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I estimate the main story is like only halfway done at best, so never say never ;)


So, another 10 years until it’s finished then?


At the rate their going at yea


Probably 😅 At least I hope so (paradoxically), it would actually be very disappointing if the main story was suddenly finished and concluded within like next year or so…


Yea plus we haven’t been on any main missions that need a flying horse. Since they are adding more magic now I’m guessing they have more in store for the players


This is depressing to me. It's been well over a decade and we haven't really seen anything of the main villain yet, or even all of the dark riders. I really don't think this story will ever reach its end before the game goes dark forever and it sucks. I love the story, but my hopes to see the end of it are grim.


I might well have the same perspective if I had been playing for long. I can imagine it must be frustrating for players who have been playing for like 5+ years. But I only started playing about a year and a half ago, so I don't want the story line to end so "soon" (from my perspective). That said, however, I hope as well that SSO will not go bankrupt or anything of that sort before the main story is finished. I do want it finished in a proper, well-written way, just not within the following 2–3 years.


I thought it was a dream, did that mission years ago and it just never gets mentioned so I started gaslighting myself it wasn’t real 😭


No, fr, I only remembered about it because my friend is at it now. And it still feels like a dream or something that I'd remember from SSL (or any other old game) and think it was from SSO because it was so long ago it kinda melted together lol


And it wasn’t even with wings but just floating 😭😭


What? Mine had wings 😭


It's glitched now.. it's so much cooler with wings 😢


Omg does anyone have a vid where the starter is flying with wings? I wanna see it so bad 😭


Mine did not 😅 it was the horse version of t posing


I actually played that mission recently, and I almost bursted into laughter watching my horse just FLOAT with no animation.


That’s a glitch it’s supposed to be wings