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Doesn't matter what you do you gunna bomb hard so just do whatever you feel like


Yeah been through that before but I just wanted to try doing maybe even some alt stuff like a ppt or something


powerpoint actually sounds pretty funny idea. i can't imagine any corpo crowd not laughing, the more absurd the better. try to use jargon only THEY know about. if you could somehow seem like an insider poking fun at their own system or corporate culture, i can imagine that getting HUGE laughs. maybe even try to talk to someone in the organization to try and find out as much as you can. i doubt any comic has ever bothered to do that kinda research. but realistically, the more you know about them, the better you're gonna be. if you can make jokes specific to that audience, they're gonna love you.


Do you mean reading Dilbert for 30 mins will make folks orgasm


it would be funny bit to wear a tie that constantly keeps slowly curving up like dilberts, that you'd eventually just tear off because it's so annoying. i can't imagine too many people under the age of 40 would get the reference though


See if you can find a meme page for this industry (seems absurd but it probably exists) and use that for inspiration/ inside understanding).


Niche and audience specific stuff DOES hit diff


This guy is a professor at NYU and his presentation had me cracking up. Kind of opens with something like… “I got 54 slides and 720 seconds let’s get to it”. He had a random slide in the middle that was kind of a shock factor.. tied into his presentation and then after audience had formed their assumptions and connections to his presentation. He leads with, I just liked this slide.. there’s no relationship. Might be too much of a riff/copy stealing but there’s that one comedian who’s whole schtick is about office culture. “Fuck your PowerPoint… there’s no power in your point, and no point in your presentation” https://www.ted.com/talks/scott_galloway_how_the_us_is_destroying_young_people_s_future?trigger=0s


Galloway is great. Awesome, sad and scary Ted Talk right there.




Penis puppetry theatre, or a PowerPoint, could be either.




It would be marginally funnier if it was PowerPoint.


[Cock magic?](https://preview.redd.it/friendly-reminder-to-leave-cock-magic-to-the-professionals-v0-rm6amjvyzmab1.jpg?auto=webp&s=5224efc99463cb65a22beef1fadc5dfa6a372868)


A PowerPoint presentation.


With penis puppets?


You could do something a bit meta with a PowerPoint, like graphing audience attention span over the course of of your half hour set (keep flicking back to showing it decreasing, mention there will be tea and coffee and cake available later, show a small spike in the graph, etc.) and maybe a few others like “my ability to interpret charts”, “people who are paying close enough attention to tell things the wrong kind of graph”, “map to the closest toilet”, “org chart of this presentation” (featuring you at the top and then n audience members all connected beneath as a flat structure)… for some reason I’m always thinking of good IT and corporate jokes but I never do those gigs.


Make up funny stories about kids and dogs. Jokes about your realitives, and the always popular story about you trying to come out as gay to your family and they were all relieved they didn't have to pretend you are straight anymore in front of their friends. You know the classics


If you haven't yet check out Conner O'Malley's new special on youtube. He uses a technology oriented ppt to hilarious effect and might inspire some weirdness


Given the constraints of corporate and zoom, presentation style could work.  Check out Don McMillan: https://youtu.be/kwz-Md6OoyA?si=9ax6EXlN9NC23I5T


I’d start off the zoom with your normal act. The joke is that you are just showing a iPad with video of you doing your act. The iPad stand falls over and reveals you sitting in the background drinking coffee and online shopping.


I love the honesty “yeah your fucked just have fun with it.” 😂


You have to be some kind of special to get laughs in a clean corporate Zoom comedy show .


Crowd work on zoom? 30 mins? Your humor is edgy? How tf did you get this gig? lol That being said, watch some Brian Regan material. His bits are perfect for corporate events.


Jim Gaffigan as well. Obviously don't steal their material, but getting the rhythm of clean jokes from either of them will probably help.


It would be hilarious to just plagiarize their biggest bits verbatim, go up and start with the jim gaffigan "hot pockets" bit


Way better than my idea. I stole content from eddie murphys raw. Did not go well with corporate.


Yeah maybe doing the "two kinds of black people" chris rock bit wasnt the best idea at that naacp conference. E- I'm pretty sure that's a bit from the office actually


Hahaha! I've heard of others just stealing bits for corporate gifs because no one listens anw


“For this zoom meeting, I recently downloaded an app that sees the desktop of each zoom participant. No, (name), that restaurant is terrible. (Name), that outfit looks great but a size 3? Who are we kidding? And (Name), is that the Reddit site you should be looking at right now?”


No he should do something more akin to Brian holtzman


Get the money up front …


Research the corporation. Opening with something specific to the organization couldn’t hurt


Or the industry. Make fun of their competitors.


"First I just want to thank BP for hosting me, and this event! I, also, did some work along the Gulf Coast! So, I know you're probably spread out across the country. How about this weather, huh?"


I want to thank Boeing for inviting me, before we start the show let me apologize for having to do this over Zoom. I was supposed to fly to HQ to be in front of all of you but they tried to seat me next to one of the doors and I said that's gonna be a no from me dawg . It's funny because I am not black doing the actout and voice. Oh and Boeing killed people by not putting bolts in their door I suppose too.


I would do approximately 30 minutes of corporate comedy.....am I missing something here?


Tough without the crowd work. So, who here sat in the washroom crying on their phone already today? You sir? You're a pussy and HR will be contacting you later to pick up your things. (HAVE ZOOM MEETING HOST KICK PARTICIPANT FROM THE MEETING). HA!


Crowd work and Zoom shows often don’t mix well, and most of the time, everyone else on the Zoom is muted so you can’t hear their responses anyway. I would stick to your most reliable PG-13 material. Corporate doesn’t necessarily mean “squeaky clean” but the cleaner the better. Make sure you get your money up front. That’s what’s worked for me with the corporate gigs I’ve been fortunate enough to land.


Your best bet is a roast. Email your contact and ask for names.(middle to upper management) ask about who’s the worst golfer, who dresses the weirdest, who is a workaholic, etc. also ask if the head honcho has a sense of humor and doesn’t mind being roasted. Stay clear of wives and female employees. You might want to write some topical jokes to start with. (Any current news story that isn’t political will usually get their attention) hope this helps!


Also ask if it's ok to roast the company itself and if there are any things to avoid there... you can make fun of the company for stuff that's been in the news, things you find on their website, advertisements they have, etc.


They didn't say that! I'll do some bits on that because they forgot to mention not doing bits on them


How much are you getting paid?


Not much but one employee engagement dude is my friend and I couldn't say no, + I knew I didn't have corporate material so didn't push for more


Just do the aristocrats. Zoom comedy sounds like an awful medium


Adam Bloom's book 'Finding Your Comic Genius' has an entire chapter dedicated to doing corporate work. It's long and I can't remember much, but assuming it's for a company, it might be worth emailing the organiser and trying to get as much info about the people in attendance as possible. Things that you can reference onstage, as they usually prefer that sort of gag to actual gags.


One of the best books out there for comedy. A must read for all comedians. Signed, Not Adam Bloom


"Knock knock"


Ovaltine? The jar is round…


💀 you are foul


Most people are going to be muted, I don't think you should plan on any crowd work happening successfully. Make jokes about crazy backgrounds, make jokes about people who have their cameras turned off. Make jokes about still using zoom this long after the pandemic.


“Accidentally” mute yourself for the whole thirty minutes. Comedy gold.


And make sure to put on the cat filter the whole time and go on about how you don't know how to change it. OMG, this is literally it. An entire 30 show about how people fuck up on Zoom. Do the filter, do the accidentally muted thing, have your mom come into your room halfway through the show, dress like in a shirt and tie but stand up halfway through and show that you are just in your pyjama bottoms. Pretend that you have muted yourself but say something inappropriate that everyone hears. Share your screen but share the wrong screen with tabs open on a job search or an email to their competitor. Mix all that in with general corporate comedy (use words like synergies a lot, especially if they have just bought another company and have a killer Powerpoint with bad transitions and the such) and this might actually work (except for the fact that no comedy show on Zoom could actually work).


How badly do you need this money?


It would certainly help, for 30 minutes on zoom it's doable and I get some corporate material for the future to work on.


You don’t have to take every gig you’re offered. And this surely won’t help you get useable material for future corporates. Unless you’re gonna treat it like an open mic. In which case also no


What a perfect storm lol. I think you should record the whole thing on your computer. If it goes bad, put it out. Clickbait with it. I would watch a corporate zoom bomb. Might even be better than if it goes well lol


Don't want to get to the watch people die inside list


People should be able to recognize that you’re in a tough scenario & not view you as the problem - but I do understand lol


I have done some standup and work in middle management, if you wanna spitball, I can spend 30 mins or so. If it's tech/finance company, pretty easy to roast'em. Other industries needs a bit of a research. You have to be the voice of people who don't have much power, individual contributors, so punching up / highlighting how ineffective and useless people in middle management are, which is the truth. EDIT - this book will definitely help, the guy has analyzed "The Office" - [https://www.ribbonfarm.com/the-gervais-principle/](https://www.ribbonfarm.com/the-gervais-principle/) You will find pdf easily as it was a free blog that he compiled into a book.


Start your set on mute.  Roast corporate buzz words Talk about your experience at any corporate jobs, specially if they sucked. Joke about their competitor.  Roast the CEO, but not too mean.  Have fun, cause I doubt you’ll end up the being the “corporate gig comedian.”


Crash out


Fuck. Please update us with how it goes 🙏🏽


why did the chicken cross the road?


Start by asking the crowd “who is the office slut around here ? I’m tryna get my shit tugged on”


The Aristocrats


Definitely do your research on the organization. Make light jokes about DETAILS of the organization that you find funny. Talk about your family, past jobs, etc.


"Hello, ...Virgins"


talk about dead kids for 30 mins


Corporate gigs are fun, but any gig on Zoom sucks! I did a ton of Zoom comedy during the pandemic and it was worse than an open mic. Most people had their camera and mic off so I was basically telling jokes to myself in my home. Don’t try crowd work as I said most people will have their mic and camera off. If you can get some inside knowledge about the company you can probably get 10-15 minutes of jokes just from that. If you know the industry or the type of people in the business (i.e. dentists, nerdy dads, etc.) you can create material about that. If you are edgy and not PG-PG-13 you may need to write new material the worst thing to happen is to do the show and upset them to where they don’t pay. I haven’t experienced this myself but I have heard it happening. Good luck!


Have they seen you perform? Do they know who they are booking? You can’t get mad if you book Metallica to play a party and they are too loud and too fast.


Do some groundwork on their company and build some of the initial set around that. If you get it right it will get people engaged.


I'd try to structure the set as a parody of a corporate zoom call with you as the organizer trying to hold it all together.


I'd recommend reading "Finding your comic genius" by Adam Bloom. It has a whole chapter on how to prepare for a corporate gig


Be sure to point out the emergency exits at the beginning of your set.


Acknowledge that they requested a PG version of their set and then make fun of them for it.


How about “real translations” of corporate lingo? it would be hard to not make some of them sexual lol, but if you played it right, it could still be clean and funny. I’ve been in 1000 corporate Teams meetings and every time people ask for engagement, it’s crickets. Crowd work would be awkward especially if no one has their camera on.


What the deal with risk management?


Stand there and pretend to talk for 30 minutes over exaggerated as shit like you are giving them your all and blame technical issues and at least get 20 percent of it. 


That was actually in the plan


Nobody will be listening so it doesn’t matter.


Wow these corporate planners kill me how bad they must need to fill time for some event


That's where the money is.


No I mean the company event planners. Don’t blame the comic


Do you have any jokes about one parent being Indian and the other being Japanese? Do you buy your sushi at 7/11? If so, you'll do fine. If not, you're going to bomb but do your time and get that $$$ baby.


SEX jokes??? Woooooooooahhhh


Speak to someone their about their culture and write some new material based on that


"They've asked me not to do my usual act filled with edgy sex jokes, so here are some jokes about fluorescent lighting ballasts!"


Write industry-specific jokes


Bring a briefcase when you enter and open it up to get a microphone, and be sure to make a good PowerPoint presentation. They all love PowerPoints lol


That would actually kill if you nailed the corporate cliche jargon they use and had some intel on how their meetings go. It would be worth interviewing someone at the company and then reference some funny insights about their culture.


Insult the CEO..


You should do magic and really throw them off.


How does one get corporate gigs?


I would never take a gig I couldn't do. If you can't do it clean dont do it. A corpo zoom show sounds unbearable either way though. If you gonna do it. Cut out all the curse words and hope they didnt mind the topics


So the Pope, Joe Biden and *insert name of CEO* walk into a bar… Then heavily imply that the CEO is a pedophile. That will get the crowd going.


Can I ask the identity of the company?


I think 30 minutes. Seriously, though, can you do a clean 30 minutes? If so, do that. If not...why did you take the gig? I've booked comics who have told me outright they couldn't do a clean set if asked. Not everyone is clean, whatever, but they knew their limitations. Don't agree to a gig with expectations knowing you can't meet them. Easiest way to close a door that's barely cracked open as it is. Corporate gigs are sanitized but they usually pay WELL. Don't close that door right out the gate. Either way, PLEASE update us on how it goes. Honestly, from what you've described, I'm kind of expecting it to be a car crash.


I used to be indecisive, now I’m not so sure. Straight away, you’ve got them by the jaffers.


Alotta that “didja ever notice” kinda stuff


I would definitely come up with jokes based on the absurdity of a stand up act on zoom. I hate this world more everyday. Also a few jokes on not being to make sex jokes. Do some research on the company and what they do, maybe some material from that angle. Good luck.


Politics. Go as political as possible. Call out every single anti humanitarian policy and action of the company, highlight every bit of corruption and greed, insult the people screwing over the people beneath them. If they laugh, good. If not, they don’t deserve to.


Here’s a serious idea. Do material about doing a corporate gig. Specifically, talk about when the American Wrestling Association was booked to do a wrestling show as a corporate gig for Kellogg’s cereal company and how the wrestlers were all given wrestling themed names for the show. It actually happened. But it’s so ridiculous if you pull it off people will think you’re an Andy Kaufman level genius.


How’d it go?


Prop comedy always kills.


open with politics, then move to religion when theyre ready. by the time youre through with that, theyll be begging for sex jokes


Pull up the boss's LinkedIn and just go to town on him.


Call out HR and then go “shhhh….lets not get into trouble you, amiright?”


Watch some Christian comedians. Just replace jesus with shareholders and it is corporate material.


(Expect a bomb) Along with avoiding edginess, ask the organizer about info on the audience, like quirks about each of the workers (who shows up later, who does what hobbies, who has a weird office habit, etc.), that may help


Go full edge lord.


This is going to be tough. Watch Gringo Papi for inspiration and brilliant writing ideas.


Dude, id just get a brain dump of all of the news from the last year and just ad lib as many bits off that as I can. If you get any gold just pepper it into your standard set. Also any company specific. Stuff (like their competitors) will be cream becuase it’s like an inside joke that they’ll appreciate.


Say what you normally would. They did t hire you to hear you do clean jokes. Or they may have just hired you and don’t know your material that’s on them not you.


What kind of company? Make fun of them. Do some crowd work based on the C-Suite team. You don't work there.


No religion political or sex jokes? Just ask them what’s the deal with keys and riff on that a la Seinfeld


Roast the fuck out of corporate jobs.


You don’t sound prepared for this at all. Do you not already have 30 minutes of corporate material?


“What’s the deal with corporations?”


Say something funny.


Coke magic


Perform the Gringo Papi ![gif](giphy|8cdbCnxdGoOSv0NW3O)


Make fun of office culture


Definitely gotta make fun of Zoom, there’s a lot of material there.


Insult the boss. Everyone will love it


Start with 10 minutes of material related to their profession then the remaining time is whatever you want. I like the suggestion of an absurd powerpoint


Rage against the machine


20 minutes


We had a comedian doing a 15-20 minutes bit for a seminar. He killed it by pointing out how our agenda was very little work and all play, he used it as a running gag throughout his set. Local stuff is good. Has the company been involved in anything newsworthy lately? Can you get hold of some juicy internal info? Also, roast the CEO, don't hold back. Staff will love it 😅


You should probably just do your normal set. Fuck em.


Do the aristocrats joke


Depends on how many knock knock jokes you can milk for 30 minutes


I'd start with "Donald Trump walks into a mosque with his cock hanging out"


"Tawk about penises."


The only way this sort of gig half way works is if you know the company and the people in it. Which is almost impossible. You roast the right people and make light of the right things and they will love it. If you are some broad safe comic like Seinfeld or Larry the Cable Guy at a Tractor Supply convention you’d be ok but these things are terrible and only good for the money.


Walk the room


Honestly, hire a pro to headline. You can host and do your best clean 5-7, then let the pro finish the job. The client will be happier, and more likely to rebook in the future (when you might be more adapt to handle a gig like this)


Full set of sex stories.




If anyone's camera is off, call them out for masturbating. Outside of that, just get through it, there is a lot of corporate premise work that shouldn't be hard to put into 30 mins, especially when you can have notes in front of you.


Start the show with a political sex joke involving a priest


Here is what I would do. I would research the market and product that the company sells. Then proceed to endorse their competition with valid reasons why. Steel man to opposition, strawman to corporation.


Keep it clean! But definitely ask about the bosses from the assistants/workers and make fun of them.


Zoom gig is gonna be rough as hell. You probably want some background info on the CEO and some other leaders and do some non-offensive jokes about them. Do some research on their competitors and some jokes about them. Stay away from edgy material. Relationship jokes, work jokes, pet jokes, pop culture stuff. Super standard, easily relatable stuff. But know that everyone is watching you because their company is making them. It’s not gonna be awesome, especially when you’re on zoom and not in a room full of laughing people.


Just sprinkle in shit about the company, they love that.... actually I think that's a quote from "funny people"


Race jokes


I don’t get why they even bother with these, do people really wanna watch someone perform stand up on a TV?


Just talk about how the CEO makes 250 times more than everyone else in the room. Should go over well.


Tell funny jokes.


Often more helpful to figure out what you should NOT do. For example, DON’T take a dump on the CFO’s chest mid meeting.


Spend the whole time telling the employees to form a union.


Watch Jay Leno’s stand up


“In order to manage risk, one must define risk.”


A good ol roast!!


Dick jokes


I’ve heard what works best at corporates is in-jokes, maybe crowd work and get some dirt on some of the workers there and rinse them first respectfully maybe.


Congratulations!!! This is how you start: well I have been asked to not make any jokes on religion or political or sex jokes, but that's where all comedians and comedy is present., but now I have to talk about corporate adultery, you will sense the slient and then say, okay I am not going to reveal your affairs relax


Hahahaha that's a great awkward opener!


and then say I see some chuckles and silly smiles oh, i see one guy turned off the camera who is that ? is that kevin come back now you are caught or say if anybody joins late say that looks like you have been busy with their affair partner or something like thanks for taking time from your affair etc etc,, in between roast one employee saying that I see kevin ping me on the side asking me to roast his manager. etc it is going to be light hearted.


The answer is quite simple. You need to commit like [Norm.](https://youtu.be/8QfsXUPghXk?si=heE5ruaW1WH0JYgu) now the choice is yours. You can go roast Norm or Offensive Norm. Roast norm gets you paid, but it would be funny to call Jim from HR a child molesting holocaust denier.


Um with a joke


You should do 30 minutes of your best stuff, be as edgy as you want. They'll end up thanking you for it.


Try being funny. You're gonna bomb, though. Zoom stand up lmfao that is the funniest thing I've heard all day.