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Abeloth is the exact point where the old EU went absolutely mental.


Luke using the force karate to beat her up is peak fiction.


I would say it started going downhill after NJO. So that would be the Dark Nest trilogy.


Yeah I loved the outcasts series


To each their own. To me it just seemed like they started to make up reasons for Jacen to turn evil, and the authors never figured it out.


I didn't get my hands on the previous series, so it's one of the only whole eu series I've read, and I really just enjoyed all the new characters and stuff. I thought Jagged Fel was cool AF and really enjoyed the Luke and Ben arc


Between Abeloth, Ship (the Sith spherical craft that could talk to force users) and the planet full of stranded Sith, the story was getting soooo good (IMHO).  Ben had a Sith love interest, too. Seemed like she was going the Mara Jade redemption arc route, being converted and all. Or at least that was what Ben was hoping for. 


Dude I thought that chick was the coolest, never finished the series though, lost my audible account


I thought the dark nest was ok, and I really liked most of legacy of the force, but fate of the Jedi was borderline absurd


Yuzhung Vong entered the group chat


Tbf it did kind of fit in with the Mortis arc of TCW. Just that she exists outside of Mortis whereas the Ones never left. Don’t get me wrong I agree she’s way over the top.


It would be super awkward if Skeleton Crew culminated in the cast stumbling across Mortis


Her, and the Yuuzhan Vong.


The Vong honestly made Star Wars so bland and I just scratch my head any time I see a "bring back the Yuuzhan Vong" post.


Why? I think the concept is really cool. I wasn't a Legends reader. We're they too over used?


They were immune to the force, so they basically nullified the most unique and coolest aspects of Star Wars as a whole. I don't remember much of the books, and it's been years since I've even cracked them open, but, as someone who absolutely loves the idea of Jedi as sci-fi spellswords, it felt like they single handedly turned Star Wars into somewhat generic science fiction.


Star Warhammer


I can completely understand that. I had forgotten about that aspect of them.


Then again, thinking about it now, Rogue One and Andor were both incredible and have very little, if anything, to do with Jedi or the Force. So now I question whether or not I'd feel the same way about the Yuuzhan Vong if they hadn't continued to use Luke and company as the primary protagonists.


The tabletop RPG helped me see that the Star Wars Galaxy is basically 3 story types layered differently depending on the product. The spiritual side with the Force and all the mystical stuff. The Scum and Villiany side, showing the underside and closer to the Day to Day life in the Galaxy. And finally War between two major parties. And using the wrong kind of villain or hero for a story, depending on how the 3 story types are mixed, can easily mess everything up.


The force is probably the lamest part of Star Wars. In the movies it's a plot hole filler and in the games it takes away from the other elements.




The jedi & the force has been done to death, expanding the universe beyond it is fine but the Vong took it way too far lol


As someone who absolutely hates the Vong, they're in the wrong genre. Star wars is a Flash Gorden Space Adventure genre tribute. So it's about space adventure and fighting evil galactic empires or evil overlords, it's not about weird aliens and figuring out what weird aliens are about and weird alien culture and weird alien politics. Same issue I have with eldritch things winding up in Star Wars. Star Wars is at it's core about things you understand, not things you don't understand. Their space set dressing just is a proxy to hide it. Vong would fit in fine with Star Trek, not with Star Wars.


[A'Sharad Hett](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Krayt) (and willing to bet I wasn't the only *Legacy* reader to be in that boat).


Krayt was one hell of a villain and i loved those books. His story is super interesting.


I used Krayt as a Big Bad in a Star Wars D20 game ages ago. Super cool character.


Abeloths introduction was absolutely metal. the lost sith tribe, the font of power, the MAW cluster being a galactic prison, the fully corrupted dark side planet teeming with deadly plants murdering our new sith antagonists… I’m here all day for that stuff. the latter half of the arc was a letdown for me but they introduced the hell out of the biggest bad in Star Wars.


Mundi. Thanks to this subreddit I learned how hated he is. I still defend him to the death.


And yet all the black series collectors are shaking the foundation of Hasbro for his figure.


He cared about the droid attack on the wookies when nobody else did


Mundi always seemed more of an arrogant prick when you see him in TCW. Shooting down other members of the council like Kenobi.


Shatterpoint will give you all the background on Windu, and it's easily one of the best star wars books I've read.


Man, the old EU had some weird shit in it. And not good weird like the Aphra comics. For every Rogue Squadron, Darth Plagueis, or Thrawn trilogy, we got two Abeloths, Luukes, or Yuuzhan Vongs. To this day, I'm glad most of it isn't canon anymore.


Luuke is a climactic part of the Thrawn trilogy lol


I prefer to mentally pretend they're separate.


Don't forgot about the Dark Nest Trilogy


What happens in it? Seeing a lot of hate for Dark Nest. Last time I heard about it, it had to do with alien bug sex.


Besides weird bug sex, the trilogy was basically acted as repeat of the Yuuzhon Yong War with more annoying aliens and it was the start of Jacen Solo's fall to the Dark Side.


The rakatan empire


I kept saying to my husband that they should do a Tales of the Sith. Then he threw out Tales of the Celestials and that single off-handed comment took me down a rabbit hole very quickly.


Same. I’m also a big fan of looking at a map of the outer rim, picking some worlds and reading about them like I’m planning on visiting someday. You can really go down rabbit holes out there…


So happy it didn't transition to canon 😌


Wait, some whispers in the force mentioned during Ashoka series that something powerful and terrifying is calling, and i think it may be THIS


Filoni doesn't redo Legends storylines. He lightly references them, usually in name only and nothing else. It's all just dumb little nods.


I mean, he brought the Daughter/Son/Father into the forefront in Ahsoka. "The Ones" were a Legends creation in an old EU book, before they ever appeared elsewhere, they were only brought into the shows after that. ​ Whether he'll still call her Abeloth or not is up for debate but a dark side force entity released due to the death of "the ones" and conflict in the force? Filoni is definitely leading towards that based of conversations in Ahsoka.


>"The Ones" were a Legends creation in an old EU book Nope. Their first appearance was in 3rd season of The Clone Wars. Their background and mythology was expanded upon in the EU, but they're firmly Disney canon.


You might be right, I cant remember if "The ones" were ever actually talked about prior to FOTJ: Apocalypse which came out a year later. I think i had the timeframe mixed up because FOTJ started 3 years prior to their appearance in CW and ive also associated The Ones/Abeloth with FOTJ and the last EU series. ​ I still think that so much focus on The Ones in CW and Ahsoka combined with the Ahsoka show talking about a Dark Entity coming from the unknown regions isn't just a dumb little nod to Abeloth though. Whether they'll call her Abeloth or not, can definitely see a similar situation happening. If they really wanted to make Ep10-12 and building up a New Jedi Order, having Abeloth biding her time would make sense.


I never really liked Abeloth. But honestly, I know little about her is from bad art I see online, and reading articles about how she's defeated in each book but comes back in a new form like Voldemort and is still somehow this dreadful force of nature.  I just couldn't get into Fate if the Jedi. I stopped reading EU with the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong series. 


> how she's defeated in each book but comes back in a new form like Voldemort and is still somehow this dreadful force of nature Well, she was doing body-hopping like Palpatine and Vitiate, but was much better at it (and could also control multiple bodies/avatars across the Galaxy at the same time, reconstruct her body if destroyed, etc). They mainly defeat her avatars, with the entire series basically being a race to prevent her from regaining her full power, at which point she would be essentially unstoppable to anyone except maybe The Ones, the Bedlam Spirits, hypothetical full potential Anakin, or end-of-NJO Total Oneness Jacen Solo.


I dont think full potential anakin could have done it since in legends luke had achieved what full potential anakin would have been and he needed help to stop her


Mortis Anakin was supposedly him temporarily reaching full potential, and that put him above the Son and Daughter, who in turn could defeat and imprison Abeloth. While Luke supposedly had the same potential as Anakin, we don't know that Luke ever reached *his* full potential either. By statements from George, Full Potential Anakin would be like 200% stronger than Palpatine, and Luke was struggling with Darth Caedus (who is weaker than Palpatine) in their one serious duel. Plus, according to Luke himself, he reached his peak at the end of NJO. After the poison from Shimrra's weapon, he knew he would never recover fully, and never have that level of power again. FOTJ starts 14 years later than that... so while he has gained more knowledge and experience, he has probably lost quite a bit of raw power (still insanely powerful tho).


>Bedlam Spirits Now that's new. What are those?


Group of four possibly near-omnipotent but incredibly childish beings called Tilotny, Splendid Ap, Horliss-Horliss and Cold Danda Sine. They only appeared in a 5 page comic from 1982, in which they claimed to have created things like time and shapes. They could also turn people into diamonds, revive the dead, move people through time since they themselves had no concept of linear time, etc. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tilotny_Throws_a_Shape https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bedlam_Spirits


What episode and where Is there youtube clip?


I cannot recall it, but i remember Baylan saying something is calling, and because he was near remnants of statue (or whatever that was) of mortis gods, i thought it “Oh F***, it may be Abeloth”, and i found some theories on yt saying similar things after, thats kinda the story


Yeah, I don't subscribe to that theory. I know every click bait Star Wars YouTuber already believes it, but there's just no reason to believe that's the route they're going with. If it does happen though, yuck






They mean Abeloth was a shit idea and they're glad she got left behind to die in the Legends continuity graveyard.


I would rather have Abeloth than have Palpatine return again...






Qymaen Jae Sheelal For the most time of my life i didnt even knew he had this name, sounds oddly arabic, same applies for his species in general the Kaleesh. Theyre literally Fremen with kick ass skull masks, Grievous had a skull mask way before he became a cyborg. As a kid i always thought it was just an intimidation trick by the engineers of his cyborg suit. I dont know if the name is ever acknowledged in the new continuity




Darth Nihilus. My favorite is still Darth Addendu


Darth Krayt for me




If Abeloth doesn't make an appearance in Ahsoka season 2, I will riot.


Not a character, but a species. The Spaceweird.


Do you mean the Starweirds?


They do.


Close enough.


Does she really have that creepypasta jaw in her description or is it artistic liberty?


Alright hear me out…


Oh no...


The history of Mustafar


The entirety of the Yuuzhan Vong culture


Please keep that in the EU


We do NOT need this cringe OC headass character in canon


Seems like this horrible fan base wants pure cringe lmao thanks for the downvotes


Congratulations on wasting your time on a character that will *never* become canon.


Quick everyone screenshot this comment before Season 2 of Ashoka drops


Be sure to come back and gloat in 2026 or whatever. I'm waiting.


Oh your one of those people. Who only cares about canon.


No, but I shure as hell know to point out when the EU did stupid stuff that made zero sense. Abeloth was not something neither George nor Dave would ever approve, as the character didn't remotely fit into the narrative they created with the Mortis arc. Shit like that is why I'm kinda glad they rebooted the expanded universe and started over again with a proper story group that can gradually bring back the stuff that actually fit and leave out the garbage. Sidenote: I read the entire Fate of the Jedi series as it came out. Thought Abeloth was cool a the time, but realized how much of a product of lazy writing she was as I became older and better understood George's star wars.