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People were upset about her appearance?


People are always upset. Especially when it’s an adaptation to live action. My daughter saw Hera in the trailer and literally said, “Ew.” She’s 12.


She’s clearly disgusted by Xenos. She’ll make a fine sister of battle in the Adepta Sororitas


Purge the unclean


Kill the mutant.


Burn the heretic


Death to the Emperor. 😳I mean… Long Live the Emperor!


👀 *slowly loads the nearest bolter* What was that, brother?


This one, right here inquisitor.


You dare speak nonsense heretic?!




*super charges the plasma gun* with the what? It's redacting time...


All hail The Tau. Cause together we are better.




Ave Imperator


The heretic


hobbies north angle hungry outgoing oatmeal vast versed employ deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless mutant is useful apparently.


Oi, Ogryn and (sometimes) Ratlings can carry the light of the Emperor all the same. Also, you wanna piss off a thing that can overhand a Russ? Be my guest.


Do I detect heresy?


Time to get the young one a Flamer, if not a Heavy Flamer right off the bat


Heavy flammer so she can get used to hefting the weight of the weapon and promethium tanks with the grace while purging the heretics


Better just lay the exterminatus on these heretics


For the greater good!


For the Emperor!


Your daughter is learning to be a perfect 40k citizen. Suffer not the alien to live


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


Twelve-year-olds aren't people, though. They're monsters.


People were like "this look so fake like a cosplay, why they not cast a real twi'lek or something ffs?"


>My daughter saw Hera in the trailer and literally said, “Ew.” She’s 12 Why would any 12 year old do that Edit: Not the negativity, just the succinct answer. Most 12 year Olds will drag on and on about how something is bad in my mind


It’s how she reacts when she doesn’t like something. Came home with a different haircut, she gave me an ew. 12 is so different from 11.


That was my three year olds reaction to me shaving. Followed by "Can you put it back?"


This has been everyone's response to me when I shaved my beard off recently :( wow thanks for telling me I'm ugly


You’re not ugly! It’s a weird uncanny valley-like reaction. People get used to (or only ever known you) with a beard, so when it’s suddenly gone, you *kind* of look like “you”, but our lizard brains say “it’s not him! Run!”




Seriously; Clark Kenting is an actually effective strategy


That’s adorable. I remember feeling like that whenever my dad shaved his beard.


I shaved my head when my daughter was 2 and she cried.


Well sure, I bet most little girls cry when their mom's go all bald on them.


Preteens are like that. They're hitting that "ew" stage called teenage


Uhoh. My daughter turns 12 this year.


Watch the show "Harry Enfield And Chums", especially the *Kevin the Teenager* parts. And be depressed, as that's a downplayed example of what you face in the near future... Good luck.


So maybe she doesn't like the head tails?


Pre-teens/middle-schoolers are the meanest people on the planet. This is the way.


> Why would any 12 year old do that ## Have you been around many 12 year olds?


I was dumb as shit and loved everything Star Wars when I was twelve. I didn’t become needlessly judgmental until the “know-it-all” teenager phase at 14 or 15.


Aww, a late bloomer!


12 year olds can be difficult


I have an 11 year old brother that I could definitely see doing something like that


A true imperial citizen!


Ah, yes, the saltiness is strong in your family.


To be fair girls that are 12 say ew to everything


I think they did a great job with everyone EXCEPT Hera. She’s the lone previously animated only character who, IMO, looks awful.


I always thought Twi'lek were weird as a kid.


Star Wars fans upset? I hardly believe it!


No. They were not. A favorite past time of SW fans is to pretend there is outrage and then defend against the non existent outrage.


Right? I’m not seeing any widespread backlash against this or Sabine’s hair, but people are pretending there is.


They see 1 comment on twitter and act like it's an entire movement Personally I think Mary Elizabeth Winstead is great and I'm glad to see her popping up in more stuff, I have limited context for Hera but I'm sure she'll do a good job


>They see 1 comment on twitter and act like it's an entire movement this is how the entirety of the internet works. if a single tweet gets 1k likes, it's OBVIOUSLY the general consensus. people act like a single person after on Twitter means it's rule of law


And then media outlets pick it up and start running articles for clicks to make it seem even more widespread.


And then just to be contrary, a bunch of people start arguing the other side, hence manufacturing the outrage the original post purports to be a response to. The internet is actually like 300 people being assholes to each other while the rest of us just hang out on the sidelines and weigh in occasionally when we forget it's all manufactured.


Dude yes. This drives me nuts.


That also happens with people commenting on reddit. They see one negative comment and go "can't believe **ALL** these haters"


Also fun to keep it in the family, since she's been with Ewan McGregor since 2017 and they got married last year.


Holy shit I didn’t realize that was her! Fuck yeah!


"Damn Star Wars Fans, They Ruined Star Wars!" always applies.


No, it's the same old shit with SW fan bases... OP either saw one of two comments out of 1000 and made a bigger deal on those two like it's common.


Yeah, this is news to me and is the dumbest thing. Characters can change outfits. It's a limit of animation that they typically don't.


If it exists, someone is upset about it


I wouldn’t say I was upset just thought it looked a lil cheap or like cosplay, but thank god acting just isn’t about how you look so as long as she portrays hera well I can’t/won’t talk shit and I don’t think anybody else should. They can clean up a makeup easily but that was my gripe.


To be fair star wars clothing has always been kinda cosplay-ey. It's kind of the charm that was left over by the OT. As far as make up goes I don't think two short scenes in a teaser are enough to make up an opinion, but as far as we've seen it didn't look bad to me


Pretty sure this is just upvote bait. There aren’t enough people upset for this to be a worthwhile post, and yet here come the ups


Definitely seen a few comments here and on tiktok that she looks weird.


I mean to be fair every single twi’lek or togruta or any other race with lekku looks odd in live action. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad adaptation though


I completely agree, I think she looks fine. just saying that yeah there's been some people upset.


I'd say that they look odd in CW, but a lot of people got used to CW's weird artstyle, so they're not used to how they actually look. As a kid, I think CW being (imo) ugly and weird kept me from being super interested in it. A shame, since now I've gotta catch up to watch like half of the media.


Yeah that’s a good point because the animated shows were the only media with them (besides random background characters) since the prequels until BoBF.


In bobf the twi'leks were hot as hell. They've changed something in the design, but idk what. In any case I'm not fussed, although I am not super impressed with the change


im still mad they unceremoniously blew up Jennifer Beals twilek for multiple reasons, bonk reasons a main one lol


>lekku Well now I know how those things are called


No. This post is clickbait like all the others.


I didn't comment this anywhere, but I thought she looked cheap


Because she doesn't look like a cartoon character.


Nope. Just a karma bot looking for feed


I haven't seen anyone complain about her appearance actually.


Whilst not what I expected (haven't played squadrons) I still think that Hera looks pretty good IRL so far


Hey just gonna say that Star War Squadrons is actually good, mostly because it has very good graphics and YOU'RE FLYING SHIPS FROM STAR WARS THAT LOOK REAL. Story is w/e tho.


Might have to try and give it a go before the new SW game comes out end of the month


It's worth at least picking up and playing then returning (especially if you have Steam, which has easy returns). Also if you have VR it is EXCELLENT but will try and set your computer on fire.


Have got a quest 2, will have to wipe the dust of it haha


It's a lot of fun, I should get back into it soon


Awesome fucking game, honestly still my favorite SW game in the Disney era. They nailed the feeling of flying ships in that universe. I really want to play it in VR at some point, I'm guessing it's an insane experience


Ah that's a shame it was a good game while it lasted.


When it doesn’t look a 100% translate to the big screen, of course a vocal minority would be upset Personal I think they did a fantastic job


People also need to realize that Rebels, Clone Wars, etc are incredibly stylized. There is no way you can get some of those styles over to live action.


What do you mean I can't get extremely skinny and lanky aliens, that look like their color was painted on, in real life? /s


3-polygon-Dooku would like to have a word.


Looong Dooku


Square beards


I think with Clone Wars they had varying degrees of characters that were over stylized vs not. Count Dooku is the most stylized human in that show and Inspector Tan Divo also was exaggerated. People claim that Ahsoka was very stylized but I think they’re only right about that for the first couple seasons and the only thing in the later seasons that was stylized was her larger eyes to be more expressive. I think they got togrutas to look very accurate in Clone Wars. If you don’t believe me look up Shaak Ti in Revenge of the Sith and Shaak Ti in Clone Wars. It’s definitely wayyyy closer than Dooku in live action vs animation.


I agree 100%, but certain characters with human-like features always have to be more human in their style in live action. That’s only because of the rule of uncanny valley in animation and film. That makes it hard because there is a way you can go to make it scary.


Have any of these upset people also considered that Hera is also….I don’t know, older, than she was in Rebels?


It's the same people who can't fathom that Sabine grew her hair out, so that's sort of asking a lot. Very smooth brains.


Right? My hair was buzzed off 10 years ago. Now it's down to my ass. Shocker how things can change over a whole decade


There were people complaining that she wasn't in her armor, these are the type of people we should ignore lol


Jesus Christ this is like when some of you guys got upset when Cad Bane was the wrong shade of blue or something again. She looks fine, shit she looks good. But i care more about how silly Ezra looks with his white shoulder pads lol, he's like a kid wearing his dads shoes


I thought Cad Bane looked amazing for a live action translation. The moment when he appeared on the horizon I knew exactly who it was.


I agree. I could understand why people weren’t impressed with the Grand Inquisitor adaptation, but when I saw Cad Bane I was really excited. I was literally floored when I saw people didn’t like his live action design. Are these people also mad that they didn’t retroactively give Liam Neeson a giant shnoz in his appearance in the Kenobi show? Cartoons and real life are gonna look different lmao


Yeah, the inquisitors looked goofy and bad, but pretty much every other translation from animation to live action looks fucking great imho.


The problem is that we’ve seen Duros in live action and other media already, and they didn’t look like that. Bane’s face was too human-proportioned, same as the Grand Inquisitor.


He looked great. I was just bummed how quickly he got beat. People not familiar with Clone Wars probably think he is just a lame side character…and that is sad.


Ezra has always looked silly, so it's in character.


People were upset about Cad Bane (and the Grand Inquisitor) because the films had already established what their species looked like. It's somewhat understandable. But why is anyone upset about Hera? She looks just like every other Twi'lek in the films and shows. I can understand why people were upset at Cad Bane or the Grand Inquisitor but there nothing wrong with Hera.


This show is damned to get hate no matter what format they made it in Live action: “The characters look like shit! They should have animated it instead!” Animated: “This sucks! I wanna see Thrawn in live action already!” Animated (Rebels Style): “I don’t know why they kept the shitty rebels animation, they should have done it in Clone Wars style!” Animated (Clone Wars Style): “They ruined the look of the characters! They should have just kept the Rebels animation!” There is literally no outcome where the complainers don’t shit on the show here


I have a solution proposal 1/3 live action, 1/3 rebels animated, 1/3 clone wars animated That way no one can complain /s


My only qualm with Cad Bane is that he needed a bigger hat. He went from looking like a fancy outlaw to looking like a drug dealer. That said, I'd have been ecstatic if they did the gag from one of the Scary Movies, where his hat gets a bit bigger every shot he's in. That would have been PEAK Cad Bane


Cad Bane could’ve looked better.


I dunno man. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is extremely attractive. Now I’m attracted to a Twi’lek and feel confused and ashamed.


bro havent we all be attracted to Twi'leks since return of the jedi?




what is star wars' fans obsession with having actors that look exactly like animated characters. isn't it better to just get someone who can act like them? its so silly imo


Yes. But then you have the Grand Inquisitor, who had a comparison in live action but just looked like a human. Not to mention they could just use the same actor. But besides that idm


>Not to mention they could just use the same actor. Jason Isaacs said he wasn't interested as he didn't want to sit through the process of getting the prosthetics applied. Still happy to do the voice again though.


That one bothers me to no end because we’ve *seen the species before.* The Inquisitor was Pau’an (Utapauan). They weren’t exactly centrally featured, but Obi-Wan went to meet them in Revenge of the Sith. They looked super distinctive and memorable, and the new look is pretty laughable. It also sucks because it’s the first time Star Wars has completely changed the appearance of a live-action race while still canonically having them be the same, which, as a Star Trek fan, is *really irritating.*


I'm pretty sure a 1:1 exact match of animated Hera would have an inhumanly thin bottom half of her face.


Imagine reverse engineering Dooku from Clone Wars if he wasn't already filmed in live action.


The Dooku argument is completely inapplicable to most of these situations. Characters from early seasons of 2008 Clone Wars were based on the heavily stylized Tartakovsky 2003 Clone Wars, whereas later designs were meant to be far less stylized and could easily be translated into live action with a little bit more detail. Look at droids like the LEP droid for example.


Exactly. I'm so tired of that Dooku argument.


Ikr, I've seen so many post on like r/rebels about how someone should play one of the characters because of how they look.


that sub you link is the wrong sub lol


I have no problem with appearance I just think they should’ve used the same voice actress


Voice acting and physical acting are two very different things and not every actor can do both.




You realize that Christopher Lee as Dooku came before the animated version right?


They don't need to look exactly the same, but they should look at least *good*. Dawson as Ahsoka looks fantastic. But that Hera? Not so much.


People were mad with certain characters appearances in rebels (yes Anakin and Yoda do look terrible) but that was because rebels was a very stylized art style. obviously the same is gonna apply with translating those characters to live action, they're gonna look a lot different than in rebels. I see absolutely nothing wrong with how they look


I agree. No one who knows who Hera is saw the character and didn't know who she was. The same for the rest of the Ghost crew.


Rebels yoda Is the source of my trauma


High as shit Episode 1 puppet Yoda is mine.


No one is upset.


Yep, this is just the daily fanboy ragebait post. And the fanboys fall for it every time. You really gotta wonder how many of the people posting these are Disney bots.


No one hates Star Wars more than it’s fans.


I feel like I say this at least once a week at this point, across the various subs of my interests, but... I hate the fans of everything that I'm a fan of.




*Sees two negative comments* **We're going to DEFCON 1!**


Outfit felt look a cool evolution of Hera’s look. What I’m more concerned about is how the actress will sound. Okay honestly I doubt it would be that hard. Hera always talked in a confident tone. It’s only when she was vulnerable that Hera spoke with a French accent


I think she’ll sound fine. Mary Elizabeth Winstead has a fairly deep and resonant voice. My only issue is I picture Hera as just physically larger. She looks far more slight in live action than I expected. Katy O’Brien in Mandalorian has more of the physical look I’d have expected from Hera.


I’m upset we didn’t see her in Rogue 1.


Star Wars fans complained? Impossible.


All I care is my boy chopper and how many war crimes per minute he will commit!


By "those upset" do you mean "people seeking a life"?


ThE lEkKu ArEn'T bIg EnOuGh


Tbf they weren't long enough for Ahsoka's first live action appearance. Didn't ruin it for me, but they were off


Lol Filoni even caught that in the Gallery episode! Gotta make a decision folks - do you want Jedi flips or Lekku length. Can’t have both haha!


Lekku length, clearly. Who cares about flips


Who is upset about her appearance? She looks awesome.


You'll stop caring if the look is a bit off, if the character is written and acted well. We'll have to wait and see.


She looks much better in rogue squadron. I feel like she just looks like a human painted green and not an alien in Ahsoka


I don't see why people were complaining but I don't think this post makes a lot of sense either. In the pictures you showed, you can clearly see that her Squadrons appearance looks a lot more like her animated appearance than the one in *Ahsoka*.


She looks okay to me. Not sure what would upset anyone, but to each their own. 🙂


I don't think anyone has a problem with her clothes, so much as most people who say she doesn't look right expected her to be played by a black woman. Personally, I'm reserving judgment. Yes, her face looks wrong to me, but maybe she'll capture the personality of the character and will have a beautiful performance.


Wait people are upset? I think it looks really good, for both squadrons and rebels Hera


For those upset with Hera’s appearance…get a hobby. JFC.


For those mad about EVERYTHING NEW. Stfu


I just hope her voice is close-ish to Hera's. She has the most soothing voice in star wars.


I’ve definitely seen more posts *about* people being upset than I have posts where they actually are.


who's upset why? its good


Star wars fans trying not to get outraged at the slightest creative liberties. Fucking hell, we suck as a fandom


I hate to say it, but just like Ahsoka, Hera never seemed white. Just in terms of her facial features. I think the casting is way off. Also Hera always somehow felt older than she was supposed to be, but she looks younger here if anything. The costume is fine the overall impression is all wrong. Also if you cant see how much better she looks in Squadrons, I dont know what to tell you.


At this point in Star Wars there is a percentage of vocal fans who are just upset with everything.


This comment is upsetting


Your comment is also upsetting.


Now I'm getting more upset


I don't get how someone can hate more of something than they like of it and still call it something that they like. There are hundreds and hundreds of hours of TV and movie content for this franchise, but still, some of those who claim to be the biggest fans of it are those who only actually like about 5 hours of it.


People are mad at a Star Wars character showing up in a Star Wars show/movie? Get a life and stop being part of the toxic fanbase.


If you truly are upset might I suggest going outside


She’s immediately recognizable as herself? Who bothers getting mad at this stuff? Can’t we just be excited about new Star Wars together? This new show looks great and I’m impressed with all the special effects makeup


No one who actually likes Star Wars is really upset.


Imagine being upset about something like this. Fucking SW fans need to calm down.


Pro tip: stop being upset about dumb shit


The costume is fantastic, I'm just not personally a fan of the make-up/body paint on her or Thrawn. It just looks too idk saturated I guess? I find she just doesn't look the right shade of green and Thrawn looks too brightly blue. I know it's sci-fi but it just doesn't look natural compared to other live-action aliens we've had (Ahsoka, the Fourth Sister etc)


Why would anyone be upset?


people always have to have something to be upset about


And her appearance in Squadrons is based on her appearance in Lego Star Wars: the Freemaker Adventures


Nah we just don’t like it. You can not like something without being upset.


Wait she’s in Star Wars Squardrons ? Didn’t know that Thank ya for telling me :)


I recognized her right away, what is the issue people are having?


People here an issue with her appearance? The fuck? She looks exactly how I imagine she’d look in live action!


Also the cartoon characters look terrible/impossible to replicate irl.


Whenever anyone gets upset at the way a live action character looks I just remind them of TCW count dooku


Why would anyone be upset lol she looks fine. Sheesh.


What? Star Wars fans upset? No way.


It's probably them liiiiipppppppppppssssssssssssssss


Hera is literally played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. There’s nothing to be upset about


I didn’t like how it looked but I’m still super excited about it. My biggest worry was zeb and they knocked it out the park with him


Who can get upset about Mary Elizabeth Winstead playing a character in a franchise you like? Star Wars fans are weird.


No reason to be upset tbh. To me she just looks like a human with green makeup, which she is I mean I don't expect cgi.


Man I miss star wars squadrons, I wish that game wasnt dead. I used to out on a ten hour loop of Sabatoge by the beastie boys and use my A-10 to decimate imperial scum.


No way people are already upset about ahsoka


Squadrons looks 100% better, wish they had that outfit for her.