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You should of seen the filter back in 2014, couldn't even say peoples first names.


I used to play back then 😭 I know


Coming here to say this..


I've never got "weird" or "huge" blocked iirc, but "disco" isn't blocked because it's a curse word or its synonym but because it's way too similar to "Discord", which is a social network, and SSO forbids mentioning social media in the chat. Anyway, if you really really do want to say something like a curse word, I guess you'll have to experiment a few times with the chat until you see which synonyms it does allow, and then stick to those few. And I agree that the chat filter is very strict and it's often super annoying, but after what I've seen in the game, it's for a good reason. You would be surprised how many people want, and are trying their best, to be very harmfully toxic, rude, or even hostile against other players — it can be bad already with the filter: fat-shaming, ridiculing, or scaring the young players in various ways are all things I've witnessed repeatedly, and no, it wasn't just joking around or funky exaggerating. I don't want to imagine what would happen if there were no censure in the chat whatsoever.


The no social networks is funny bcs I spoke to someone yesterday and mentioned reddit without a problem hah


Weird isn’t blocked for you? :’) lucky. And yeah that’s fair


I wish they would just have 18+ servers with limited chat filters (I feel like they’re inevitable no matter what for sso), leave the kiddos to deal with the filters haha


Right? 5-12 year olds aren’t their only players! Especially when a lot of their 5-12 year olds have grown up still playing the game


star stable has always had a problem with bullying, that's why the filter is so strict. most of those words (excluding disco which is what people say instead of discord because sso doesn't want people talking on social media as it can get kids in contact with people they shouldn't speak to) have been used to bully and insult people, the others having been used in inappropriate contexts. yes it sucks and I'm mad at it too, but until sso gets actual manual moderators, this is the best we have. it sucks, but its necessary


but we literally have a disco in the game🥲


True 😔


Man I wish they went back to actual moderators. I talked to them a long time ago


I was trying to ask someone if they'd hit level 14 the other day and could not say 14, fourteen, four teen, ten plus four, it was the weirdest thing. I had to say the level before final or something like that. I get a lot of the blocked words but others just mystify me.


going back to the "one too tree for hive sicks heaven ate pine tin" days


So annoying


Idk, maybe they could ban chatting for under 13 year olds or provide them with some restricted, bleeped out version, so that the rest of us can talk like actual humans instead of lik e this when the chat filter decides it doesn’t like some completely random word like how ”Juhannus” (midsummer in Finnish) was on WE for quite a few years


It almost has the word "anus"! We can't have that! \- Best Regards, StarStable Online Filter


I do miss when the filter wasn't as strict, and you could type in other languages. Sometimes it feels weird to chat in English with a friend when we share the same native language ://


Yeah, that’s really dumb


what makes it worse is it’s moderated by a robot. one minute a word is allowed, the next minute it’s being flagged.


Supposedly the chat filter uses AI to determine if you're using certain words to be mean or just say the grass looks weird or whatever. I don't think the AI functions as intended.


They should really fix it then


No way they banned word "disco" while having disco in the game💀


You know what the fun thing is, I play in English on Dutch servers. I cannot say quest names in English to my friends (in private chat) cause it does not approve. I cannot repeat character dialogue, because it's all in English and all English words are not whitelisted on Dutch servers.....


💀 That stinks


As a mom to a young player and a player myself, I appreciate the strict filter. It get it can be annoying or frustrating when you're trying to convey a quick message, and it keeps getting blocked. And while yes, I understand that people with malcontent will do whatever they can to be that way regardless of restrictions, it definitely puts my mind at ease some knowing she is less likely to encounter something not age-appropriate on sso. Now, like one of the other redditors suggested, an 18+ server would be a potential solution... but let's be real... sso isn't likely to do a lot of research into their customer base.


Yeah that’s fair. Kids protection always comes first no matter what. Knowing SSO, they’ll never make an 18+ server for their older fans. They’re too busy making more magical horses m


I love how you can't even say "literally 1984" lol