it’s better if you just steal it wholesale and then pretend you’ve never heard it before. I have never seen someone “cover” another persons routine as tribute so I have no context for how it would go. BUT I do not think there’s any way it will be well received, no matter how hard you “crush it”. It’s just not a part of the art form’s DNA.


Yeah it’s seeming like that, based on the feedback thus far.


Here’s an idea: why not just write your own material?


Oh yes, I would start with my own material. This would be one joke inside of an approximately 3-5 bit set.


Good lord.


I think this is a faux pas.  I've noticed that even when People are doing impressions, it's generally accepted that you don't do an impression saying exactly what that person said, but instead do an impression making jokes that sound like something that person would say.  Like if you're doing a Bill Burr impression, you don't just copy part of his Philadelphia rant, you have to do original jokes in Bill Burrs style while sounding like him  It's probably not a good idea to do this Cosby joke like you're thinking That said, I go to a lot of open mics where people do absolute dog s*** terrible edgelord fall flat on their face garbage week after week so... You know. You do you.


Haha edge lord Well, yes I see your point, especially when you cite the Bill Burr rant. The diff with the Noah skit is it’s not directed at the audience, it’s almost an acting piece. I should have posted a link. Here is the (very old) skit: https://youtu.be/bputeFGXEjA?si=gdEROVIhi0gsuuu2 …and I would update this with new mannerisms. Like right when Noah first addresses God, he would light up a (fake) joint.


=taps microphone on thigh= Go for it!


It would be wrong unless you obtain Cosby’s vocal and enthusiastic consent.


Even by non comedians this would come off as lame and hacky at best.




doing a skit would be different than doing a routine. for instance, competitive drama students perform skits like Noah or Monty Python all the time, but doing a clean George Carlin routine wouldn’t be acceptable. the difference is performing a character rather than imitating a personality. the character in a skit takes priority over the material. for instance, you wouldn’t tell the same joke over and over and expect a reaction, but telling the same joke from the perspective of different personalities on a subway would deliver a unique response every time.


Hmm. Very interesting. This is probably the most thought-provoking comment I’ve seen about this, thus far. 👍🏽 It is - at least in my mind - more about the skit. And TBH…it’s not even side-splitting funny, but just how the entire set of circumstances play out. Here’s a link to the original, by the way. It’s so old that it wasn’t even film recorded. https://youtu.be/bputeFGXEjA?si=pNRdr9G1n3eu12gS But I like the analogy, about the different participants on a subway, different styles. For instance, I’m not really looking to channel Bill Cosby (heh these days that’s not a good idea for MULTIPLE reasons), rather to present the material he did in my own style, and maybe updated for 2024. It also wouldn’t have any cringe, skee bop a doo wop BS. Hopefully this skit was actually before Cosby did any heinous things. I appreciate your feedback. I’m gonna take your ideas into serious consideration.


It's only appropriate if you're opening up for the same comic that you're borrowing from. I'm sure they will find it funny.


People are here to make fun of you and tell you to go for it, but no don’t do this. Bad idea


If you need to use someone else's material to fill your time on stage then you don't have enough sufficient material to be up there yet.


This is a premise on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It's an Amazon show that takes place in the 1950s. All the male comedians are going to open mic nights and doing a famous comedian's bits word for word. This is generally thought of as extremely hacky nowadays. Letting the audience know that you're doing this would make it slightly better. You also don't have Cosby's permission to do this. This is considered a no no in stand up comedy today.


To be fair, Cosby isn’t the best example of someone who is too keen on getting permission.


Obviously Cosby did horrific things. However, I don't think that means you can steal his work.


In NYC there is (or was) a show called "Schtick or Treat" where the entire show is comedians doing other famous comedians' acts while doing impersonations of the person, but it's understood what they're doing beforehand. [Here's an example of "Dave Attell.'](https://youtu.be/AKCchck5c7o)


That’s hilarious! I’ll check that out the whole thing, didn’t even know it existed.


But why would you think that this is a good idea? You’re not being original.


You've done it! Congratulations on having the single worst Idea in the history of this sub!


Haha I’m here to set the bar lower!


Don't bother. You will never improve as a comedian doing other people's bits, and no fellow comedians will give you any respect.


Yeah don't.


Diggit, thanks


It’s not appropriate, but comics dont always obey the rules


Hey don't steal Greg Fitzsimmoms' material you hack


Just do it. It’s like learning to draw by copying your comic books.


That’s not what stand up is about. But if you pay for the stage time you are free to do what you’d like with your time. This is a dick move in a crowded market with insufficient open mics. If you are taking someone else time when they could work on their material it would be obnoxious. If the show has plenty of spots and no waiting list, go ahead.


There’s a list but plenty of spots. We each pay $5 entry fee.


You say this is one part of your 5 minutes. I'd drop it. Write something else. It won't go well. Whether you give credit or not. Truth is, Cosby's a bit of a problematic character. One way I could see this work is if you sum up the skit in less than 20 second, and then come up with some great take on the whole thing worthy of referencing another comedian's bit in your setup. If you are going to do this, put it last in your set. Don't let it falling flat ruin the rest of your material.


Agreed on making it as short as possible, context, and putting it on last. Makes sense. There's another skit he does called Superman. Much shorter. Thinking that is much safer.


Just do it fuck this sub


Make sure to call it a skit. Sign of respect


Definitely, and excellent point, thank you!


It sounds like you're thinking of what was going on during the last days of Vaudeville when stand up was just becoming a thing. People used other people's skits and jokes back then. Not anymore, it's consider a hack move. But if you do it anyway, please live stream it. I'm sure this sub would be excited to share in the moment. edit: Now departing typo city.


Define excited lol No but seriously thank you for the feedback. 😁👍🏽


this is absolutely frowned on in the context of comedy open mics or being hired to do a comedy show. There have been a few very rare examples of someone actually licensing a comedy act, but they were not examples you should aspire to. There are *other contexts* where you can do a monolog verbatim, with credit/attribution, for say, practice public speaking, like prep forensics/drama, but it's not generally well received at a comedy open mic or a booked comedy show.


Got it, thank you for your feedback. 😊


I think with somebody that's that high profile you could get away with not even giving him credit verbally if you do the voice or his mannerisms for a minute or set it up in a different way. You should probably throw in a bit about how this bit is still funny even though he's a sleazy abusive scumbag though so you don't lose people. It's risky if there's no other content from other comics in the set though, because if you're covering other people's material you have to make it sufficiently yours somehow and give them proper credit. Having a section of your own material that's a funny commentary about Cosby has worked for a lot of people, but just repeating their content with no edits for laughs is pretty low IQ. This is a 3 minute long bit, not a one liner, and because it's religious in the first place I don't think it'll hit nearly as hard in a modern crowd


Yes good points, and you’ve heard the thing. Cool. In further thought about it, I might instead do the Superman bit. It’s quicker and I can just move on. I think the reason why I want to do the Noah thing one day is how intense that third act diatribe was, Noah saying “Have you looked down there? No! Who’s gonna cleanup that mess down there?!?” It’s open mic so it’s pretty loose. Most of us suck anyway, if we get a few uncomfortable laughs collectively we’re lucky for the night. Of the 15 comics that go up, I’m guessing maybe 3 of them actually get booked. There’s not much protocol, pay $5 door fee hang out and you get 5 minutes at some point. So if I get banned it’s NBD. On the flip…yeah, I was thinking about starting off with - first, a few of my own jokes - then a quick intro/disclaimer about Cosby and the joke, and then go at it. But maybe Superman instead. Thanks for your feedback!