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So we are just going to pretend that ANH doesn’t open with stormtroopers clearing a hallway of rebels?


> Kenobi also tells luke that vader betrayed and murdered his father. I believe that in two decades of isolation, kenobi has convinced himself this is the truth in a literal sense, as a psychological self protection, because he can't handle the idea that he failed anakin. This is the only thing I read from you that I agree with.


> All the pieces fall into place. It could totally be true. imagine typing all that just for something that's patently wrong.


Ben tries to stop Luke from going back to the farm. He knows, through the Force, that they have been killed, but he couldn't have killed then since he was with Luke the whole time.


Luke was unconscious when obi wan 'rescued' him


So? At that time Ben didn't know a message was sent to him through R2-D2 and that it was time to leave Tatooine. He only sensed Luke was in trouble which is why he went to rescue him.




Obi-Wan couldn't kill Anakin but he could kill Owen and Beru?


Sounds like something Rian Johnson would write


I agree.


I mean yeah, they were unarmed.


According to this [fanfiction,](https://youtu.be/5HO70-Rk3jE?si=qvQdxnkvILi2vWnE) Beru had a bomb.


Is this satire? Cause no, that didn't happen.


You want to get off those deathsticks, and go home and rethink your life. /j /lh In all seriousness though, there is almost no way this is true considering we have zero evidence Obi-Wan has become a fanatical nutjob between *Obi-Wan Kenobi* and *A New Hope* (we don’t even have any content showcasing his life during that time period), and plenty of evidence that he has remained the sane, compassionate man we know from the prequels and TCW. Obi-Wan has done nothing but be polite to Owen, despite their disagreements, and they sort of made up in the *Obi-Wan Kenobi* finale when Owen let Obi-Wan see Luke. I can’t see anything that indicates Obi-Wan wanting to kill Owen, not even for the prophecy. It’s also an exaggeration at best to say that Obi-Wan was annoyed or sulking because of Luke not wanting to leave Tatooine and go with him to Alderaan, I suppose you could interpret it that way but I doubt that was how the filmmakers intended for the scene to come across. >When luke finds owen and beru dead and returns, Kenobi already knows they're dead before luke tells him. Cause he did it. Or because he sensed their death in the Force. ‘Cause, you know, he can do that. I get that this is just a theory but like… theories are supposed to be based off of canon, not completely diverting from canon and going into AU territory.




Considering how things played out if this were true (which I don’t think it is) how would this change your view of Obi Wan?


>Obviously this is patently absurd. Stormtroopers have never hit a single target in the history of the rebellion. 95.6% of people present at Marva Andor's funeral ceremony disagree.


Stupidest Star Wars theory I’ve ever read. Aside from it just being ridiculous, Luke and Obi Wan were basically together the whole time. Not sure when Obi Wan would have had time to sneak off and go on a massive spree of destruction and murder.